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42  Ways To Save Water Water Conservation Tips From the City of Yakima Water/Irrigation Division
Water Lawns and Plants in Early Morning or At Night By watering your lawn and plants at times other than in the heat of  the day, less evaporation occurs so more water soaks in the soil
Run Your Clothes Washer and Dishwasher Only When Full Doing full loads of clothes and dishes can save up to 1000 gallons of water each month and saves you money on your electric bill
Shorten Showering Times Shortening your shower time by  as little as 1 minute each day  can save as much as 150 gallons each month
Set Your Lawn Mower to The Right Height Setting your lawnmower to cut grass at about 2 inches  encourages deeper, healthier roots and helps your lawn retain moisture
Use Drip Irrigation for Plants and Shrubs Drip irrigation delivers water  directly where its needed Drip irrigation also uses much less water than more traditional sprinkler irrigation
Install a Water-Efficient Showerhead Water-efficient showerheads are inexpensive, easy to install and can save as much as 750 gallons of water each month
Consider Grasscycling  Leave grass clippings on the  lawn as you mow Grasscycling helps your lawn retain moisture and provides a free source of fertilizer
Plant Right For Your Site The Yakima Valley is a semi-arid desert Choose outdoor plants that are native to our area Ask at a local nursery for help In choosing plants that require  less water
Soak When Washing  Dishes By Hand Instead of letting the water run when  hand washing dishes, fill the sink with  water once and let the dishes soak When youre ready, refill the sink with clean water and use it to  rinse your dishes
Set Sprinklers In The Right Place Make sure you set your sprinklers so that they water your lawn and plants rather than the house, sidewalk, street or driveway
Consider Composting Instead of Garbage Disposal Use food waste as free fertilizer rather grinding it up in the garbage disposal and washing it down the drain
Use The Refrigerator To Cool Drinking Water Instead of letting the tap run until water is cold enough to drink, fill a pitcher with water and put it in the refrigerator That way, youll always have cold water
Use A Pan to Rinse  Fruits and Vegetables Instead of letting the tap run, fill a pan with water and use it to rinse off fruits and vegetables
Use Mulch On Plant And Flower Beds Spreading a layer of organic mulch around flowers and plants saves water, time and money
Sweep Instead Of Washing Use a broom instead of a hose to clean off porches, sidewalks and driveways
Cover Pools And Hot Tubs Covering pool and hot tubs when theyre not being used reduces evaporation and retains heat, which saves on power bills
Check for Leaks And Fix Them Make sure toilets, facets, sinks, showers, bathtubs and any other household item that uses water arent leaking Leaks waste water
Use Fish Tank Water To Feed Plants When cleaning out a fish tank, use the nutrient-rich water to provide plants with an outstanding source of food
Dont Water If  You Dont Have To Before watering lawns, flowers or plants, check to see if the soil is still wet 1 to 2 inches below ground level If the soil at that depth is still wet, you dont need to water
Plant Ground Cover On Slopes Water will run down a slope thats  with flower or even grass Planting slopes with ground cover greatly reduces water runoff
Use Organic Material To Control Weeds By layering organic material (mulch) on flower and plant beds, youll be better able to limit the growth of weeds which compete with other plants for water
Limit Use of Fertilizer By using less fertilizer, you help protect the ground water supply AND you make your lawn, plants and  flowers more drought resistant
Use A Commercial Car Wash Commercial car washes recycle water Instead of washing your car at home in the driveway and watching all of that water run into the sewer system, using a commercial car wash saves water
Turn Off The Tap While Brushing Teeth Instead of letting the water run while youre brushing your teeth, turning the tap on only when you need to rinse can save up to 25 gallons of water each month
Let Your Dishwasher Do Its Job Most new dishwashers dont require dishes to be rinsed before being put in the dishwasher Not rinsing dishes before you put them in the dishwasher can save up to 35 gallons of water each month
Insulate Hot Water Pipes Insulating hot water pipes results in hotter water coming out of the tap faster, lower water usage and  lower power bills
Dont Use the Toilet As A Waste Basket  Throw used tissues in the wastebasket  instead of in the toilet Remember, every flush of the toilet uses as much as 2.5 gallons of water Flush Responsibly
Wash Dark Clothes In Cold Water Washing dark-colored clothes in  cold water saves water, lowers your power bill and helps those clothes stay vibrant and colorful
Uses Natures Own Soil Protector Leaving lower branches on trees and shrubs, and allowing leaves to accumulate on the soil, helps the soil stay cooler and  reduces evaporation
Let Your Lawn Go Dormant This Summer Water your lawn only once every  2 to 3 weeks this summer While the grass may not be as green as normal, it will simply be dormant,  not dead and will spring back to life the next time it rains
Use Big-Drop Sprinklers Use sprinklers that deliver large drops  of water close to the ground   Misting and Small-Drop sprinklers use more water and allow water to evaporate before it reaches the ground
Dont Drown Your  Plants and Flowers Water plants and flowers only  when they need it Believe it or not, more plants and flowers die from over-watering than from under-watering
Vary Your Automatic Irrigation System Schedule Instead of setting your automatic irrigation system to follow the same  Watering schedule all summer, vary your settings depending on  weather conditions More frequent watering when its hot, less frequent watering when its not
Wash Your Hair With Less Water Turning the tap off when  washing your hair and back on only to rinse your hair can save up to 150 gallons of water each month
Wash Your Pets Outside Washing your pets outside on  a part of your lawn that is in particular need of water uses water twice AND avoids having to  clean up inside the house
Aerate Your Lawn Once or Twice A Year Aerating, or poking holes, in your lawn allows water to more easily get to where its need, at  the roots
Turn Off The Tap While Shaving If you shave over a sink, turn off the tap while you shave and you can save up to 300 gallons of water each month
Put Your Plants On Ice Burying an ice cube in the soil of a planter or flower pot will deliver a constant, cool drink of water while avoiding overflow
Take Showers Instead of Baths The average bathtub requires  50 gallons of water to fill while the average shower uses only about 20 gallons of water
Pest-Resistant and Drought-Resistant Plants  Pest-resistant plants reduce the need for pesticides which can harm the  water supply, and drought-resistant plants, obviously, require less water to survive and thrive
New Household Appliances, Etc. Newer toilets, water heaters, dishwashers, clothes washers, showers, etc. use less water than older models
Xeriscape  (Not Zeroscape) Xeriscaping involves using plants and  flowers that are low water users Xeriscaping also can include using rocks and other decorative material to  create a beautiful, water friendly yard
Thanks for doing your part to help conserve water! City of Yakima  Water/Irrigation Division

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42 ways to save water

  • 1. 42 Ways To Save Water Water Conservation Tips From the City of Yakima Water/Irrigation Division
  • 2. Water Lawns and Plants in Early Morning or At Night By watering your lawn and plants at times other than in the heat of the day, less evaporation occurs so more water soaks in the soil
  • 3. Run Your Clothes Washer and Dishwasher Only When Full Doing full loads of clothes and dishes can save up to 1000 gallons of water each month and saves you money on your electric bill
  • 4. Shorten Showering Times Shortening your shower time by as little as 1 minute each day can save as much as 150 gallons each month
  • 5. Set Your Lawn Mower to The Right Height Setting your lawnmower to cut grass at about 2 inches encourages deeper, healthier roots and helps your lawn retain moisture
  • 6. Use Drip Irrigation for Plants and Shrubs Drip irrigation delivers water directly where its needed Drip irrigation also uses much less water than more traditional sprinkler irrigation
  • 7. Install a Water-Efficient Showerhead Water-efficient showerheads are inexpensive, easy to install and can save as much as 750 gallons of water each month
  • 8. Consider Grasscycling Leave grass clippings on the lawn as you mow Grasscycling helps your lawn retain moisture and provides a free source of fertilizer
  • 9. Plant Right For Your Site The Yakima Valley is a semi-arid desert Choose outdoor plants that are native to our area Ask at a local nursery for help In choosing plants that require less water
  • 10. Soak When Washing Dishes By Hand Instead of letting the water run when hand washing dishes, fill the sink with water once and let the dishes soak When youre ready, refill the sink with clean water and use it to rinse your dishes
  • 11. Set Sprinklers In The Right Place Make sure you set your sprinklers so that they water your lawn and plants rather than the house, sidewalk, street or driveway
  • 12. Consider Composting Instead of Garbage Disposal Use food waste as free fertilizer rather grinding it up in the garbage disposal and washing it down the drain
  • 13. Use The Refrigerator To Cool Drinking Water Instead of letting the tap run until water is cold enough to drink, fill a pitcher with water and put it in the refrigerator That way, youll always have cold water
  • 14. Use A Pan to Rinse Fruits and Vegetables Instead of letting the tap run, fill a pan with water and use it to rinse off fruits and vegetables
  • 15. Use Mulch On Plant And Flower Beds Spreading a layer of organic mulch around flowers and plants saves water, time and money
  • 16. Sweep Instead Of Washing Use a broom instead of a hose to clean off porches, sidewalks and driveways
  • 17. Cover Pools And Hot Tubs Covering pool and hot tubs when theyre not being used reduces evaporation and retains heat, which saves on power bills
  • 18. Check for Leaks And Fix Them Make sure toilets, facets, sinks, showers, bathtubs and any other household item that uses water arent leaking Leaks waste water
  • 19. Use Fish Tank Water To Feed Plants When cleaning out a fish tank, use the nutrient-rich water to provide plants with an outstanding source of food
  • 20. Dont Water If You Dont Have To Before watering lawns, flowers or plants, check to see if the soil is still wet 1 to 2 inches below ground level If the soil at that depth is still wet, you dont need to water
  • 21. Plant Ground Cover On Slopes Water will run down a slope thats with flower or even grass Planting slopes with ground cover greatly reduces water runoff
  • 22. Use Organic Material To Control Weeds By layering organic material (mulch) on flower and plant beds, youll be better able to limit the growth of weeds which compete with other plants for water
  • 23. Limit Use of Fertilizer By using less fertilizer, you help protect the ground water supply AND you make your lawn, plants and flowers more drought resistant
  • 24. Use A Commercial Car Wash Commercial car washes recycle water Instead of washing your car at home in the driveway and watching all of that water run into the sewer system, using a commercial car wash saves water
  • 25. Turn Off The Tap While Brushing Teeth Instead of letting the water run while youre brushing your teeth, turning the tap on only when you need to rinse can save up to 25 gallons of water each month
  • 26. Let Your Dishwasher Do Its Job Most new dishwashers dont require dishes to be rinsed before being put in the dishwasher Not rinsing dishes before you put them in the dishwasher can save up to 35 gallons of water each month
  • 27. Insulate Hot Water Pipes Insulating hot water pipes results in hotter water coming out of the tap faster, lower water usage and lower power bills
  • 28. Dont Use the Toilet As A Waste Basket Throw used tissues in the wastebasket instead of in the toilet Remember, every flush of the toilet uses as much as 2.5 gallons of water Flush Responsibly
  • 29. Wash Dark Clothes In Cold Water Washing dark-colored clothes in cold water saves water, lowers your power bill and helps those clothes stay vibrant and colorful
  • 30. Uses Natures Own Soil Protector Leaving lower branches on trees and shrubs, and allowing leaves to accumulate on the soil, helps the soil stay cooler and reduces evaporation
  • 31. Let Your Lawn Go Dormant This Summer Water your lawn only once every 2 to 3 weeks this summer While the grass may not be as green as normal, it will simply be dormant, not dead and will spring back to life the next time it rains
  • 32. Use Big-Drop Sprinklers Use sprinklers that deliver large drops of water close to the ground Misting and Small-Drop sprinklers use more water and allow water to evaporate before it reaches the ground
  • 33. Dont Drown Your Plants and Flowers Water plants and flowers only when they need it Believe it or not, more plants and flowers die from over-watering than from under-watering
  • 34. Vary Your Automatic Irrigation System Schedule Instead of setting your automatic irrigation system to follow the same Watering schedule all summer, vary your settings depending on weather conditions More frequent watering when its hot, less frequent watering when its not
  • 35. Wash Your Hair With Less Water Turning the tap off when washing your hair and back on only to rinse your hair can save up to 150 gallons of water each month
  • 36. Wash Your Pets Outside Washing your pets outside on a part of your lawn that is in particular need of water uses water twice AND avoids having to clean up inside the house
  • 37. Aerate Your Lawn Once or Twice A Year Aerating, or poking holes, in your lawn allows water to more easily get to where its need, at the roots
  • 38. Turn Off The Tap While Shaving If you shave over a sink, turn off the tap while you shave and you can save up to 300 gallons of water each month
  • 39. Put Your Plants On Ice Burying an ice cube in the soil of a planter or flower pot will deliver a constant, cool drink of water while avoiding overflow
  • 40. Take Showers Instead of Baths The average bathtub requires 50 gallons of water to fill while the average shower uses only about 20 gallons of water
  • 41. Pest-Resistant and Drought-Resistant Plants Pest-resistant plants reduce the need for pesticides which can harm the water supply, and drought-resistant plants, obviously, require less water to survive and thrive
  • 42. New Household Appliances, Etc. Newer toilets, water heaters, dishwashers, clothes washers, showers, etc. use less water than older models
  • 43. Xeriscape (Not Zeroscape) Xeriscaping involves using plants and flowers that are low water users Xeriscaping also can include using rocks and other decorative material to create a beautiful, water friendly yard
  • 44. Thanks for doing your part to help conserve water! City of Yakima Water/Irrigation Division