Inventory managementShiny RajanInventory management involves maintaining the optimal level of inventory to balance objectives like maximizing customer service, efficiency, and profit while minimizing inventory investment. There are different types of inventory including raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods, and spare parts. The goal is to replace expensive physical inventory with less costly information by knowing inventory levels, where items are located, and how production impacts stock. This ensures the right amount is ordered at the right time to meet needs without excessive costs.
Inventory managementShiny RajanInventory management involves maintaining the optimal level of inventory to balance objectives like maximizing customer service, efficiency, and profit while minimizing inventory investment. There are different types of inventory including raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods, and spare parts. The goal is to replace expensive physical inventory with less costly information by knowing inventory levels, where items are located, and how production impacts stock. This ensures the right amount is ordered at the right time to meet needs without excessive costs.
Hydrogen Sulfide Photopaper Sensing Tool - Development Notes, Deaverartemis60191) The document describes testing of a photopaper sensing tool to map hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions from oil and gas sites in Deaver, Wyoming.
2) Over three rounds of testing, photopaper strips placed in canisters at various locations near the site changed color when developed, with darker colors indicating higher levels of H2S exposure. The highest exposures were found near produced water impoundments and discharge canals.
3) Lessons learned included adding control strips, placing strips in expected and unexpected areas, choosing a consistent labeling method, and investigating unusual strip discoloration patterns. The photopaper tool helped identify sources of H2S that require further monitoring.
Deaver finalartemis6019Round A of testing the photopaper sensing tool in Deaver, Wyoming was intended to test whether the strips change color when exposed to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions. The strips did change color, indicating exposure to H2S, but a control strip was not included so the results were not conclusive. Lessons from Round A included placing strips in locations both with and without expected H2S exposure, and including a control strip for comparison in future rounds.
Inventory mgtShiny RajanThis document provides a preview of the book "Basics of Inventory Management" by J. David Viale. The book is designed to be used for self-study or classroom learning on inventory management policies, tools, and financial analysis. It is copyright protected and cannot be duplicated without permission. The learning objectives are to understand inventory management policies and objectives, inventory management tools and techniques, and the financial analysis of inventory management. An assessment is available online to evaluate comprehension of the subject matter covered in the book.
RecruitmentShiny RajanRecruitment is the process of attracting potential job candidates, while selection is the process of choosing candidates. Recruitment is done through various methods like advertisements, employee agencies, campus recruitment, professional associations, word-of-mouth, casual applications, raiding, and deputation. The document discusses the importance, components, and purposes of recruitment. It also provides examples of different recruitment methods and lists the best five practices as hiring for attitude and training for skills, thinking outside the box, going where potential candidates are, implementing employee referral programs, and using candidate databases. The conclusion states that proper recruitment is needed to select the right candidates who will be retained by the organization for longer.
Action ResearchShiny RajanThis document discusses action research (AR), which is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by those taking action to improve their actions. AR follows a cyclical process of plan, act, observe, and reflect. There are three types of AR focused on problem solving, practical deliberation, and critical emancipation. AR is useful in education and business by empowering practitioners to improve their work through reflection. In business specifically, AR allows managers to critically examine their beliefs and practices to effectively implement changes while pursuing both action and understanding. The outcomes of AR can be improvements to practice, policy, and programs as well as empowering community members.
Блеск и нищета современного ИИ, из истории кибернетики в СССР, философия ИИ -...Anton MoiseevБлеск и нищета современного ИИ, экономика ИИ, из истории кибернетики в СССР, философия ИИ - философия математики
5. А что произойдет, если у компьютера убрать
какую - то часть?
Рассмотри схему.
Запомни назначение устройств.
6. Вспомни, что умеет компьютер?
7. Какие данные может обрабатывать
Рассмотри схему.
Запомни, какими бывают данные.
8. Что компьютеру необходимо для
работы с данными?
Назови, какими программами
пользуешься ты? Для каких целей?
Прочитай и запомни:
«Программы, которые использует человек для
работы, обучения или игр называют
9. Выбери из списка только те действия,
которые компьютер может
выполнить без участия человека.
• проверить устройство памяти
• закодировать данные
• нарисовать рисунок
• передать сигнал от памяти к процессору
• автоматически сохранять файлы
• напечатать текст на клавиатуре
• регулярно проверять на вирусы
Прочитай и запомни:
предназначенные для
работы компьютера
называют системными».
10. Как называется профессия
человека, который создает разные
компьютерные программы?
Прочитай и запомни:
«Программы для работы программистов
называют инструментальными»