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2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
from the Latinfrom the Latin amator,amator, loverlover
Merriam-Webster DictionaryMerriam-Webster Dictionary
one who engages in a pursuit as aone who engages in a pursuit as a
pastime rather than as a professionpastime rather than as a profession
Merriam-Webster DictionaryMerriam-Webster Dictionary
one who engages in a pursuit as aone who engages in a pursuit as a
pastime rather than as a professionpastime rather than as a profession
somebody who does something forsomebody who does something for
pleasure rather than paymentpleasure rather than payment
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
2.5 Volunteers
from the Latinfrom the Latin professio,professio, the taking ofthe taking of
vows of a religious ordervows of a religious order
a worker in a paid occupation thata worker in a paid occupation that
usually requires a high degree ofusually requires a high degree of
training, skill, or competencetraining, skill, or competence
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
MacMillan DictionaryMacMillan Dictionary
a worker in a paid occupation thata worker in a paid occupation that
usually requires a high degree ofusually requires a high degree of
training, skill, or competencetraining, skill, or competence
someone who plays a sport or does ansomeone who plays a sport or does an
activity as a job rather than foractivity as a job rather than for
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
2.5 Volunteers
from the Latinfrom the Latin voluntarius,voluntarius,
of ones free willof ones free will
Oxford English DictionaryOxford English Dictionary
a person who freely offers to take part ina person who freely offers to take part in
an enterprise or undertake a taskan enterprise or undertake a task
Oxford English DictionaryOxford English Dictionary
a person who freely offers to take part ina person who freely offers to take part in
an enterprise or undertake a taskan enterprise or undertake a task
somebody who works without being paidsomebody who works without being paid
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer?
Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer?
Because weBecause we can.can.
Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer?
Because we areBecause we are
wiredwired to help.to help.
2.5 Volunteers
Why and how we volunteerWhy and how we volunteer
is as varied as our experiencesis as varied as our experiences
and can be as unique as ourselves.and can be as unique as ourselves.
2.5 Volunteers
As volunteer coordinators, its notAs volunteer coordinators, its not
our job to judge their reasonsour job to judge their reasons
as long as they do not run counteras long as they do not run counter
to our mission.to our mission.
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
 How can weHow can we attractattract
 How can weHow can we attractattract
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
 How can weHow can we attractattract
 How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we firefire them?them?
Theyre just volunteers.Theyre just volunteers.
 How can weHow can we attractattract
 How can weHow can we keepkeepour volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we firefire them?them?
Theyre just volunteers.Theyre just volunteers.
 How can we getHow can we get moremore
2.5 Volunteers
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
Have aHave a clear missionclear mission
andand promotepromote itit
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
andand show itshow it
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
DontDont overwhelmoverwhelm themthem
with the problemwith the problem
How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
DontDont overwhelmoverwhelm themthem
with the problemwith the problem
surprisesurprise them withthem with
simple solutionssimple solutions
2.5 Volunteers
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
You cant.You cant.
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
By its nature,By its nature,
volunteerism isvolunteerism is
cyclical and fluctuatingcyclical and fluctuating
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
Create aCreate a
volunteer mission statementvolunteer mission statement
that matches yourthat matches your
organizational oneorganizational one
2.5 Volunteers
Mission Statements
Mission Statements
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals:
Mission Statements
To provide effective means for the
prevention of cruelty to animals
throughout the United States.
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals:
Mission Statements
Mission Statements
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
Visiting Pet Program:
Mission Statements
We provide happy, healthy animals
with fully-trained volunteers
to your institutions.
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
Visiting Pet Program:
2.5 Volunteers
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
find solacefind solace
Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
find hopefind hope
2.5 Volunteers
Mission Statements
To provide effective means for the
prevention of cruelty to animals
throughout the United States.
-- Henry Bergh
Mission Statements
Mission Statements
Rescuing and Rehoming
Small Companion Dogs
Lil Bits Rescue:
Mission Statements
Rescuing and Rehoming
Small Companion Dogs
Lil Bits Rescue:
Remember, no dog is a toy, or an
accessory. Never give one as a gift,
or carry one to match your outfit.
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
Keep themKeep them
attachedattached andand attractedattracted
to your organizationto your organization
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
CreateCreate short,short,
time-limitedtime-limited projects,projects,
and start your volunteersand start your volunteers
in themin them
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
andand alwaysalways mixmix
veteranveteran volunteers withvolunteers with
newcomersnewcomers in these projectsin these projects
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
KnowKnow your volunteersyour volunteers
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
KnowKnow your volunteersyour volunteers
match theirmatch their jobsjobs
to theirto their strengthsstrengths
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
ExploreExplore all avenuesall avenues
where your volunteerswhere your volunteers
can becan be helpfulhelpful
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
 Dog WalkingDog Walking
2.5 Volunteers
IdentifyIdentify two or three skillstwo or three skills
that are essential for eachthat are essential for each
and every volunteer activity,and every volunteer activity,
butbut no more than three.no more than three.
For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body
For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body
3. be punctual3. be punctual
For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body
3. be punctual3. be punctual
These are three essential elements forThese are three essential elements for
successful dog walkers.successful dog walkers.
2.5 Volunteers
Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
1. like people1. like people
Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
1. like people1. like people
2. be good listeners2. be good listeners
Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
1. like people1. like people
2. be good listeners2. be good listeners
3. be able to read the body3. be able to read the body
language of both humanslanguage of both humans
and other species.and other species.
2.5 Volunteers
Dont overlook any avenuesDont overlook any avenues
where professional talentswhere professional talents
can be volunteeredcan be volunteered
to help your mission.to help your mission.
2.5 Volunteers
Dont discard any volunteerDont discard any volunteer
for lack of training.for lack of training.
2.5 Volunteers
Keep continuousKeep continuous educationeducation
andand trainingtraining as part ofas part of
your organizational structureyour organizational structure
at all levels.at all levels.
2.5 Volunteers
How can IHow can I firefire a volunteer?a volunteer?
How can IHow can I firefire a volunteer?a volunteer?
You cant.You cant.
2.5 Volunteers
Have aHave a honeymoonhoneymoon
(some call it a trial period)(some call it a trial period)
withwith mutualmutual evaluationsevaluations
Create clearCreate clear guidelinesguidelines
that every volunteerthat every volunteer
must signmust sign
CreateCreate sign-in logssign-in logs
containingcontaining checklistschecklists
thatthat everyone must useeveryone must use
EveryoneEveryone hashas
something to give.something to give.
EveryoneEveryone hashas
something to give.something to give.
Be open to where they giveBe open to where they give
best and re-assign them.best and re-assign them.
volunteerism is,volunteerism is,
by its nature,by its nature,
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Make sure that theMake sure that the
ones who stay,ones who stay,
staystay happyhappy
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
and make sure thatand make sure that
the ones who leave,the ones who leave,
leaveleave happy!happy!
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Re-evaluateRe-evaluate youryour
mission statementsmission statements
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
PromotePromote short,short,
time-sensitivetime-sensitive eventsevents
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
andand show it.show it.
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers
2.5 Volunteers

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Dogs Trust
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Dogs Trust
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Dogs Trust
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Dogs Trust
ICAWC 2015 - Workshop - Building for future welfare - Paul Wass
ICAWC 2015 - Workshop - Building for future welfare - Paul Wass ICAWC 2015 - Workshop - Building for future welfare - Paul Wass
ICAWC 2015 - Workshop - Building for future welfare - Paul Wass
Dogs Trust
IACWC 2015 - Workshop - Rick Hayman - Infection control in the animal shelter
IACWC 2015 - Workshop - Rick Hayman - Infection control in the animal shelterIACWC 2015 - Workshop - Rick Hayman - Infection control in the animal shelter
IACWC 2015 - Workshop - Rick Hayman - Infection control in the animal shelter
Dogs Trust

2.5 Volunteers

  • 9. amateuramateur from the Latinfrom the Latin amator,amator, loverlover
  • 10. amateuramateur Merriam-Webster DictionaryMerriam-Webster Dictionary one who engages in a pursuit as aone who engages in a pursuit as a pastime rather than as a professionpastime rather than as a profession
  • 11. amateuramateur Merriam-Webster DictionaryMerriam-Webster Dictionary one who engages in a pursuit as aone who engages in a pursuit as a pastime rather than as a professionpastime rather than as a profession somebody who does something forsomebody who does something for pleasure rather than paymentpleasure rather than payment Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
  • 14. professionalprofessional from the Latinfrom the Latin professio,professio, the taking ofthe taking of vows of a religious ordervows of a religious order
  • 15. professionalprofessional a worker in a paid occupation thata worker in a paid occupation that usually requires a high degree ofusually requires a high degree of training, skill, or competencetraining, skill, or competence Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
  • 16. professionalprofessional MacMillan DictionaryMacMillan Dictionary a worker in a paid occupation thata worker in a paid occupation that usually requires a high degree ofusually requires a high degree of training, skill, or competencetraining, skill, or competence someone who plays a sport or does ansomeone who plays a sport or does an activity as a job rather than foractivity as a job rather than for enjoymentenjoyment Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
  • 19. volunteervolunteer from the Latinfrom the Latin voluntarius,voluntarius, of ones free willof ones free will
  • 20. volunteervolunteer Oxford English DictionaryOxford English Dictionary a person who freely offers to take part ina person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a taskan enterprise or undertake a task
  • 21. volunteervolunteer Oxford English DictionaryOxford English Dictionary a person who freely offers to take part ina person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a taskan enterprise or undertake a task somebody who works without being paidsomebody who works without being paid Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
  • 25. Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer?
  • 26. Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer? Because weBecause we can.can.
  • 27. Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer? Because we areBecause we are wiredwired to help.to help.
  • 29. Why and how we volunteerWhy and how we volunteer is as varied as our experiencesis as varied as our experiences and can be as unique as ourselves.and can be as unique as ourselves.
  • 31. As volunteer coordinators, its notAs volunteer coordinators, its not our job to judge their reasonsour job to judge their reasons as long as they do not run counteras long as they do not run counter to our mission.to our mission.
  • 39. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
  • 40. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 41. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? How can weHow can we firefire them?them? Theyre just volunteers.Theyre just volunteers.
  • 42. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? How can weHow can we keepkeepour volunteers?our volunteers? How can weHow can we firefire them?them? Theyre just volunteers.Theyre just volunteers. How can we getHow can we get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
  • 44. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
  • 45. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? Have aHave a clear missionclear mission andand promotepromote itit
  • 46. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
  • 47. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? Love what you doLove what you do
  • 48. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? Love what you doLove what you do andand show itshow it
  • 49. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
  • 50. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? DontDont overwhelmoverwhelm themthem with the problemwith the problem
  • 51. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers? DontDont overwhelmoverwhelm themthem with the problemwith the problem surprisesurprise them withthem with simple solutionssimple solutions
  • 53. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 54. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? You cant.You cant.
  • 55. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 56. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? By its nature,By its nature, volunteerism isvolunteerism is cyclical and fluctuatingcyclical and fluctuating
  • 57. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 58. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? Create aCreate a volunteer mission statementvolunteer mission statement that matches yourthat matches your organizational oneorganizational one
  • 61. Mission Statements Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:
  • 62. Mission Statements To provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:
  • 64. Mission Statements Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Visiting Pet Program:
  • 65. Mission Statements We provide happy, healthy animals with fully-trained volunteers to your institutions. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Visiting Pet Program:
  • 68. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout
  • 69. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout helping another personhelping another person
  • 70. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout helping another personhelping another person healheal
  • 71. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout helping another personhelping another person recoverrecover
  • 72. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout helping another personhelping another person copecope
  • 73. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout helping another personhelping another person find solacefind solace
  • 74. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering is first and foremostis first and foremost aboutabout helping another personhelping another person find hopefind hope
  • 76. Mission Statements To provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. -- Henry Bergh
  • 78. Mission Statements Rescuing and Rehoming Small Companion Dogs Lil Bits Rescue:
  • 79. Mission Statements Rescuing and Rehoming Small Companion Dogs Lil Bits Rescue: Remember, no dog is a toy, or an accessory. Never give one as a gift, or carry one to match your outfit.
  • 82. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 83. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? Keep themKeep them attachedattached andand attractedattracted to your organizationto your organization
  • 84. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 85. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? CreateCreate short,short, time-limitedtime-limited projects,projects, and start your volunteersand start your volunteers in themin them
  • 86. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? andand alwaysalways mixmix veteranveteran volunteers withvolunteers with newcomersnewcomers in these projectsin these projects
  • 87. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 88. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? KnowKnow your volunteersyour volunteers
  • 89. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? KnowKnow your volunteersyour volunteers match theirmatch their jobsjobs to theirto their strengthsstrengths
  • 90. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
  • 91. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers? ExploreExplore all avenuesall avenues where your volunteerswhere your volunteers can becan be helpfulhelpful
  • 94. RescueRescue VeterinaryVeterinary CareCare FosterFoster Dog WalkingDog Walking TrainingTraining AdoptionAdoption MediaMedia FundraisingFundraising BookkeepingBookkeeping LegalLegal
  • 96. IdentifyIdentify two or three skillstwo or three skills that are essential for eachthat are essential for each and every volunteer activity,and every volunteer activity, butbut no more than three.no more than three.
  • 97. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
  • 98. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust 1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
  • 99. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust 1. really like dogs1. really like dogs 2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body languagelanguage
  • 100. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust 1. really like dogs1. really like dogs 2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body languagelanguage 3. be punctual3. be punctual
  • 101. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust 1. really like dogs1. really like dogs 2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body languagelanguage 3. be punctual3. be punctual These are three essential elements forThese are three essential elements for successful dog walkers.successful dog walkers.
  • 103. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers. They mustThey must
  • 104. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers. They mustThey must 1. like people1. like people
  • 105. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers. They mustThey must 1. like people1. like people 2. be good listeners2. be good listeners
  • 106. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers. They mustThey must 1. like people1. like people 2. be good listeners2. be good listeners 3. be able to read the body3. be able to read the body language of both humanslanguage of both humans and other species.and other species.
  • 108. Dont overlook any avenuesDont overlook any avenues where professional talentswhere professional talents can be volunteeredcan be volunteered to help your mission.to help your mission.
  • 110. Dont discard any volunteerDont discard any volunteer for lack of training.for lack of training.
  • 112. Keep continuousKeep continuous educationeducation andand trainingtraining as part ofas part of your organizational structureyour organizational structure at all levels.at all levels.
  • 114. How can IHow can I firefire a volunteer?a volunteer?
  • 115. How can IHow can I firefire a volunteer?a volunteer? You cant.You cant.
  • 117. Have aHave a honeymoonhoneymoon (some call it a trial period)(some call it a trial period) withwith mutualmutual evaluationsevaluations
  • 118. Create clearCreate clear guidelinesguidelines that every volunteerthat every volunteer must signmust sign
  • 119. CreateCreate sign-in logssign-in logs containingcontaining checklistschecklists thatthat everyone must useeveryone must use
  • 120. EveryoneEveryone hashas something to give.something to give.
  • 121. EveryoneEveryone hashas something to give.something to give. Be open to where they giveBe open to where they give best and re-assign them.best and re-assign them.
  • 122. Remember,Remember, volunteerism is,volunteerism is, by its nature,by its nature, transitorytransitory
  • 126. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
  • 127. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers? Make sure that theMake sure that the ones who stay,ones who stay, staystay happyhappy
  • 128. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers? and make sure thatand make sure that the ones who leave,the ones who leave, leaveleave happy!happy!
  • 129. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
  • 130. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers? Re-evaluateRe-evaluate youryour mission statementsmission statements
  • 131. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
  • 132. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers? PromotePromote short,short, time-sensitivetime-sensitive eventsevents
  • 133. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
  • 134. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers? Love what you doLove what you do
  • 135. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers? Love what you doLove what you do andand show it.show it.