La celebraci坦n del A単o Nuevo se origin坦 en la antigua Babilonia hace unos 4,000 a単os y se celebraba al inicio de la primavera. Los romanos posteriormente adoptaron esta tradici坦n pero cambiaron la fecha al 1 de enero, costumbre que se mantiene en la actualidad. Las celebraciones del A単o Nuevo en Ecuador se distinguen de otros pa鱈ses por las tradiciones de quemar mu単ecos que representan el a単o viejo y sus males para dar la bienvenida al nuevo a単o.
Vena Solutions Fast Food Restaurant Chain - Case StudyShaun Jansen
The fast food restaurant chain was implementing Vena to improve the efficiency of its General & Administrative budgeting process. Previously, the manual process of distributing, collecting, and consolidating Excel spreadsheets across 90 departments took too much time. Vena allowed the restaurant to automate this process and complete budget planning a week earlier while providing increased visibility, control, and reduced risk of errors. Users found Vena intuitive since it was based on Excel and required only a short training period.