Макурова Ксения (Тульская область), «Роман «Я пришел дать вам волю»OpenLibrary35Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ «Мой Шукшин» Вологодской областной юношеской библиотеки им. В. Ф. Тендякова
Мурзенкова Маргарита (Тверская область), «До третьих петухов»OpenLibrary35Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ «Мой Шукшин» Вологодской областной юношеской библиотеки им. В. Ф. Тендякова
Маслова Лилия (Череповец), «Василий Макарович Шукшин»OpenLibrary35Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ «Мой Шукшин» Вологодской областной юношеской библиотеки им. В. Ф. Тендякова
Макурова Ксения (Тульская область), «Роман «Я пришел дать вам волю»OpenLibrary35Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ «Мой Шукшин» Вологодской областной юношеской библиотеки им. В. Ф. Тендякова
Мурзенкова Маргарита (Тверская область), «До третьих петухов»OpenLibrary35Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ «Мой Шукшин» Вологодской областной юношеской библиотеки им. В. Ф. Тендякова
Маслова Лилия (Череповец), «Василий Макарович Шукшин»OpenLibrary35Межрегиональный конкурс творческих работ «Мой Шукшин» Вологодской областной юношеской библиотеки им. В. Ф. Тендякова
Malaysia (asian cuisine)Pat CabangisThe capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia has long been an important location for trade routes between Europe, Asia, India, and China due to its warm climate and natural resources. Malaysian cuisine was influenced by traders from India, China, the Middle East, and European colonizers and is characterized by a blend of flavors including sweet, sour, spicy, and pungent tastes from ingredients such as coconut milk, lemongrass, chilies, and shrimp paste. Popular Malaysian dishes include nasi lemak, laksa, satay, rendang, and roti canai.
Chapter 7 Material planning: bedroom, linen,pillowsPat CabangisThis document discusses material planning considerations for bedding, linens, and uniforms in hotels. It provides guidelines for purchasing sheets, pillows, blankets, bedspreads and other bedding items. It recommends cotton-polyester blends for sheets and terry cloth towels. It also covers linens for tables and baths as well as uniforms and different options for fabrics, sizes and styles. The goal is to select high quality materials that meet guest needs and present a polished image for the hotel.
Chapter 5 material planning: floors, wall and windowsPat CabangisThis chapter discusses different flooring materials including their cleaning, sealing, and finishing requirements. It examines nonresilient floors like brick, terra cotta tiles, concrete, epoxy and stone as well as resilient floors like asphalt tile, cork tile, rubber, vinyl and wood. It also discusses carpets and rugs, describing their components, construction methods and different textures that can be produced through tufting.
Chapter 3 human resources departmentPat CabangisThe Human Resources Department is responsible for assisting managers with human resources concerns like recruitment, selection, orientation, training, compensation, legal issues, and safety. Its main functions include recruiting and selecting new employees, providing orientation and training, establishing compensation and benefits programs, ensuring compliance with employment laws, and promoting employee safety and health. The department aims to recruit and retain qualified staff while maintaining fair policies and a positive work environment.
Managing equipment & SuppliesPat CabangisThis document discusses managing equipment and supplies through budgets and inventory control. It distinguishes between capital expenditure budgets, which allocate resources for long-term assets over a year, and operating budgets, which cover daily business costs like labor, employees, and supplies. Effective inventory control classifies, orders, receives, stores, issues, and accounts for materials. The executive housekeeper must control various inventory classifications and select items technically for new hotel operations.
Chapter 1 rooms division editedPat CabangisThe document discusses the key departments in hotel rooms division - front office and housekeeping. It describes the roles and responsibilities of the rooms division manager in overseeing these departments. It provides details on the functions and sub-units of the front office as well as the roles and personnel in the housekeeping department. It also discusses maintenance, safety/security resources and the engineering department.
ISM Pat CabangisThe document discusses the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. It notes that 60-80% of maritime accidents are due to human error. The ISM Code aims to reduce accidents by requiring shipping companies to adopt safety management systems to standardize procedures, training, and ensure proper staffing. It also requires companies to be certified. Adopting the ISM Code makes ships safer, protects the environment, clearly defines roles and responsibilities, and is now mandatory under international law.
Crowd ManagementPat CabangisThe document outlines crowd management training requirements for personnel designated to assist passengers during emergencies. It discusses key areas including familiarization with life-saving equipment and emergency plans, assisting passengers to muster stations, executing mustering procedures through communication, and restrictions on elevator use requiring passengers to use stairs. It also covers providing clear reassurance to passengers, controlling passenger movement, evacuating disabled passengers, searching accommodations, and mustering procedures such as maintaining calm and conducting headcounts.
Chapter 2 interdepartmental communicationPat CabangisThe document discusses the role of the front office department in facilitating inter-departmental communication in a hospitality organization. The front office acts as a central point of contact and plays a vital role in directing communication between guests and other departments like housekeeping, food and beverage, banquet, controller, maintenance and engineering, security, and human resources. Effective communication between the front office and other departments is important for tasks like room status updates, guest charges, event coordination, maintenance requests, security issues, and applicant screening.
Facility engineering and MaintenancePat CabangisThe engineering and maintenance department is responsible for properly maintaining the hotel building, equipment, and grounds to protect the property value and support other departments. An effective preventative maintenance program can save hotels money by reducing long-term repair costs, planned replacement part purchases, and revenue losses from guest dissatisfaction. The engineering and maintenance department should create specific preventative maintenance programs for public areas, guest rooms, food services, laundry, and other equipment. Managing utilities and implementing energy management programs can also help control operating costs.
Maritime termsPat CabangisThis document from the Lyceum of the Philippines University defines over 70 commonly used maritime terms. It provides definitions for parts of ships like the bow, stern, hull and decks. It also defines nautical positions like aft, astern and alongside. Other defined terms include crew roles, emergency situations and shipboard areas like the bridge, galley and cabins. The document serves as a glossary for maritime industry terminology.
Chapter 4 health, safety and security proceduresPat CabangisThe document outlines several objectives related to safety in the hotel industry. It aims to stress the importance of protecting guests and employees, identify internal and external safety resources, describe threats unique to hotels, and discuss important safety measures. Specific topics covered include an employer's duty of care, legal liability, analyzing facility hazards, staff training requirements from OSHA, emergency policies/procedures, and addressing threats like pools, spas, parking lots, and more through proper signage and documented safety protocols. Risk management is also defined as the process of identifying risks and determining how to handle exposure to potential problems.
Юрий ВяземскийRoman-13От Пушкина до Чехова Русская литература в вопросах и ответах продолжает цикл книг, основанных на популярной телеолимпиаде "Умники и Умницы", в которой автор и ведущий Юрий Вяземский проверяет знание игроков в области мировой истории и культуры."Умники и Умницы" - это реальная возможность поступить в МГИМО, проверить себя, подготовиться к сдаче ЕГЭ, заполнить пробелы в знаниях и расширить кругозор.
виртуальная выставка. 195 лет со дня рождения ф.м. достоевскогоDryunya2095Виртуальная выставка, посвященная 195-летию со дня рождения Ф.М. Достоевского
18. Стихотворная форма, особенность
которой заключается в том, что стихи не текут
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группы строчек – строфы, по четырнадцать строк в
каждой, с определенным, постоянно
повторяющимися расположением рифм.
«Онегинская строфа»
28. К какой теме лирики относятся
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«К Чаадаеву», «Узник»,
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(Вольнолюбивая лирика)
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