Gordon Sharp HandoutHayley PallisterThis document discusses new solutions for controlling outside air to reduce energy usage and carbon footprint while maintaining indoor air quality. It describes multiplexed sensing technology that routes air samples from multiple locations to central sensors, allowing accurate differential measurement and dynamic control of ventilation. Case studies show this approach improved energy efficiency in buildings while keeping indoor pollutant levels low.
Kari Smith Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterGulf Coast Green speaker, Kari Smith, of Louisiana State University, presented "Water 58" on 4/15/2010 in Houston, Texas
Kent Peterson Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterGulf Coast Green speaker, Kent Peterson, presented "Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings" on 4/15/2010 in Houston, Texas
Foncier économique en bretagne - 2011CCI BretagneLa pression foncière s'est renforcée au cours de ces dernières années comme le prouvent les problèmes récurrents de conflits d'usage des espaces. Dans le contexte de mise en place de la conférence pour une nouvelle stratégie foncière en Bretagne, la CCI de Bretagne vient d'actualiser son étude sur les capacités d'accueil des entreprises à l'horizon 2020 dans les zones d'activités d'intérêt régional (ZIR).
Retrouvez ci-dessous l'ensemble des analyses et préconisations qui y sont présentées (1,76 MO).
Hodges and Pealer- Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterRetrofitting Multifamily Properties to Enhance Affordability
Authors: Lisa Hodges, Washington DC Housing Authority and Casius Pealer, USGBC
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Bill WalshHayley PallisterThis document summarizes the work of the Healthy Building Network in promoting healthier building materials. It discusses past successes in phasing out toxic materials like chromated copper arsenic and current efforts to eliminate persistent, bioaccumulative toxins and endocrine disruptors. The Network is working to include stricter chemical avoidance policies in standards like LEED and develop new tools like Health Product Declarations to improve disclosure of product ingredients and hazards. The goal is to drive a generational change towards greener chemistry and materials that are safer for human health and the environment.
Gulf Coast Green - Tim DugganHayley PallisterGulf Coast Green speakers, Tim Duggan and Ritchie Katko, presented " Making it Right: A Progress Report on Recovery in New Orleans" on 4/15/2010 in Houston, Texas
Timothy Peglow- Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterMD Anderson Energy Initiatives, reduced annual energy costs by $1 million in 2009
Author: Timothy Peglow, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Patient Care and Prevention Facililties
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Stan CoxHayley PallisterThis document discusses the impact of air conditioning on society and the environment through 5 sections:
1. Energy and climate - Air conditioning usage has significantly increased energy consumption in the US and India. Average house sizes and temperatures have also increased.
2. Efficiency - While efficiency gains reduce energy usage, they can enable increased consumption by reducing the perceived need for conservation.
3. Culture - Air conditioning has transformed culture by enabling year-round indoor activities and reshaping urban and building design.
4. Productivity - Some argue air conditioning improves productivity by keeping indoor temperatures comfortable, while others say efficiency gains could enable shorter work hours with minimal impact.
5. Comfort and health - Surveys
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Laura SpanjianHayley PallisterThis document provides information on several websites related to green initiatives in Houston, Texas. The websites listed include www.greenhoustontx.gov, which is the city's main site for sustainability programs, www.codegreenhouston.org which focuses on green building codes, and www.houstongoc.org and www.houston.bcycle.com which promote green transportation options in the city. The document encourages following Houston's efforts to become a greener city and provides the URLs for additional details on programs and policies to reduce the city's environmental impact.
Kathleen English Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterGulf Coast Green speaker, Kathleen English, presented "Petrobras Americas: An ROI Case Study" on 4/16/2010 in Houston, Texas
Cn Uclimateframework4 06Hayley PallisterThe document outlines a proposed framework for a CNU Climate Change Initiative with the following key points:
1. The initiative would leverage CNU's urbanist principles and experience partnering on issues like HOPE VI to address climate change by promoting walkable, mixed-use development as a solution.
2. It would develop tools like revised Canons and case studies to help members and communities meet goals like Architecture 2030's carbon reduction targets and mayors' climate agreements.
3. The initiative would include curriculum, chapter programs, and policy campaigns to widely disseminate the strategies and advocate for adoption, with the goal of presenting results at the next CNU Congress.
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Joe WebbHayley PallisterThe document discusses the benefits of green roofs, including reducing stormwater runoff, improving water quality, decreasing water use, reducing the urban heat island effect, and conserving energy. It provides details on five green roofs constructed in Houston totaling 1.4 acres. The green roofs are estimated to retain over 1 acre-foot of stormwater runoff annually. Evapotranspiration from the green roofs is estimated to offset cooling loads and save over $600-800 per year in energy costs.
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Mitchell ThomashowHayley PallisterThe document outlines the nine elements of a sustainable culture/campus: infrastructure, community, and learning. Infrastructure includes energy, food, and materials. Community includes governance, investment, and wellness. Learning includes curriculum, aesthetics, and interpretation. Each element is described in 1-2 paragraphs, outlining key aspects and questions to consider to make progress toward sustainability in that area. The overall goal is to train a new generation of sustainability leaders through experiential learning and leading by example with campus initiatives.
Foncier économique en bretagneCCI Bretagne Les CCI de Bretagne ont mené une réflexion visant à connaître les capacités d’accueil des entreprises à l’horizon 2020 dans les zones d’activités économiques bretonnes. Découvrez les résultats ainsi que les propositions des CCI.
China Business Managementguest65db78The document provides information about a business management training course in China for Italian students and managers. The course is offered by The Training College of the National Statistics Bureau of the People's Republic of China in Shenzhen and aims to teach practical skills for working in or with Chinese companies. It is split into three progressive modules over 4 weeks and covers topics such as Chinese business practices, tax regulations, quality assurance, and human resources. The course is taught in Italian by experts with experience in China-Italy business relations.
Brazil의 역사와 문화Kwon Sun PhilBrazil and the United States are compared in terms of size, population, colonial influence, capital cities, ethnic groups, exports, and recent presidents. Brazil was colonized by Portugal beginning in 1500 and gained independence in 1822 becoming a constitutional monarchy. It transitioned to a republic in 1889 and experienced periods of dictatorship between 1930-1985. Key figures that shaped Brazil include Vargas who instituted reforms in the 1930s-40s and Lula da Silva who was elected in 2002. Brazilian culture is characterized by soccer, Carnival, samba music, capoeira, architecture, favelas, and the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé.
Ashrae Sustainability The Road To Net Zero GcgHayley PallisterThe document discusses ASHRAE's goals and initiatives around sustainability and net zero energy buildings. It outlines ASHRAE's roadmap to develop tools enabling net zero energy buildings by 2030 through standards like 90.1 and 189.1. It also discusses opportunities in existing buildings, which represent most buildings that will exist in 2030 and offer the greatest potential for reduced energy use through retrofits.
공감의 시대Kwon Sun Phil사회적 경제를 많이 이야기 하지만 사회적 경제는 농업시대나 산업시대 그리고 지식정보시대와는 다른 새로운 눈으로 세계를 보는 것을 의미한다. 리프킨의 공감의 시대에서 아이디어를 얻어 사회적 경제가 시작되기 위해서는 공감이 더 중요함을 강조하고자 한다. 그러나 공감이전에는 공존이 있어야 하고, 공감 이후에는 소통을 통한 협력이 있어야하고, 생산의 주체가 형성되어야만 사회적 경제로 넘어간다고 할 수있을 것이다. 사회적 경제도 경제이다, 다만 생산이후의 소비를 위한 교환이 돈을 매개로한 자본주의적 교환을 넘어서는 것이 될 때 사회적 경제가 가능해진다.
집단지성의 시대(인사관리자 교육 090429)Kwon Sun Phil개인지성에 의존하는 근대적 관리를 넘어 집단지성을 창출해 내야하는 새로운 상황에 맞는 관리와 리더십을 탐구합니다.
리더가 없는 리더십, 관리가 없는 관리를 생각해 봅니다.
의사소통과 회의를 바꾸는 것에기초한 새로운 조직 문화를 생가해 봅니다.
Gulf Coast Green - Tim DugganHayley PallisterGulf Coast Green speakers, Tim Duggan and Ritchie Katko, presented " Making it Right: A Progress Report on Recovery in New Orleans" on 4/15/2010 in Houston, Texas
Timothy Peglow- Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterMD Anderson Energy Initiatives, reduced annual energy costs by $1 million in 2009
Author: Timothy Peglow, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Patient Care and Prevention Facililties
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Stan CoxHayley PallisterThis document discusses the impact of air conditioning on society and the environment through 5 sections:
1. Energy and climate - Air conditioning usage has significantly increased energy consumption in the US and India. Average house sizes and temperatures have also increased.
2. Efficiency - While efficiency gains reduce energy usage, they can enable increased consumption by reducing the perceived need for conservation.
3. Culture - Air conditioning has transformed culture by enabling year-round indoor activities and reshaping urban and building design.
4. Productivity - Some argue air conditioning improves productivity by keeping indoor temperatures comfortable, while others say efficiency gains could enable shorter work hours with minimal impact.
5. Comfort and health - Surveys
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Laura SpanjianHayley PallisterThis document provides information on several websites related to green initiatives in Houston, Texas. The websites listed include www.greenhoustontx.gov, which is the city's main site for sustainability programs, www.codegreenhouston.org which focuses on green building codes, and www.houstongoc.org and www.houston.bcycle.com which promote green transportation options in the city. The document encourages following Houston's efforts to become a greener city and provides the URLs for additional details on programs and policies to reduce the city's environmental impact.
Kathleen English Gulf Coast Green 2010Hayley PallisterGulf Coast Green speaker, Kathleen English, presented "Petrobras Americas: An ROI Case Study" on 4/16/2010 in Houston, Texas
Cn Uclimateframework4 06Hayley PallisterThe document outlines a proposed framework for a CNU Climate Change Initiative with the following key points:
1. The initiative would leverage CNU's urbanist principles and experience partnering on issues like HOPE VI to address climate change by promoting walkable, mixed-use development as a solution.
2. It would develop tools like revised Canons and case studies to help members and communities meet goals like Architecture 2030's carbon reduction targets and mayors' climate agreements.
3. The initiative would include curriculum, chapter programs, and policy campaigns to widely disseminate the strategies and advocate for adoption, with the goal of presenting results at the next CNU Congress.
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Joe WebbHayley PallisterThe document discusses the benefits of green roofs, including reducing stormwater runoff, improving water quality, decreasing water use, reducing the urban heat island effect, and conserving energy. It provides details on five green roofs constructed in Houston totaling 1.4 acres. The green roofs are estimated to retain over 1 acre-foot of stormwater runoff annually. Evapotranspiration from the green roofs is estimated to offset cooling loads and save over $600-800 per year in energy costs.
Gulf Coast Green 2012 Mitchell ThomashowHayley PallisterThe document outlines the nine elements of a sustainable culture/campus: infrastructure, community, and learning. Infrastructure includes energy, food, and materials. Community includes governance, investment, and wellness. Learning includes curriculum, aesthetics, and interpretation. Each element is described in 1-2 paragraphs, outlining key aspects and questions to consider to make progress toward sustainability in that area. The overall goal is to train a new generation of sustainability leaders through experiential learning and leading by example with campus initiatives.
Foncier économique en bretagneCCI Bretagne Les CCI de Bretagne ont mené une réflexion visant à connaître les capacités d’accueil des entreprises à l’horizon 2020 dans les zones d’activités économiques bretonnes. Découvrez les résultats ainsi que les propositions des CCI.
China Business Managementguest65db78The document provides information about a business management training course in China for Italian students and managers. The course is offered by The Training College of the National Statistics Bureau of the People's Republic of China in Shenzhen and aims to teach practical skills for working in or with Chinese companies. It is split into three progressive modules over 4 weeks and covers topics such as Chinese business practices, tax regulations, quality assurance, and human resources. The course is taught in Italian by experts with experience in China-Italy business relations.
Brazil의 역사와 문화Kwon Sun PhilBrazil and the United States are compared in terms of size, population, colonial influence, capital cities, ethnic groups, exports, and recent presidents. Brazil was colonized by Portugal beginning in 1500 and gained independence in 1822 becoming a constitutional monarchy. It transitioned to a republic in 1889 and experienced periods of dictatorship between 1930-1985. Key figures that shaped Brazil include Vargas who instituted reforms in the 1930s-40s and Lula da Silva who was elected in 2002. Brazilian culture is characterized by soccer, Carnival, samba music, capoeira, architecture, favelas, and the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé.
Ashrae Sustainability The Road To Net Zero GcgHayley PallisterThe document discusses ASHRAE's goals and initiatives around sustainability and net zero energy buildings. It outlines ASHRAE's roadmap to develop tools enabling net zero energy buildings by 2030 through standards like 90.1 and 189.1. It also discusses opportunities in existing buildings, which represent most buildings that will exist in 2030 and offer the greatest potential for reduced energy use through retrofits.
공감의 시대Kwon Sun Phil사회적 경제를 많이 이야기 하지만 사회적 경제는 농업시대나 산업시대 그리고 지식정보시대와는 다른 새로운 눈으로 세계를 보는 것을 의미한다. 리프킨의 공감의 시대에서 아이디어를 얻어 사회적 경제가 시작되기 위해서는 공감이 더 중요함을 강조하고자 한다. 그러나 공감이전에는 공존이 있어야 하고, 공감 이후에는 소통을 통한 협력이 있어야하고, 생산의 주체가 형성되어야만 사회적 경제로 넘어간다고 할 수있을 것이다. 사회적 경제도 경제이다, 다만 생산이후의 소비를 위한 교환이 돈을 매개로한 자본주의적 교환을 넘어서는 것이 될 때 사회적 경제가 가능해진다.
집단지성의 시대(인사관리자 교육 090429)Kwon Sun Phil개인지성에 의존하는 근대적 관리를 넘어 집단지성을 창출해 내야하는 새로운 상황에 맞는 관리와 리더십을 탐구합니다.
리더가 없는 리더십, 관리가 없는 관리를 생각해 봅니다.
의사소통과 회의를 바꾸는 것에기초한 새로운 조직 문화를 생가해 봅니다.
4. 쉬기
복받기 (blessed) 와 거룩함 (santified)
1. 육체적 쉼
2. 정서적 쉼
3. 지적인 쉼
4. 사회적 쉼
5. 영적인 쉼
• 내몸에 맞는 휴식을 찾자 .
• 온몸으로 느끼는 행복한 휴식체험
– 삼림욕
– 허브
– 요가
– 발마사지
• 감성으로 젖어드는 휴식
– 음악감상
– 여행
• 나를 찾아 떠나는 여행
– 명상
– 묵상
• 물속에서 푹 쉬어라
– 목욕
– 사우나
– 온천
– 스파
5. 즐거운 추석 !?
Happy Chusuk!?
추석에 가장 걱정되는 것
전 체 남 자 여자
(2540 명 ) (934 명 , 37%) (1606 명 , 63%)
1. 경제적 비용 40%(1009 명 ) 41%(380 명 ) 39%(629 명 )
2. 이동시간 17%(431 명 ) 24%(225 명 ) 13%(206 명 )
3. 집안갈등 10%(255 명 ) 10%(95 명 ) 10%(160 명 )
4. 생활리듬의 불균형 10%(251 명 ) 8%(78 명 ) 11%(173 명 )
5. 가사업무 8%(214 명 ) 2%(22 명 ) 12%(192 명 )
6. 업무 또는 공부 방해 8%(199 명 ) 8%(78 명 ) 8%(134
명 )
7. 기타 7%(181 명 ) 7%(69 명 ) 7%(112
명 )
2001 년 하늘사랑조사결과
6. 즐기기
그침 , 쉼 , 그 다음에는 향연 (feasting) 이 온다
안식 ( 일 ) 을 지키는 것에는
일과 염려로부터의 자유와 이것들에 대한 회개 ( 그침 ),
우리의 온 존재를 은혜에 기초한 믿음 안에서 새롭게 하
기 ( 쉼 ),
우리의 선택과 가치판단의 의도성 뿐만 아니라 매주 열
리는 종말론적 파티의 흥겨움과 축제 ( 즐기기 ) 도 포
함된다 .
종말론적이란 단어를 사용한 것은 우리의 향연에서 현
재의 기쁨에 대한 경험과 미래 , 곧 기쁨의 영원한 완
성에 대한 기다림 둘 다를 강조하기 위해서이다 .
미르바 던 , [ 안식 ]. IVP 179 쪽
7. 즐기기
• 우뇌와 좌뇌의 균형
– 일에는 좌뇌가 활동하고 놀이에는 우뇌가
– 우뇌 : 감각 , 감정 , 창의성 , 직관의 활용
• 진정한 친밀감
– 술의 힘이나 교묘한 사교술에 의한 즐거움
이 아닌 진정한 즐거움을 경험
• 종말론적 향연 (Eschatological Feast)
12. 오늘이라는 이름의 은행매일아침 당신에게 86,400 원을 입금 해주는
은행이 있다고 상상해 보세요 .
그 계좌는 그러나 당일이 지나면 잔액이 남지않습니다 .
매일 저녁 ,
당신이 그 계좌에서 쓰지 못하고 남은 잔액은 그냥 지워져
버리죠 .
당신이라면 , 어떻게 하시겠어요 ?
당연히 ! 그날 모두 인출해야죠 !! 그리고 사용하셔야지
요 .
시간은 우리에게 마치 이런 은행과도 같답니다 .
매일 아침 , 86,400 초를 우리는 부여받고 ,
매일 밤 , 우리가 좋은 목적으로 사용하지 못하고 버려진
시간은 그냥 없어져 버릴 뿐이죠 .
잔액은 없습니다 . 더 많이 사용할 수도 없어요 .
내일 아침 그리고 매일 매일 , 은행은 당신에게 새로운 돈
을 넣어주죠 .
매일 밤 , 그날의 남은 돈은 남김없이 사라져버립니다 .
그날의 돈을 모두 사용하지 못했다면 ,
손해는 오로지 당신이 보게 되는 거죠 .
돌아갈 수도 없고 , 내일로 연장시킬 수도 없습니다 .
단지 오늘 현재의 내게 주어진 잔고를 갖고 살아갈 뿐입니
다 .
건강과 ,
행복과 ,
성공을 위해 최대한 사용할 수 있을만큼
뽑아쓰십시오 ! 마음껏 사용하세요 .
지나가는 시간 속에서 ,
하루는 최선을 다해 보내야 합니다 .
1 년의 가치를 알고 싶으시다면
학점을 받지 못한 학생에게 물어보세요 .
한달의 가치를 알고 싶다면
미숙아를 낳은 어머니를 찾아가세요 .
한주의 가치는 신문 편집자들이 잘 알고 있을 겁니다 .
한 시간의 가치가 궁금하면
사랑하는 이를 기다리는 사람에게 물어보세요 .
일분의 가치는 , 열차를 놓친 사람에게 ,
일초의 가치는 아찔한 사고를 순간적으로
피할 수 있었던 사람에게
천분의 일초의 소중함은
아깝게 은메달에 머문 그 육상선수에게 물어보세요 .
당신이 가지신 모든 순간을 소중히 여기십시오 .
또한 , 당신에게 너무나 특별한 ,
그래서 시간을 투자할 만큼 그렇게 소중한 사람과
시간을 공유했기에 그 순간은 더욱 소중합니다 .
시간은 아무도 기다려주지 않는다는 평범한 진리 .
어제는 이미 지나간 역사이며 ,
미래는 알 수 없습니다 .
오늘이야말로 당신에게 주어진 선물이며 ,
그래서 우리들는 현재 (present) 를 선물 (present) 이라고
부르나 봅니다 .
< 코카콜라 회장의 2000 년 신년사中에서 >
16. 멘토링 , 코칭
생각을 하여야 한다 .
내가 이기고 있는가 , 아니면 지고 있는가 ?
최종적으로 내가 얻고자 하는 것은 무엇인가 ?
행동을 하여야 한다 .
생각 만으로 그친다면 그 생각은 아무런 의미가 없다 .
생각을 뒷받침해줄 행동이 필요하다 .
그리하여 그 행동이 습관이 되어야 한다 .
이길 수 있는 생각이 습관으로 되었을 때 진정 이길 수 있다 .
그리하면 습관의 변화로 인해 성품이 바뀐다 .
그리하면 그 성품의 변화로 인해 운명이 바뀐다 .
17. 빌립보서 4 장 4-7
4. 주 안에서 항상 기뻐하라 내가 다시 말하노니
5. 너희 관용을 모든 사람에게 알게 하라 주께서
6. 아무 것도 염려하지 말고 오직 모든 일에 기
도와 간구로 , 너희 구할 것을 감사함으로 하
나님께 아뢰라
7. 그리하면 모든 지각에 뛰어난 하나님의 평강
이 그리스도 예수 안에서 너희 마음과 생각을
지키시리라 .