Jak Stream.cz m¨ªsto k zlat¨¦mu zrc¨¢tku k PR cen¨§ p?i?elIrena Zatloukalova
Slidy k m¨¦mu pov¨ªd¨¢n¨ª na konferenci PR v digit¨¢ln¨ª ¨¦?e. A o ?em to bylo? Na za?¨¢tku byla jedna produktov¨§ odv¨¢?n¨¢ zm¨§na ¨C z kan¨¢lu s u?ivatelsk?mi videy, kter? byl ?eskou obdobou YouTube, ud¨§lat sv¨¦bytnou televizi s vlastn¨ªmi po?ady. Internetovou televizi. Repositioning nen¨ª lehk¨¢ discipl¨ªna a ¨²sp¨§chy se v n¨ª neslav¨ª p?es noc. Obzvl¨¢??, pokud se rozhodnete j¨ªt p?ev¨¢?n¨§ PR cestou. Ale nen¨ª to nemo?n¨¦. Po dvou letech snahy a roce intenzivn¨ª komunikace se n¨¢m povedlo naj¨ªt zp?sob, d¨ªky kter¨¦mu u? snad cel¨¢ odborn¨¢ ve?ejnost naz?v¨¢ Stream.cz prav?m jm¨¦nem. Po?adatel¨¦ T?T? n¨¢pad p?ihl¨¢sit seri¨¢l a protagonisty do div¨¢ck¨¦ ankety popularity sice neocenili a z hlasov¨¢n¨ª je vylou?ili, ?¨ªm? ale sami p?isp¨§li k definici nov¨¦ho fenom¨¦nu, kter? byl na ?esk¨¦m trhu opom¨ªjen - fenom¨¦nu internetov¨¦ televize. P?ij?te se inspirovat z p?¨ªb¨§hu kampan¨§ ?Pro jedno T?T? slunce nesv¨ªt¨ª¡°, kter? z¨ªskal v leto?n¨ªm ro?n¨ªku ?esk¨¦ ceny za PR ocen¨§n¨ª pro absolutn¨ªho v¨ªt¨§ze sout¨§?e.
This document discusses using native code on Android. It provides an overview of the Android NDK, which allows developers to embed C and C++ code in their Android applications. It describes how to wrap C code with Java using the Java Native Interface (JNI) and build native libraries. It also covers using third-party native libraries with the NDK by building them with the standalone toolchain.
The document discusses various sports, foods, music and classes. It includes images and descriptions of sports like baseball, football, basketball and swimming. It also mentions foods from different cultures like Mexican, Chinese and Italian food. Additionally, it discusses various music genres such as jazz, classical, pop and rock. Finally, it references classes including Spanish and English class.
This document provides information about Spanish naming conventions and traditions. It lists common Spanish names for boys and girls. It explains that Spanish names typically include two last names - the father's last name followed by the mother's last name. It also describes the tradition of celebrating a person's "D¨ªa del Santo" or name day based on the Catholic saint they are named after. The document gives an example of how a woman's name changes when she gets married, adopting her husband's last name. It also notes that children take their father's last name and their mother's last name before marriage.
The document provides a lesson on numbers and colors in Spanish. It introduces the numbers 1-20, colors, and grammar points about agreeing colors with nouns and using question words like "cu¨¢ntos" correctly based on gender and number. It prompts the reader to practice writing number amounts and items in Spanish.
The dialogue discusses two students, Luis and Margarita, greeting each other and asking how old each person is. Luis asks Margarita how old she is, and she responds that she is 13 years old. Margarita then asks Luis how old he is, and he says he is 14 years old. The document then provides examples of how to ask and answer questions about one's age in Spanish.
This document contains links to various articles and resources about happiness, humor, creativity, and productivity. Specifically, it includes links to TED talks by Shawn Achor on finding happiness at work and Ken Robinson on changing education paradigms to foster more creativity in schools. It also links to articles on using humor and laughter to increase happiness as well as tips for improving language learning and productivity.
C. Bechstein is a German piano manufacturer founded in 1853 in Berlin. It aimed to produce pianos that could withstand the demands of virtuosi like Franz Liszt. After gaining popularity through Hans Von Bulow's performance using one of their pianos, Bechstein began supplying pianos to Queen Victoria in 1881 and opened a London branch in 1885. By 1900, Bechstein was one of the leading piano makers, employing 1200 workers and producing 5000 pianos annually. Notable artists who used Bechstein pianos include Alexander Scriabin, Elton John, and Freddie Mercury.
This document outlines Duke Energy's affirmative action plan and goals for underutilized job groups for 2001. It identifies areas of underutilization, such as minorities in officials/managers and technicians positions, and females in officials/managers, professionals, and operatives jobs. The plan sets annual goals to increase representation of protected groups in these areas. It also describes resolutions to identified problems, including continuing to monitor opportunities and focus recruiting efforts on underutilized groups when positions become available. The document provides a step-by-step process for filling open positions that involves identifying requirements, considering internal candidates, interviewing qualified external applicants, making offers, and completing new hire paperwork.
Elaine Pollard passed away after a 5 year battle with Ewing's Sarcoma, and in her memory we are inspired to create a scholarship to the Bud Carlson Academy here in Rochester, New Hampshire. We hope you will be too. Visit her Facebook Page at Elaine's Celebration of Life.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan soal ujian tengah semester ganjil untuk siswa kelas VII, VIII, dan IX di SMP Hang Kasturi Batam. Terdapat lima soal untuk setiap kelas yang mencakup materi-materi matematika seperti geometri, aljabar, dan volume bangun ruang datar dan bangun ruang. Soal-soal tersebut harus dikerjakan siswa dalam waktu 60 menit.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
This is a bill statement from Warid Tel for customer Akhtar Hussain with contract number 1003119199. The current payable amount is Rs. 0 with a previous balance of Rs. 1,427.49 and total payable of Rs. 1,427.49 due by January 25th, 2013. The statement provides details of charges, taxes, usage and invoices for the last 5 months.
Winch is a master-slave replication engine that allows mobile apps to work offline. It packages app data into optimized packs that are stored on a content delivery network and synced efficiently to local mobile databases via client-side SDKs. Key features include uploading data via HTTP API, syncing to keep client data in sync, and accessing data via a simple key-value store model of namespaces containing records with keys and values.
The document summarizes the key features of the Options West London Data Centre, including its robust power infrastructure with N+1 generators and dual UPS systems providing high redundancy, efficient cooling systems with N+1 chillers and N+2 CRAC units, comprehensive monitoring and security systems, carrier-neutral connectivity options, colocation space configured with secure cabinets and cages, and 24/7 customer support services.
30 shades of content | 30 tips for content marketingmascha_dudu
The document provides 30 tips for generating engaging social media content. Some of the tips include attracting people with mystery, sharing quotes from others, asking clients for references, showing humor, explaining industry terms simply, showing work processes, sharing mistakes and lessons learned, and creating infographics. The overall message is that sharing a variety of content types, from the professional to the personal, can help engage audiences on social media.
This document discusses using native code on Android. It provides an overview of the Android NDK, which allows developers to embed C and C++ code in their Android applications. It describes how to wrap C code with Java using the Java Native Interface (JNI) and build native libraries. It also covers using third-party native libraries with the NDK by building them with the standalone toolchain.
The document discusses various sports, foods, music and classes. It includes images and descriptions of sports like baseball, football, basketball and swimming. It also mentions foods from different cultures like Mexican, Chinese and Italian food. Additionally, it discusses various music genres such as jazz, classical, pop and rock. Finally, it references classes including Spanish and English class.
This document provides information about Spanish naming conventions and traditions. It lists common Spanish names for boys and girls. It explains that Spanish names typically include two last names - the father's last name followed by the mother's last name. It also describes the tradition of celebrating a person's "D¨ªa del Santo" or name day based on the Catholic saint they are named after. The document gives an example of how a woman's name changes when she gets married, adopting her husband's last name. It also notes that children take their father's last name and their mother's last name before marriage.
The document provides a lesson on numbers and colors in Spanish. It introduces the numbers 1-20, colors, and grammar points about agreeing colors with nouns and using question words like "cu¨¢ntos" correctly based on gender and number. It prompts the reader to practice writing number amounts and items in Spanish.
The dialogue discusses two students, Luis and Margarita, greeting each other and asking how old each person is. Luis asks Margarita how old she is, and she responds that she is 13 years old. Margarita then asks Luis how old he is, and he says he is 14 years old. The document then provides examples of how to ask and answer questions about one's age in Spanish.
This document contains links to various articles and resources about happiness, humor, creativity, and productivity. Specifically, it includes links to TED talks by Shawn Achor on finding happiness at work and Ken Robinson on changing education paradigms to foster more creativity in schools. It also links to articles on using humor and laughter to increase happiness as well as tips for improving language learning and productivity.
C. Bechstein is a German piano manufacturer founded in 1853 in Berlin. It aimed to produce pianos that could withstand the demands of virtuosi like Franz Liszt. After gaining popularity through Hans Von Bulow's performance using one of their pianos, Bechstein began supplying pianos to Queen Victoria in 1881 and opened a London branch in 1885. By 1900, Bechstein was one of the leading piano makers, employing 1200 workers and producing 5000 pianos annually. Notable artists who used Bechstein pianos include Alexander Scriabin, Elton John, and Freddie Mercury.
This document outlines Duke Energy's affirmative action plan and goals for underutilized job groups for 2001. It identifies areas of underutilization, such as minorities in officials/managers and technicians positions, and females in officials/managers, professionals, and operatives jobs. The plan sets annual goals to increase representation of protected groups in these areas. It also describes resolutions to identified problems, including continuing to monitor opportunities and focus recruiting efforts on underutilized groups when positions become available. The document provides a step-by-step process for filling open positions that involves identifying requirements, considering internal candidates, interviewing qualified external applicants, making offers, and completing new hire paperwork.
Elaine Pollard passed away after a 5 year battle with Ewing's Sarcoma, and in her memory we are inspired to create a scholarship to the Bud Carlson Academy here in Rochester, New Hampshire. We hope you will be too. Visit her Facebook Page at Elaine's Celebration of Life.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan soal ujian tengah semester ganjil untuk siswa kelas VII, VIII, dan IX di SMP Hang Kasturi Batam. Terdapat lima soal untuk setiap kelas yang mencakup materi-materi matematika seperti geometri, aljabar, dan volume bangun ruang datar dan bangun ruang. Soal-soal tersebut harus dikerjakan siswa dalam waktu 60 menit.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
This is a bill statement from Warid Tel for customer Akhtar Hussain with contract number 1003119199. The current payable amount is Rs. 0 with a previous balance of Rs. 1,427.49 and total payable of Rs. 1,427.49 due by January 25th, 2013. The statement provides details of charges, taxes, usage and invoices for the last 5 months.
Winch is a master-slave replication engine that allows mobile apps to work offline. It packages app data into optimized packs that are stored on a content delivery network and synced efficiently to local mobile databases via client-side SDKs. Key features include uploading data via HTTP API, syncing to keep client data in sync, and accessing data via a simple key-value store model of namespaces containing records with keys and values.
The document summarizes the key features of the Options West London Data Centre, including its robust power infrastructure with N+1 generators and dual UPS systems providing high redundancy, efficient cooling systems with N+1 chillers and N+2 CRAC units, comprehensive monitoring and security systems, carrier-neutral connectivity options, colocation space configured with secure cabinets and cages, and 24/7 customer support services.
30 shades of content | 30 tips for content marketingmascha_dudu
The document provides 30 tips for generating engaging social media content. Some of the tips include attracting people with mystery, sharing quotes from others, asking clients for references, showing humor, explaining industry terms simply, showing work processes, sharing mistakes and lessons learned, and creating infographics. The overall message is that sharing a variety of content types, from the professional to the personal, can help engage audiences on social media.
Marketing v soci¨¢ln¨ªch m¨¦di¨ªch | 5. hodina | Tvorba strategie pro soci¨¢ln¨ª m¨¦diamascha_dudu
Na t¨¦to hodin¨§ jsme se podrobn¨§ji bavili o v?stupu z cel¨¦ho p?edm¨§tu. Studuj¨ªc¨ª maj¨ª toti? za ¨²kol sepsat strategii p?soben¨ª vybran¨¦ zna?ky v soci¨¢ln¨ªch m¨¦di¨ªch. Jak¨¦ m¨¢ strategie pota?mo zna?ka c¨ªle, pro koho je ur?ena, jak? je aktu¨¢ln¨ª stav brandu, jak si vede konkurence, jak¨¦ jsou p?¨ªle?itosti pro dan? brand a obor a pak v?echny mo?n¨¦ s¨ªt¨§ od Facebooku a? po Pinterest, informace o n¨¢stroj¨ªch pro spr¨¢vu SM, rozd¨§len¨ª rol¨ª, monitoring, vyhodnocov¨¢n¨ª c¨ªl?, krizov¨¢ komunikace atd... To v?echno by m¨§la spr¨¢vn¨§ sepsan¨¢ strategie obsahovat.
Abychom si v?ichni srovnali z¨¢kladn¨ª znalosti, definovali jsme si pojem "soci¨¢ln¨ª m¨¦dium" jako zast?e?uj¨ªc¨ª pro dal?¨ª r?zn¨¦ slu?by nebo aplikace. Soci¨¢ln¨ª m¨¦dia tedy d¨§l¨ªme nap?¨ªklad na blogy, mikroblogy, diskusn¨ª f¨®ra, soci¨¢ln¨ª s¨ªt¨§, LBS, n¨¢stroje pro sd¨ªlen¨ª multim¨¦di¨ª a dal?¨ª. Tak?e ?e? byla p?edev?¨ªm o Facebooku, Twitteru, Instagramu, Pinterestu, Tumbleru, Google+, LinkedInu, ºÝºÝߣshare aj. slu?b¨¢ch a o tom, jak je mo?n¨¦ je marketingov¨§ vyu?¨ªt.
O evoluci komunikace, od interperson¨¢ln¨ª, p?es masovou a? po s¨ª?ovou komunikaci skrze nov¨¢ soci¨¢ln¨ª m¨¦dia. Vin Crosbie a jeho tri¨¢da komunikace, Clay Shirky a p¨§t komunika?n¨ªch revoluc¨ª, Clara Shih a ?ty?i revoluce v obchodn¨ª sf¨¦?e a rozd¨ªl mezi pojmy Web 2.0 a Social Media. D?le?it?m z¨¢v¨§rem je porozum¨§n¨ª, ?e nov? model komunikace nen¨ª nijak revolu?n¨ª, sp¨ª?e dopl¨¾uje star?¨ª typy. Revolu?n¨ª je tento nov? prostor pro marketing, kter? mus¨ª k lidem (kte?¨ª z?st¨¢vaj¨ª st¨¢le stejn¨ª) p?istupovat jinak ne? v masov?ch m¨¦di¨ªch.
Marketing v soci¨¢ln¨ªch m¨¦di¨ªch | 4. hodina | Zna?ka v soci¨¢ln¨ªch m¨¦di¨ªchmascha_dudu
O tom, co je to v?bec zna?ka, ?e nejde jenom o logo, ale o komplexn¨ª ztv¨¢rn¨§n¨ª zna?ky (od loga, p?es slogan a? po maskoty), o funk?n¨ªm a emo?n¨§-symbolick¨¦m v?znamu zna?ky, o hodnot¨§ zna?ky (pov¨§dom¨ª, asociace, loajalita) a o strategick¨¦m ?¨ªzen¨ª zna?ky. D¨¢le pak o nov¨¦m medi¨¢ln¨ªm prost?ed¨ª soci¨¢ln¨ªch m¨¦di¨ªch a jak se t¨ªmto ohledem mus¨ª prom¨§nit marketing. Zna?ka by v SM m¨§la budovat komunity, vytv¨¢?et obsah, komunikovat a naslouchat.
QR k¨®d vytetovan? na t¨§le umo?¨¾uje komukoliv se do tetov¨¢n¨ª nalogovat p?es interface na www.opentattoo.cz a m¨§nit jeho obsah. Log in! Change the tattoo! Change the body!