Mapas progreso matematica_cambiorelacionesJanet Luza PalominoEste documento presenta el Mapa de Progreso de Cambio y Relaciones para la competencia de Matemática. El mapa describe el progreso del aprendizaje en tres aspectos: 1) interpretación y generalización de patrones, 2) comprensión y uso de igualdades y desigualdades, y 3) comprensión y uso de relaciones y funciones. Incluye ejemplos de indicadores de desempeño y trabajos de estudiantes para cada nivel del mapa.
Presentación !uanam Evento IBM Drops 2013QuanamLa Unión Europea ha propuesto un nuevo paquete de sanciones contra Rusia que incluye un embargo al petróleo. El embargo gradual prohibiría las importaciones de petróleo ruso en seis meses y de productos refinados para finales de año. Los líderes de la UE debaten el paquete de sanciones esta semana con el objetivo de aumentar la presión sobre Rusia para que ponga fin a su invasión de Ucrania.
Presentacion BIMQuanamAutor: Cristian Barría Nuñez - Autodesk, Sonda Chile.
Presentación realizada en el evento "Implementación BIM" Quanam 28/07/2016
Mariposita va a la escuelaJanet Luza PalominoMariposita, una mariposa, va a la escuela por primera vez y se divierte aprendiendo de sus maestros, el Señor Grillo y el Profesor Saltamontes. Sin embargo, luego se cansa y no quiere volver, hasta que su papá le explica que en la escuela aprenderá las cosas que le gustan como pintar y bailar. Al día siguiente, Mariposita vuelve a la escuela con entusiasmo.
Plants & People Part 1: Hello there!nokoprivaThis document provides an introduction to Evansdale Library and its librarian Noel Kopriva. It then discusses the science information cycle, explaining how research leads to published studies which are then reported on and discussed more widely. It distinguishes between scholarly and popular sources, noting characteristics of each. Both types of sources can be reliable if chosen carefully and used appropriately. The document encourages using library resources and provides links to subject guides.
Global employment trendRecruiterzThe report provides an analysis of global employment trends in 2012 and 2013. It finds that global labour markets continue to worsen, with unemployment increasing by 4 million in 2012 to a total of 197 million unemployed worldwide. Growth has decelerated and a double-dip recession has occurred in many advanced economies, spilling over into developing economies through international trade and capital flows. Policy incoherence and uncertainty have prevented stronger investment and job creation. The nature and length of the crisis have exacerbated labour market mismatches and downside risks.
An in vitro evaluation of antifungal activity of bioaggregatesaad1957This in vitro study evaluated the antifungal activity of bioaggregate (BA) against Candida albicans. BA, both freshly mixed and after 24 hours of setting, was incubated with C. albicans for various time periods. The study found that BA had no antifungal effect at 1 and 24 hours of contact, but demonstrated complete fungicidal activity after 24 hours of contact. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in antifungal activity between freshly mixed BA and 24-hour set BA at 24 hours. The study concluded that BA was effective against C. albicans after 24 hours of contact.
Klne full range of invertersklneThis document provides an overview of KLNE's full range of inverters, including:
1) Residential series inverters ranging from 1.5-5 kW, including the Sunteams and Solartec series.
2) Commercial series inverters of 10-15 kW for three-phase use.
3) Power station series inverters of 50-500 kW for large scale projects.
4) Accessories like data loggers and Bluetooth adapters for monitoring systems.
The document details the product lines, specifications, advantages of each series including efficiency, flexibility and certifications. It provides information on KLNE's global market presence, manufacturing facility and awards.
Testimony before the Senate Committeetena64This document discusses resources and challenges for military veterans. It notes the need for a centralized, non-threatening system to guide veterans through transition. Many veterans experience PTSD, alienation, guilt and anger in addition to visible wounds. Financial problems and lack of continued healthcare benefits also plague veterans. The document provides statistics on the veteran population in Oregon and unemployment among veterans. It identifies challenges veterans face in networking, negotiating salaries, and translating military skills to civilian careers. Suggested solutions include improving reintegration programs and access to transition assistance.
Vision2016 SIPREF TGNQuanamPresentación realizada por la Cra. Adriana Arosteguiberry, Tesorera General de la Nación de Uruguay.
El proyecto SIPREF forma parte del proceso de modernización y mejora de la gestión financiera pública de la Tesorería General de la Nación, aporta herramientas analíticas que permiten la explotación de la información de forma dinámica y en tiempo real.
OnSpot - Enterprise Workforce Productivity Enhancement SolutionMax MobilityOnSpot is Enterprise Workforce Productivity Enhancement Solution, which Track the location and movement details of every employee real-time. Monitor the route adherence or otherwise of all employees and this application is compatible in Andriod, iPhone, Blackberry and other java enabled handsets.
Paper Gobernanza - Evento BPMQuanamThis document discusses governance structures for business process management (BPM). It proposes using a sociocratic governance model based on requisite organization theory and a requisite control structure. Requisite organization theory argues that organizational hierarchy should match the complexity of roles, with more complex roles higher in the hierarchy. The proposed governance structure would organize BPM activities into circles aligned with the organization's natural control structure to help coordinate people and technology assets for effective enterprise-wide BPM.
Innovación en QuanamQuanamPresentación realizada por el Ing. Leonardo Loureiro, Gerente Comercial de Quanam, en el Foro de Innovación organizado por Aktio. (18/08/15)
MaxTrack - Widely known Child tracking device Max MobilityMaxTrack is widely known Geo Tracking, Security and Attendance Management on School Buses and popular child tracking device.
Personality Development Eunice Parcz"Personality is the embodiment of feelings and behaviors which makes man the unique person that he is."
-Sigmund Freud
Hi. You can reach me through my:
GMAIL: euniceparco
FB: Eunice Parcz
KLNE2012klneThis document discusses different energy sources like nuclear energy, natural gas, and renewable sources. It mentions electricity, gas, and petrol bills as well as carbon taxes. It also refers to PV systems, inverters, and exporting manufacturing solutions as well as advocating for green and clean energy.
My coffee presentationEunice ParczThis document provides information about coffee, including its history, production, processing, varieties, and popular beverages. It discusses how coffee was discovered in Ethiopia and spread through the Arab world before being introduced to Europe. The top coffee producing countries are listed, and the differences between Arabica and Robusta varieties are explained. The document outlines the harvesting, processing, roasting, grinding, brewing and storage of coffee beans. Popular coffee drinks like espresso, cappuccino and cold brew coffee are also defined.
Career Opportunities in Hospitality IndustryEunice ParczHospitality is an industry composed of wide-range businesses that cater guests away from their homes.
Hi. You can reach me through my:
GMAIL: euniceparco
FB: Eunice Parcz
Plants & People Part 1: Hello there!nokoprivaThis document provides an introduction to Evansdale Library and its librarian Noel Kopriva. It then discusses the science information cycle, explaining how research leads to published studies which are then reported on and discussed more widely. It distinguishes between scholarly and popular sources, noting characteristics of each. Both types of sources can be reliable if chosen carefully and used appropriately. The document encourages using library resources and provides links to subject guides.
Global employment trendRecruiterzThe report provides an analysis of global employment trends in 2012 and 2013. It finds that global labour markets continue to worsen, with unemployment increasing by 4 million in 2012 to a total of 197 million unemployed worldwide. Growth has decelerated and a double-dip recession has occurred in many advanced economies, spilling over into developing economies through international trade and capital flows. Policy incoherence and uncertainty have prevented stronger investment and job creation. The nature and length of the crisis have exacerbated labour market mismatches and downside risks.
An in vitro evaluation of antifungal activity of bioaggregatesaad1957This in vitro study evaluated the antifungal activity of bioaggregate (BA) against Candida albicans. BA, both freshly mixed and after 24 hours of setting, was incubated with C. albicans for various time periods. The study found that BA had no antifungal effect at 1 and 24 hours of contact, but demonstrated complete fungicidal activity after 24 hours of contact. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in antifungal activity between freshly mixed BA and 24-hour set BA at 24 hours. The study concluded that BA was effective against C. albicans after 24 hours of contact.
Klne full range of invertersklneThis document provides an overview of KLNE's full range of inverters, including:
1) Residential series inverters ranging from 1.5-5 kW, including the Sunteams and Solartec series.
2) Commercial series inverters of 10-15 kW for three-phase use.
3) Power station series inverters of 50-500 kW for large scale projects.
4) Accessories like data loggers and Bluetooth adapters for monitoring systems.
The document details the product lines, specifications, advantages of each series including efficiency, flexibility and certifications. It provides information on KLNE's global market presence, manufacturing facility and awards.
Testimony before the Senate Committeetena64This document discusses resources and challenges for military veterans. It notes the need for a centralized, non-threatening system to guide veterans through transition. Many veterans experience PTSD, alienation, guilt and anger in addition to visible wounds. Financial problems and lack of continued healthcare benefits also plague veterans. The document provides statistics on the veteran population in Oregon and unemployment among veterans. It identifies challenges veterans face in networking, negotiating salaries, and translating military skills to civilian careers. Suggested solutions include improving reintegration programs and access to transition assistance.
Vision2016 SIPREF TGNQuanamPresentación realizada por la Cra. Adriana Arosteguiberry, Tesorera General de la Nación de Uruguay.
El proyecto SIPREF forma parte del proceso de modernización y mejora de la gestión financiera pública de la Tesorería General de la Nación, aporta herramientas analíticas que permiten la explotación de la información de forma dinámica y en tiempo real.
OnSpot - Enterprise Workforce Productivity Enhancement SolutionMax MobilityOnSpot is Enterprise Workforce Productivity Enhancement Solution, which Track the location and movement details of every employee real-time. Monitor the route adherence or otherwise of all employees and this application is compatible in Andriod, iPhone, Blackberry and other java enabled handsets.
Paper Gobernanza - Evento BPMQuanamThis document discusses governance structures for business process management (BPM). It proposes using a sociocratic governance model based on requisite organization theory and a requisite control structure. Requisite organization theory argues that organizational hierarchy should match the complexity of roles, with more complex roles higher in the hierarchy. The proposed governance structure would organize BPM activities into circles aligned with the organization's natural control structure to help coordinate people and technology assets for effective enterprise-wide BPM.
Innovación en QuanamQuanamPresentación realizada por el Ing. Leonardo Loureiro, Gerente Comercial de Quanam, en el Foro de Innovación organizado por Aktio. (18/08/15)
MaxTrack - Widely known Child tracking device Max MobilityMaxTrack is widely known Geo Tracking, Security and Attendance Management on School Buses and popular child tracking device.
Personality Development Eunice Parcz"Personality is the embodiment of feelings and behaviors which makes man the unique person that he is."
-Sigmund Freud
Hi. You can reach me through my:
GMAIL: euniceparco
FB: Eunice Parcz
KLNE2012klneThis document discusses different energy sources like nuclear energy, natural gas, and renewable sources. It mentions electricity, gas, and petrol bills as well as carbon taxes. It also refers to PV systems, inverters, and exporting manufacturing solutions as well as advocating for green and clean energy.
My coffee presentationEunice ParczThis document provides information about coffee, including its history, production, processing, varieties, and popular beverages. It discusses how coffee was discovered in Ethiopia and spread through the Arab world before being introduced to Europe. The top coffee producing countries are listed, and the differences between Arabica and Robusta varieties are explained. The document outlines the harvesting, processing, roasting, grinding, brewing and storage of coffee beans. Popular coffee drinks like espresso, cappuccino and cold brew coffee are also defined.
Career Opportunities in Hospitality IndustryEunice ParczHospitality is an industry composed of wide-range businesses that cater guests away from their homes.
Hi. You can reach me through my:
GMAIL: euniceparco
FB: Eunice Parcz