Thermal Energy International - Q3 and YTD RevenueThermal Energy International Inc.A few slides highlighting the strong revenue growth achieved by Thermal Energy International (TSX-V: TMG) for the third quarter and year-to-date of fiscal 2016.
Apti mukhlis abu musyafa 5140411168_ti-c_menawarkan barangMukhlis MusyafaPT. AFA KOMPUTER menawarkan berbagai barang komputer dan periferal seperti laptop, speaker, keyboard, mouse. Mereka menawarkan laptop merk Toshiba, HP, dan Lenovo dengan harga antara Rp6-10 juta. Speaker merk Simbada dengan harga Rp455 ribu-Rp725 ribu. Juga menawarkan keyboard dan mouse dengan harga Rp20 ribu-Rp750 ribu tergantung model biasa atau gaming.
Canara mortgage loanASHAGUPTA12The Canara Mortgage Loan is available to customers with satisfactory dealings at the bank or well-introduced new customers who are credit worthy. Loans of up to 50% of the property value can be borrowed for up to 60 months via EMIs, with the property serving as equitable mortgage security. Personal guarantees from individuals of adequate net worth may also be required but are sometimes waived. Processing charges are 0.5% of the loan amount and applicants must provide documents including application forms, property documents, income proofs, tax documents, and financial statements if needed.
Aten ntc-storiesJ Matthew SaundersThis document discusses why non-profits should choose Drupal for their websites and digital needs. It provides 7 stories of non-profits that have used Drupal successfully. The stories show how Drupal allowed organizations to build complex learning management systems, event sites quickly, and applications. Drupal also enabled sites for streaming audio, connecting to other systems through APIs, and presenting complex data intuitively. Overall, the document argues that Drupal aligns with non-profit values through its open source nature and ability to transform digital operations for non-profits of all sizes in a cost-effective manner.
KY 1:1 and BYOD Institute Presentation 10-28-13William KingThis document discusses designing engaging professional development opportunities for teachers. It advocates for professional learning where teachers are active participants, help determine the content, and collaborate with others. Examples of this include TeachMeets, which are informal conferences where teachers lead short sessions on tools and strategies, and EDcamps, which are conferences where session topics are determined the day-of by participants. The document also promotes the use of professional learning networks on Twitter to connect teachers virtually. It provides examples of tools that can be used for flipped learning and job-embedded professional development activities.
O.P.P By JalaljalalawanThis document discusses different career paths and priorities in life. It contrasts an employee career with self-employment, business ownership, and being an investor. It promotes becoming a business owner through the TIENS business model, which involves no capital requirements, experience, or area restrictions. The TIENS business provides a multi-level marketing structure where individuals can build a business through sponsoring others. The document outlines the company's history and global expansion, and encourages choosing business over a traditional job for financial and time freedom.
Thermal Energy International - Q3 and YTD RevenueThermal Energy International Inc.A few slides highlighting the strong revenue growth achieved by Thermal Energy International (TSX-V: TMG) for the third quarter and year-to-date of fiscal 2016.
Apti mukhlis abu musyafa 5140411168_ti-c_menawarkan barangMukhlis MusyafaPT. AFA KOMPUTER menawarkan berbagai barang komputer dan periferal seperti laptop, speaker, keyboard, mouse. Mereka menawarkan laptop merk Toshiba, HP, dan Lenovo dengan harga antara Rp6-10 juta. Speaker merk Simbada dengan harga Rp455 ribu-Rp725 ribu. Juga menawarkan keyboard dan mouse dengan harga Rp20 ribu-Rp750 ribu tergantung model biasa atau gaming.
Canara mortgage loanASHAGUPTA12The Canara Mortgage Loan is available to customers with satisfactory dealings at the bank or well-introduced new customers who are credit worthy. Loans of up to 50% of the property value can be borrowed for up to 60 months via EMIs, with the property serving as equitable mortgage security. Personal guarantees from individuals of adequate net worth may also be required but are sometimes waived. Processing charges are 0.5% of the loan amount and applicants must provide documents including application forms, property documents, income proofs, tax documents, and financial statements if needed.
Aten ntc-storiesJ Matthew SaundersThis document discusses why non-profits should choose Drupal for their websites and digital needs. It provides 7 stories of non-profits that have used Drupal successfully. The stories show how Drupal allowed organizations to build complex learning management systems, event sites quickly, and applications. Drupal also enabled sites for streaming audio, connecting to other systems through APIs, and presenting complex data intuitively. Overall, the document argues that Drupal aligns with non-profit values through its open source nature and ability to transform digital operations for non-profits of all sizes in a cost-effective manner.
KY 1:1 and BYOD Institute Presentation 10-28-13William KingThis document discusses designing engaging professional development opportunities for teachers. It advocates for professional learning where teachers are active participants, help determine the content, and collaborate with others. Examples of this include TeachMeets, which are informal conferences where teachers lead short sessions on tools and strategies, and EDcamps, which are conferences where session topics are determined the day-of by participants. The document also promotes the use of professional learning networks on Twitter to connect teachers virtually. It provides examples of tools that can be used for flipped learning and job-embedded professional development activities.
O.P.P By JalaljalalawanThis document discusses different career paths and priorities in life. It contrasts an employee career with self-employment, business ownership, and being an investor. It promotes becoming a business owner through the TIENS business model, which involves no capital requirements, experience, or area restrictions. The TIENS business provides a multi-level marketing structure where individuals can build a business through sponsoring others. The document outlines the company's history and global expansion, and encourages choosing business over a traditional job for financial and time freedom.
Yuri gagarinNarek IsakhanyanYuri Gagarin was a Russian-Soviet pilot and cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on April 12, 1961. He became an international celebrity after his historic flight and was awarded many honors, including Hero of the Soviet Union. While Vostok 1 was his only spaceflight, he later served as backup crew on another mission and worked as deputy training director of the Cosmonaut Training Centre outside Moscow. Gagarin tragically died in a 1968 plane crash while training as a pilot.
About robotsNarek IsakhanyanRobots come in many forms and serve various purposes. They can be automatic machines that resemble humans or animals and are guided by computer programs or circuits. Modern robots range from humanoid robots to swarm robots and nano robots. Space probes are examples of early robots that could fly and land on other planets. Domestic robots serve simple roles like vacuuming, mopping and lawn mowing. The document also references videos that showcase interesting robots and an animated film about robots.
2. Բնությունը կենդանիներից յուրաքանչյուրին հատուկ զենքերով է
օժտել` գիշատիչներից խուսափելու, պաշտպանվելու կամ էլ ճիշտ
հակառակը` հարձակվելու համար: Մեկի ոտքերն աներևակայելի
արագությամբ են օժտված, մյուսն ունի գույնը փոխելու
հատկություն, երրորդը` թույն, իսկ չորրորդն էլ հարձակման
անսպասելի ցատկ:Բնության մեջ կենդանիներից մի քանիսն էլ
որպես զենք, ունեն լույս:
3. Նրանք կարողանում են լուսարձակել իրենց
օրգանիզմներում կատարվող քիմիական
ռեակցիաների շնորհիվ: Այդ երևույթը կոչվում է
բիոլուսարձակում: Նրանք օգտագործում են այդ
ունակությունը հաղորդակցվելու, զույգ գտնելու, որս
անելու կամ պաշտպանվելու համար: Օրինակ`
լուսատիտիկները <<վառում են>> մարմինները
զույգին գրավելու համար:
4. Ջրային լուսարձակող կենդանիներ
Ստորջրյա շատ ձկներ նույնպես կարող են լույս արձակել` այդպես
վախեցնելով գիշատիչներին: Կատարավոր մեդուզան արձակում է
վառ փայլող մասնիկների ամպեր, երբ գիշատիչ է հարձակվում:
Այդ մասնիկները որոշ ժամանակ կուրացնում են հարձակվողին,
իսկ մեդուզան հասցնում է փախչել:Սև հրեշաձկան էգի կզակից
կախված է լույս արձակող երկար մազ: Նրա աչքերի մոտ երկու
լուսարձակող կետ կա, որոնք օգնում են ուտելիք հայթայթել: