Nick MinguitoNicholas MinguitoThis letter provides a recommendation for Nick Minguito. It describes Nick's reliable and patient work as a soccer coach and referee for the Town of Kearny Recreation Department. The director notes that Nick handled his coaching responsibilities with great pride and expertise, making decisions that followed policy but also considered the children's best interests. The director states that Nick is intelligent, hard working, and strives to do his best, and would be a great asset to any company.
Stress ManagementTanvi BanerjeeThe document defines stress as occurring when pressures exceed one's ability to cope (S=P>R). It notes that 80% of modern diseases have stress as their root cause and that long-term stress can physically affect the brain by shrinking the hippocampus. The document lists personal, organizational, mental, and social factors as common reasons for stress and describes physical, mood, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms. Finally, it provides tips for managing stress such as lifestyle analysis, maintaining balance between demands and supplies, learning to say no, practicing self-help, using time management tools, and recognizing that moderate stress can improve memory and focus.
Nick MinguitoNicholas MinguitoThis letter provides a recommendation for Nick Minguito. It describes Nick's reliable and patient work as a soccer coach and referee for the Town of Kearny Recreation Department. The director notes that Nick handled his coaching responsibilities with great pride and expertise, making decisions that followed policy but also considered the children's best interests. The director states that Nick is intelligent, hard working, and strives to do his best, and would be a great asset to any company.
Stress ManagementTanvi BanerjeeThe document defines stress as occurring when pressures exceed one's ability to cope (S=P>R). It notes that 80% of modern diseases have stress as their root cause and that long-term stress can physically affect the brain by shrinking the hippocampus. The document lists personal, organizational, mental, and social factors as common reasons for stress and describes physical, mood, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms. Finally, it provides tips for managing stress such as lifestyle analysis, maintaining balance between demands and supplies, learning to say no, practicing self-help, using time management tools, and recognizing that moderate stress can improve memory and focus.
Project Based Learning- Ashish K ChaurdiaDipayan SarkarThis document discusses project-based learning (PBL), describing it as an instructional approach where students work in teams on real-world problems and create presentations to share what they've learned. The benefits of PBL for students include deeper subject knowledge, increased self-direction and motivation, and improved research and problem-solving skills. As a teacher's role shifts to that of a coach and facilitator in PBL, they must help students design projects aligned to standards and allow for varied assessments.
Resume format akshay d3eshmukh resumAkshay deshmukhAkshay Jayvantrao Deshmukh is seeking an associate position where he can utilize his educational skills and expand his knowledge of new technologies. He has completed his SSC in 2012 with 55.60%, HSC in 2014 with 63.08%, ITI in 2014 with 67.20%, and CCETT in 2014 with 78.25%. Additionally, he has a MS-CIT qualification from 2012 with 82.20%. He is currently residing in Buldana, Maharashtra and is unmarried with English, Hindi, and Marathi language abilities.
Resume format (tati)John Paolo AgustinJericho I. Murito is applying for the position of Technical Instructor for Laboratory/Workshop. He has 4 years of experience as a College Instructor in IT Education where he taught students to troubleshoot and install computer systems and networks. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Information Communication and Technology and has attended training in Assessors Methodology and Training Methodology from TESDA Philippines Region IX. He is proficient with computers and networking equipment and seeks a salary between $1800-2000.
CV HENDRA PERMANA R1Hendra PermanaHendra Permana has applied for a position in QA/QC, project field engineering, or a relevant vacant post. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering and over 14 years of work experience in quality management, inspection, testing, preventative maintenance, ISO standards, and Six Sigma methodology. His experience includes roles in QA/QC management, project engineering, site supervision, and coordination across various industries like construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and engineering. He is seeking a role where he can continue enhancing his technical skills and industry knowledge.
Cv of ntknennguyennenNguyen Thi Kim Nen graduated from Social Sciences and Humanities University in 2009 with a degree in Japanese. She has over 3 years of work experience including positions as a Japanese localization tester, Japanese assistant and translator, and currently as a Japanese interpreter, translator, and secretary. Her skills include time management, logical problem solving, Microsoft Office, and strong communication and networking abilities.
1. Черга на 2014-2015 навчальний рік (ясла)
діти народжені в період /01.09.2011-30.06.2014/
ДНЗ №9 «Тополька»
№ ПІБ дитини
1 Бабенко Кирило Олександрович 29.11.2011
2 Аніщенко Данило В’ячеславович 25.02.2012
3 Хайрулін Роман Анатолійович 18.02.2013
4 Звєрєв Дмитро Костянтинович 27.10.2012
5 Чуракова Софія Євгенівна 17.05.2012
6 Маслаган Евеліна Олегівна 24.02.2013
Черга на 2014-2015 навчальний рік (молодша група) /діти
народжені в період 01.09.2010 - 31.08.2011/
ДНЗ №9 «Тополька»
№ ПІБ дитини
1 Пошокова Аліна Євгенівна 12.03.2011
2 Терехов Максим Миколайович 13.11.2010
3 Тарапата Максим Сергійович 26.05.2011
4 Пелех Руслан Дмитрович 18.05.2011
5 Філіппова Катерина Дмитрівна 10.09.2011
6 Чуракова Марина Євгенівна 19.03.2011
7 Железняк Михайло Сергійович 13.09.2010
Черга на 2014-2015 навчальний рік (середня група) /діти
народжені в період 01.09.2009-30.06.2010/
ДНЗ №9 «Тополька»
№ ПІБ дитини
1 Ваврик Марія 10.01.2010
2 Єрьоменко Ольга 30.01.2010
3 Пшеничний Максим 28.09.2009
4 Петрашов Данил 09.04.2010
5 Воронкова Катерина Андріївна 08.06.2010
Черга на 2015-2016 навчальний рік (ясла)
діти народжені в період /01.09.2012-30.06.2014/
ДНЗ №9 «Тополька»
№ ПІБ дитини
1 Новікова Катерина Максимівна 26.03.2013
2. 2 Смоляк Марія Сергіївна 19.05.2013
3 Смоляк Анастасія Юріївна 02.04.2013
4 Колесова Вєдана Олександрівна 23.04.2013
5 Згоба Максим Олександрович 08.08.2013
6 Вільховик Іван Олександрович 08.07.2013
7 Лебедєва Марія Іванівна 21.08.2013
8 Сидорук Антон Валентинович 03.09.2013
9 Крайня Ксенія Андріївна 25.01.2014
10 Барлет Назар Андрійович 05.04.2013
11 Барлет Уляна Олексіївна 23.01.2013
12 Папіна Юля Сергіївна 28.09.2012
13 Колоненко Вероніка Сергіївна 16.02.2013
14 Ткаченко Мирослава Сергіївна 13.07.2013
15 Мельников Кирило Сергійович 04.04.2013
16 Черепашенко Кирило Олександрович 02.09.2013
17 Задорожній Іван Леонідович 30.10.2013
18 Бутенко Ігнат Артемович 24.10.2013
19 Іщенко Євген Максимович 04.07.2013
20 Бутенко Ігнат Артемович 24.10.2013
21 Іщенко Євген Максимович 04.07.2013
22 Когут Катерина Олександрівна 01.12.2012
23 Аніканова Аліна Ігорівна 28.02.2013
24 Войтанішек Ренат Романович 28.04.2013
25 Сорокіна Дарина Дмитрівна 03.12.2013
26 Пирогов Ілля Миколайович 27.09.2012
Черга на 2016-2017 навчальний рік (ясла)
діти народжені в період /01.09.2013-31.08.2014/
ДНЗ №9 «Тополька»
№ ПІБ дитини
1 Бабуняк Станіслав Дмитрович 24.04.2014
3. 2 Слушаєнко Кирило Віталійович 01.12.2013
Черга на 2016-2017 навчальний рік (молодша група) /діти
народжені в період 01.09.2012 - 31.08.2013/
ДНЗ №9 «Тополька»
№ ПІБ дитини
1 Пасічник Кирило Романович 18.05.2013