The slides of Artificial Intelligence and Entertainment Science (AIES) Workshop 2021 Keynote lecture
Empathic Entertainment in Digital Game
A digital game give a unique experience to a user. AI system in Digital game consists of three kinds of AI such as Meta-AI, Character AI, and Spatial AI. Game experience is formed by them. Meta-AI keeps watching a status of game and controlling characters, objects, terrain, weather and so on dynamically to make many dramatic and empathic situations in a game for users. Character AI is a brain of an autonomous game character to make a decision by itself, but sometimes it acts to achieve a goal issued from Meta-AI. Spatial AI analyses a terrain and abstracts its features to communicate them to Meta-AI and Character-AI. They can make their intelligent decisions by using specific terrain and environment features. The AI system is called MCS-AI dynamic cooperative model (Meta-AI, Character AI, and Spatial AI dynamic cooperative model). In the lecture, I will explain the system by showing some cases of published digital games.
The document discusses the differences between making a microwave and creating artificial intelligence. It explores how intelligence may have common principles across different animals and how studying biology can help understand intelligence and realize it in computers and robots. It also discusses approaches to building AI through engineering as well as understanding what intelligence is through philosophy and science. Finally, it discusses game engines and their role in simulating physical, chemical, economic, social and biological rules to create virtual worlds.
42. AlphaGoとDeep Learning
?Christopher Clark, Amos Storkey: Teaching Deep Convolutional
Neural Networks to Play Go, arXiv:1412.3409 (2014).
?Maddison, Chris J., Huang, Aja, Sutskever, Ilya, and Silver, David:
Move Evaluation in Go Using Deep Convolutional Neural
Networks, arXiv:1412.6564, (2014).
?Yuandong Tian, Yan Zhu: Better Computer Go Player with Neural
Network and Long-term Prediction, arXiv:1511.06210, (2015).
67. Dragon Age : Way Point
Dragon Age pathfinding program put to the test
68. メタAI(=AI Director)によるユーザーのリラックス度に応じた敵出現度
Build Up …プレイヤーの緊張度が目標値を超えるまで
Sustain Peak … 緊張度のピークを3-5秒維持するために、
Peak Fade … 敵の数を最小限へ減少していく。
Relax … プレイヤーたちが安全な領域へ行くまで、30-45秒間、
Michael Booth, "The AI Systems of Left 4 Dead," Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference at Stanford.
72. 強化学習
(例)格闘ゲームTaoFeng におけるキャラクター学習
Ralf Herbrich, Thore Graepel, Joaquin Qui?onero Candela Applied Games Group,Microsoft Research Cambridge
"Forza, Halo, Xbox Live The Magic of Research in Microsoft Products"
73. 強化学習
(例)格闘ゲームTaoFeng におけるキャラクター学習
Ralf Herbrich, Thore Graepel, Joaquin Qui?onero Candela Applied Games Group,Microsoft Research Cambridge
"Forza, Halo, Xbox Live The Magic of Research in Microsoft Products"
Microsoft Research Playing Machines: Machine Learning Applications in Computer Games
Video Games and Artificial Intelligence