The document summarizes an R study meeting. It introduces plotting in base R and ggplot2, including examples using the iris dataset. It then discusses shiny for building interactive web apps in R. Examples show building user interfaces and servers, and rendering plots based on user input. The meeting aims to continue studying R through discussing big data visualization, graph visualization, and geographic data visualization using specific R packages.
[Yang, Downey and Boyd-Graber 2015] Efficient Methods for Incorporating Knowl...Shuyo Nakatani
This document summarizes a paper that proposes a new topic modeling method called SC-LDA that incorporates prior knowledge about word correlations into LDA. SC-LDA uses a factor graph to encode must-link and cannot-link constraints between words based on an external knowledge source. It then integrates this prior knowledge into the LDA inference process to influence the topic assignments. The paper experiments with SC-LDA on several datasets and knowledge sources, finding it converges faster than baselines and produces more coherent topics.
[Yang, Downey and Boyd-Graber 2015] Efficient Methods for Incorporating Knowl...Shuyo Nakatani
This document summarizes a paper that proposes a new topic modeling method called SC-LDA that incorporates prior knowledge about word correlations into LDA. SC-LDA uses a factor graph to encode must-link and cannot-link constraints between words based on an external knowledge source. It then integrates this prior knowledge into the LDA inference process to influence the topic assignments. The paper experiments with SC-LDA on several datasets and knowledge sources, finding it converges faster than baselines and produces more coherent topics.
24. 等分散性検定(F検定)
> var.test(t_sample.x,t_sample.y)
F test to compare two variances
data: t_sample.x and t_sample.y
F = 0.9877, num df = 999, denom df = 999, p-value = 0.8448
alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
0.8724221 1.1181794
sample estimates:
ratio of variances
有意水準(p値) 0.05以上なので
28. t検定
> t.test(t_sample.x,t_sample.y,var.equal=T)
Two Sample t-test
data: t_sample.x and t_sample.y
t = 42.5748, df = 1998, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
18.00265 19.74127
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
49.50618 30.63422帰無仮説:「2群間の平均値に差がな
有意水準(p値) 0.05以下なので