Hardware backdooring is practicalMoabi.comThis presentation will demonstrate that permanent backdooring of hardware is practical. We have built a generic proof of concept malware for the intel architecture, Rakshasa, capable of infecting more than a hundred of different motherboards. The first net effect of Rakshasa is to disable NX permanently and remove SMM related fixes from the BIOS, resulting in permanent lowering of the security of the backdoored computer, even after complete earasing of hard disks and reinstallation of a new operating system. We shall also demonstrate that preexisting work on MBR subvertions such as bootkiting and preboot authentication software bruteforce can be embedded in Rakshasa with little effort. More over, Rakshasa is built on top of free software, including the Coreboot project, meaning that most of its source code is already public. This presentation will take a deep dive into Coreboot and hardware components such as the BIOS, CMOS and PIC embedded on the motherboard, before detailing the inner workings of Rakshasa and demo its capabilities. It is hoped to raise awareness of the security community regarding the dangers associated with non open source firmwares shipped with any computer and question their integrity. This shall also result in upgrading the best practices for forensics and post intrusion analysis by including the afore mentioned firmwares as part of their scope of work.
Saraswati1000 transKaren WittThis document provides a summary of the Stream Network in 3 sentences:
The Stream Network discusses water flow and the direction water moves through streams, rivers, and other bodies of water. It describes how water flows downhill from high elevation areas to lower elevation areas like lakes, oceans, wetlands through a branching network of streams and rivers. The document outlines the key components of the Stream Network including headwaters, tributaries, confluences, and more.
Radhakrishna transKaren WittThe document contains extracts from multiple sources discussing various topics. It begins with summaries of discussions on leadership, change management, and communication. Further extracts talk about teamwork, problem solving, decision making and other management related topics. The document covers a wide range of issues typically addressed in management literature.
Lakshmi transKaren WittThis 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
The document is a collection of phrases and sentences in an unknown language. It discusses various topics including people, actions, locations and descriptions. The passages cover different subjects without any clear overall theme or message.
Subrahmanya transKaren WittThis document provides a summary of a 35-page source text in the fictional Zyzyzy language. It outlines the main topics covered on each page, which include discussions of various leadership concepts and principles. Key terms mentioned include things like "vision", "strategy", "communication", and "change management". The summary effectively condenses the essential high-level information from the full document into a brief high-level overview in under 3 sentences.
8.Os 108 nomes de rāhu grahaKaren Wittrāhu aṣṭottaraśatanāmāvaliḥ , Os 108 nomes de Rāhu Graha
Bṛhat parāśara horā śāstra livro 1 em portuguêsKaren WittEste documento apresenta o primeiro capítulo do livro Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra, um texto clássico de astrologia hindu escrito por Maharishi Parashara. O capítulo descreve a criação do universo segundo a cosmologia hindu, incluindo a origem dos deuses Brahma, Vishnu e Shiva e dos nove planetas que regem o destino dos seres vivos.
Hardware backdooring is practicalMoabi.comThis presentation will demonstrate that permanent backdooring of hardware is practical. We have built a generic proof of concept malware for the intel architecture, Rakshasa, capable of infecting more than a hundred of different motherboards. The first net effect of Rakshasa is to disable NX permanently and remove SMM related fixes from the BIOS, resulting in permanent lowering of the security of the backdoored computer, even after complete earasing of hard disks and reinstallation of a new operating system. We shall also demonstrate that preexisting work on MBR subvertions such as bootkiting and preboot authentication software bruteforce can be embedded in Rakshasa with little effort. More over, Rakshasa is built on top of free software, including the Coreboot project, meaning that most of its source code is already public. This presentation will take a deep dive into Coreboot and hardware components such as the BIOS, CMOS and PIC embedded on the motherboard, before detailing the inner workings of Rakshasa and demo its capabilities. It is hoped to raise awareness of the security community regarding the dangers associated with non open source firmwares shipped with any computer and question their integrity. This shall also result in upgrading the best practices for forensics and post intrusion analysis by including the afore mentioned firmwares as part of their scope of work.
Saraswati1000 transKaren WittThis document provides a summary of the Stream Network in 3 sentences:
The Stream Network discusses water flow and the direction water moves through streams, rivers, and other bodies of water. It describes how water flows downhill from high elevation areas to lower elevation areas like lakes, oceans, wetlands through a branching network of streams and rivers. The document outlines the key components of the Stream Network including headwaters, tributaries, confluences, and more.
Radhakrishna transKaren WittThe document contains extracts from multiple sources discussing various topics. It begins with summaries of discussions on leadership, change management, and communication. Further extracts talk about teamwork, problem solving, decision making and other management related topics. The document covers a wide range of issues typically addressed in management literature.
Lakshmi transKaren WittThis 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
The document is a collection of phrases and sentences in an unknown language. It discusses various topics including people, actions, locations and descriptions. The passages cover different subjects without any clear overall theme or message.
Subrahmanya transKaren WittThis document provides a summary of a 35-page source text in the fictional Zyzyzy language. It outlines the main topics covered on each page, which include discussions of various leadership concepts and principles. Key terms mentioned include things like "vision", "strategy", "communication", and "change management". The summary effectively condenses the essential high-level information from the full document into a brief high-level overview in under 3 sentences.
8.Os 108 nomes de rāhu grahaKaren Wittrāhu aṣṭottaraśatanāmāvaliḥ , Os 108 nomes de Rāhu Graha
Bṛhat parāśara horā śāstra livro 1 em portuguêsKaren WittEste documento apresenta o primeiro capítulo do livro Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra, um texto clássico de astrologia hindu escrito por Maharishi Parashara. O capítulo descreve a criação do universo segundo a cosmologia hindu, incluindo a origem dos deuses Brahma, Vishnu e Shiva e dos nove planetas que regem o destino dos seres vivos.
Parvati transKaren Witt1. The document discusses a traditional story from an unnamed culture. It describes several characters and their interactions over multiple events.
2. The story explores themes of friendship, problem solving, and community through the relationships between the characters.
3. Over the course of several sections, the characters work together to overcome challenges and help one another.
Surya1000 transKaren WittThis document discusses various topics in 3 sentences or less:
1. It introduces concepts like nature, knowledge, and existence.
2. It then examines ideas such as truth, reality, consciousness, and the self.
3. Finally, it briefly touches on additional philosophical topics including free will, ethics, and the relationship between mind and body.
Durga700 transKaren WittThis document is a 3 sentence summary of the provided text:
The text discusses various topics including music, dance, instruments and other cultural elements. Several phrases are included in an unknown language. The document covers traditional cultural practices and expressions across multiple pages.
Ganga transKaren WittThe document is a poem written in an unknown language. It consists of 25 stanzas describing various natural images from the forest and countryside, such as trees, plants, animals and the changing of seasons. Recurring themes include the beauty found in nature, the cycle of life, and humanity's connection to the natural world.
Lalita transKaren Witt1) This document discusses a new streaming media platform called the RT2 Streaming Network.
2) It provides an overview of the different components of the RT2 platform including the media server, streaming protocols, and content delivery.
3) The summary highlights the key features and capabilities of the RT2 Network for delivering audio and video content over the internet.
S. Buraga, G. Ciobanu: 'Atelier de programare în rețele de calculatoare' (2001)Sabin BuragaVarianta electronică a volumului "Atelier de programare în rețele de calculatoare" (Polirom, 2001) oferind o inițiere utilă în programarea rețelelor de calculatoare utilizând interfața socket BSD (Berkeley System Distribution), în măsură să contribuie la formarea unei culturi profesionale adecvate cerințelor software actuale.
Din cuprins: Unix și Linux, gestiunea fișierelor, procese, semnale, comunicarea între procese, interfața socket, modelul client/server TCP și UDP, multiplexarea intrărilor/ieșirilor, RPC (apelul procedurilor la distanță), utilizarea bibliotecii MySQL.
Pentru detalii, a se vizita http://profs.info.uaic.ro/~lrc/
Ojm 2011 problemas y solucionesSolange ZambranoPruebas de las Olimpíadas Juveniles de Matemática en Venezuela, aplicadas a estudiantes de bachillerato en el año 2011. Incluye las soluciones a los problemas.
Ricostruzione di interazioni di pioni nelle Emulsion Cloud Chamber di OPERAGerardo Di IorioRicostruzione di interazioni di pioni nelle Emulsion Cloud Chamber di OPERA
Kali puja Karen WittThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and reduce the risk of diseases. It recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to gain these benefits.
Praśna tantra sri nilakantaKaren WittO documento descreve os princípios básicos da astrologia horária indiana. Resume as características e significados dos 12 bhāvas e fornece diretrizes gerais para a interpretação de um mapa praśna, incluindo a avaliação da intenção do querente e a previsão de chances de sucesso com base nos planetas que aspectam o lagna e a casa relevante.
Jaimini maharishi em portuguêsKaren WittO documento apresenta os primeiros princípios da astrologia védica de acordo com Maharṣi Jaimini, incluindo a dṛṣṭi dos signos e planetas, argalā e virodharagalā, carakārakas, sthirakārakas, daśā dos signos, āruḍha, e resultados do lagnāṃśa com base nos planetas nele posicionados.
Shiva2 transKaren Witt1. The document discusses a new streaming program.
2. It provides a brief introduction to the program and notes that it will be available on December 15th.
3. The program offers movies, TV shows, documentaries and live sporting events for streaming.
Rama1000 transKaren WittThis appears to be a document written in another language, consisting of 25 paragraphs. Some key details that can be summarized include:
1. The document is divided into 25 numbered paragraphs in another language.
2. Each paragraph contains 3-7 lines of text in that other language.
3. The overall document does not appear to contain any clear topics, themes or main ideas when summarized in English due to being written in another language.
Gayatri transKaren WittThe document provides a summary of a speech in 3 sentences:
The speech discusses the current state of the country and calls for unity and cooperation between different groups. It says challenges can be overcome through shared understanding and working together toward common goals. The speaker urges listening to different perspectives and finding ways to resolve disagreements for the benefit of all people.