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4. The Ear
The Ear
The ear consists of:
 External ear.
 Middle ear, or tympanic
 Internal ear, or labyrinth,
contains the organs of
hearing & balance.
External Ear
 The external ear has:
 External auditory meatus.
The auricle:
 Has a characteristic shape.
 Collects air vibrations.
 Consists of a thin plate of elastic
cartilage covered by skin.
 It possesses extrinsic & intrinsic
muscles, which are supplied by
the facial nerve.
External Ear
The external auditory meatus
 Is a curved tube that conducts
sound waves from the auricle to
the tympanic membrane.
 It outer 1/3 is elastic cartilage & the
inner 2/3 is bone, formed by the
tympanic plate.
 It is lined by skin & its outer 1/3 is
provided with hairs & sebaceous &
ceruminous glands (modified sweat
glands) that secrete the wax.
 Sensory supply: auriculotemporal
nerve & auricular branch of vagus.
Clinical Notes
Tympanic Membrane Examination
 Otoscopic examination of the
tympanic membrane is
facilitated by first straightening
the external auditory meatus by
gently pulling the auricle upward
& backward in the adult &
straight backward or backward
& downward in the infant.
 Normally, tympanic membrane
is pearly gray & concave.
Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
 It is a small, oblique, biconvex cavity
its long axis lies parallel to the plane
of the tympanic membrane.
 It lies inside the petrous part of the
temporal bone, lined by mucous m.
 It contains the auditory ossicles,
that transmit the vibrations of the
tympanic membrane to the
perilymph of the internal ear.
 It has: roof, floor, 4 walls, ant., post,
medial & lateral, it communicates:
 In front with the nasopharynx
through the auditory tube.
 Behind with the mastoid antrum.
Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
Roof: a thin plate of bone,
tegmen tympani, which
separates the middle ear from
the middle cranial fossa.
Floor: a thin plate of bone
which separates it from the
superior bulb of the internal
jugular vein.
Lateral wall: mainly by the
tympanic membrane.
Medial wall: separates the
middle ear from the inner ear,
shows the following features:
Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
 The promontory: is a rounded
bulge produced by the 1st turn
of the cochlea.
 Oval window: above & behind
the promontory, it leads to the
vestibule of the inner ear.
 Rounded window: below &
behind the promontory, closed
by the 2ry tympanic membrane.
 Horizontal part of the fascial
canal: arching above the
promontory &oval window.
Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
Anterior wall:
 Upper part, 2 openings into 2 canals:
 The upper for tensor tympani muscle.
 The lower for the auditory tube.
 Lower part, a thin plate of bone,
separates it from internal carotid artery
Posterior wall: shows the following:
 Aditus: is the inlet to mastoid antrum.
 Pyramid a small projection, its apex
transmits the tendon of stapedius
 Vertical part of the fascial canal: lies
medial to the aditus.
4._The_Ear_3 and all the anantomy of it.pdf
The tympanic membrane
 It is a thin, fibrous membrane, pearly
gray in color, circular, 1 cm diameter.
 It is obliquely placed, facing downward &
 It is concave laterally & contains small
depression, the umbo, produced by the
handle of the malleus.
 Its greater part is tense (pars tensa), but
a small triangular part at its upper border
is lax (pars flaccida).
 Extremely sensitive to pain innervated
on its outer surface by auriculotemporal
nerve & the auricular branch of vagus.
Auditory Ossicles
 There are 3 ossicles articulating
together , from lateral to medial:
the malleus, incus & stapes.
 The malleus is fixed to the
tympanic membrane while the
stapes is fixed at the fenestra
vestibuli & the incus in between.
 The stapedius muscle in inserted to
the neck of the stapes & is supplied
by the fascial nerve.
 The tensor tempani muscle is
inserted in the handle of the
Muscles of the Ossicles
Auditory (Eustachean) Tube
 It connects the anterior wall of
the tympanic cavity to the nasal
 Its posterior 1/3 is bony & its
anterior 2/3 is cartilaginous,
related superiorly to the skull,
&inferiorly it passes over the
superior constrictor muscle of
the pharynx.
 It serves to equalize air pressures in
the tympanic cavity & the nasal
Complications of Otitis Media
 Pathogenic organisms can gain entrance to the middle ear
by ascending through the auditory tube.
 Acute infection of the middle ear (otitis media) produces
bulging & redness of the tympanic membrane.
 Spread of the infection into the mastoid antrum & the
mastoid air cells (acute mastoiditis).
 Superior spread of the infection could produce
meningitis & a cerebral abscess in the temporal lobe.
 Medial spread of the infection can cause a facial nerve
palsy & labyrinthitis with vertigo.
 Posterior spread can cause sigmoid sinus thrombosis.
 These various complications emphasize the importance of
knowing the anatomy of this region.
Facial Nerve
 Fiber Type: Sensory, motor, (special
sensation, parasympathetic).
 Origin: Pons (Cerebellopontine
 On reaching the bottom of the
internal acoustic meatus the facial
nerve enters the facial canal.
 The nerve runs laterally above the
vestibule of the internal ear until it
reaches the medial wall of the
middle ear. Here, the nerve expands
to form the sensory geniculate
Facial Nerve
 The nerve then bends sharply
backward above the
 On arriving at the posterior wall
of the middle ear, it curves
downward on the medial side of
the aditus of the mastoid
 It descends in the posterior wall
of the middle ear, behind the
pyramid & finally emerges
through the stylomastoid
foramen into the neck.
Important Branches of the
Intrapetrous Part of the Facial Nerve
 The greater petrosal nerve arises from the facial nerve at the
geniculate ganglion It contains preganglionic parasympathetic
 The nerve to the stapedius arises from the facial nerve as it
descends in the facial canal behind the pyramid ,It supplies
the muscle within the pyramid.
 The chorda tympani arises from the facial nerve just above
the stylomastoid foramen
 The chorda tympani contains:
 Taste fibers from the mucous membrane covering the
anterior two thirds of the tongue & the floor of the mouth.
 Preganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers that
reach the submandibular ganglion & are there relayed to the
submandibular & sublingual salivary glands. 19
Tympanic Nerve
 Arises from the glossopharyngeal
nerve, just below the jugular
 It passes through the floor of the
middle ear & onto the promontory.
 Here it splits into branches, which
form the tympanic plexus.
 The tympanic plexus supplies the
lining of the middle ear & gives off
the lesser petrosal nerve, which
sends secretomotor fibers to the
parotid gland via the otic ganglion .
The Internal Ear, or Labyrinth
 Situated in the petrous part
of the temporal bone, medial
to the middle ear.
 It consists of:
Bony labyrinth a series of
cavities within the bone.
Membranous labyrinth a
series of membranous sacs &
ducts contained within the
bony labyrinth.
Bony Labyrinth
 Consists of three parts:
 The vestibule.
 The semicircular canals.
 The cochlea.
 These are cavities situated in
the substance of dense bone.
 They are lined by endosteum
& contain clear fluid, the
perilymph in which is
suspended the membranous
The Vestibule
 The central part of the bony
labyrinth, lies posterior to
the cochlea & anterior to the
semicircular canals.
 In its lateral wall are the
fenestra vestibuli, which is
closed by the base of the
stapes & its anular ligament,
& the fenestra cochleae.
 Lodged within the vestibule
are the saccule & utricle of
the membranous labyrinth.
Semicircular Canals
 These are 3 canals, each 2/3 of a
circle, each canal has a swelling at
one end called the ampulla.
 They open into vestibule by 5 orifices
 The superior canal is vertical &
placed at right angles to long axis of
petrous bone.
 The posterior canal is also vertical
but is placed parallel with the long
axis of the petrous bone.
 The lateral canal is set in a horizontal
position & lies in the medial wall of
the aditus to the mastoid antrum,
above the facial nerve canal.
The Cochlea
 It resembles a snail shell.
 It opens into the anterior part of
the vestibule.
 It consists of a central pillar, the
modiolus, around which a
hollow bony tube makes 2.5
spiral turns.
 Each successive turn is of
decreasing radius so that the
whole structure is conical.
 The apex faces anterolaterally &
the base faces posteromedially.
Membranous Labyrinth
 Situated within the bony labyrinth
 It is filled with endolymph &
surrounded by perilymph.
 It consists of:
 The utricle & saccule which placed
in the bony vestibule.
 The 3 semicircular ducts, which lie
within the bony semicircular canals.
 The duct of the cochlea, which lies
within the bony cochlea.
 All these structures freely
communicate with one another.
 Specialized sensory receptors are located on the walls
of the utricle & saccule which are sensitive to the
orientation of the head to gravity.
 When the head begins or stop to move, or accelerates
or decelerates, the endolymph in the semicircular ducts
changes its speed relative to that of the walls of
semicircular ducts.
 This change is detected in the sensory receptors in the
ampullae of the semicircular ducts.
 The highly specialized epithelium that lies on the
basilar membrane forms the spiral Organ of Corti &
contains the sensory receptors for hearing.
Membranous Labyrinth
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)
 It is a sensory nerve(Special
sensory) vestibular & cochlear.
 The vestibular fibers originate
from the vestibule & the
semicircular canals &
 The cochlear fibers originate in
the organ of Corti.
 The 2 types of fibers pass the
internal acoustic meatus as one
nerve to reach the anterior
surface of the brain between
pons & medulla oblongata.
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)
 The vestibular nerve expanded to form vestibular ganglion
 Its branches pierce the lateral end of the internal acoustic
meatus & gain entrance to membranous labyrinth, where
they supply the utricle, the saccule, & the ampullae of the
semicircular ducts.
 Therefore, they are concerned with the sense of position &
with movement of the head.
 Cochlear Fibers: are the central processes of the nerve cells
of the spiral ganglion of the cochlea.
 Originate in the spiral organ of Corti & are therefore
concerned with hearing.
 The peripheral branches of this nerve pass from the ganglion
to the spiral organ of Corti.

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4._The_Ear_3 and all the anantomy of it.pdf

  • 2. The Ear The ear consists of: External ear. Middle ear, or tympanic cavity. Internal ear, or labyrinth, contains the organs of hearing & balance.
  • 3. External Ear The external ear has: Auricle External auditory meatus. The auricle: Has a characteristic shape. Collects air vibrations. Consists of a thin plate of elastic cartilage covered by skin. It possesses extrinsic & intrinsic muscles, which are supplied by the facial nerve.
  • 4. External Ear The external auditory meatus Is a curved tube that conducts sound waves from the auricle to the tympanic membrane. It outer 1/3 is elastic cartilage & the inner 2/3 is bone, formed by the tympanic plate. It is lined by skin & its outer 1/3 is provided with hairs & sebaceous & ceruminous glands (modified sweat glands) that secrete the wax. Sensory supply: auriculotemporal nerve & auricular branch of vagus.
  • 5. Clinical Notes Tympanic Membrane Examination Otoscopic examination of the tympanic membrane is facilitated by first straightening the external auditory meatus by gently pulling the auricle upward & backward in the adult & straight backward or backward & downward in the infant. Normally, tympanic membrane is pearly gray & concave.
  • 6. Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity) It is a small, oblique, biconvex cavity its long axis lies parallel to the plane of the tympanic membrane. It lies inside the petrous part of the temporal bone, lined by mucous m. It contains the auditory ossicles, that transmit the vibrations of the tympanic membrane to the perilymph of the internal ear. It has: roof, floor, 4 walls, ant., post, medial & lateral, it communicates: In front with the nasopharynx through the auditory tube. Behind with the mastoid antrum.
  • 8. Roof: a thin plate of bone, tegmen tympani, which separates the middle ear from the middle cranial fossa. Floor: a thin plate of bone which separates it from the superior bulb of the internal jugular vein. Lateral wall: mainly by the tympanic membrane. Medial wall: separates the middle ear from the inner ear, shows the following features: Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
  • 9. The promontory: is a rounded bulge produced by the 1st turn of the cochlea. Oval window: above & behind the promontory, it leads to the vestibule of the inner ear. Rounded window: below & behind the promontory, closed by the 2ry tympanic membrane. Horizontal part of the fascial canal: arching above the promontory &oval window. Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
  • 10. Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity) Anterior wall: Upper part, 2 openings into 2 canals: The upper for tensor tympani muscle. The lower for the auditory tube. Lower part, a thin plate of bone, separates it from internal carotid artery Posterior wall: shows the following: Aditus: is the inlet to mastoid antrum. Pyramid a small projection, its apex transmits the tendon of stapedius muscle Vertical part of the fascial canal: lies medial to the aditus.
  • 12. The tympanic membrane It is a thin, fibrous membrane, pearly gray in color, circular, 1 cm diameter. It is obliquely placed, facing downward & laterally. It is concave laterally & contains small depression, the umbo, produced by the handle of the malleus. Its greater part is tense (pars tensa), but a small triangular part at its upper border is lax (pars flaccida). Extremely sensitive to pain innervated on its outer surface by auriculotemporal nerve & the auricular branch of vagus.
  • 13. Auditory Ossicles There are 3 ossicles articulating together , from lateral to medial: the malleus, incus & stapes. The malleus is fixed to the tympanic membrane while the stapes is fixed at the fenestra vestibuli & the incus in between. The stapedius muscle in inserted to the neck of the stapes & is supplied by the fascial nerve. The tensor tempani muscle is inserted in the handle of the malleus.
  • 14. Muscles of the Ossicles
  • 15. Auditory (Eustachean) Tube It connects the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity to the nasal pharynx. Its posterior 1/3 is bony & its anterior 2/3 is cartilaginous, related superiorly to the skull, &inferiorly it passes over the superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx. It serves to equalize air pressures in the tympanic cavity & the nasal pharynx.
  • 16. Complications of Otitis Media Pathogenic organisms can gain entrance to the middle ear by ascending through the auditory tube. Acute infection of the middle ear (otitis media) produces bulging & redness of the tympanic membrane. Spread of the infection into the mastoid antrum & the mastoid air cells (acute mastoiditis). Superior spread of the infection could produce meningitis & a cerebral abscess in the temporal lobe. Medial spread of the infection can cause a facial nerve palsy & labyrinthitis with vertigo. Posterior spread can cause sigmoid sinus thrombosis. These various complications emphasize the importance of knowing the anatomy of this region.
  • 17. Facial Nerve Fiber Type: Sensory, motor, (special sensation, parasympathetic). Origin: Pons (Cerebellopontine angle) On reaching the bottom of the internal acoustic meatus the facial nerve enters the facial canal. The nerve runs laterally above the vestibule of the internal ear until it reaches the medial wall of the middle ear. Here, the nerve expands to form the sensory geniculate ganglion.
  • 18. Facial Nerve The nerve then bends sharply backward above the promontory. On arriving at the posterior wall of the middle ear, it curves downward on the medial side of the aditus of the mastoid antrum. It descends in the posterior wall of the middle ear, behind the pyramid & finally emerges through the stylomastoid foramen into the neck.
  • 19. Important Branches of the Intrapetrous Part of the Facial Nerve The greater petrosal nerve arises from the facial nerve at the geniculate ganglion It contains preganglionic parasympathetic fibers. The nerve to the stapedius arises from the facial nerve as it descends in the facial canal behind the pyramid ,It supplies the muscle within the pyramid. The chorda tympani arises from the facial nerve just above the stylomastoid foramen The chorda tympani contains: Taste fibers from the mucous membrane covering the anterior two thirds of the tongue & the floor of the mouth. Preganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers that reach the submandibular ganglion & are there relayed to the submandibular & sublingual salivary glands. 19
  • 20. Tympanic Nerve Arises from the glossopharyngeal nerve, just below the jugular foramen. It passes through the floor of the middle ear & onto the promontory. Here it splits into branches, which form the tympanic plexus. The tympanic plexus supplies the lining of the middle ear & gives off the lesser petrosal nerve, which sends secretomotor fibers to the parotid gland via the otic ganglion .
  • 21. The Internal Ear, or Labyrinth Situated in the petrous part of the temporal bone, medial to the middle ear. It consists of: Bony labyrinth a series of cavities within the bone. Membranous labyrinth a series of membranous sacs & ducts contained within the bony labyrinth.
  • 22. Bony Labyrinth Consists of three parts: The vestibule. The semicircular canals. The cochlea. These are cavities situated in the substance of dense bone. They are lined by endosteum & contain clear fluid, the perilymph in which is suspended the membranous labyrinth.
  • 23. The Vestibule The central part of the bony labyrinth, lies posterior to the cochlea & anterior to the semicircular canals. In its lateral wall are the fenestra vestibuli, which is closed by the base of the stapes & its anular ligament, & the fenestra cochleae. Lodged within the vestibule are the saccule & utricle of the membranous labyrinth.
  • 24. Semicircular Canals These are 3 canals, each 2/3 of a circle, each canal has a swelling at one end called the ampulla. They open into vestibule by 5 orifices The superior canal is vertical & placed at right angles to long axis of petrous bone. The posterior canal is also vertical but is placed parallel with the long axis of the petrous bone. The lateral canal is set in a horizontal position & lies in the medial wall of the aditus to the mastoid antrum, above the facial nerve canal.
  • 25. The Cochlea It resembles a snail shell. It opens into the anterior part of the vestibule. It consists of a central pillar, the modiolus, around which a hollow bony tube makes 2.5 spiral turns. Each successive turn is of decreasing radius so that the whole structure is conical. The apex faces anterolaterally & the base faces posteromedially.
  • 26. Membranous Labyrinth Situated within the bony labyrinth It is filled with endolymph & surrounded by perilymph. It consists of: The utricle & saccule which placed in the bony vestibule. The 3 semicircular ducts, which lie within the bony semicircular canals. The duct of the cochlea, which lies within the bony cochlea. All these structures freely communicate with one another.
  • 27. Specialized sensory receptors are located on the walls of the utricle & saccule which are sensitive to the orientation of the head to gravity. When the head begins or stop to move, or accelerates or decelerates, the endolymph in the semicircular ducts changes its speed relative to that of the walls of semicircular ducts. This change is detected in the sensory receptors in the ampullae of the semicircular ducts. The highly specialized epithelium that lies on the basilar membrane forms the spiral Organ of Corti & contains the sensory receptors for hearing. Membranous Labyrinth
  • 28. Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII) It is a sensory nerve(Special sensory) vestibular & cochlear. The vestibular fibers originate from the vestibule & the semicircular canals & The cochlear fibers originate in the organ of Corti. The 2 types of fibers pass the internal acoustic meatus as one nerve to reach the anterior surface of the brain between pons & medulla oblongata.
  • 29. Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII) The vestibular nerve expanded to form vestibular ganglion Its branches pierce the lateral end of the internal acoustic meatus & gain entrance to membranous labyrinth, where they supply the utricle, the saccule, & the ampullae of the semicircular ducts. Therefore, they are concerned with the sense of position & with movement of the head. Cochlear Fibers: are the central processes of the nerve cells of the spiral ganglion of the cochlea. Originate in the spiral organ of Corti & are therefore concerned with hearing. The peripheral branches of this nerve pass from the ganglion to the spiral organ of Corti. 29