Este documento describe los pasos para analizar un archivo de datos sobre obesidad en SPSS. Incluye calcular un nuevo ┴ndice de masa corporal, decodificar esta variable, generar tablas y gr│ficos estad┴sticos descriptivos y de barras agrupadas, e incluir gr│ficos como histogramas y diagramas de cajas para variables como edad y sexo.
This document outlines a course on Pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy. The course is mandatory for the II year of the Pharmaceutical Care study program. It aims to teach students professional knowledge and skills in pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, critical appraisal of published research, and evaluation of quality in pharmaceutical care. Over the course of lectures and practical classes, students will learn to apply these concepts and critically evaluate clinical and economic studies. Assessment methods include active participation, practical classes, colloquia, seminars, and a final exam.
The author expresses sadness at missing their friends from school and thanks several friends for their support and friendship over the past year, mentioning Ibraheem for his smarts, Angel for all he's done, Leo for being his first friend that year, Juan despite some arguments, Karla and Sabrina as best girl friends, and Johnny, saying they will miss all their "peeps".
Kevin Sherrard is an experienced IT professional with over 15 years of experience managing IT projects, business intelligence, client services, end-user support, and technology integration. He has a track record of successfully migrating systems, re-engineering processes to reduce costs, and providing 24/7 on-call support. Sherrard holds qualifications in project management, business intelligence, requirements analysis, and technology standards.
Este documento describe los pasos para analizar un archivo de datos sobre obesidad en SPSS. Incluye calcular un nuevo ┴ndice de masa corporal, decodificar esta variable, generar tablas y gr│ficos estad┴sticos descriptivos y de barras agrupadas, e incluir gr│ficos como histogramas y diagramas de cajas para variables como edad y sexo.
This document outlines a course on Pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy. The course is mandatory for the II year of the Pharmaceutical Care study program. It aims to teach students professional knowledge and skills in pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, critical appraisal of published research, and evaluation of quality in pharmaceutical care. Over the course of lectures and practical classes, students will learn to apply these concepts and critically evaluate clinical and economic studies. Assessment methods include active participation, practical classes, colloquia, seminars, and a final exam.
The author expresses sadness at missing their friends from school and thanks several friends for their support and friendship over the past year, mentioning Ibraheem for his smarts, Angel for all he's done, Leo for being his first friend that year, Juan despite some arguments, Karla and Sabrina as best girl friends, and Johnny, saying they will miss all their "peeps".
Kevin Sherrard is an experienced IT professional with over 15 years of experience managing IT projects, business intelligence, client services, end-user support, and technology integration. He has a track record of successfully migrating systems, re-engineering processes to reduce costs, and providing 24/7 on-call support. Sherrard holds qualifications in project management, business intelligence, requirements analysis, and technology standards.
Purification of G-Protein Coupled Receptor from Membrane Cell of Local Strain...iosrjce
The aim of this study to purify GPCR from a local strain of S. cerevisiae using gel filtration
chromatography techniques , by packing materials for columns which will be chosen of low cost comparing to
the already used in published researches, which depend on the costly affinity chromatography and other
expensive methods of purification. Local strain of S. cerevisiae chosen for extraction and purification of Gprotein
coupled receptor (GPCR) .The strains were obtained from biology department in Al- Mosul University,
Iraq. The isolated colony was activated on Yeast Extract Pepton Dextrose Broth (YEPDB) and incubated at 30
C? for 24 h .Loop fully of the yeast culture was transferred to (10ml) of yeast extract peptone glucose agar
(YEPGA) slant , then incubated at 30C?for 24h , after that it was stored at 4C? ,the yeast cultures were
reactivated and persevered after each two weeks period. S.cerevisiae was identified by morphological,
microscopic characterization and biochemical test . The GPCR that extract from membrane of S.cerevisiae was
purified by gel filtration chromatography in two steps using Sepharose 6B. The optical density for each fraction
was measured at 280 nm by UV-VS spectrophotometer then the GPCR concentration was determined by using
ELISA Kit . The fractions which gave the highest absorbance and concentration of GPCR were collected .The
molecular weight of GPCR was determined by gel filtration chromatography using blue dextrin solution.
Standard curve was plotted between log of molecular weight for standard protein and the ratio of Ve/Vo of
GPCR . The purity of the GPCR that extracted and purified from whole cell of S, cerevisiae were carried out by
using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis In the first step 5ml of crude extract was applied on sepharose 6B column
(1.6x 96 cm) which previously equilibrated with 50 mM phosphate buffer saline pH= 7.4 . Multiple proteins
peaks appeared after elution with elution buffer (PBS PH= 7.4 containing 0. 5 % DDM). One peak only give
positive result with GPCR assay, fractions representing GPCR were collected , pooled and concentrated by
sucrose. In the second step five active fractions from the previous step were collected and applied once again on
the same column and same conditions. This step gave a single peak that was identical with the peak of GPCR
concentration ,maximum concentration of GPCR that observed in the fractions (34-38) was 18.541 (ng/ml) . The
specific activity for these fractions was 261.14 (ng/mg) protein with yield of 47.717%. The present study a chive
a relatively high purification of GPCR from membrane fraction of a local strain S. cerevisiae with fold
purification 5.094 and a yield of 47.717%. and molecular weight about~55KD.
Runs through Tinkercad basics, 3D Printing concepts and design considerations, finding other models, 3D Printing Service companies and finally, a few more advanced Tinkercad features.
How Comcast uses Data Science to Improve the Customer ExperienceTuri, Inc.
The document compares different algorithms and methods for predicting video viewing patterns and evaluating recommendation accuracy. It shows various graphs and metrics for techniques like evaluating daily and weekly viewing similarities, repeat search patterns, linear station-level viewing similarities, and recall vs resolution for different content recommendation systems. Overall network bandwidth savings from predictive caching strategies are also illustrated.
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