About Ta-Ming Chang, Richard Biography Public - 2020/4/6
張大明執行長,育睿科技(2012)創辦人與摩方人力資本科技(2019)共同創辦人,資訊教育及教育科技專家,國際副價值工程專家AVS,曾任PMI-TW國際專案管理學會台灣分會秘書長,巨匠電腦數位學習部門內容專家,台灣首位4C/ID模式實證研究發表人,自2010年取得淡江大學教育科技研究所教育科技碩士學位後,持續在教育科技領域研究﹑設計、科技與服務的創新,實證後應用於教學設計、訓練設計、培育服務發展等,積極在培育產業推廣、發展教育學習即服務(ELaaS)的創新商業模式,2016提出歐倍特六動力(ALBITER Power 6,思翱倍力大數據人才培育服務)的設計發展原則:目標、方案、問題、引導、數據、時習,2018年獲得淡大教科系推薦傑出系友代表。2019年與夥伴共同創辦「摩方人力資本科技」,整合教育科技、績效科技、資料技術、金融科技、人力資源科技等創新工具與方法,推出摩方人資本銀行的創新整合服務平台。期望以人力資本的貨幣化數據帳戶,促使組織內外專案成員協同合作更緊密有效率,藉由個人或組織的人力資本儲存與交易,使數位世代的職涯發展更成功與成熟,加值優化個人與組織的智財人力資本。
This document provides an introduction to the Business Model Canvas tool. It begins by outlining the key elements of the Business Model Canvas framework, including customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, and cost structure. Examples of how each element could be applied are then provided. The document concludes by encouraging users to think through real-world business model examples using the Canvas framework.
The document outlines tips and strategies for giving presentations. It discusses acknowledging nerves but using examples of other successful presenters who felt nervous. It also acknowledges the presenter may share both good and bad experiences. The presentation will include finding errors, showing videos, sharing principles and experiences. It will involve showing pictures related to content. There will also be time for questions and answers.
The document provides tips for making an effective business presentation. It addresses what should be covered in a presentation such as the company purpose, problem, solution, market, competition, product/technology, business model, and financials. It emphasizes that the presentation should clearly communicate the company's story, create excitement, and answer questions like what problem is being solved and who is willing to pay. The presentation should get the audience to understand the venture and imagine opportunities. It should be simple, striking, consistent and use figures, good photos and statistics to convey information visually.
The document summarizes the Young Entrepreneurs of the Future (YEF) program, which aims to develop future talents and entrepreneurs in Taiwan. The 10-month program trains students through workshops, mentor coaching, and an overseas visit. It targets university and graduate students. The program involves team-building activities, developing business plans, pitching competitions, and networking opportunities with successful entrepreneurs and overseas companies. The goal is to select 15 finalists to participate in an international visit to expand their entrepreneurial skills and networks.
This document discusses various business model frameworks and tools that can be used to evaluate new business ideas, including the Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas. It provides examples of how different companies use various revenue streams and explores components of the business model like customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure, and revenue streams. The document emphasizes that these tools are meant for discussion and evaluating assumptions, and should be continuously updated with new information and validated.
The document provides an overview of business models and developing business plans. It discusses key elements of a business model like value proposition, market segment, revenue generation, costs and margins, competitors, and competitive advantage. It emphasizes the importance of validation, getting early customer feedback, and constantly learning and adjusting plans based on real-world testing rather than assumptions. The overall message is that a good business plan explains your solution in a clear, concise way and shows how all elements fit together logically to address a real customer need.
Business model canvas 2016 yef boot campPei-Ying Wang
This document discusses various business model frameworks and tools that can be used to evaluate new business ideas, including the Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas. It provides examples of how different companies use various revenue streams and explores components of the business model like customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure, and revenue streams. The document emphasizes that these tools are meant for discussion and evaluating assumptions, and should be continuously updated with new information and validated.
About Ta-Ming Chang, Richard Biography Public - 2020/4/6
張大明執行長,育睿科技(2012)創辦人與摩方人力資本科技(2019)共同創辦人,資訊教育及教育科技專家,國際副價值工程專家AVS,曾任PMI-TW國際專案管理學會台灣分會秘書長,巨匠電腦數位學習部門內容專家,台灣首位4C/ID模式實證研究發表人,自2010年取得淡江大學教育科技研究所教育科技碩士學位後,持續在教育科技領域研究﹑設計、科技與服務的創新,實證後應用於教學設計、訓練設計、培育服務發展等,積極在培育產業推廣、發展教育學習即服務(ELaaS)的創新商業模式,2016提出歐倍特六動力(ALBITER Power 6,思翱倍力大數據人才培育服務)的設計發展原則:目標、方案、問題、引導、數據、時習,2018年獲得淡大教科系推薦傑出系友代表。2019年與夥伴共同創辦「摩方人力資本科技」,整合教育科技、績效科技、資料技術、金融科技、人力資源科技等創新工具與方法,推出摩方人資本銀行的創新整合服務平台。期望以人力資本的貨幣化數據帳戶,促使組織內外專案成員協同合作更緊密有效率,藉由個人或組織的人力資本儲存與交易,使數位世代的職涯發展更成功與成熟,加值優化個人與組織的智財人力資本。
This document provides an introduction to the Business Model Canvas tool. It begins by outlining the key elements of the Business Model Canvas framework, including customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, and cost structure. Examples of how each element could be applied are then provided. The document concludes by encouraging users to think through real-world business model examples using the Canvas framework.
The document outlines tips and strategies for giving presentations. It discusses acknowledging nerves but using examples of other successful presenters who felt nervous. It also acknowledges the presenter may share both good and bad experiences. The presentation will include finding errors, showing videos, sharing principles and experiences. It will involve showing pictures related to content. There will also be time for questions and answers.
The document provides tips for making an effective business presentation. It addresses what should be covered in a presentation such as the company purpose, problem, solution, market, competition, product/technology, business model, and financials. It emphasizes that the presentation should clearly communicate the company's story, create excitement, and answer questions like what problem is being solved and who is willing to pay. The presentation should get the audience to understand the venture and imagine opportunities. It should be simple, striking, consistent and use figures, good photos and statistics to convey information visually.
The document summarizes the Young Entrepreneurs of the Future (YEF) program, which aims to develop future talents and entrepreneurs in Taiwan. The 10-month program trains students through workshops, mentor coaching, and an overseas visit. It targets university and graduate students. The program involves team-building activities, developing business plans, pitching competitions, and networking opportunities with successful entrepreneurs and overseas companies. The goal is to select 15 finalists to participate in an international visit to expand their entrepreneurial skills and networks.
This document discusses various business model frameworks and tools that can be used to evaluate new business ideas, including the Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas. It provides examples of how different companies use various revenue streams and explores components of the business model like customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure, and revenue streams. The document emphasizes that these tools are meant for discussion and evaluating assumptions, and should be continuously updated with new information and validated.
The document provides an overview of business models and developing business plans. It discusses key elements of a business model like value proposition, market segment, revenue generation, costs and margins, competitors, and competitive advantage. It emphasizes the importance of validation, getting early customer feedback, and constantly learning and adjusting plans based on real-world testing rather than assumptions. The overall message is that a good business plan explains your solution in a clear, concise way and shows how all elements fit together logically to address a real customer need.
Business model canvas 2016 yef boot campPei-Ying Wang
This document discusses various business model frameworks and tools that can be used to evaluate new business ideas, including the Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas. It provides examples of how different companies use various revenue streams and explores components of the business model like customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure, and revenue streams. The document emphasizes that these tools are meant for discussion and evaluating assumptions, and should be continuously updated with new information and validated.
創業夥伴媒合在台灣是一種新創服務,在過去數十年創業者要找夥伴,只能從四處散落的訊息中尋找,因此這個需求其實一直存在社會中。接著現今,全球都在瘋創業,各種創業相關福利、服務、網路平台都紛紛崛起。創業團隊、創業競賽、群眾募資與日俱增,在台灣創業條件愈來愈優渥的情況下,潛在創業者、新創事業、中小企業都急尋更強壯的夥伴加入核心組識。所以夥伴媒合不單純是創業夥伴者個人的媒合(C2C),更甚至包括公司之間的戰略合作夥伴關系(B2B or B2C)。
This is a Chinese presentation called The Business Model of Psy-Business which I spoke at Chinese First Psychology Business Conference in April 1 in Guangzhou, China.
This document summarizes the YEF Boot Camp 2019 program led by Dr. Vincent Kuo. It discusses common business problems and pitches from the past decade in Taiwan and why history often repeats itself. It also provides tools and frameworks for evaluating business ideas, including the business model canvas, lean canvas, risk evaluation, and product-market fit. The document stresses the importance of solving real problems for target customers and testing solutions before large-scale implementation.
The document summarizes the Young Entrepreneurs of the Future (YEF) program, which aims to develop future talents with characteristics like integrity, entrepreneurship, and continuous learning. The 10-month program includes team building, mentor coaching, business plan development, and workshops. It targets potential university entrepreneurs. Participants go through a selection process, workshops, and an overseas visit to network with entrepreneurial communities before presenting their work.
1) The document describes a 270-day talent development program called Young Entrepreneur of the Future (YEF) that aims to broaden the horizons of Taiwanese students and enhance their international competitiveness through entrepreneurship training.
2) The YEF program includes workshops, competitions, and visits to Silicon Valley where participants network with entrepreneurs and visit startups, universities, and tech companies like Google and IDEO.
3) The book is co-authored by 59 YEF participants and shares their experiences in team-building, learning from successful entrepreneurs, developing business plans, and presenting elevator pitches to potential investors.
This document provides an overview of Dr. Stanley Chang's career founding and leading Medigen Biotech Corp., a Taiwan-based biotech company, from 2000 to present. It summarizes his achievements in bringing a novel cancer therapy through FDA clinical trials, establishing new business lines, and expanding Medigen's pipeline. The document also reflects on the challenges of biomedical entrepreneurship and what is required to succeed, including solid scientific knowledge, understanding business and management, securing funding, building a strong team, and managing risks.
The document discusses technologies and what makes a good, valuable technology. It begins by defining technology and focusing on consumer electronics, software, and internet technologies. It then discusses considerations for good technologies such as complexity, scalability, performance, compatibility, and differentiation. Examples of technologies from a Chinese phone factory and a digital picture frame design house are discussed. The document emphasizes that good technologies solve real problems, have user demand, timing, and marketing strategy. Execution is also important. It discusses Google Search as an example of a great technology and concludes by emphasizing the importance of listening to customers and markets to find new technologies while also facing real-world challenges in effectiveness, timing, and competition.
Investors care about the people, market, and technologies involved in a startup. Founders should study their investors, not miss chances to talk to them, and create competition. When fundraising, founders need money but must consider equity dilution and the contributions investors will demand. Managing a startup's finances well is important as it is like a marriage requiring focus on people, the market, technologies, expenses, major opportunities, and conserving resources.
1) The document discusses Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and describes it as a place that inspires incredibly creative ideas.
2) MIT is known for producing many Nobel Prize winners and graduates who go on to found successful companies like Intel, Sony, and Warner Bros.
3) The document provides some key facts about MIT such as its founding year of 1861, current student population of around 11,373, and annual budget of $6.7 billion.
9. 9Marketing Research DefinitionMarketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information--information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications.American Marketing Association http://www.marketingpower.com/AboutAMA/Pages/DefinitionofMarketing.aspx
10. 10Secondary DataGovernment statisticsMarket research publicationScholar researchFinancial statements of public companiesUseful websites:行政院主計處 (http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/)資策會產業情報中心 (http://mic.iii.org.tw/)工研院 IEK (http://www.iek.itri.org.tw/) Market Research MethodPrimary DataInterviewQuestionnaire surveyObservationFocus groupExperiment
21. How much they will pay?Market SizingConsumerProductPricing
22. 12STEPSPhase I: Determine the Research ProblemIdentify and clarify information needsDefine research problem and questionsSpecify research objectives and confirm information valuePhase II: Research DesignDetermine the research design and data sourcesDevelop the sampling design and sample sizeExamine measurement issues and scalesDesign and retest the questionniare
23. 13STEPSPhase III: Execute the Research DesignCollect and prepare dataAnalyze dataInterpret data to create knowledgePhase IV: Communicate the Research ResultsPrepare and present final report
44. 27IP StrategiesThere were a few of patent clusters around the neurostimulators, and our technology will target the niche region or integrate with different components.
45. 28Think again!!Think Twice!! Think million times!! 可行 vs. 創意科技 vs. 需求本土 vs. 國際產品 vs. 服務大眾 vs. 利基利潤 vs. 社會責任熱血 vs. 妥協
61. 45HEAL THE WORLDFEED THE WORLDKAgricultureHuman Health CareDiagnosticsTraitsToolsTherapeuticsServices“Sustain & Nourish the world”Wellness EnhancersFood ingredientsSeedsMedical devicesBio ProcessingBio FuelsBiomaterialsAddressing major market needsBiopharmaceuticalsFUEL THE WORLD產業市場分類:生技產業Building sustainable businessesSource:Burrill&Co. 2008 Report