Задачи и цели информатизации в лесном хозяйствеЛесопромышленные выставки и конференцииАлександр СТЕПЧЕНКО, заместитель директора, ФБУ «СПбНИИЛХ» - Петербургский Международный Лесопромышленный Форум 2015. Круглый стол «Информатизация лесного хозяйства» 29 сентября 2015
Система управлениями силами и средствами лесного хозяйства субъекта РФ ivan petrovРешение задач комплексного мониторинга лесного фонда при охране лесов от пожаров в системе управления лесным хозяйством в РФ
Развитие лесопожарной ситуации в 2014 годуpresident-sovetПрезентация выступления Андрея Жилина, заместителя руководителя Федерального агентства лесного хозяйства, на спецзаседании Совета при Президенте РФ по развитию гражданского общества и правам человека 2 июля 2014 года.
Эффективность мониторинга лесных пожаровЛесопромышленные выставки и конференцииИван ПЕТРОВ, начальник отдела, ФБУ «СПбНИИЛХ»,, Петербургский Международный Лесопромышленный Форум 2015. Круглый стол «Информатизация лесного хозяйства» 29 сентября 2015
Country Workplan for the Russian Federation. To improve response planning, im...ENPI FLEGCountry Workplan for the Russian Federation. To improve response planning, implementation, interagency and intergovernmental collaboration to combat illegal forest uses (RUS)
"Data Visualization in Europe" for Open Data SchoolIrina RadchenkoПрезентация "Визуализация данных в Европе" Натальи Карбасовой к занятию №8 в Школе открытых данных 17 декабря 2013 года.
HYPERSPECTRAL RS IN MINERAL MAPPINGAbhiram Kanigolla- The document discusses using hyperspectral remote sensing for mineral mapping. It provides background on how minerals have unique spectral signatures and defines hyperspectral imagery as image cubes with spatial and spectral data.
- Two case studies are summarized that demonstrate using techniques like atmospheric correction, MNF transformation, and spectral analysis tools like SAM and MTMF on Hyperion satellite imagery to map minerals in areas of India and Pakistan. Key minerals identified include grossularite, calcite, pyrite, andradite, and dolomite.
- The methodology involves preprocessing the hyperspectral cube, identifying endmembers, and then classifying and mapping minerals present based on their spectral properties and signatures in the imagery.
hyperspectral remote sensing and its geological applicationsabhijeet_banerjeethis is an introductory presentation on hyperspectral remote sensing, which essential deals with the distinguishing features, imaging spectrometers and its types, and some of the geological applications of hyperspectral remote sensing.
Change detection in Hyperspectral data.pptgrssieeeThe document discusses adapting the IR-MAD change detection method for use with hyperspectral data. It proposes using principal component analysis (PCA) for feature reduction before applying IR-MAD to address the high dimensionality of hyperspectral data. An initial change mask is also used to eliminate strong changes and isolate no-change pixels for analysis. Experiments on Landsat and hyperspectral data demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches. Current work involves using Markov random fields to incorporate spatial information and generate a final change classification map.
Hyperspectral remote sensing for oil explorationJayanth JoshuaHyperspectral remote sensing uses sensors that collect data across a wide range of electromagnetic wavelengths, with more than 100 contiguous bands that provide detailed spectral signatures. This allows identification of subtle mineral and material differences that can indicate oil and gas deposits. Seeps at the surface cause alterations detectable by hyperspectral analysis, like calcite, pyrite and clay changes. A Hydrocarbon Index highlights absorption peaks related to hydrocarbons. Classification algorithms like Spectral Angle Mapper can map hydrocarbon-bearing zones by comparing spectra to known samples. Soil tonal anomalies from bleaching or iron/clay changes also indicate subsurface structures and seepage areas for exploration.
Remote sensing application in agriculture & forestry_Dr Menon A R R (The Kera...India Water PortalThis presentation by Dr A R R Menon, Emeritus scientist, CED on Remote Sensing applications in agriculture and forestry was made at at the Kerala Environment Congress, Trivandrum organised by the Centre for Environment and Development
2015 Oil and Gas Digital and Technology Trends SurveyaccentureThe latest digital energy survey by Accenture and Microsoft reveals the resilience of digital technology investment in the oil and gas industry – despite volatile oil prices.
The Secret Sauce of Successful TeamsSven PetersEvery software team writes code, but some teams produce fewer bugs than others. Every software team creates new features, but some teams develop them faster than others. What do high performance teams do differently, and why are team members more focused, satisfied and relaxed? They truly work together. No 10x rockstar programmer can achieve what a well rounded, enthusiastic team can.
Sven examines how the best software teams set and follow goals, integrate new members fast, ensure diversity, monitor and continually improve team health, embrace transparency, use a playbook to guide them through every phase of development and much more. He shares techniques including: bugfix rotations, OKRs, feature buddies, open demos, focus days and many more that help teams and team members to work more effectively together, and produce awesome results.
Future Social: 10 Key Trends in Social MediaWe Are Social SingaporeThe social media landscape is changing so fast that most marketers struggle to keep up. To make things easier, we've distilled the many conversations we've been having with clients in recent months into 10 key trends you need to understand in order to improve your social ROI. To read our extensive write-up to accompany these slides, please visit http://bit.ly/wasfs10
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Country presentation, ArmeniaENPI FLEGThe document summarizes the key results and activities of the FLEG II Country Program in Armenia from 2013 to 2016. It discusses priority areas including improving forest law and policy, building human capacity, increasing public awareness, strengthening sustainable forest management, and improving FLEG planning and monitoring. Key results included establishing public monitoring of forests to empower citizens to protect forests, training volunteers, using satellite imagery, and generating media attention. The program also introduced briquetting to reduce fuelwood consumption and donated efficient stoves. An exit strategy is to transition to a forest landscape restoration approach building on FLEG successes.
Country presentation, AzerbaijanENPI FLEGThe document summarizes the 4th Steering Committee Meeting held in Brussels, Belgium on December 12-13, 2016. It provides an overview of Azerbaijan's country presentation, including key priority areas from 2013 to 2016 such as developing a young foresters' movement and strengthening staff capacity in the forest sector. It also outlines key results achieved in areas like sustainable forest management, training programs, and climate change adaptation. Ideas for future initiatives are presented, such as restoring forest landscapes and introducing information technologies to support forest management and monitoring.
Country presentation, BelarusENPI FLEGBelarus' country priorities from 2013-2016 included updating forest policy and legislation, optimizing forest management systems, improving forestry training, and forest communication strategies. Key results included supporting strategic planning reforms through 2030, passing a new Forestry Code in 2016, and improving timber tracking systems. Forest managers participated in study tours and workshops on sustainable practices. FLEG helped introduce dialogue and new economic opportunities for rural communities based on forests. FLEG-supported policies will regulate ongoing forest management and strengthen international cooperation.
Country presentation, GeorgiaENPI FLEG1) The document summarizes key results from Georgia's FLEG II Program from 2013-2016, including drafting a new Forest Code, developing supporting legislation, and building capacity of government institutions and forest users.
2) The program supported sustainable forest management practices through developing sustainable forest management plans, facilitating natural regeneration, and establishing a protected area. It also increased public awareness through educational activities.
3) A success story highlighted a video contest winner that depicted program objectives simply. Another success was reaching an agreement to manage the forests of Tusheti Protected Landscape locally, though it presented challenges of an unprecedented institutional setup and capacity building needs.
Country presentation, MoldovaENPI FLEGThe 4th Steering Committee Meeting covered Moldova's priority areas in forest law enforcement and governance (FLEG) from 2013 to 2016. Key results included reforms to Moldova's forest institutional structure based on FLEG data, expanded forested areas, and development of a wood traceability system. Capacity building efforts trained local stakeholders in sustainable forest management. Outreach increased public awareness of FLEG through media coverage and educational events. An exit strategy was discussed to sustain FLEG progress through existing agencies like Moldsilva and projects from the World Bank and IUCN.
Country presentation, RussiaENPI FLEGThe document summarizes key results from Russia's participation in the FLEG II program from 2013 to 2016. The priority areas included improving FLEG planning and monitoring, building human resource capacity, facilitating actions by forest companies, safeguarding community rights, and increasing transparency. Key results included developing modular education programs, publishing recommendations to improve regulations, conducting surveys of suppliers to the EU market, and preparing maps and assessments of sustainable forest management. The exit strategy focused on delegating activities, transferring products, institutionalizing processes, and finding alternative funding. The program engaged stakeholders across Russia and in neighboring countries.
"Data Visualization in Europe" for Open Data SchoolIrina RadchenkoПрезентация "Визуализация данных в Европе" Натальи Карбасовой к занятию №8 в Школе открытых данных 17 декабря 2013 года.
HYPERSPECTRAL RS IN MINERAL MAPPINGAbhiram Kanigolla- The document discusses using hyperspectral remote sensing for mineral mapping. It provides background on how minerals have unique spectral signatures and defines hyperspectral imagery as image cubes with spatial and spectral data.
- Two case studies are summarized that demonstrate using techniques like atmospheric correction, MNF transformation, and spectral analysis tools like SAM and MTMF on Hyperion satellite imagery to map minerals in areas of India and Pakistan. Key minerals identified include grossularite, calcite, pyrite, andradite, and dolomite.
- The methodology involves preprocessing the hyperspectral cube, identifying endmembers, and then classifying and mapping minerals present based on their spectral properties and signatures in the imagery.
hyperspectral remote sensing and its geological applicationsabhijeet_banerjeethis is an introductory presentation on hyperspectral remote sensing, which essential deals with the distinguishing features, imaging spectrometers and its types, and some of the geological applications of hyperspectral remote sensing.
Change detection in Hyperspectral data.pptgrssieeeThe document discusses adapting the IR-MAD change detection method for use with hyperspectral data. It proposes using principal component analysis (PCA) for feature reduction before applying IR-MAD to address the high dimensionality of hyperspectral data. An initial change mask is also used to eliminate strong changes and isolate no-change pixels for analysis. Experiments on Landsat and hyperspectral data demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches. Current work involves using Markov random fields to incorporate spatial information and generate a final change classification map.
Hyperspectral remote sensing for oil explorationJayanth JoshuaHyperspectral remote sensing uses sensors that collect data across a wide range of electromagnetic wavelengths, with more than 100 contiguous bands that provide detailed spectral signatures. This allows identification of subtle mineral and material differences that can indicate oil and gas deposits. Seeps at the surface cause alterations detectable by hyperspectral analysis, like calcite, pyrite and clay changes. A Hydrocarbon Index highlights absorption peaks related to hydrocarbons. Classification algorithms like Spectral Angle Mapper can map hydrocarbon-bearing zones by comparing spectra to known samples. Soil tonal anomalies from bleaching or iron/clay changes also indicate subsurface structures and seepage areas for exploration.
Remote sensing application in agriculture & forestry_Dr Menon A R R (The Kera...India Water PortalThis presentation by Dr A R R Menon, Emeritus scientist, CED on Remote Sensing applications in agriculture and forestry was made at at the Kerala Environment Congress, Trivandrum organised by the Centre for Environment and Development
2015 Oil and Gas Digital and Technology Trends SurveyaccentureThe latest digital energy survey by Accenture and Microsoft reveals the resilience of digital technology investment in the oil and gas industry – despite volatile oil prices.
The Secret Sauce of Successful TeamsSven PetersEvery software team writes code, but some teams produce fewer bugs than others. Every software team creates new features, but some teams develop them faster than others. What do high performance teams do differently, and why are team members more focused, satisfied and relaxed? They truly work together. No 10x rockstar programmer can achieve what a well rounded, enthusiastic team can.
Sven examines how the best software teams set and follow goals, integrate new members fast, ensure diversity, monitor and continually improve team health, embrace transparency, use a playbook to guide them through every phase of development and much more. He shares techniques including: bugfix rotations, OKRs, feature buddies, open demos, focus days and many more that help teams and team members to work more effectively together, and produce awesome results.
Future Social: 10 Key Trends in Social MediaWe Are Social SingaporeThe social media landscape is changing so fast that most marketers struggle to keep up. To make things easier, we've distilled the many conversations we've been having with clients in recent months into 10 key trends you need to understand in order to improve your social ROI. To read our extensive write-up to accompany these slides, please visit http://bit.ly/wasfs10
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Country presentation, ArmeniaENPI FLEGThe document summarizes the key results and activities of the FLEG II Country Program in Armenia from 2013 to 2016. It discusses priority areas including improving forest law and policy, building human capacity, increasing public awareness, strengthening sustainable forest management, and improving FLEG planning and monitoring. Key results included establishing public monitoring of forests to empower citizens to protect forests, training volunteers, using satellite imagery, and generating media attention. The program also introduced briquetting to reduce fuelwood consumption and donated efficient stoves. An exit strategy is to transition to a forest landscape restoration approach building on FLEG successes.
Country presentation, AzerbaijanENPI FLEGThe document summarizes the 4th Steering Committee Meeting held in Brussels, Belgium on December 12-13, 2016. It provides an overview of Azerbaijan's country presentation, including key priority areas from 2013 to 2016 such as developing a young foresters' movement and strengthening staff capacity in the forest sector. It also outlines key results achieved in areas like sustainable forest management, training programs, and climate change adaptation. Ideas for future initiatives are presented, such as restoring forest landscapes and introducing information technologies to support forest management and monitoring.
Country presentation, BelarusENPI FLEGBelarus' country priorities from 2013-2016 included updating forest policy and legislation, optimizing forest management systems, improving forestry training, and forest communication strategies. Key results included supporting strategic planning reforms through 2030, passing a new Forestry Code in 2016, and improving timber tracking systems. Forest managers participated in study tours and workshops on sustainable practices. FLEG helped introduce dialogue and new economic opportunities for rural communities based on forests. FLEG-supported policies will regulate ongoing forest management and strengthen international cooperation.
Country presentation, GeorgiaENPI FLEG1) The document summarizes key results from Georgia's FLEG II Program from 2013-2016, including drafting a new Forest Code, developing supporting legislation, and building capacity of government institutions and forest users.
2) The program supported sustainable forest management practices through developing sustainable forest management plans, facilitating natural regeneration, and establishing a protected area. It also increased public awareness through educational activities.
3) A success story highlighted a video contest winner that depicted program objectives simply. Another success was reaching an agreement to manage the forests of Tusheti Protected Landscape locally, though it presented challenges of an unprecedented institutional setup and capacity building needs.
Country presentation, MoldovaENPI FLEGThe 4th Steering Committee Meeting covered Moldova's priority areas in forest law enforcement and governance (FLEG) from 2013 to 2016. Key results included reforms to Moldova's forest institutional structure based on FLEG data, expanded forested areas, and development of a wood traceability system. Capacity building efforts trained local stakeholders in sustainable forest management. Outreach increased public awareness of FLEG through media coverage and educational events. An exit strategy was discussed to sustain FLEG progress through existing agencies like Moldsilva and projects from the World Bank and IUCN.
Country presentation, RussiaENPI FLEGThe document summarizes key results from Russia's participation in the FLEG II program from 2013 to 2016. The priority areas included improving FLEG planning and monitoring, building human resource capacity, facilitating actions by forest companies, safeguarding community rights, and increasing transparency. Key results included developing modular education programs, publishing recommendations to improve regulations, conducting surveys of suppliers to the EU market, and preparing maps and assessments of sustainable forest management. The exit strategy focused on delegating activities, transferring products, institutionalizing processes, and finding alternative funding. The program engaged stakeholders across Russia and in neighboring countries.
Progress and activities since previous SC meeting (October 2015) and performa...ENPI FLEGProgress and activities since previous SC meeting
(October 2015) and performance against the result
Study on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg DeclarationENPI FLEGStudy on Country Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration.
Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations
Tapani Oksanen, consultant
Country presentation, UkraineENPI FLEGThe 4th Steering Committee Meeting for Ukraine's country presentation summarized key results from 2013 to 2016 under the FLEG-2 Program. Priority areas included supporting forest policy and strategy dialogue, improving forest law enforcement and governance, and increasing transparency and public awareness. Despite challenges, the program team maintained priorities of reforming the forest sector. Key results included analytical works that informed legislative reforms, increased awareness of forest issues, and trainings on topics like GIS and forest management. An exit strategy aims to continue efforts through working groups, experts on committees, and NGO partnerships to further reforms and ensure sustainability of the FLEG-2 Program's initiatives.
Удосконалення системи контролю за рухом деревини в Україні та пропозиції змін...ENPI FLEGУдосконалення системи контролю за рухом деревини в Україні та пропозиції змін до національного законодавства
Проект моделі реформування і розвитку мисливського господарства УкраїниENPI FLEGПроект моделі реформування і розвитку мисливського господарства України
Regional newsletter (Autumn 2015)ENPI FLEGThe members of the "FLEG II Program - Complementary Measures for Georgia and Armenia" met in Armenia to discuss progress and plan future activities. The meeting reviewed recommendations from the main FLEG II program and the mid-term review. Country representatives from Armenia and Georgia presented updates and work plans for the coming year. The meeting approved the country work plans with some modifications. The program will continue supporting forestry policy development, sustainable forest management, and capacity building in Armenia and Georgia.
Аналіз законодавчої бази і практики ведення мисливського господарства деяких ...ENPI FLEGАналіз законодавчої бази і практики ведення мисливського господарства деяких країн Європейського Союзу
International experience in development of timber tracking systemsENPI FLEGThe document provides an overview of timber tracking systems used internationally. It describes systems used in several tropical timber exporting countries as well as some European countries. For the tropical countries, it outlines timber tracking systems that are state-mandated and aim to monitor timber flows from harvest to processing. These systems use a mix of individual log identification methods like tagging alongside balance-based monitoring of timber volumes. The systems described aim to establish oversight and legality across international supply chains for timber trade.
Analysis of legislation and practice of hunting in some EU countriesENPI FLEGThis document provides a summary of the legal hunting framework in EU countries. Key points include:
1) Hunting is primarily regulated by the EU Birds Directive (1979) and Habitats Directive (1992) which member states must comply with.
2) International conventions like CITES, CMS, and the Bern Convention also influence hunting policy.
3) The EU has established guidelines for sustainable hunting practices and collects hunting statistics to monitor bird populations.
4) Sustainable hunting is supported through the Natura 2000 protected areas network, involving hunters in habitat and species management.
Draft model of reformation and development of hunting sector in UkraineENPI FLEGDraft model of reformation and development of hunting sector in Ukraine
Закордонний досвід налагодження систем контролю руху і стеження деревиниENPI FLEGЗакордонний досвід налагодження систем контролю руху і стеження деревини
Пропозиції ключових законодавчих актів щодо охорони біорізноманіття в лісах а...ENPI FLEGПропозиції ключових законодавчих актів щодо охорони біорізноманіття в лісах адаптація українського законодавства до вимог ЄС
Пропозиції ключових законодавчих актів щодо охорони біорізноманіття в лісах а...ENPI FLEG
5 ковалев - доклад в иркутске
1. О развитии информационной системы дистанционного мониторинга лесных пожаров (ИСДМ-Рослесхоз) Development of Forest Fire Monitoring System based on Remote Sensing Начальник ФГУ «Авиалесоохрана» Н.А. Ковалев Федеральное агентство лесного хозяйства
2. Зоны мониторинга пожарной опасности Forest Fire Monitoring Zones 1143 млн. га Наземная зона (90428,2 тыс.га) Авиационная зона (481180,1 тыс.га) Космомониторинг 1-го уровня (146651,1 тыс.га) Космомониторинг 2-го уровня (424744,6 тыс.га) Особоохраняемые природные территории Земли нелесного фонда
4. Состав данных и выходные продукты БМПО ИСДМ-Рослесхоз Data of forest fire monitoring system Интерфейс оперативного мониторинга Информационные и аналитические формы Тематические карты Интеграция с внешними системами Информационная система
7. Причины возникновения лесных пожаров Causes of forest fires Более 95% лесных пожаров в весенний период возникает вдоль дорог и рек в местах массового посещения населением участков леса
9. Пример контроля за динамикой распространения крупных лесных пожаров Example of forest fire developing control
10. Выявление пройденных пожарами площадей по спутниковым изображениям высокого пространственного разрешения Республика Бурятия Control of burned area based on information of high resolution Imagery
11. Оценка площади погибших лесов по спутниковым данным в ИСДМ-Рослесхоз Evaluation of forest fire damages Доля площади лесов погибших от пожаров в 2008 году по субъектам РФ Лесная площадь, пройденная огнем и площадь погибших лесов за 2003 – 2008 годы (тыс. га) по данным Terra-MODIS Изображение поврежденных пожарами лесов по данным Terra-MODIS Изображение поврежденных пожарами лесов по данным Terra-MODIS
12. Блок-схема комплексного использования спутниковых изображений и данных наземных обследований для оценки повреждений лесов пожарами Scheme of complex information for post fire evaluation Блок сбора наземных данных с использованием спутниковых изображений высокого разрешения (экспериментально апробирован в 2009 году) Наземные обследования с закладкой пробных площадей Изображения высокого разрешения Анализ данных Оценка взаимосвязей Категория состояния лесов на тестовых участках Блок оценки площади пройденной огнем и погибших лесов по данным MODIS (находится в эксплуатации) Оценка степени повреждения лесов Картографирование лесного покрова Выявление пройденных огнем лесов Оценка степени повреждения по типам насаждений Уточненная оценка площади погибших лесов Выявление зависимостей Блок уточнения площади погибших лесов (перспективная задача развития ИСДМ в 2010 году)
13. Долгосрочная оценка последствий лесных пожаров по изображениям высокого пространственного разрешения Long Term Post Fire Evaluation Разновременные спутниковые данные позволяют уточнять площади пожарищ, оценивать степень повреждения огнем лесной растительности, выявлять гари и погибшие насаждени я , а также оценивать состояние и динамику лесовосстановительного процесса До пожара Before fire Через восемь лет после пожара In 8 years После пожара Right after fire 28.05.1998 03.06.2000 15.11.2008 Гарь Возобновление Вырубка
16. Схема распределения лесных и ландшафтных пожаров в приграничных зонах в 2009 году Forest Fires Near State Border in 2009 МНР КНР МНР Казахстан КНР
17. Сведения о лесных и ландшафтных пожарах в приграничных зонах в 2009 году (Часть 1) Forest Fires near State Border (10 km zone) 2009 Наименование субъекта РФ Количество пожаров в приграничной полосе (10 км от государственной границы ) за период с 1.04.2009 по 30.11.2009 на территории РФ на территориях сопредельных государств возникших в 10 км зоне от границы в том числе перешедших границу возникших в 10 км зоне от границы в том числе перешедших границу Центральный федеральный округ Белгородская область 72 15 135 20 Брянская область 68 17 43 13 Воронежская область 29 2 21 4 Курская область 38 4 44 4 Смоленская область 52 10 20 2 Итого 259 48 263 43 Северо-Западный федеральный округ Калининградская область 65 11 3 1 Ленинградская область 3 0 2 0 Псковская область 12 1 2 1 Республика Карелия 1 0 2 1 Итого 81 12 9 3 Южный федеральный округ Астраханская область 28 3 16 1 Волгоградская область 2 0 7 5 Краснодарский край 1 0 0 0 Республика Дагестан 4 2 2 0 Республика Северная Осетия 3 0 3 0 Ростовская область 70 18 106 23 Итого 108 23 134 29
18. Сведения о лесных и ландшафтных пожарах в приграничных зонах в 2009 году (Часть 2) Forest Fires near State Border (10 km zone) 2009 Наименование субъекта РФ Количество пожаров в приграничной полосе (10 км от государственной границы ) за период с 1.04.2009 по 30.11.2009 на территории РФ на территориях сопредельных государств возникших в 10 км зоне от границы в том числе перешедших границу возникших в 10 км зоне от границы в том числе перешедших границу Приволжский федеральный округ Оренбургская область 172 32 175 28 Самарская область 1 0 0 0 Саратовская область 31 1 34 5 Итого 204 33 209 33 Уральский федеральный округ Курганская область 68 11 52 6 Тюменская область 14 3 16 2 Челябинская область 69 14 51 14 Итого 151 28 119 22 Сибирский федеральный округ Алтайский край 8 0 13 4 Новосибирская область 7 5 5 1 Омская область 60 10 67 13 Республика Бурятия 53 9 25 8 Республика Тыва 7 1 3 1 Забайкальский край 85 13 47 12 Итого 220 38 160 39 Дальневосточный федеральный округ Амурская область 254 17 24 3 Еврейская автономная область 171 13 73 8 Приморский край 151 10 58 21 Хабаровский край 89 4 63 14 Итого 665 44 218 46 В С Е Г О : 1688 226 1112 215
19. Приграничный лесной пожар, перешел с территории Монгольской народной Республики Cross Border Forest Fire, that is escaped from Mongolia to Russia
20. Развитие лесного пожара в Забайкальском крае с переходом на территорию МНР Cross Border Forest Fire that is escaped from Russia to Mongolia МНР