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1. Date: 22nd
November, 2023
2. Subject: Spanish
3. Topic (s): Verbos (Verbs)
4. Sub-topic: Pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo (Preterite Perfect)
5. Time: Session 2 (45 minutes) 1:15 pm- 2:00 pm
6. Class: Fourth Form
7. Content Strands/standard: My School
8. Learning Outcomes:
31.1 Identificar los verbos en pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo
31.2 Usar correctamente las formas verbales en pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo
9. Targeted competencies:
Competency Area #2: Emotional Intelligence and Effective Communication Skills
Competency Area #3: Critical and Innovative/Inventive Thinking
Competency Area #4: Collaboration
Competency Area #5: Multicultural Appreciation
10. Previous Knowledge: Students can identify and express different verbs in Spanish.
11. Objectives:
Through a PowerPoint presentation, class discussion, and activities, students will be able to:
1. Define what are preterite perfect tense in Spanish.
2. List the different perterite perfect verb in Spanish.
3. Value the importance of using preterite perfect verb in Spanish.
4. Construct sentences using in preterite perfect verb in Spanish.
12. Materials: PowerPoint, Projector, whiteboard, Box, Paleta sticks
13. References:
EL PRETRITO PERFECTO | Pasados | Aprende Espa単ol | Arche-ELE. (2020, October 26).
El pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo. (n.d.). Espanol.lingolia.com.
Pret辿rito Perfecto Compuesto (modo indicativo). (n.d.). https://www.ejemplos.co/preterito-
14. Concepts:
多Que es?
El pret辿rito perfecto compuesto del modo indicativo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para
referirse a acciones del pasado ya terminadas, pero cuyos efectos a炭n tienen validez en el
presente. Por ejemplo: He salido a caminar toda la ma単ana y estoy cansado.
 Esta semana he viajado mucho por trabajo.
 Ra炭l y yo nos hemos mudado a un piso precioso en el centro.
 Este fin de semana he quedado para hacer una ruta por la sierra.
1. He viajado por todo Belice.
2. Has estado en Espana alguna vez?
3. Hemos tenido una vida muy interesante.
4. Han hablado con la profesora de la tarea?
5. Misael ha roto un plato.
15. Skills:
 Verb Conjugating
 Contextual Understanding
 Critical Thinking and analysis
 Metacognitive Skills
 Adaptability and resilience
16. Attitudes:
 Curious Mindset
 Respect for diverse abilities
 Application-oriented mindset to real-life context
 Appreciation for linguistic-diversity
17. Linkages:
English: Preterite Perfect in English
History and Social Sciences: Language learning, including the study of verb tenses, can provide
insights into the history and culture of the communities that speak the language.
18. Introduction: ( 5 minutes )
Warm up
 Teacher will start the lesson with a short activity to review prior knowledge of students.
Teacher will do an activity of verb charades.
 Teacher will randomly select 5 students to participate for this activity. In a box, teacher
will have pieces of paper with a verb in Spanish.
 Students are to take out one piece of paper and act out the verb they got without speaking.
 The rest of the students are to guess which verb that student is acting out.
 The activity will continue until the last student has acted out his/her verb and the class
has guessed which verb it is.
19. Development: (25 minutes) Cooperative Learning
1. Through the use of PowerPoint presentation, teacher will share 3 sentences using the
preterite perfect tense in Spanish and English translation.
2. Students will be selected to read the sentences presented by the teacher.
3. Students will be asked what do they think the topic of the day would be.
4. Teacher will then provide with the students with the topic of the day. Teacher will share
the conjugation of preterite perfect tense ending in AR, ER, IR and the rule it applies.
5. Teacher will also share the conjugation of irregular preterite tense in Spanish.
6. Students will then be provided with examples using future tense ending in AR, ER, IR
and also the irregular verbs.
7. Teacher will ask students if they have any question or concern before the lesson
20. Closure: (5 minutes)
8. Teacher will then provide to the students with 3 questions and students are to fill in the
blank spaces. Eg. Yo nunca_________ (jugar, yo) al tenis.
9. Using paleta sticks, teacher will select the students who will participate in this activity.
10. Students are to use what they have recently learnt during the lesson about the preterite
perfect tense in Spanish.
11. Each students selected will have to come forward and write down on the board and fill in
the blank space for the questions provided.
12. Teacher will provide feedback if necessary.
21. Conclusion: (10 minutes)
Think- Pair- Share
1. Through the use of a PowerPoint presentation, teacher will start by sharing 3 verbs that
are not conjugated to preterite perfect tense in Spanish.
2. Students are to read the verbs provided and conjugate them to the preterite perfect tense.
3. Students are to create a sentence for each verb that they conjugated to preterite perfect
tense in Spanish.
4. Students will individually write down their sentences in their notebook.
5. Students will then partner share their notebook of the sentences created with their
6. Teacher will then use paleta sticks to select students to share their sentences to the class.
7. Students will then identify the preterite perfect tense in the sentence shared.
22. Extended Activity:
Students will be assigned to write a short reflection of the lesson and how they would use the
topic of the lesson in real life situations.
23. Lesson Reflection / Evaluation:
As I mentioned on my previously lesson reflections, I find satisfying to write my reflections like
this lesson because I can see the results of putting into action new things that didnt work before,
but with hard work and determination now they do.
For this lesson all students were engaged and participated during the lesson. Students weakness
was not found but I would consider that they were not fully engaged or having fun during the
lesson. One of the things I learnt with fourth form is that they are more mature than the rest and
things that the other forms find funny or interesting is not fun for them. I've been trying to engage
this class with different fun activities and they mainly have fun during the delivery of the concept.
They find it interesting because they are learning new things in which they thought they were right
from the beginning until I bring them the proper way of using and saying of words in Spanish.
Teacher strength is always looking for strategies to engage the students during the lesson. Also,
teacher was able to meet the objectives of the lesson as planned. Teacher weakness was using easy
or simple activities at the end of the lesson for fourth formers.
An area for improvement as mentioned would be using activities that would challenge them more
into the lesson since fourth formers are a lot more advanced in the Spanish area and by this I would
say students would engage for into the lesson.

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4th SPAN Lesson Plan WK13S2.docx

  • 1. 1. Date: 22nd November, 2023 2. Subject: Spanish 3. Topic (s): Verbos (Verbs) 4. Sub-topic: Pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo (Preterite Perfect) 5. Time: Session 2 (45 minutes) 1:15 pm- 2:00 pm 6. Class: Fourth Form 7. Content Strands/standard: My School 8. Learning Outcomes: 31.1 Identificar los verbos en pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo 31.2 Usar correctamente las formas verbales en pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo 9. Targeted competencies: Competency Area #2: Emotional Intelligence and Effective Communication Skills Competency Area #3: Critical and Innovative/Inventive Thinking Competency Area #4: Collaboration Competency Area #5: Multicultural Appreciation 10. Previous Knowledge: Students can identify and express different verbs in Spanish. 11. Objectives: Through a PowerPoint presentation, class discussion, and activities, students will be able to: 1. Define what are preterite perfect tense in Spanish. 2. List the different perterite perfect verb in Spanish. 3. Value the importance of using preterite perfect verb in Spanish. 4. Construct sentences using in preterite perfect verb in Spanish. 12. Materials: PowerPoint, Projector, whiteboard, Box, Paleta sticks
  • 2. 13. References: EL PRETRITO PERFECTO | Pasados | Aprende Espa単ol | Arche-ELE. (2020, October 26). https://arche-ele.com/el-preterito-perfecto-pasados-aprende-espanol El pret辿rito perfecto de indicativo. (n.d.). Espanol.lingolia.com. https://espanol.lingolia.com/es/gramatica/tiempos/preterito-perfecto Pret辿rito Perfecto Compuesto (modo indicativo). (n.d.). https://www.ejemplos.co/preterito- perfecto-compuesto-modo-indicativo/#:~:text=El%20pret 14. Concepts: 多Que es? El pret辿rito perfecto compuesto del modo indicativo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirse a acciones del pasado ya terminadas, pero cuyos efectos a炭n tienen validez en el presente. Por ejemplo: He salido a caminar toda la ma単ana y estoy cansado. Ejemplos: Esta semana he viajado mucho por trabajo. Ra炭l y yo nos hemos mudado a un piso precioso en el centro. Este fin de semana he quedado para hacer una ruta por la sierra.
  • 3. Ejemplos: 1. He viajado por todo Belice. 2. Has estado en Espana alguna vez? 3. Hemos tenido una vida muy interesante. 4. Han hablado con la profesora de la tarea? 5. Misael ha roto un plato. 15. Skills: Verb Conjugating Contextual Understanding Critical Thinking and analysis Metacognitive Skills Adaptability and resilience 16. Attitudes: Curious Mindset Respect for diverse abilities Application-oriented mindset to real-life context Appreciation for linguistic-diversity 17. Linkages: English: Preterite Perfect in English History and Social Sciences: Language learning, including the study of verb tenses, can provide insights into the history and culture of the communities that speak the language. 18. Introduction: ( 5 minutes ) Warm up Teacher will start the lesson with a short activity to review prior knowledge of students. Teacher will do an activity of verb charades.
  • 4. Teacher will randomly select 5 students to participate for this activity. In a box, teacher will have pieces of paper with a verb in Spanish. Students are to take out one piece of paper and act out the verb they got without speaking. The rest of the students are to guess which verb that student is acting out. The activity will continue until the last student has acted out his/her verb and the class has guessed which verb it is. 19. Development: (25 minutes) Cooperative Learning 1. Through the use of PowerPoint presentation, teacher will share 3 sentences using the preterite perfect tense in Spanish and English translation. 2. Students will be selected to read the sentences presented by the teacher. 3. Students will be asked what do they think the topic of the day would be. 4. Teacher will then provide with the students with the topic of the day. Teacher will share the conjugation of preterite perfect tense ending in AR, ER, IR and the rule it applies. 5. Teacher will also share the conjugation of irregular preterite tense in Spanish. 6. Students will then be provided with examples using future tense ending in AR, ER, IR and also the irregular verbs. 7. Teacher will ask students if they have any question or concern before the lesson continues. 20. Closure: (5 minutes) 8. Teacher will then provide to the students with 3 questions and students are to fill in the blank spaces. Eg. Yo nunca_________ (jugar, yo) al tenis. 9. Using paleta sticks, teacher will select the students who will participate in this activity.
  • 5. 10. Students are to use what they have recently learnt during the lesson about the preterite perfect tense in Spanish. 11. Each students selected will have to come forward and write down on the board and fill in the blank space for the questions provided. 12. Teacher will provide feedback if necessary. 21. Conclusion: (10 minutes) Think- Pair- Share 1. Through the use of a PowerPoint presentation, teacher will start by sharing 3 verbs that are not conjugated to preterite perfect tense in Spanish. 2. Students are to read the verbs provided and conjugate them to the preterite perfect tense. 3. Students are to create a sentence for each verb that they conjugated to preterite perfect tense in Spanish. 4. Students will individually write down their sentences in their notebook. 5. Students will then partner share their notebook of the sentences created with their classmates. 6. Teacher will then use paleta sticks to select students to share their sentences to the class. 7. Students will then identify the preterite perfect tense in the sentence shared. 22. Extended Activity: Students will be assigned to write a short reflection of the lesson and how they would use the topic of the lesson in real life situations.
  • 6. 23. Lesson Reflection / Evaluation: As I mentioned on my previously lesson reflections, I find satisfying to write my reflections like this lesson because I can see the results of putting into action new things that didnt work before, but with hard work and determination now they do. For this lesson all students were engaged and participated during the lesson. Students weakness was not found but I would consider that they were not fully engaged or having fun during the lesson. One of the things I learnt with fourth form is that they are more mature than the rest and things that the other forms find funny or interesting is not fun for them. I've been trying to engage this class with different fun activities and they mainly have fun during the delivery of the concept. They find it interesting because they are learning new things in which they thought they were right from the beginning until I bring them the proper way of using and saying of words in Spanish. Teacher strength is always looking for strategies to engage the students during the lesson. Also, teacher was able to meet the objectives of the lesson as planned. Teacher weakness was using easy or simple activities at the end of the lesson for fourth formers. An area for improvement as mentioned would be using activities that would challenge them more into the lesson since fourth formers are a lot more advanced in the Spanish area and by this I would say students would engage for into the lesson.