The document discusses various techniques for artificial intelligence and online experimentation. It covers topics like Python, Scala, web development, AI, ROI analysis, A/B testing, cost per acquisition, click-through rate, epsilon-greedy algorithms, softmax, UCB, multi-armed bandits, minimax, alpha-beta pruning, reinforcement learning, and more. Many sections provide references and links for further reading.
The document discusses various techniques for artificial intelligence and online experimentation. It covers topics like Python, Scala, web development, AI, ROI analysis, A/B testing, cost per acquisition, click-through rate, epsilon-greedy algorithms, softmax, UCB, multi-armed bandits, minimax, alpha-beta pruning, reinforcement learning, and more. Many sections provide references and links for further reading.
論文紹介 Anomaly Detection using One-Class Neural Networks (修正版Katsuki Ohto
This document discusses anomaly detection using one-class neural networks (OC-NN). It begins by introducing one-class support vector machines (OC-SVM) which learn a decision boundary to distinguish normal data points from anomalies using only normal data for training. The document then presents OC-NN as an alternative, where a neural network is trained to learn a low-dimensional representation of only normal data, and anomalies are detected as points with a large reconstruction error. It evaluates OC-NN on several datasets, finding it can achieve good performance compared to OC-SVM at detecting anomalies, as measured by the area under the ROC curve metric.
This document discusses an AI assistant named YuriCat on Github and Twitter. It provides its creation year as 1990 and age as 15. It then lists its top 5 skills as AI, with the 5th being PONANZA. The document suggests the assistant has over 80 repositories on Github and over 200 followers on Twitter. It calculates its total experience points as 1000 based on experience points gained from years of experience and number of followers. The conclusion is that while the assistant has improved over time, there is still room for improvement to become a truly helpful AI.
Introduction of "TrailBlazer" algorithmKatsuki Ohto
論文「Blazing the trails before beating the path: Sample-efficient Monte-Carlo planning」紹介スライドです。NIPS2016読み会@PFN(2017/1/19) にて。
9. 参考 囲碁のニューラルネット
AlphaGo論文:全13層の Convolutional Neural Network
- Residual Network にして深くしたり
- Spatial Batch Normalization を使う
(最新のAlphaGoの policy net は 40層という噂)
Silver et al. (2016)
Mastering the game of Go with Deep
Neural Networks and Tree Search