Populism and Familiarity: Political Appropriation of Suvivirsi, the Summer HymnTuukka Ylä-AnttilaPopulist argumentation claims to represent ‘the people’ against ‘the elite’, appealing to emotions and reacting to a sense of crisis. By analysing a public debate in Finland, where populist arguments appropriate a culturally shared, familiar experience – that of singing Suvivirsi, the Summer Hymn – I argue that evoking familiarity is an effective way of ‘doing populism’. Analysing media texts from 2002 to 2014 and a questionnaire to political candidates in 2011 – when the right-wing populist (True) Finns Party broke through – using Laurent Thévenot’s sociology of engagements, I show that appeals to the familiarity of the hymn are particularly compatible with the populist valorization of the experience of the common people. In other words, familiarity is a central tool in the toolkit of populism. Remembering the shared experience of singing the hymn bonds the assumed 'people' together and gives an emotional charge for populist arguments. The article applies pragmatist political sociology, studying politics 'in action' in ordinary citizens' daily lives, to the analysis of populism – largely absent from previous, extensive populism studies.
Populismi suomalaisen poliittisen kulttuurin kontekstissaTuukka Ylä-AnttilaPyrkimyksiä tulkita perussuomalaisten puolueen jakautumista kaupunkiin ja maaseutuun sekä käsitteellistää populismia Laurent Thévenot'n teorian pohjalta. Esitelty Populismi liikkeenä ja retoriikkana -projektille Jyväskylän yliopistossa 11.1.2013
Populism as Politics of Personal Experience: The Case of SuvivirsiTuukka Ylä-AnttilaPresented at the workshop "Changing Political Engagements: Populism, Participation and Social Media" at the University of Tampere 10th May 2013
The Adaptability of Populist Discourse: Greece and Finland in ComparisonTuukka Ylä-AnttilaThis document compares populist discourse in Greece and Finland in response to the 2008 financial crisis. It finds that while both construct "the people" in opposition to corrupt elites, there are differences in how the enemies are framed. In Greece, the political elite are accused of being lackeys and enemies include "German austerity fascists." In Finland, enemies include the domestic political elite as well as European and global banking elites. However, the populist discourse in Greece features stronger moral condemnation and conspiracy narratives against enemies. Overall, the document finds populist discourse can adapt across cultures while maintaining a simplistic worldview of good vs. evil.
A Sociological Framework for the Analysis of Populism via Laurent Thévenot’s ...Tuukka Ylä-AnttilaThis document discusses using Laurent Thévenot's framework of public justification, liberal individuals, and personal affinities to analyze populism. It provides examples of different types of populism, such as agrarian populism and contemporary right-wing populism, and how they relate to Thévenot's grammars. The document aims to detach populist argumentative mechanisms from their specific usages to reveal the underlying conceptions of democracy.
Exploiting the Discursive Opportunity of the Euro Crisis: The Rise of The Fin...Tuukka Ylä-AnttilaThe document analyzes the rise of the Finns Party in Finnish elections from 2007 to 2011. It summarizes the party's three-fold ideology of populism, social justice, and nationalism and how each aspect evolved over this period. During the 2011 election campaign, the Finns Party amplified its nationalist messaging by strongly opposing the Euro currency and increasing immigration. The Euro crisis provided an opportunity for the party to gain success by linking its ideological transformation more firmly to nationalism and criticism of Southern European countries.
What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and PopulismTuukka Ylä-AnttilaThis presents, in a simplified and condensed form, my argument about the differences between rural and urban Finns Party candidates and shows the party in the context of a particularly Finnish political culture, analyzed via Laurent Thévenot's justification theory. Presentation based on my Master's dissertation. Presented 18th December 2012 in a seminar "On Populism and Politics" by the Finnish Political Science Association.
Using Topic Modeling to Study Everyday "Civic Talk" and Proto-political Engag...Tuukka Ylä-AnttilaWe present a two-step topic modeling method of analysing political articulations in everyday proto-political "civic talk" on online social media and interpreting them in terms of cultural and political sociology.
Semântica e Boas Práticas de Código Orientadas a SEODouglas FariaEste documento apresenta o perfil profissional de Douglas Faria. Ele é empreendedor e fundador da Agência Assoweb, trabalhando com marketing digital, desenvolvimento front-end e design. Fornece também dicas sobre SEO, semântica e HTML5.
ESA Torino 2013: What is Finnish about The Finns Party? Political Culture and...Tuukka Ylä-Anttila1) The document discusses the rise of the Finns Party in Finnish politics. It notes that the Finns Party broke through in 2011, becoming the third largest party after decades of the Centre, Social Democratic, and Conservative parties dominating as the "Big Three".
2) It examines the Finnish political culture and the legacy of the Finns Party's predecessor party, the Finnish Rural Party, in shaping populism in Finland. Specifically, it notes Finland's culture of consensus and emphasis on rationality has provided fertile ground for a populist uprising.
3) The document analyzes differences between the Finns Party and other European populist radical right parties, finding the Finns Party inherits influences from rural populism and emphasizes
Populism as Politics of Personal Experience: The Case of SuvivirsiTuukka Ylä-AnttilaThis document discusses the concept of populism in Finnish politics through the case study of "Suvivirsi", a Finnish Christian hymn traditionally sung in schools. It outlines theories of populism, public justification, and familiarity/commonplaces. In Finnish politics, issues are usually debated through principles of public justification and rationality. However, Suvivirsi appeals to notions of shared cultural heritage and experience among the Finnish people. While broadening what is politically acceptable, its use can also work to exclude immigrants. The document examines how theories of familiarity and justification can help understand the lack of civic engagement in politics and the rise of populism in appealing to people on a personal level.
Taller Cap a una hª de musicar històriesdepartament2Presentació de Dani Vidal feta a la Jornada "El poder de la música per a evocar emocions" organitzada per la Universitat de València i pel CEFIRE artisticoexpressiu.
Exploiting the Discursive Opportunity of the Euro Crisis: The Rise of The Fin...Tuukka Ylä-AnttilaThe document analyzes the rise of the Finns Party in Finnish elections from 2007 to 2011. It summarizes the party's three-fold ideology of populism, social justice, and nationalism and how each aspect evolved over this period. During the 2011 election campaign, the Finns Party amplified its nationalist messaging by strongly opposing the Euro currency and increasing immigration. The Euro crisis provided an opportunity for the party to gain success by linking its ideological transformation more firmly to nationalism and criticism of Southern European countries.
What is Finnish about the Finns Party? Political Culture and PopulismTuukka Ylä-AnttilaThis presents, in a simplified and condensed form, my argument about the differences between rural and urban Finns Party candidates and shows the party in the context of a particularly Finnish political culture, analyzed via Laurent Thévenot's justification theory. Presentation based on my Master's dissertation. Presented 18th December 2012 in a seminar "On Populism and Politics" by the Finnish Political Science Association.
Using Topic Modeling to Study Everyday "Civic Talk" and Proto-political Engag...Tuukka Ylä-AnttilaWe present a two-step topic modeling method of analysing political articulations in everyday proto-political "civic talk" on online social media and interpreting them in terms of cultural and political sociology.
Semântica e Boas Práticas de Código Orientadas a SEODouglas FariaEste documento apresenta o perfil profissional de Douglas Faria. Ele é empreendedor e fundador da Agência Assoweb, trabalhando com marketing digital, desenvolvimento front-end e design. Fornece também dicas sobre SEO, semântica e HTML5.
ESA Torino 2013: What is Finnish about The Finns Party? Political Culture and...Tuukka Ylä-Anttila1) The document discusses the rise of the Finns Party in Finnish politics. It notes that the Finns Party broke through in 2011, becoming the third largest party after decades of the Centre, Social Democratic, and Conservative parties dominating as the "Big Three".
2) It examines the Finnish political culture and the legacy of the Finns Party's predecessor party, the Finnish Rural Party, in shaping populism in Finland. Specifically, it notes Finland's culture of consensus and emphasis on rationality has provided fertile ground for a populist uprising.
3) The document analyzes differences between the Finns Party and other European populist radical right parties, finding the Finns Party inherits influences from rural populism and emphasizes
Populism as Politics of Personal Experience: The Case of SuvivirsiTuukka Ylä-AnttilaThis document discusses the concept of populism in Finnish politics through the case study of "Suvivirsi", a Finnish Christian hymn traditionally sung in schools. It outlines theories of populism, public justification, and familiarity/commonplaces. In Finnish politics, issues are usually debated through principles of public justification and rationality. However, Suvivirsi appeals to notions of shared cultural heritage and experience among the Finnish people. While broadening what is politically acceptable, its use can also work to exclude immigrants. The document examines how theories of familiarity and justification can help understand the lack of civic engagement in politics and the rise of populism in appealing to people on a personal level.
Taller Cap a una hª de musicar històriesdepartament2Presentació de Dani Vidal feta a la Jornada "El poder de la música per a evocar emocions" organitzada per la Universitat de València i pel CEFIRE artisticoexpressiu.
Taller Cap a una hª de musicar històriesdepartament2
5.la música
Qui no ha escoltat una cançó i ha sentit eufòria? O una altre que l’hagi fet plorar a llàgrima viva,
sense estar trist? I és que les cançons ens transmeten molt més del que pensem. Són capaces
de fer-nos endinsar i de canviar-nos les emocions amb un sol “click”. Amb els fetus passa
exactament el mateix.
Depenentment de la música i el seu ritme, és capaç
d’estimular i afavorir o de ser desagradable per l’embrió.
Ja que si li poses una cançó amb un ritme desigual i
discordant li provocarà una sensació d’ansietat a la mare
que li transmetrà al nen amb forma de malestar.
En canvi, s’ha comprovat mitjançant estudis i experiments
que la música que més aporta beneficis és aquell que té un
ritme pausat, tranquil, lent, constant i mètric.
Sol ser les pautes que segueix la música clàssica, en concret la barroca.
Són tantes les coses que aporta aquesta música que s’ha establert fins i tot a cirugies, on fa que
el pacient senti menys el dolor.
Gemma Baños és una especialista en teràpies musicals a embarassades i realitza diferents
cursos, tallers, xerrades i fins i tot concerts. Ella es basa en l’ús de la música com a mitjà
d’expressió. “L’embaràs suposa un canvi per a la dona, no només a nivell físic, sinó també a
nivell emocional, mental i espiritual”-Afirma.
Per dur a terme aquestes idees, realitza les
següents activitats:
-Cançó de benvinguda per al nadó
-Relaxació a través del moviment
-Visualització creativa amb música
-Improvisació dirigida (amb instruments musicals)
-Bany sonor i massatge vibracional
-Treball de respiració i veu
-Cant prenatal
Les seves cançons solen ser àmplies, variades i
ornamentades. Sempre hi ha un baix de fons.
Dintre d’aquest àmbit hi trobem W.A.Mozart, un
compositor austríac del segle XVIII.
D’ell va néixer l’efecte Mozart.
Al 1933 la psicòloga Frances Rauscher i el neuròleg Gordon
Saw van publicar un article que afirmava que les persones, o
fins i tot els fetus, que escoltessin música de Mozart els
augmentaria el coeficient intel·lectual.
Es van fer molts estudis i experiments per comprovar si
realment era certa la teoria i es van donar compte que no
només aportava més coeficient sinó que tenia una llarga
llista de beneficis (els pots trobar a l’entrada 2.Beneficis de
la música intrauterina). Un d’ells, la disminució de
probabilitats de patir epilèpsia.
La pregunta era: Perquè només la música de Mozart? S’ha
investigat amb molts altres autors barrocs si produïen el
mateix efecte sobre nens i molts pocs d’ells ho aconseguien
d’aquesta forma. Com Bach.
Això és degut a les pulsacions per minut que té, i les freqüències altes dels instruments. Ja que
canvien l’estat del cervell, sobretot l’hemisferi dret
que és el que controla les funcions espai-
temportals, i el fan més receptiu activant les
També té unes propietats distintives: els sorolls de
la seva melodia són purs, precisos i harmònics.
Amb una velocitat i passatges fluïts, freqüències
altes i sorolls simples amb periodicitat, és a dir ones
regular però espaiades. A part de la frescura de
l’espontanietat i l’alegria infantil que desprenen.
Frances Rauscher, de l’Universitat de California, va
fer un experiment amb 3 grups de 36 alumnes cada. Mentres un d’ells escoltava l’obra de
Mozart “Sonata para dos pianos en re mayor”, el segon sentia les instruccions de relaxació
dissenyades per reduir la pressió arterial. L’últim grup seguia en silenci. Als 10 minuts, els van
fer completar una sèrie de tasques. Finalment, els investigadors van calcular que el primer grup,
qui havia estat escoltant la música de l’autor barroc, tenien les puntuacions més altes.
3. Aquest mètode s’ha estès tant que es venen CD’s per mares embarassades i també els posen en
guarderies. Es va fer una llei a Florida la qual era obligatori posar música de Mozart
mínimament 3 cops als dia.
No podem acabar de parlar de l’efecte Mozart sense nombrar el metge
otorrinolaringòleg francès Alfred Tomatis, qui va dedicar més de 50
anys a l’estudi de la veu i l’oïda, en efecte, l’escolta, el llenguatge i la
comunicació. A través del treball dels seus pacients, la majoria
cantants, va descobrir que la paraula i l’audició formaven part del
mateix circuit. Per el que un canvi en un d’ells suposaria una resposta
de l’altre. Això el va portar a la teoria que reeducant la nostre forma
d’escoltar milloraríem l’aprenentatge, concentració i energia.
Entre mil descobriments i invents va remarcar el fet de l’efecte Mozart.
On va fer un llarg estudi sobre les qualitats terapèutiques de la música
de l’autor austríac i les va plasmar al seu llibre “Por
qué Mozart”, entre molts altres.