Soufeel charms are made in 925 sterling silver , with more than 500 designs to make different collections for different occasion.
Know more:
The document discusses the White Memorial Foundation that was established in the late 1800s to early 1900s. It references Alain White and May White, and provides a link to a YouTube video from the 100th anniversary celebration that contains old pictures.
Dies a natural death but icasualties wrongly states died because of hostile fireAgha A
Staff Sergeant Araceli Gonzalez O'Malley died in a non-combat incident at Mazar-i-Sharif, Germany, but the website ICASUALTIES wrongly reported that she died from hostile fire. The ICASUALTIES site has provided false data about military deaths on multiple occasions by incorrectly attributing non-combat deaths to hostile action.
Openly Discussing Suicide and Suicide Prevention in Schools Ignite PresentationAshley Coro
Openly discussing suicide and suicide prevention in schools. People tend to view talking about suicide as a very bad thing and that it will actually cause suicide. This is just not true. I have personal experience with this topic unfortunately. I lost my cousin to suicide and I feel that if people had talked to him about the topic maybe he would still be here. My goal is to persuade people to open their minds to the possibility that we could save lives by just simply opening the floor to discussion.
This document provides an overview of attractions in Virginia's Historic Triangle region, which includes Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. It describes the Wedmore Place Hotel in Williamsburg and highlights activities like visiting Colonial Williamsburg, touring Jamestown archaeological sites, and seeing where the Revolutionary War ended in Yorktown. Fine dining options and scenic drives along the Colonial Parkway are also mentioned.
Foto fatte durante la visita del museo dedicato alla Ferrari a Maranello, vicino a Modena. Pieno di auto da corsa, motori e spiegazioni della casa automobilistica pi湛 famosa del mondo.
The document announces a children's triathlon and family fun run to take place in Fort Collins, Colorado on May 23, 2015. Details about the event can be found at The event will include both a children's triathlon and family fun run.
The document discusses several early 20th century modern artists and art movements including Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Expressionism. It mentions Picasso's Blue Period and Rose Period where he was influenced by primitivism. Fauvism is described as referring to the vibrant colors used by artists like Matisse. Expressionism emerged in Germany and was a reaction to emotions and inner experiences. The document also discusses Matisse transforming his style over the years from figures to more abstract works, as well as various paintings by Kirchner, Nolde, Kandinsky, Marc, and Kollwitz from this era.
The UNAD Film Festival 2016 will be held at the Center Jose Acevedo y Gomez. This document provides welcome information from the festival promoters and includes links to two related YouTube videos.
Real Estate, First Time Buyers, Buyer Representative, Sellers, Relocation, 1031 Exchanges, Listings, Condos, Single Family Homes, New Home Sales, kathryn bell, properties for sale, real estate agent, eastside real estate, buy a home, sell a home
The document is a poem written in Portuguese describing the passage of time and seasons. It discusses how rain, storms and winds pass through the speaker's life without changing who they are, as no spring has brought roses to their garden. It references the marked dust on paths, sleeping hills and drying fountains. Though days pass and the speaker prays to God, no heavenly blessings have placed roses in their garden.
The document discusses "Podjuchwood", an art installation that appeared in Szczecin, Poland. It gained popularity online and merchandise with its name sold well. However, the installation was later covered up and the idea was killed. The document questions who was responsible for ending the creative project and why Szczecin does not have more icons representing the city.
Halloween quilts are the author's favorite type of quilt. Specifically, the author enjoys Humpine's Halloween quilts. The author shared a link to a Twitter post about Humpine's Halloween quilts.
This document outlines an itinerary for a luxury tourism experience in Poznan, Poland from September 26-29, 2014. The itinerary includes an airport transfer, stay at a five-star hotel, dinners at trendy restaurants and cafes, visits to museums and attractions like the Imperial Castle and Stary Browar brewery, wine and beer tastings, and a spa visit. The contact information provided is for Marcin Sekida of the Polish Culinary Tourism Association.
The document is a poem describing the passage of time and seasons without joy or renewal. It notes the coming of rains and storms and that nothing has been left unchanged. No spring brings roses to the garden, the winds break branches, and dust remains on the deserted hills. Summer dries up the sources and no flags or celebrations are seen along the lonely road. Smiles and wisdom cannot heal the pain, and each passing day and prayer brings no blessing from heaven to place roses in the garden again.
Faculty Adoption of Technologies in Team-Based Learning ClassroomsBradford Wheeler
Wheeler, B., Shih, M. , & Weaver, GC. Faculty Adoption of Technologies in Team-Based Learning Classrooms. Poster session presented at: New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFDC) 2015, May 29; Fairfield, CT.
The document provides instructions and details for programming and configuring the menus of an Altivar 58 variable speed drive. It explains:
- The different menu access levels based on the position of the access locking switch.
- The recommended order for accessing menus to make programming easier.
- A minimum setup procedure for basic operation and experimental motor rotation.
- An overview of the main menus for configuration including Display, Adjust, Drive, Control, I/O, Fault, Files, Communication, and Application menus.
SS21. Beyond Smart & Data-Driven City-Regions?
Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Strategies
Session organiser(s)
Paul Cowie, Future Cities Catapult, UK:
Igor Calzada, Unviversity of Oxford, UK:
Smart City-Regions and Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) are now driving significant policy development in city regions in Europe. However, the smartness in these strategies is dominated by a technological hegemonic understanding of the city region. The discourse is centred on knowledge flows and data aggregation which allows the city-region to modelled and managed.
At the same time, territorial innovation models such as the triple/quadruple/penta-helix models also seek to understand the city-region as a system of knowledge flows between stakeholders. In this case, stakeholders interdependencies and their social and culturally rooted practices are just as important as the data and technical knowledge itself. Indeed, the role of institutions seems to be strategically substantial in order to foster ecosystems of experimentation engaging not only the public sector, private sector and academia but also civic society, social entrepreneurs and activists.
There is a growing critique of the more technocratic smart city strategies. The early pioneers in the field have not always delivered on their promise. There is also a growing challenge to the discourse that sees cities as machines, corporations or biological systems that can be broken down into their component parts and understood.
Hence, there is a gap therefore between the objective city to be found in many of the technocratic data driven solutions to the problems faced by city regions and the subjective city to be found in the everyday experience of the citizens of city-regions.
This special session is therefore seeking papers from academics and practitioners working at the frontier between the subjective and objective city-regional configurations in Europe. We would like to stimulate critical governance debate that challenges some of the assumptions and norms embedded in smart city-region strategies and suggest ways in which the divide between subjective and objective city-region can be bridged by different models capturing stakeholders interactions such as those so-called stakeholder-helixes strategies.
Submission guidelines
Please submit proposals for papers in the form of a 250 word abstract (text only) through the Regional Studies Association conference portal by Friday 24th February 2017. Proposals will be considered by the Conference Programme Committee against the criteria of originality, interest and subject balance.
CouchDB is an open-source document-oriented NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data. It was created by Damien Katz in 2005 and became an Apache project in 2008. CouchDB stores documents in databases and provides a RESTful API for reading, adding, editing and deleting documents. It uses MVCC for concurrency and handles updates in a lockless and optimistic manner. CouchDB follows the CAP theorem and can be partitioned across multiple servers for availability. It uses MapReduce to index and query documents through JavaScript views. Replication allows synchronizing copies of databases by comparing changes. Data can also be migrated to mobile clients through integrations.
La sesi坦n de aprendizaje trata sobre las herramientas para dar formato a un texto. El docente motiva a los estudiantes, eval炭a sus conocimientos previos, y les ense単a sobre formato de texto. Luego, los estudiantes caracterizan las herramientas, participan oralmente, y dan formato a un texto. Finalmente, elaboran una s鱈ntesis y responden preguntas de reflexi坦n.
El documento describe el contexto sociocultural y f鱈sico de la Instituci坦n Educativa C叩rdenas Centro en Palmira, Valle del Cauca. La mayor鱈a de los estudiantes provienen de familias de nivel socioecon坦mico medio-bajo y asisten a los niveles de preescolar, b叩sica y media. El edificio principal data de 1938 y est叩 catalogado como patrimonio hist坦rico, y el colegio cuenta con espacios al aire libre y aulas especializadas. La misi坦n es ofrecer una formaci坦n integral a los
StartUp Health Insights Digital Health Funding Rankings Q3 2015 ReportStartUp Health
Q3 2015 continues to demonstrate a trend towards digital health market maturity with an increase of investment dollars combined with larger, less frequent deals.
~ Benefits and insurance solutions remain at the top of the deals list for 2015, particularly as these businesses become more capital intensive. Genomics companies are also beginning to attract funding as the line between biotech and consumer health blurs.
~ While its no surprise that the Bay Area continues to bring in the most funding YTD, newer markets are also growing. With Chicago, Salt Lake City and South Florida each taking in over $125M, its clear that investment opportunities are everywhere.
~ Keeping with last years trend, seed and series A rounds comprise 64% of funding activity this quarter. Meanwhile, series B and C rounds are continuing to increase their share of the total 2015 deals, demonstrating the maturation of the market.
~ Investments relevant to the 50+ market have contributed to nearly half the funding in the last five years, with the number of deals as a percent of all digital health steadily increasing.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al concepto de proceso judicial. Explica que un proceso es la forma en que el sistema judicial responde a las peticiones de las partes involucradas y conoce las acciones de los justiciables. Se distinguen dos teor鱈as sobre la naturaleza jur鱈dica del proceso - teor鱈as privatistas y teor鱈as publicistas. Tambi辿n se define el procedimiento como los tr叩mites externos del proceso.
Medidas extremas para tener trabajo en inviernoSusana Gallardo
El documento ofrece varias sugerencias para encontrar trabajo en invierno, incluyendo cuidar ancianos para ganar entre $150-$900 diarios, ser gestor de estudios socioecon坦micos por $80-$200, o vender productos en l鱈nea. Tambi辿n recomienda dar clases en l鱈nea, unirse a plataformas como Uber o Rappi, buscar en avenidas principales, ofrecer servicios de costura, y pedir ayuda a amigos y familiares.
El documento describe el nuevo modelo de comunicaci坦n implementado por el gobierno de izquierda de M辿xico bajo Andr辿s Manuel L坦pez Obrador. El modelo tiene dos fases: una fase indirecta que usa tecnolog鱈as de informaci坦n para comunicarse con la poblaci坦n, y una fase directa que se comunica directamente con la poblaci坦n. Sin embargo, existen desaf鱈os para asegurar que el modelo promueva la democracia, pluralidad y libertad de expresi坦n en lugar de centralismo y autoritarismo.
Este documento resume los impactos econ坦micos de la pandemia en M辿xico. Ha habido tres fases de impacto: una primera contracci坦n en marzo, luego una ca鱈da m叩s profunda en abril-mayo cuando se suspendieron las actividades no esenciales, y actualmente una reapertura gradual. La actividad econ坦mica cay坦 entre 19-20% en el segundo trimestre, y se espera una contracci坦n del PIB de 8.5-10.5% para 2020. El gasto y consumo tambi辿n se contrajeron significativamente, aunque han comenzado a recuper
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a para principiantes sobre c坦mo vender en Amazon. Explica que Seller Central es el portal para administrar las ventas, subir productos y analizar el desempe単o. Tambi辿n describe los pasos para crear un listado de productos, incluyendo la informaci坦n requerida como identificaci坦n del producto, descripci坦n, im叩genes y palabras clave. El objetivo es ayudar a los nuevos vendedores a publicar sus productos exitosamente en Amazon.
The UNAD Film Festival 2016 will be held at the Center Jose Acevedo y Gomez. This document provides welcome information from the festival promoters and includes links to two related YouTube videos.
Real Estate, First Time Buyers, Buyer Representative, Sellers, Relocation, 1031 Exchanges, Listings, Condos, Single Family Homes, New Home Sales, kathryn bell, properties for sale, real estate agent, eastside real estate, buy a home, sell a home
The document is a poem written in Portuguese describing the passage of time and seasons. It discusses how rain, storms and winds pass through the speaker's life without changing who they are, as no spring has brought roses to their garden. It references the marked dust on paths, sleeping hills and drying fountains. Though days pass and the speaker prays to God, no heavenly blessings have placed roses in their garden.
The document discusses "Podjuchwood", an art installation that appeared in Szczecin, Poland. It gained popularity online and merchandise with its name sold well. However, the installation was later covered up and the idea was killed. The document questions who was responsible for ending the creative project and why Szczecin does not have more icons representing the city.
Halloween quilts are the author's favorite type of quilt. Specifically, the author enjoys Humpine's Halloween quilts. The author shared a link to a Twitter post about Humpine's Halloween quilts.
This document outlines an itinerary for a luxury tourism experience in Poznan, Poland from September 26-29, 2014. The itinerary includes an airport transfer, stay at a five-star hotel, dinners at trendy restaurants and cafes, visits to museums and attractions like the Imperial Castle and Stary Browar brewery, wine and beer tastings, and a spa visit. The contact information provided is for Marcin Sekida of the Polish Culinary Tourism Association.
The document is a poem describing the passage of time and seasons without joy or renewal. It notes the coming of rains and storms and that nothing has been left unchanged. No spring brings roses to the garden, the winds break branches, and dust remains on the deserted hills. Summer dries up the sources and no flags or celebrations are seen along the lonely road. Smiles and wisdom cannot heal the pain, and each passing day and prayer brings no blessing from heaven to place roses in the garden again.
Faculty Adoption of Technologies in Team-Based Learning ClassroomsBradford Wheeler
Wheeler, B., Shih, M. , & Weaver, GC. Faculty Adoption of Technologies in Team-Based Learning Classrooms. Poster session presented at: New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFDC) 2015, May 29; Fairfield, CT.
The document provides instructions and details for programming and configuring the menus of an Altivar 58 variable speed drive. It explains:
- The different menu access levels based on the position of the access locking switch.
- The recommended order for accessing menus to make programming easier.
- A minimum setup procedure for basic operation and experimental motor rotation.
- An overview of the main menus for configuration including Display, Adjust, Drive, Control, I/O, Fault, Files, Communication, and Application menus.
SS21. Beyond Smart & Data-Driven City-Regions?
Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Strategies
Session organiser(s)
Paul Cowie, Future Cities Catapult, UK:
Igor Calzada, Unviversity of Oxford, UK:
Smart City-Regions and Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) are now driving significant policy development in city regions in Europe. However, the smartness in these strategies is dominated by a technological hegemonic understanding of the city region. The discourse is centred on knowledge flows and data aggregation which allows the city-region to modelled and managed.
At the same time, territorial innovation models such as the triple/quadruple/penta-helix models also seek to understand the city-region as a system of knowledge flows between stakeholders. In this case, stakeholders interdependencies and their social and culturally rooted practices are just as important as the data and technical knowledge itself. Indeed, the role of institutions seems to be strategically substantial in order to foster ecosystems of experimentation engaging not only the public sector, private sector and academia but also civic society, social entrepreneurs and activists.
There is a growing critique of the more technocratic smart city strategies. The early pioneers in the field have not always delivered on their promise. There is also a growing challenge to the discourse that sees cities as machines, corporations or biological systems that can be broken down into their component parts and understood.
Hence, there is a gap therefore between the objective city to be found in many of the technocratic data driven solutions to the problems faced by city regions and the subjective city to be found in the everyday experience of the citizens of city-regions.
This special session is therefore seeking papers from academics and practitioners working at the frontier between the subjective and objective city-regional configurations in Europe. We would like to stimulate critical governance debate that challenges some of the assumptions and norms embedded in smart city-region strategies and suggest ways in which the divide between subjective and objective city-region can be bridged by different models capturing stakeholders interactions such as those so-called stakeholder-helixes strategies.
Submission guidelines
Please submit proposals for papers in the form of a 250 word abstract (text only) through the Regional Studies Association conference portal by Friday 24th February 2017. Proposals will be considered by the Conference Programme Committee against the criteria of originality, interest and subject balance.
CouchDB is an open-source document-oriented NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data. It was created by Damien Katz in 2005 and became an Apache project in 2008. CouchDB stores documents in databases and provides a RESTful API for reading, adding, editing and deleting documents. It uses MVCC for concurrency and handles updates in a lockless and optimistic manner. CouchDB follows the CAP theorem and can be partitioned across multiple servers for availability. It uses MapReduce to index and query documents through JavaScript views. Replication allows synchronizing copies of databases by comparing changes. Data can also be migrated to mobile clients through integrations.
La sesi坦n de aprendizaje trata sobre las herramientas para dar formato a un texto. El docente motiva a los estudiantes, eval炭a sus conocimientos previos, y les ense単a sobre formato de texto. Luego, los estudiantes caracterizan las herramientas, participan oralmente, y dan formato a un texto. Finalmente, elaboran una s鱈ntesis y responden preguntas de reflexi坦n.
El documento describe el contexto sociocultural y f鱈sico de la Instituci坦n Educativa C叩rdenas Centro en Palmira, Valle del Cauca. La mayor鱈a de los estudiantes provienen de familias de nivel socioecon坦mico medio-bajo y asisten a los niveles de preescolar, b叩sica y media. El edificio principal data de 1938 y est叩 catalogado como patrimonio hist坦rico, y el colegio cuenta con espacios al aire libre y aulas especializadas. La misi坦n es ofrecer una formaci坦n integral a los
StartUp Health Insights Digital Health Funding Rankings Q3 2015 ReportStartUp Health
Q3 2015 continues to demonstrate a trend towards digital health market maturity with an increase of investment dollars combined with larger, less frequent deals.
~ Benefits and insurance solutions remain at the top of the deals list for 2015, particularly as these businesses become more capital intensive. Genomics companies are also beginning to attract funding as the line between biotech and consumer health blurs.
~ While its no surprise that the Bay Area continues to bring in the most funding YTD, newer markets are also growing. With Chicago, Salt Lake City and South Florida each taking in over $125M, its clear that investment opportunities are everywhere.
~ Keeping with last years trend, seed and series A rounds comprise 64% of funding activity this quarter. Meanwhile, series B and C rounds are continuing to increase their share of the total 2015 deals, demonstrating the maturation of the market.
~ Investments relevant to the 50+ market have contributed to nearly half the funding in the last five years, with the number of deals as a percent of all digital health steadily increasing.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al concepto de proceso judicial. Explica que un proceso es la forma en que el sistema judicial responde a las peticiones de las partes involucradas y conoce las acciones de los justiciables. Se distinguen dos teor鱈as sobre la naturaleza jur鱈dica del proceso - teor鱈as privatistas y teor鱈as publicistas. Tambi辿n se define el procedimiento como los tr叩mites externos del proceso.
Medidas extremas para tener trabajo en inviernoSusana Gallardo
El documento ofrece varias sugerencias para encontrar trabajo en invierno, incluyendo cuidar ancianos para ganar entre $150-$900 diarios, ser gestor de estudios socioecon坦micos por $80-$200, o vender productos en l鱈nea. Tambi辿n recomienda dar clases en l鱈nea, unirse a plataformas como Uber o Rappi, buscar en avenidas principales, ofrecer servicios de costura, y pedir ayuda a amigos y familiares.
El documento describe el nuevo modelo de comunicaci坦n implementado por el gobierno de izquierda de M辿xico bajo Andr辿s Manuel L坦pez Obrador. El modelo tiene dos fases: una fase indirecta que usa tecnolog鱈as de informaci坦n para comunicarse con la poblaci坦n, y una fase directa que se comunica directamente con la poblaci坦n. Sin embargo, existen desaf鱈os para asegurar que el modelo promueva la democracia, pluralidad y libertad de expresi坦n en lugar de centralismo y autoritarismo.
Este documento resume los impactos econ坦micos de la pandemia en M辿xico. Ha habido tres fases de impacto: una primera contracci坦n en marzo, luego una ca鱈da m叩s profunda en abril-mayo cuando se suspendieron las actividades no esenciales, y actualmente una reapertura gradual. La actividad econ坦mica cay坦 entre 19-20% en el segundo trimestre, y se espera una contracci坦n del PIB de 8.5-10.5% para 2020. El gasto y consumo tambi辿n se contrajeron significativamente, aunque han comenzado a recuper
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a para principiantes sobre c坦mo vender en Amazon. Explica que Seller Central es el portal para administrar las ventas, subir productos y analizar el desempe単o. Tambi辿n describe los pasos para crear un listado de productos, incluyendo la informaci坦n requerida como identificaci坦n del producto, descripci坦n, im叩genes y palabras clave. El objetivo es ayudar a los nuevos vendedores a publicar sus productos exitosamente en Amazon.
Con la entrada de los impuestos a las plataformas, las ganancias se han visto mermadas, en un principio mercado libre, hasta cobro impuestos a productos usados, ahora hasta a los libros que esten en otras categorias, cuando lo pones en la categoria correcta, ya no te cobran impuestos pero MERCADO LIBRE te cobra $300 por publicarlo pretextando que ya tienes ventas, una explotaci坦n al vendedor, que solo le queda o cerrar su cuenta o hacer multimillonario a MERCADO LIBRE.
(1) Rosario Robles est叩 en prisi坦n preventiva acusada de omisi坦n por el desv鱈o de 7 mil millones de pesos durante su tiempo como secretaria de Estado, pero la evidencia en su contra parece haber sido fabricada por el gobierno actual. (2) En particular, la licencia de conducir presentada por la fiscal鱈a con un domicilio falso para mantenerla en prisi坦n, mientras que la licencia aut辿ntica de Robles muestra un domicilio diferente. (3) Adem叩s, el juez asignado a su caso es sobrino de dos viejos enemigos
Es una propuesta digital que flexibiliza la
forma de recibir pagos, permitiendo al
colaborador cobrar dinero ya trabajado de
forma r叩pida, directa y privada, bajo el costo
de un retiro en un cajero.
Aplicable para M辿xico. Cumple con la Nom 050, con el respaldo de Banco Santander, sin costo para la empresa contratante. ES UNA PRESTACIN ADICIONAL PARA SUS EMPLEADOS.
Para los que desean poner una boutique de mascotas, es un negocio en crecimiento, te presentamos pros y contras, y un listado de proveedores para llenar tu tienda.
Estamos viviendo un boom en cuanto a negocios de manicure y pedicure, u単as de dise単o,gelish, etc.
Dale un vistazo a este negocio del cual puedes sacar jugosas ganancias.
20 productos 炭tiles de amazon por menos de $300Susana Gallardo
Es una gu鱈a por productos top de amazon, que est叩n a la vanguardia y que son de gran utilidad, y que se pueden comprar en amazon
Se puede negociar con el L鱈der m叩s poderoso del mundo, que ha cambiado las reglas en los negocios internacionales, y est叩 interesado en un enfoque aislacionista
Based on official US statistics and other US sources this brief document, that simply gathers some data,
highlights the following points 0) The US has not an unemployment problem, 1) the US has not a
foreign trade problem, 2) the trade deficit with Mexico is minimal, 3) non-us born people living in the
US (immigrants) are significantly less likely to be convicted of a crime and finally 4) in recent years
there are more US citizens coming to reside in Mexico than Mexican citizens going to reside in the US
(the net immigration is now backwards).
The whole Mexico problem is an invention of Mr Trump. It remains to see why, for what purposes
and who will benefit from this. I will add that, base on these data, this is the most ridiculous time for
the US and Mexico to have a conflict.
0) From the New York Times citing official US sources, 06FEB2016:Based on official US statistics and other US sources this brief document, that simply gathers some data,
highlights the following points 0) The US has not an unemployment problem, 1) the US has not a
foreign trade problem, 2) the trade deficit with Mexico is minimal, 3) non-us born people living in the
US (immigrants) are significantly less likely to be convicted of a crime and finally 4) in recent years
there are more US citizens coming to reside in Mexico than Mexican citizens going to reside in the US
(the net immigration is now backwards).
The whole Mexico problem is an invention of Mr Trump. It remains to see why, for what purposes
and who will benefit from this. I will add that, base on these data, this is the most ridiculous time for
the US and Mexico to have a conflict.
Este documento discute el concepto de "poder suave" propuesto por Joseph Nye y c坦mo la elecci坦n de Donald Trump como presidente de Estados Unidos ha debilitado el poder suave estadounidense. El documento tambi辿n analiza los desaf鱈os y oportunidades que esto presenta para M辿xico y su relaci坦n con Estados Unidos, incluyendo la necesidad de proyectar una imagen integral y equilibrada de M辿xico que enfatice su importancia para la econom鱈a y seguridad estadounidenses. Finalmente, el documento argumenta que si bien el poder duro es efectivo a cort
El documento compara las versiones 2008 y 2015 de la norma ISO 9001 sobre sistemas de gesti坦n de calidad. Algunos de los cambios m叩s significativos en la versi坦n 2015 incluyen una nueva estructura com炭n basada en el Anexo SL, un mayor 辿nfasis en el enfoque basado en riesgos y procesos, y el uso del t辿rmino "informaci坦n documentada" en lugar de "documentos y registros". Las organizaciones tienen hasta 2018 para completar la transici坦n a la nueva versi坦n.
Lleg坦 a la pol鱈tica por accidente, despu辿s de ejercer el periodismo desde los 16 a単os. Hoy es la piedra m叩s inc坦moda en el zapato del gobierno espa単ol.
La defensa de Lozoya Austin, present坦 dos denuncias contra el extitular de la FEPADE Santiago Nieto Castillo, una por violaci坦n a la Ley de amparo y la segunda por revelar informaci坦n de la carpeta de investigaci坦n.
El abogado Coello afirm坦 en d鱈as pasados que el exfiscal viol坦 los derechos humanos de Lozoya, principal implicado en la investigaci坦n sobre presunta triangulaci坦n ilegal de fondos de la empresa Odebrechet a la campa単a de Enrique Pe単a Nieto en 2012.
Y es que Nieto revel坦 anteriormente que Lozoya le entreg坦 una carta para que declarara p炭blicamente su inocencia por presuntos desv鱈os de Odebrecht al PRI. Dos d鱈as despu辿s, la Procuradur鱈a General de la Rep炭blica (PGR) lo ces坦 de la FEPADE.
Varios medios de comunicaci坦n mexicanos y uno brasile単o dieron a conocer las delaciones de exdirectivos de Odebrecht, quienes se単alaron al exdirector de Pemex, Emilio Lozoya, como el funcionario que recibi坦 la mayor cantidad en sobornos para facilitar la entrega de contratos de obra p炭blica en M辿xico en favor de la brasile単a.
Industria Resignada a vivir sin TLCAN (NAFTA)Susana Gallardo
Los fabricantes de autom坦viles y los proveedores est叩n comenzando a vislumbrar un mundo sin el Tratado de Libre Comercio de Am辿rica del Norte en medio de crecientes indicios de que la administraci坦n Trump est叩 decidida a destruir el acuerdo de 23 a単os, que ha integrado las econom鱈as estadounidense, canadiense y mexicana. industria globalmente competitiva.
Al entrar en la cuarta ronda de negociaciones la semana pasada, los negociadores estadounidenses adoptaron posiciones de l鱈nea dura que son anatema para sus socios comerciales y la industria automotriz. El principal de ellos es un llamado a reglas m叩s estrictas que rijan la cantidad de contenido regional requerido para que los productos crucen las fronteras libres de impuestos y la forma en que se calculan las tarifas para los componentes que provienen de fuera de la regi坦n.
Mientras el mercado laboral mejora, los empleadores idean nuevas rutas para ganar competitividad en su b炭squeda de postulantes. Aqu鱈 10 tips para tu cuesta laboral de enero.
Medidas extremas para tener trabajo en inviernoSusana Gallardo
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenville.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.