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Pablo Colom, Mar鱈a De Vega, Selene D鱈az and Anna Ferreres have worked about
genetics and prevention of diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension and alzheimer.
This work is very interesting, because we can learn and understand the information that
we have about the genetic diseases and the possibility of developing them. Also, it
explains each one of the diseases, why appear, types, organs that affect and more
information that it helps us to know more about them.
The best point of this work is it tests prevetion methods and they observe good effects of
Noemi Alfaro, Jorge Andreu, Daniel Aparici and Maria-Andreea Banu (1st
BAHA, IES Matilde Salvador, Spain)

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  • 1. GRENETICS AND PREVENTION Pablo Colom, Mar鱈a De Vega, Selene D鱈az and Anna Ferreres have worked about genetics and prevention of diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension and alzheimer. This work is very interesting, because we can learn and understand the information that we have about the genetic diseases and the possibility of developing them. Also, it explains each one of the diseases, why appear, types, organs that affect and more information that it helps us to know more about them. The best point of this work is it tests prevetion methods and they observe good effects of them. Noemi Alfaro, Jorge Andreu, Daniel Aparici and Maria-Andreea Banu (1st BAHA, IES Matilde Salvador, Spain)