This document discusses strategies for volunteer coordination. It defines key terms like amateur, professional and volunteer. It emphasizes that volunteerism is motivated by diverse reasons and coordinators should not judge motives. Strategies suggested include having a clear mission, matching jobs to skills, short time-limited projects, training, and ensuring volunteers feel valued. Volunteer retention relies on attachment to the organization's mission. While volunteers cannot technically be fired, performance issues should be addressed through evaluations and reassignments where a better fit is possible. The overall message is that volunteerism benefits everyone when coordinators focus on each person's ability to contribute.
Staff Presentation for Online Volunteer TrainingValerie Whitcomb
This document provides an overview of the online volunteer training courses available through Angel Tree University. It describes several certificate courses for different volunteer roles, including Church Coordinator, In Prison Sign Up Coordinator, and Area Coordinator. Courses cover topics like preparation and recruitment, gift delivery and evangelism, expanding the ministry beyond Christmas, and understanding various roles. The training is designed to equip more volunteers effectively and includes online lessons, reference materials, and future capabilities like discussion boards.
Prepubertal (Early Age) Neutering is the Surgery of Choice - Jeffrey Young, P...Dogs Trust
Dr. Jeffrey Young of Planned Pethood ( on the facts and misconceptions about early stage and high volume neutering.
For more, see
ICAWC 2011: Ray Butcher - From Herriot to the Present - the Challenges for VetsDogs Trust
This document discusses the challenges faced by private veterinary practices and animal welfare groups in their evolution since the 1950s. It notes the changing expectations of clients and demands of operating a business. Collaboration between veterinary practices and welfare groups is important, though local prejudices sometimes exist. The document advocates developing professional, community-focused approaches to improve animal welfare through education programs involving all stakeholders in a community.
The document provides information to animal welfare officers on disease control and prevention, transmission of diseases, disinfection, notifiable diseases, first aid, recognizing death, cardiac resuscitation, breathing, and bleeding. It explains that diseases can spread through excretions, aerosols, and contact with people or objects. Routine cleaning and disinfection of equipment and facilities is important to prevent disease transmission between animals.
The document discusses the importance of attachments and bonding between species, particularly between humans and dogs. It notes that early attachment research was conducted by John Bowlby in the 1950s and Mary Ainsworth in the 1970s exploring the effects of poor attachments on physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development. The document outlines different types of attachments like secure, insecure avoidant, insecure ambivalent, and insecure disorganized. It provides strategies for mending broken attachments in dogs by stabilizing relationships, desensitizing to separations, and using positive reinforcement.
Volunteering Warrnambool helps recruit and refer volunteers to not-for-profit organizations in the Great South Coast region of Victoria. They advertise volunteer roles, provide training to volunteers and organizations, and offer advice on volunteer management. Volunteering Warrnambool also aims to make volunteering a rewarding experience for both volunteers and the organizations they support. They are funded by Warrnambool City Council and the Department of Social Services.
The document discusses the importance of volunteering for communities. It states that volunteering is essential for running organizations, social services, and other programs in a community. Volunteers outnumber paid employees in social services. Without volunteers, many endeavors would cease to operate. Volunteering brings people together to work towards common goals and improves community life. It benefits both the community by aiding others, and the individual volunteer through personal growth and fulfillment from making a positive impact. The document also outlines some rules for volunteering in an Islamic context, such as not bragging about volunteer work or accepting roles one is not qualified for.
NTLT 2013 - Jenny Magee - Welcome to Turning Outsiders Into InsidersNTLT Conference
This document discusses creating an inclusive environment and turning outsiders into insiders. It addresses how a lack of belonging can negatively impact people and defines inclusion as engaging diversity. Some barriers to inclusion mentioned are only liking similar people, making assumptions, unconscious bias, and cultural norms. Ways to promote inclusion highlighted include leading by example at the top, finding common ground, paying attention to small gestures and messages, reframing political correctness as personal courtesy, and considering whether differences truly impact outcomes. The overall message is that inclusion is important and everyone's responsibility.
Information About Rabindranath Tagore In BeAsia Grover
The document discusses the history of federation in Australia. It explains that federation occurred in 1901 when the six British colonies of Australia joined to become the Commonwealth of Australia. The process of federation began in the 1880s and involved drafting a constitution that drew upon examples from Britain, Canada, and Switzerland. Most Australians were involved in the federation process through voting and their members of parliament. The constitution was finalized and approved in a series of national meetings and votes in the late 1890s. Federation transformed Australia into a unified nation and defined its system of government.
Charitable Trusts play a pivotal role in bridging societal gaps and fostering a spirit of community welfare. GECT has emerged as a leading force in this regard, embodying the spirit of selfless service and social油responsibility.
Baby In Mind - Become Part of the BrainwaveRuby Tuesday
This document describes Baby In Mind, a charity focused on ensuring all children experience loving and secure early relationships. It is seeking dedicated staff and volunteers who are courageous, ambitious, optimistic, humanistic, purposeful and responsive. Rather than just taking whoever is available, Baby In Mind wants the best people and aims to provide meaningful experiences for staff. It focuses on uplifting, empowering and giving purpose to those who join the organization in its mission.
The document discusses the International Community of Mutual Aid, whose mission is to provide economic well-being for its members through free and voluntary donations. It describes Elite Activity as a private belief system and nonprofit organization founded to teach that abundance is created through giving freely and unconditionally. The system uses an internet-based software to systematically and automatically assign participants to give gifts to others and receive donations.
The basics on Who/What/Where/When/How/Why on starting a support group for pulmonary hypertension patients and caregivers. Also, ideas on how non-profit organizations can help individuals in the community.
The Best Charitable Trust in Kolkata with the Goal to Assist the Underprivile...GenesisEducationChar
The Genesis Education and Charitable Trust is a non-profit organizations that work towards the betterment of society. If you are interested in supporting our trust, You can make a donation, volunteer your time, or become a partner.
The document discusses ways to get involved with the Red Cross through donating, volunteering, giving blood, or becoming an employee in order to help those in need during disasters and emergencies. Donating allows you to help provide relief services, volunteering can help save lives through CPR training or swimming lessons, giving blood helps patients avoid life-threatening reactions by providing better blood type matches, and becoming an employee allows you to directly help the Red Cross in its relief efforts.
This zine provides information and support for people undergoing an abortion. It discusses what a zine is, defines a doula as a compassionate support person during pregnancy, and notes that the zine was created by The Doula Project collective to be a helpful resource for anyone experiencing an abortion. The zine is divided into sections on preparing for, during, and after an abortion procedure. It aims to normalize abortion by dispelling myths and providing self-care strategies. Overall, the zine emphasizes trust in the reader to make their own decision and offers support without judgment.
The Offer Is the Story, the Story Is the Offer: The REAL Reasons Donors GiveJeff Brooks
A no-nonsense guide to telling the story that really matters to would-be donors.
Originally presented by Jann Schultz and Jeff Brooks at the Bridge Conference, July 14th, 2016.
The Community Action Partnership of Madera County (CAPMC) is a non-profit agency located in Madera, California that serves the local Hispanic population and other at-risk groups including women, children, and those in poverty. It has an executive director and is divided into several departments that provide services like Head Start, child care referrals, victim services for domestic violence, sexual assault, and more. The agency aims to help clients gain independence and improve their lives and community through free resources, education, counseling, advocacy, and other support services aligned with social work values and human rights.
The document is a message from the National Trust thanking all of their volunteer managers. It contains a poem written by Katie Knowles expressing gratitude for volunteer managers and recognizing the important role they play in supporting volunteers at the Trust through their planning, recruitment, management, and development efforts. The message repeats that volunteer managers are amazing and thanks them for their hard work on Volunteer Managers Day.
How to Find & Tell Stories that Cause Donors to Give AgainBloomerang
The most powerful way to connect people to your mission is by telling a story that causes the listener to feel something. Your organization is already filled with these kinds of stories, but when you share them, do your listeners take action? Do they make another gift? Volunteer again? Or bring others into your organization as new guests and donors?
Learn from Master Storyteller, Lori L. Jacobwith, whose stories and coaching has already helped nonprofit organizations raise more than $200 million from individual donors. Lori will share tools and strategies to help you engage your team (yes you have a team!) to identify and share powerful stories so you retain more donors AND raise more money.
Lori L. Jacobwith has a passion for the positive. Her strategies & tools have helped organizations to collectively raise more than $200 million from individual donors over the past decade. She has coached and trained thousands across North America to raise more money and powerfully share their stories.
Lori is the founder of the Ignited Online Fundraising Community, the author of Nine Steps to a Successful Fundraising Campaign and the must-read fundraising coaching blog: Withisms From Lori: Boldness, Clarity and Wisdom for Fundraising Professionals.
8 Minutes To a Better Love Life: Maestro's MethodGreg Silva
How's your love life?
Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the "meat market"? Does the term "pick-up artist" rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?
Maestro's Method is a mature, ethical approach to attracting the right people. It's rooted in Evolutionary Psychology, Mythology and practical experience. And it works both for men and women.
The document discusses the complexity of international service work. It summarizes the views of Ivan Illich, who was critical of volunteers interfering with local cultures and spreading American ideals. However, the author disagrees with this perspective. While acknowledging challenges like language barriers, the author believes international volunteers can appropriately help communities by sharing knowledge and opportunities to improve health, sanitation, and quality of life without forcing American culture. The goal of service should be empowering people, not changing their culture.
Dating apps and technology has solved a "lead generation" issue. It's solved the problem of finding potential dates... yet a much larger issue remains mostly unaddressed: people don't *know how* to date! This presentation covers some of the key issues faced by today's young singles on their journey for "Big Love" and what the dating industry can do to help make that happen.
Volunteering provides value to individuals, organizations, and society. It encourages community involvement and social connectedness. Three-quarters of British people volunteer their time, most commonly to help people and improve their community. While time constraints and bureaucracy deter some, many find volunteering provides balance and joy in their lives. It has been shown to improve health, lower crime rates, and raise education levels in areas with high levels of informal volunteering. Volunteering contributes greatly to both local economies and quality of life.
This document provides information about online counselling services for carers. It defines a carer as someone who provides unpaid support to family or friends who cannot manage without help. Anyone can become a carer regardless of age, background, or circumstances. The services described allow carers to communicate confidentially with a counsellor via email to discuss anything they want. Additional crisis support resources are provided if counsellors are unavailable. The aim is to provide a non-judgemental space for carers to talk about their experiences and receive support.
The document discusses the complexity of service and volunteering in developing countries. It summarizes the views of Ivan Illich, who was critical of paternalistic volunteering and believed it encouraged developing nations to adopt Western culture. However, the author disagrees with this view and argues that volunteering can help communities by sharing knowledge and improving lives, for example by teaching better hygiene and farming practices. While acknowledging challenges like language barriers, the author believes volunteers make a positive impact and also learn about other cultures through service.
Volunteer Managers Breakfast 2014 with Emma Austin - Ability Links - Volunteer Managers from around Eastern Sydney participated in a meeting in October with a workshop held by Emma Austin on assisting people living with a disability into volunteering.
This is a presentation on Learning Service, voluntourism, and international volunteer travel by Daniela Papi & Claire Bennett presented to a group of teachers at the Rocky Mountain Seminar in Boulder, CO, through Where There Be Dragons.
ICAWC 2015 - The Power of Play - Alasdair BunyanDogs Trust
Play can be used as a highly valuable reinforcement, but in order to use play in our training a greater awareness of breed specific play styles and canine communication must be understood.
Alasdair will discuss the importance of play, play styles, appropriate and inappropriate play and thoughts on motivation and how to use play as reinforcement to both the handlers and dogs benefit.
ICAWC 2015 - Reinforcing the Canine Human Bond Through Training - Alasdair Bu...Dogs Trust
The working relationship between the handler and the dog, and the dogs understanding of the concept of training should be built prior to any intense behavioural modification taking place. Alasdair will discuss the working relationship fundamentals and then the prime behaviours that should be implemented before any behavioural modification takes place.
Information About Rabindranath Tagore In BeAsia Grover
The document discusses the history of federation in Australia. It explains that federation occurred in 1901 when the six British colonies of Australia joined to become the Commonwealth of Australia. The process of federation began in the 1880s and involved drafting a constitution that drew upon examples from Britain, Canada, and Switzerland. Most Australians were involved in the federation process through voting and their members of parliament. The constitution was finalized and approved in a series of national meetings and votes in the late 1890s. Federation transformed Australia into a unified nation and defined its system of government.
Charitable Trusts play a pivotal role in bridging societal gaps and fostering a spirit of community welfare. GECT has emerged as a leading force in this regard, embodying the spirit of selfless service and social油responsibility.
Baby In Mind - Become Part of the BrainwaveRuby Tuesday
This document describes Baby In Mind, a charity focused on ensuring all children experience loving and secure early relationships. It is seeking dedicated staff and volunteers who are courageous, ambitious, optimistic, humanistic, purposeful and responsive. Rather than just taking whoever is available, Baby In Mind wants the best people and aims to provide meaningful experiences for staff. It focuses on uplifting, empowering and giving purpose to those who join the organization in its mission.
The document discusses the International Community of Mutual Aid, whose mission is to provide economic well-being for its members through free and voluntary donations. It describes Elite Activity as a private belief system and nonprofit organization founded to teach that abundance is created through giving freely and unconditionally. The system uses an internet-based software to systematically and automatically assign participants to give gifts to others and receive donations.
The basics on Who/What/Where/When/How/Why on starting a support group for pulmonary hypertension patients and caregivers. Also, ideas on how non-profit organizations can help individuals in the community.
The Best Charitable Trust in Kolkata with the Goal to Assist the Underprivile...GenesisEducationChar
The Genesis Education and Charitable Trust is a non-profit organizations that work towards the betterment of society. If you are interested in supporting our trust, You can make a donation, volunteer your time, or become a partner.
The document discusses ways to get involved with the Red Cross through donating, volunteering, giving blood, or becoming an employee in order to help those in need during disasters and emergencies. Donating allows you to help provide relief services, volunteering can help save lives through CPR training or swimming lessons, giving blood helps patients avoid life-threatening reactions by providing better blood type matches, and becoming an employee allows you to directly help the Red Cross in its relief efforts.
This zine provides information and support for people undergoing an abortion. It discusses what a zine is, defines a doula as a compassionate support person during pregnancy, and notes that the zine was created by The Doula Project collective to be a helpful resource for anyone experiencing an abortion. The zine is divided into sections on preparing for, during, and after an abortion procedure. It aims to normalize abortion by dispelling myths and providing self-care strategies. Overall, the zine emphasizes trust in the reader to make their own decision and offers support without judgment.
The Offer Is the Story, the Story Is the Offer: The REAL Reasons Donors GiveJeff Brooks
A no-nonsense guide to telling the story that really matters to would-be donors.
Originally presented by Jann Schultz and Jeff Brooks at the Bridge Conference, July 14th, 2016.
The Community Action Partnership of Madera County (CAPMC) is a non-profit agency located in Madera, California that serves the local Hispanic population and other at-risk groups including women, children, and those in poverty. It has an executive director and is divided into several departments that provide services like Head Start, child care referrals, victim services for domestic violence, sexual assault, and more. The agency aims to help clients gain independence and improve their lives and community through free resources, education, counseling, advocacy, and other support services aligned with social work values and human rights.
The document is a message from the National Trust thanking all of their volunteer managers. It contains a poem written by Katie Knowles expressing gratitude for volunteer managers and recognizing the important role they play in supporting volunteers at the Trust through their planning, recruitment, management, and development efforts. The message repeats that volunteer managers are amazing and thanks them for their hard work on Volunteer Managers Day.
How to Find & Tell Stories that Cause Donors to Give AgainBloomerang
The most powerful way to connect people to your mission is by telling a story that causes the listener to feel something. Your organization is already filled with these kinds of stories, but when you share them, do your listeners take action? Do they make another gift? Volunteer again? Or bring others into your organization as new guests and donors?
Learn from Master Storyteller, Lori L. Jacobwith, whose stories and coaching has already helped nonprofit organizations raise more than $200 million from individual donors. Lori will share tools and strategies to help you engage your team (yes you have a team!) to identify and share powerful stories so you retain more donors AND raise more money.
Lori L. Jacobwith has a passion for the positive. Her strategies & tools have helped organizations to collectively raise more than $200 million from individual donors over the past decade. She has coached and trained thousands across North America to raise more money and powerfully share their stories.
Lori is the founder of the Ignited Online Fundraising Community, the author of Nine Steps to a Successful Fundraising Campaign and the must-read fundraising coaching blog: Withisms From Lori: Boldness, Clarity and Wisdom for Fundraising Professionals.
8 Minutes To a Better Love Life: Maestro's MethodGreg Silva
How's your love life?
Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the "meat market"? Does the term "pick-up artist" rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?
Maestro's Method is a mature, ethical approach to attracting the right people. It's rooted in Evolutionary Psychology, Mythology and practical experience. And it works both for men and women.
The document discusses the complexity of international service work. It summarizes the views of Ivan Illich, who was critical of volunteers interfering with local cultures and spreading American ideals. However, the author disagrees with this perspective. While acknowledging challenges like language barriers, the author believes international volunteers can appropriately help communities by sharing knowledge and opportunities to improve health, sanitation, and quality of life without forcing American culture. The goal of service should be empowering people, not changing their culture.
Dating apps and technology has solved a "lead generation" issue. It's solved the problem of finding potential dates... yet a much larger issue remains mostly unaddressed: people don't *know how* to date! This presentation covers some of the key issues faced by today's young singles on their journey for "Big Love" and what the dating industry can do to help make that happen.
Volunteering provides value to individuals, organizations, and society. It encourages community involvement and social connectedness. Three-quarters of British people volunteer their time, most commonly to help people and improve their community. While time constraints and bureaucracy deter some, many find volunteering provides balance and joy in their lives. It has been shown to improve health, lower crime rates, and raise education levels in areas with high levels of informal volunteering. Volunteering contributes greatly to both local economies and quality of life.
This document provides information about online counselling services for carers. It defines a carer as someone who provides unpaid support to family or friends who cannot manage without help. Anyone can become a carer regardless of age, background, or circumstances. The services described allow carers to communicate confidentially with a counsellor via email to discuss anything they want. Additional crisis support resources are provided if counsellors are unavailable. The aim is to provide a non-judgemental space for carers to talk about their experiences and receive support.
The document discusses the complexity of service and volunteering in developing countries. It summarizes the views of Ivan Illich, who was critical of paternalistic volunteering and believed it encouraged developing nations to adopt Western culture. However, the author disagrees with this view and argues that volunteering can help communities by sharing knowledge and improving lives, for example by teaching better hygiene and farming practices. While acknowledging challenges like language barriers, the author believes volunteers make a positive impact and also learn about other cultures through service.
Volunteer Managers Breakfast 2014 with Emma Austin - Ability Links - Volunteer Managers from around Eastern Sydney participated in a meeting in October with a workshop held by Emma Austin on assisting people living with a disability into volunteering.
This is a presentation on Learning Service, voluntourism, and international volunteer travel by Daniela Papi & Claire Bennett presented to a group of teachers at the Rocky Mountain Seminar in Boulder, CO, through Where There Be Dragons.
ICAWC 2015 - The Power of Play - Alasdair BunyanDogs Trust
Play can be used as a highly valuable reinforcement, but in order to use play in our training a greater awareness of breed specific play styles and canine communication must be understood.
Alasdair will discuss the importance of play, play styles, appropriate and inappropriate play and thoughts on motivation and how to use play as reinforcement to both the handlers and dogs benefit.
ICAWC 2015 - Reinforcing the Canine Human Bond Through Training - Alasdair Bu...Dogs Trust
The working relationship between the handler and the dog, and the dogs understanding of the concept of training should be built prior to any intense behavioural modification taking place. Alasdair will discuss the working relationship fundamentals and then the prime behaviours that should be implemented before any behavioural modification takes place.
Heather will illustrate a pilot welfare assessment protocol which has been trialed and refined at two existing TNR programmes. The authors have identified gaps in current understanding and interpretation of dog behaviours, highlighting the need for a solid understanding of canine behavioural communication.
ICAWC 2015 - Ins and outs of homing cats - David NewallDogs Trust
This talk will focus on Cats Protections thoughts on the sort of changes they have made and continue to make to homing processes; avoiding relinquishment, direct home-to-home adoptions etc. David will also include pieces from Cats Protection research, a lot of which is relevant to shelters in any country.
ICAWC 2015 - The Full Monty - Harry Eckman (Change For Animals Foundation) & ...Dogs Trust
This document summarizes a community-based dog and cat welfare project in Praia de Faro, Portugal run by Animais de Rua and the Change For Animals Foundation. The project conducted assessments of the local animal populations and community attitudes, implemented sterilization and vaccination programs, and continued monitoring impacts. Over the course of two years, the project sterilized over 95% of the local cat population and 67% of dogs, improved animal welfare, engaged the local community, and developed a replicable model for other locations.
ICAWC 2015 - If you build it they will come - Sandra Duarte CardosoDogs Trust
SOS Animal was founded in 2005 as a nonprofit organization in Portugal that focuses on providing veterinary care and treatment for abandoned and mistreated companion animals. Their goal is to create the first social hospital for animals to accommodate at-risk animals in Lisbon, abandoned animals in their care or other partner organizations, and to support the animals of people with financial difficulties. They also work to promote mass sterilization efforts and raise awareness about responsible pet ownership and animal welfare issues through educational campaigns. To achieve their dream of the social hospital, they have had to work persistently and sacrifice weekends and social time.
ICAWC 2015 - Humane Community Development - Kate Nattrass Atema Dogs Trust
This document outlines Kate Nattrass Atema's "Humane Community Development" approach to dog population management. The approach focuses on building understanding, relationships, and commitment within communities to develop sustainable solutions. It involves community assessments, stakeholder workshops to share perspectives and identify root causes of issues, and action planning workshops where communities prioritize problems and solutions. The approach was piloted in several locations, where it led communities to take ownership and develop original, creative plans focusing on animal welfare. Challenges included maintaining momentum, but benefits included less blaming and different viewpoints not blocking solutions. The approach requires patience and recognizes that sustainability involves relationship-building skills rather than specific dog-related interventions.
Dogs Trust, with the help of Animal Rights Protection Lithuania, has undertaken two investigations looking at the illegal import of puppies across the EU. Despite conclusive evidence from the 1st investigation being presented to the EU and national government along with a series of urgent recommendations set out by Dogs Trust to help curb the trade, the puppy trafficking trade has continued unabated. In early 2015, Dogs Trust went back into Eastern Europe to highlight that the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) is still being used as a cover by commercial breeders and dealers in Lithuania and Romania on a regular basis to illegally import puppies, often in horrendous conditions, and transporting them thousands of miles without their mothers.
ICAWC 2015 - Nick Daniel - Standing out from the crowdDogs Trust
All too often companies and charities dont focus on the things they need to achieve their aims. This presentation highlights some of the things we get wrong and some examples of brands whove got it right.
ICAWC 2015 - Luke Gamble - Mission Rabies Dogs Trust
Mission Rabies and Dogs Trust have worked together with key local NGOs in world rabies hotspots to vaccinate over 250,000 dogs in the last 18months and educate over 300,000 children in how to interact with street dogs. This presentation seeks to illustrate some of the Mission Rabies flagship projects, the NGOs involved and provide some tips as to how your shelter/NGO can integrate a humanitarian component which will strengthen and champion the objective of increasing moral perception towards animals in local communities as well as boost the profile of your organisation.
ICAWC 2015 - Claire Calder - EU Activity UpdateDogs Trust
The EU Dog & Cat Alliance was launched at ICAWC in 2014 and is made up of dog and cat welfare organisations from across the EU, which have come together to lobby for action to protect dogs and cats.
This talk will give an update on EU activities and the Alliances achievements so far. This includes their work on puppy smuggling, as well as the launch of a ground-breaking report which brings together the national legislation on dog and cat breeding and trade in all 28 EU countries for the first time.
ICAWC 2015 - Puppy Smuggling in Europe - Paula Boyden & Brigita KymantaiteDogs Trust
Dogs Trust, with the help of Animal Rights Protection Lithuania, has undertaken two investigations looking at the illegal import of puppies across the EU.
This document discusses building a healthy "bank account" for animals through positive experiences and interactions. It describes how genetics, early experiences, and past treatment form an animal's "opening balance", and how current caregivers can make "deposits" through gentle handling, praise, play, and ensuring physical and emotional well-being, or "withdrawals" through negative experiences like rough handling or stress. It stresses making regular small deposits to improve an animal's confidence and temperament over time through consistency, patience and trust-building.
ICAWC 2015 - Paul Wass & Alasdair Bunyan - Building for future welfare Dogs Trust
This presentation looks at the design constraints that Dogs Trust had to overcome when building their latest centre in Manchester on an industrial estate.
ICAWC 2015 - When Love Breaks Down - Sandra Duarte CardosoDogs Trust
Sandra discusses the findings from a study which recorded the reasons for relinquishment of dogs and cats in the municipalities of Sintra and Cascais, both districts in Lisbon.
ICAWC 2015 - I Second that Emotion - Carolyn MenteithDogs Trust
This document discusses how a dog's behavior is driven by underlying emotions like fear, pleasure, and frustration. It explains that to change problem behaviors, one needs to change the emotion driving it by replacing negative emotions with more positive ones through training. The document advocates for using positive reinforcement to increase behaviors by providing pleasure, rather than positive punishment which increases fear and can make behaviors worse. It concludes that dogs will repeat behaviors that bring them pleasure or relief from negative stimuli through training.
Matthew Rees, Director of TECHNIK TECHNOLOGY, gave a presentation at the International Companion Animal Welfare Conference 2015. His talk discussed building projects for dog shelters, including whether to build new facilities or renovate old ones, and considerations for building prototypes using different materials like bars, mesh or glass. He stressed the importance of getting clients invested in development plans through marketing and securing buy-in for new designs.
IACWC 2015 - Workshop - Rick Hayman - Infection control in the animal shelterDogs Trust
This talk includes advice and recommendations for improving infection control within an animal shelter, covering recommended equipment, guidelines and disinfectant portfolios as well as ideas on preventing outbreaks and reducing risks of cross infection within the shelter environment.
11. amateuramateur
Merriam-Webster DictionaryMerriam-Webster Dictionary
one who engages in a pursuit as aone who engages in a pursuit as a
pastime rather than as a professionpastime rather than as a profession
somebody who does something forsomebody who does something for
pleasure rather than paymentpleasure rather than payment
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
15. professionalprofessional
a worker in a paid occupation thata worker in a paid occupation that
usually requires a high degree ofusually requires a high degree of
training, skill, or competencetraining, skill, or competence
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
16. professionalprofessional
MacMillan DictionaryMacMillan Dictionary
a worker in a paid occupation thata worker in a paid occupation that
usually requires a high degree ofusually requires a high degree of
training, skill, or competencetraining, skill, or competence
someone who plays a sport or does ansomeone who plays a sport or does an
activity as a job rather than foractivity as a job rather than for
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
20. volunteervolunteer
Oxford English DictionaryOxford English Dictionary
a person who freely offers to take part ina person who freely offers to take part in
an enterprise or undertake a taskan enterprise or undertake a task
21. volunteervolunteer
Oxford English DictionaryOxford English Dictionary
a person who freely offers to take part ina person who freely offers to take part in
an enterprise or undertake a taskan enterprise or undertake a task
somebody who works without being paidsomebody who works without being paid
Encarta World English DictionaryEncarta World English Dictionary
26. Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer?
Because weBecause we can.can.
27. Why do we volunteer?Why do we volunteer?
Because we areBecause we are
wiredwired to help.
29. Why and how we volunteerWhy and how we volunteer
is as varied as our experiencesis as varied as our experiences
and can be as unique as ourselves.and can be as unique as ourselves.
31. As volunteer coordinators, its notAs volunteer coordinators, its not
our job to judge their reasonsour job to judge their reasons
as long as they do not run counteras long as they do not run counter
to our our mission.
39. How can weHow can we attractattract
40. How can weHow can we attractattract
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
41. How can weHow can we attractattract
How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we firefire them?them?
Theyre just volunteers.Theyre just volunteers.
42. How can weHow can we attractattract
How can weHow can we keepkeepour volunteers?our volunteers?
How can weHow can we firefire them?them?
Theyre just volunteers.Theyre just volunteers.
How can we getHow can we get moremore
44. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
45. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
Have aHave a clear missionclear mission
andand promotepromote itit
46. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
47. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
48. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
andand show itshow it
49. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
50. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
DontDont overwhelmoverwhelm themthem
with the problemwith the problem
51. How can weHow can we attractattract volunteers?volunteers?
DontDont overwhelmoverwhelm themthem
with the problemwith the problem
surprisesurprise them withthem with
simple solutionssimple solutions
53. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
54. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
You cant.You cant.
55. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
56. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
By its nature,By its nature,
volunteerism isvolunteerism is
cyclical and fluctuatingcyclical and fluctuating
57. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
58. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
Create aCreate a
volunteer mission statementvolunteer mission statement
that matches yourthat matches your
organizational oneorganizational one
62. Mission Statements
To provide effective means for the
prevention of cruelty to animals
throughout the United States.
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals:
65. Mission Statements
We provide happy, healthy animals
with fully-trained volunteers
to your institutions.
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
Visiting Pet Program:
69. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
70. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
71. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
72. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
73. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
find solacefind solace
74. Visiting Pet VolunteeringVisiting Pet Volunteering
is first and foremostis first and foremost
helping another personhelping another person
find hopefind hope
76. Mission Statements
To provide effective means for the
prevention of cruelty to animals
throughout the United States.
-- Henry Bergh
79. Mission Statements
Rescuing and Rehoming
Small Companion Dogs
Lil Bits Rescue:
Remember, no dog is a toy, or an
accessory. Never give one as a gift,
or carry one to match your outfit.
82. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
83. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
Keep themKeep them
attachedattached andand attractedattracted
to your organizationto your organization
84. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
85. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
CreateCreate short,short,
time-limitedtime-limited projects,projects,
and start your volunteersand start your volunteers
in themin them
86. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
andand alwaysalways mixmix
veteranveteran volunteers withvolunteers with
newcomersnewcomers in these projectsin these projects
87. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
88. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
KnowKnow your volunteersyour volunteers
89. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
KnowKnow your volunteersyour volunteers
match theirmatch their jobsjobs
to theirto their strengthsstrengths
90. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
91. How can weHow can we keepkeep our volunteers?our volunteers?
ExploreExplore all avenuesall avenues
where your volunteerswhere your volunteers
can becan be helpfulhelpful
96. IdentifyIdentify two or three skillstwo or three skills
that are essential for eachthat are essential for each
and every volunteer activity,and every volunteer activity,
butbut no more than more than three.
97. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
98. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
99. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body
100. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body
3. be punctual3. be punctual
101. For example, aFor example, a dog-walking volunteerdog-walking volunteer mustmust
1. really like dogs1. really like dogs
2. really know dogs body2. really know dogs body
3. be punctual3. be punctual
These are three essential elements forThese are three essential elements for
successful dog walkers.successful dog walkers.
104. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
1. like people1. like people
105. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
1. like people1. like people
2. be good listeners2. be good listeners
106. Contrast that withContrast that with adoptionadoption volunteers.volunteers.
They mustThey must
1. like people1. like people
2. be good listeners2. be good listeners
3. be able to read the body3. be able to read the body
language of both humanslanguage of both humans
and other species.and other species.
108. Dont overlook any avenuesDont overlook any avenues
where professional talentswhere professional talents
can be volunteeredcan be volunteered
to help your help your mission.
110. Dont discard any volunteerDont discard any volunteer
for lack of training.for lack of training.
112. Keep continuousKeep continuous educationeducation
andand trainingtraining as part ofas part of
your organizational structureyour organizational structure
at all all levels.
114. How can IHow can I firefire a volunteer?a volunteer?
115. How can IHow can I firefire a volunteer?a volunteer?
You cant.You cant.
117. Have aHave a honeymoonhoneymoon
(some call it a trial period)(some call it a trial period)
withwith mutualmutual evaluationsevaluations
118. Create clearCreate clear guidelinesguidelines
that every volunteerthat every volunteer
must signmust sign
121. EveryoneEveryone hashas
something to give.something to give.
Be open to where they giveBe open to where they give
best and re-assign and re-assign them.
126. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
127. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Make sure that theMake sure that the
ones who stay,ones who stay,
staystay happyhappy
128. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
and make sure thatand make sure that
the ones who leave,the ones who leave,
leaveleave happy!happy!
129. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
130. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Re-evaluateRe-evaluate youryour
mission statementsmission statements
131. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
132. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
PromotePromote short,short,
time-sensitivetime-sensitive eventsevents
133. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
134. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
135. How can I getHow can I get moremore volunteers?volunteers?
Love what you doLove what you do
andand show it.