ข้อสอบ Power point 2010น้ำกรด น้ำมะนาวThis document discusses different views and features in PowerPoint 2010, including Normal View, ݺߣ Master View, ݺߣ Sort View, and ݺߣ Show View. It also lists various tabs and options under the File, Home, Insert, Design, and ݺߣ Show menus for editing slides, inserting objects, setting transitions, and playing slide shows from the beginning or current slide using keyboard shortcuts or the taskbar. The document also mentions Handout Master View and actions for creating, duplicating, copying, and inserting new slides.
ข้อสอบ Power point 2010น้ำกรด น้ำมะนาวThis document discusses different views and features in PowerPoint 2010, including Normal View, ݺߣ Master View, ݺߣ Sort View, and ݺߣ Show View. It also lists various tabs and options under the File, Home, Insert, Design, and ݺߣ Show menus for editing slides, inserting objects, setting transitions, and playing slide shows from the beginning or current slide using keyboard shortcuts or the taskbar. The document also mentions Handout Master View and actions for creating, duplicating, copying, and inserting new slides.
ระบบลྺฐานพรทิพย์ ทองไพบูลย์El documento explica los diferentes sistemas numéricos, incluyendo binario, octal, decimal y hexadecimal. Define los términos como dígito binario, bit más significativo y bit menos significativo. Luego proporciona ejemplos de conversión entre los diferentes sistemas numéricos como binario a decimal y octal a decimal.