The document discusses problems with traditional geographical distribution approaches and proposes a 3D distribution model. The traditional model of appointing one distributor per territory does not fully explore market opportunities or target all customer groups. A 3D approach divides the market by geography, product lines, and customer groups. Distributors are chosen based on their ability to reach key customer segments. This helps maximize sales potential by ensuring all relevant customers in a region can be reached for each product line.
2. The problem lies
The majority of producers build their
distribution network using geographical
approach by appointing specific distributor
per specific territory
In result these producers underperform in
sales and are not able to explore all market
opportunities that are available for them
3. Geographical approach in distribution
Producer appoints
distributor per territory
E.g. one distributor per
Federal district of Russia
And then producer thinks
that the mission is
But it is wrong!! It is wishful
4. The problem lies
In several years the producer will feel that
competition is developing but own sales are
The hindrance is own distribution approach!
5. Imagine
Imagine the company is producing chairs
ordinary office chairs and they are sold through
distribution network arranged on geographical
The distributors are office furniture wholesalers
who have showrooms overwhelmed with
hundreds of office furniture pieces and dozens
kinds of chairs
Are you sure you reach all customers with such
distribution network?
6. Customer groups..
Do you think state-owned companies are
buying furniture by visiting showrooms?
No they buy on tenders
Do your distributors bid for tenders?
So you are losing state-owned customers
7. Special product group
Your company produces bar chairs and due to
your company has agreement with regional
furniture wholesaler you sell bar chairs in
office furniture showrooms
Do your target customers , which are cafes &
restaurants will get idea to visit office
furniture showrooms to buy bar chairs?
9. 3D distribution
3D distribution concept helps to
1. Explore full market opportunities geographical-
2. Explore full potential of your company product
3. Target all customer groups that may consumer
your company products
10. Customer groups
Prepare the list of all potential customer
groups that may consume your company
product range being divided into product
Build distribution network and appoint
distributors keeping in mind their ability to
target at least Key customer groups