Дайджест. Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше. Сентябрь-декабрь 2015 г.rooiperspektivaДайджест. Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше. Сентябрь-декабрь 2015 г.
Дайджест проекта «Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше»rooiperspektivaДайджест проекта «Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше». Выпуск 1. Сентябрь - декабрь 2014 г.
Revolutionary Thoughts For The Not For Profit SectorJennifer Dr. Jon Dellandrea gave a talk on April 27, 2010 with 12 recommendations for the not-for-profit sector. He suggested that organizations get out of fundraising, get their vision and story right, attract high quality staff, study the changing marketplace, move from episodic efforts to sustainability, focus on renewability, recognize stewardship, and persevere. The talk was sponsored by unnamed organizations and partners to provide revolutionary thoughts for improving the not-for-profit sector.
Дайджест. Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше. Сентябрь-декабрь 2015 г.rooiperspektivaДайджест. Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше. Сентябрь-декабрь 2015 г.
Дайджест проекта «Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше»rooiperspektivaДайджест проекта «Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше». Выпуск 1. Сентябрь - декабрь 2014 г.
Revolutionary Thoughts For The Not For Profit SectorJennifer Dr. Jon Dellandrea gave a talk on April 27, 2010 with 12 recommendations for the not-for-profit sector. He suggested that organizations get out of fundraising, get their vision and story right, attract high quality staff, study the changing marketplace, move from episodic efforts to sustainability, focus on renewability, recognize stewardship, and persevere. The talk was sponsored by unnamed organizations and partners to provide revolutionary thoughts for improving the not-for-profit sector.
Socialinių kampanijų komunikacija – nuo ko pradėti?Kamilė ButkevičiūtėSocialinėms (visuomeninėms) kampanijoms labai svarbus matomumas. Norint pasiekti kuo daugiau žmonių reikia tinkamai suplanuoti kampanijos komunikaciją. Šiame pristatyme pateikiu komunikacijos ABC kartu su sėkmingų kampanijų pavyzdžiais.
Pranešimas buvo pristatytas projekto Orus darbas - orus gyvenimas mokymų metu.
The war of the worldaggreerThe document summarizes Amanda Greer's book "The War of the World" which discusses several major historical events of the 20th century including World War I, the Great Depression, the Holocaust, and the Korean War. It describes how World War I began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and how the Great Depression was an unprecedented global economic catastrophe. It also explains that the Holocaust targeted Jews as well as other minorities in an industrialized genocide and how the Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953 between North and South Korea.
Nadine Reynolds Audience feedbackrhsmediastudiesThe document contains the results from two surveys about a thriller production by RTND Productions. Survey 1 asked 10 questions about age, gender, genre, narrative clarity, character vs story focus, sympathy creation, emotional response, camera work and opening shot. Survey 2 asked 8 questions about age, gender, soundtrack effectiveness, feelings evoked, setting timeframe, setting effectiveness, and logo recognition. The surveys gathered audience feedback on various technical and creative aspects of the thriller.
An inside look into Onefootball iOS team @ CocoaHeadsPrzemyslaw MiaskiewiczThe document provides an inside look at the iOS development team at Onefootball. It describes the team members, development process, tools used including Git, Jenkins, GitHub, Xcode, Swift and JIRA. It discusses how they implement a 1 week sprint cycle with releases every 3 weeks. It also outlines some of their practices like code reviews, unit/UI testing, automatic building and testing of pull requests. They aim for a zero bug policy and hold bug fixing competitions.
EVALUATION FOR THROUGH MY EYES QUESTION 1Ahmet Berk KandilThrough My Eyes was filmed, edited, directed, produced, and acted entirely by one person, challenging conventions that high-quality films require large production crews. It develops the tradition of sole protagonist survival films and uses a documentary-style video log format. While independent films are often thought to be of low quality, Through My Eyes defies this expectation through high-quality props like an authentic combat shirt and realistic airsoft weapons. It also follows the popular convention of retrospective narration by the main character.
EVALUATION FOR THROUGH MY EYES QUESTION 2Ahmet Berk KandilThrough My Eyes does not explicitly show the main character's ethnicity, leaving viewers to determine it themselves. This was intentional to observe different reactions. The character is ex-military, which some may criticize as disregarding others' property, though the film justifies his actions out of survival in the desolate setting. The working class home he enters and the derelict area suggest poorer classes would not survive due to lack of funds, while his past as a soldier gives him a higher class in the new system.
Accompagner le changement ves l'agro-écologieInstitut de l'Elevage - IdeleSéminaire GIS Elevage Demain - 20 octobre 2015 Anne-Charlotte Dockès (Institut de l'Elevage)
1. 29 января 2016 года в ЦВР «Синегория»
прошёл IV межрайонный этап городского фестиваля ученического
самоуправления «Алые паруса». В этапе приняли участие четыре
школы из разных районов межрайонного объединения: школа 806 и 887
из Кунцево, наша школа и школа 1400 из Можайского. Ребятам
предстояло разработать комикс «От активиста к лидеру».
Желаем нашей команде только ПОБЕДЫ!!!