5th Sun EMC Consulting Group LLC is an environmental consulting firm that helps organizations develop sustainability strategies and environmental management systems to improve their social and environmental responsibility. Based in Florida, the company provides services such as sustainability strategic planning, ISO 14001 certification, and health, safety and environment training and compliance internationally. The firm is led by Steven Pearce and Chris Williams and aims to help clients balance their environmental, social and financial goals.
The report Climate Action in 2017 Insights into the readiness of Australian business to disclose climate-related financial risks and opportunities is based on research by SBA using the CDP climate disclosures from the ASX200 and analysis and insights by leading environmental and energy management advisory firm, Energetics.
The report calls on business to disclose carbon liabilities; for transparency about emission reduction strategies and, for climate response strategies to be integrated into core businesses. The report provides insights into how Australian business is evaluating and disclosing their material climate risks and opportunities that are most relevant to their business activities and asks how well prepared they are to meet the increasing level of disclosure being demanded by investors and shareholders.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to businesses operating in an ethical and sustainable manner. CSR involves balancing economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. It considers the impact of business activities on people, the planet, and profit. Successful CSR programs generate sustainable benefits for stakeholders, provide win-win solutions, and ensure continuous community involvement, empowerment, and capacity development.
GE held its annual shareholders' meeting on April 25, 2012 in Detroit, chaired by Jeff Immelt. As members of the 99 Percent Movement protesting GE's low corporate tax rates were removed from the hall, Immelt and the board members and corporate officers took their seats. Immelt reflected on his eleven years as head of GE.
Ernst & Young (EY) is one of the "Big Four" audit firms and the third largest professional services firm worldwide. It operates as a network of member firms in over 700 offices across 150 countries. EY provides assurance, tax, consulting, and advisory services to companies. The firm was formed through a merger in 1989 and rebranded as EY in 2013. Key services include assurance, tax, advisory, and transactions. EY's vision is to build a better working world through the use of technology and by positioning itself for future success and opportunities. Integrity, respect, teamwork, energy, and courage define EY's core values.
The importance of revealing social responsibility in the generation of high q...Alexander Decker
This document discusses the importance of revealing social responsibility in generating high-quality financial reports. It defines social responsibility and accounting for social responsibility. Disclosure of social impacts and benefits is considered vital for evaluating an organization's social performance. Increased disclosure allows users to better understand an organization's financial position and results. High-quality financial reports should contain sufficient information on an organization's social activities and contributions to the community.
This document summarizes the 2013 Iberia 125 Climate Change Report published by CDP. It provides an overview of key findings from the report regarding corporate governance of climate change, emissions reduction initiatives, external verification of GHG emissions, and challenges for corporate climate change strategies in Iberia. It also highlights some of the sector analyses and best practices presented in the full report.
One of my earlier ESG presentations to an Investor Relations Officers' ( #IRO ) association called the National Investor Relations Institute ( #NIRI ). This was in 2009 while I was running my own consultancy #WallacePartners and representing clients like #Trucost
ETS is a full-service IT organization that was founded in 2009 and currently employs 12 people. It provides managed services, professional services, and services for state and local government, education, medical, and financial sectors. ETS's foundational principles are to do the right thing every time and listen to the client, with no contracts so they have to earn the business everyday.
General Electric is a conglomerate founded in 1892 by Thomas Edison, Charles Coffin, Elihu Thomson, and Edwin Houston and headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut. It has over 305,000 employees worldwide and operates in energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, and consumer and industrial sectors. The company's code of conduct outlines principles of obeying applicable laws, honesty, avoiding conflicts of interest, fair employment practices, workplace safety, and environmental protection.
Environmental Defense Fund Urges Companies to Join Climate FightJay Zises
The Environmental Defense Fund is urging companies to join the fight against climate change by advocating for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. EDF is asking business leaders to lobby members of Congress for climate action and support policies to achieve net-zero emissions through their trade associations and lobbying spending. EDF also raises awareness about the scientific consensus of the climate crisis and the need for global action within the next few decades.
The document discusses responsible investing (RI), which considers environmental, social and governance factors in investment decisions. It provides background on stockholders and their objectives to generate returns. RI aims to achieve social or ethical objectives in addition to financial returns. The document outlines the history and typical processes of RI funds, including commonly used screens to identify companies aligned with environmental and social values. It also discusses indices used to measure RI performance and findings that RI funds do not typically outperform or underperform conventional funds.
This document is Folksam's 2013 sustainability report. It discusses Folksam's commitment to sustainability in its business operations and investments. Some key points:
- Folksam aims to create security for customers in a sustainable world by offering ethical products, investing responsibly, and conducting research on issues like road safety and the environment.
- The company manages over SEK 304 billion in assets according to environmental, social and governance criteria. It also works to influence the companies it invests in on sustainability.
- Folksam takes sustainability seriously in its own operations through initiatives like using renewable electricity, offsetting its carbon emissions, and setting strict procurement standards.
- The report describes Folksam's
The TBL framework measures an organization's performance across three dimensions: social, environmental and financial. It goes beyond traditional measures like profits to assess an organization's overall impact. The TBL is now commonly used by businesses, non-profits and governments to evaluate sustainability and guide decision-making. While measuring performance across these three areas poses challenges, the TBL allows for a comprehensive assessment of an organization's long-term impacts.
Canadian Oil Sands: The lesser of several evilsWayne Dunn
The overall industry social license for the Canadian Oil Sands sector is under attack internationally and domestically. This piece explores that challenge and the role that government action and inaction has played in it.
To keep updated on postings and events go to www.csrtraininginstitute.com and sign up for the newsletter. If interested the CSR Knowledge Centre http://bit.ly/CSRknowledge contains a series of short, pragmatic articles on CSR Strategy, Management and related areas.
Green Generation Solutions announces several new hires and promotions to reflect the company's growth and expansion into Asia. Doug Smith was named Managing Director of Asia to oversee the expansion into Japan and Asia-Pacific. Greg Brown was hired as Vice President of Project Management to oversee project implementation. Eva Lin was promoted to Vice President of Finance. The company has grown over 1000% in the past 5 years and these new leaders will help manage continued extraordinary growth and provide outstanding results to clients.
Carbon Dividend - Causing Change - 04112019Tony Green
Climate changes impacts are already being felt and will only worsen without drastic action. A carbon price reflects the true price of fossil fuels and is the type of aggressive measure needed to transition a carbon-free economy. Unless we begin to take steps to reduce the amount of carbon emission the worlds climate will not be sustainable within this century.
The implementation of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Bill, HR 753, if passed has the possibility of being the first act of policy the create a market driven solution to move away from fossil fuel by pricing carbon.
Moreton & Company has a team dedicated to addressing executive and professional liability risks like cyber liability exposures and data breaches. They can help companies negotiate and place coverage for cyber/data breach exposures, directors & officers liability, errors & omission, professional liability, employment practices liability, employee dishonesty/crime, and kidnap & ransom. For more information, interested parties can contact Charles Kikumoto of Moreton & Company.
Changes to the Owners Corporation Act 2006 TEYS Lawyers
This document summarizes changes to the Owners Corporation Act 2006 in Victoria, Australia. It outlines that the Act is the source of all power delegated to owners corporations. It discusses how power is delegated from owners corporations to committees, managers, and other roles. It also explains how managers must comply with consumer protection laws. Finally, it provides background on the presenter, Michael Teys, and his law firm, Teys Lawyers, which specializes in strata and community title law.
This document provides information about a company that specializes in installing various window treatments in Sydney, including window shutters, blinds, awnings, and screens. They offer a wide range of products like roller blinds, roman blinds, vertical blinds, plantation shutters, and zip-track awnings. The company prides itself on high quality custom-made installations and aims to provide the perfect look and feel for customers' homes. Contact details are provided at the end for those interested in the company's services.
Un grand int辿r棚t pour le projet IoT de Doccle et IxorDoccle
La semaine pass辿e Doccle, ensemble avec le partenaire technique Ixor, a lanc辿 un appel vers un groupe dutilisateurs Doccle engag辿. Ils leur ont demand辿 si ils navaient jamais eu envie de savoir comment conduire de mani竪re plus s短re et durable, et si ils souhaitaient prendre le contr担le total de leurs habitudes de conduites gr但ce aux donn辿es r辿colt辿es dans leur voiture.
Ils ont montr辿 un grand int辿r棚t : nous avons re巽u plus de 500 motivations pour participer. Des consid辿rations purement 辿cologiques jusquaux utilisateurs Doccle qui veulent prouver leur environnement quils peuvent en effet conduire durablement, peu pr竪s chaque raison possible est pass辿e en revue.
Sele巽達o de-meios-de-produ巽達o-de-lipase-por-aspergillus-sspBarbhara Mota
Este documento descreve um estudo sobre a produ巽達o de lipase por amostras de Aspergillus ssp isoladas da Caatinga de Pernambuco utilizando diferentes meios de cultivo. Os resultados demonstraram que o meio 2 (contendo 坦leo de oliva, peptona, nitrato de s坦dio e outros componentes) proporcionou a maior atividade lipol鱈tica para as amostras testadas, com a amostra SIS 10 atingindo 22,64 U/mL e a amostra SIS 16 alcan巽ando 26,52 U/mL. O
This document provides instructions for using various features of the Reason music production software. It includes the following steps:
1) How to open Reason and ensure work is saved properly
2) How to access the mixer window to adjust equalization, volumes, and other sound properties
3) How to access drum machines like Redrum and use their pattern sequencers and channel settings
4) How to use samplers like NN-XT and access their advanced sampling and sound design functions
5) How to create and use synth tracks, including adjusting oscillator waveforms and other synthesis parameters
6) How to create and use loops in your music
Score-based Approach for Anaphora Resolution in Drug-Drug Interaction DocumentsGrupo HULAT
Authors: Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Mario Crespo, C辿sar de Pablo S叩nchez
NLDB 2009, 14th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information System, Saarland, Germany (June 24, 2009)
One of my earlier ESG presentations to an Investor Relations Officers' ( #IRO ) association called the National Investor Relations Institute ( #NIRI ). This was in 2009 while I was running my own consultancy #WallacePartners and representing clients like #Trucost
ETS is a full-service IT organization that was founded in 2009 and currently employs 12 people. It provides managed services, professional services, and services for state and local government, education, medical, and financial sectors. ETS's foundational principles are to do the right thing every time and listen to the client, with no contracts so they have to earn the business everyday.
General Electric is a conglomerate founded in 1892 by Thomas Edison, Charles Coffin, Elihu Thomson, and Edwin Houston and headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut. It has over 305,000 employees worldwide and operates in energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, and consumer and industrial sectors. The company's code of conduct outlines principles of obeying applicable laws, honesty, avoiding conflicts of interest, fair employment practices, workplace safety, and environmental protection.
Environmental Defense Fund Urges Companies to Join Climate FightJay Zises
The Environmental Defense Fund is urging companies to join the fight against climate change by advocating for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. EDF is asking business leaders to lobby members of Congress for climate action and support policies to achieve net-zero emissions through their trade associations and lobbying spending. EDF also raises awareness about the scientific consensus of the climate crisis and the need for global action within the next few decades.
The document discusses responsible investing (RI), which considers environmental, social and governance factors in investment decisions. It provides background on stockholders and their objectives to generate returns. RI aims to achieve social or ethical objectives in addition to financial returns. The document outlines the history and typical processes of RI funds, including commonly used screens to identify companies aligned with environmental and social values. It also discusses indices used to measure RI performance and findings that RI funds do not typically outperform or underperform conventional funds.
This document is Folksam's 2013 sustainability report. It discusses Folksam's commitment to sustainability in its business operations and investments. Some key points:
- Folksam aims to create security for customers in a sustainable world by offering ethical products, investing responsibly, and conducting research on issues like road safety and the environment.
- The company manages over SEK 304 billion in assets according to environmental, social and governance criteria. It also works to influence the companies it invests in on sustainability.
- Folksam takes sustainability seriously in its own operations through initiatives like using renewable electricity, offsetting its carbon emissions, and setting strict procurement standards.
- The report describes Folksam's
The TBL framework measures an organization's performance across three dimensions: social, environmental and financial. It goes beyond traditional measures like profits to assess an organization's overall impact. The TBL is now commonly used by businesses, non-profits and governments to evaluate sustainability and guide decision-making. While measuring performance across these three areas poses challenges, the TBL allows for a comprehensive assessment of an organization's long-term impacts.
Canadian Oil Sands: The lesser of several evilsWayne Dunn
The overall industry social license for the Canadian Oil Sands sector is under attack internationally and domestically. This piece explores that challenge and the role that government action and inaction has played in it.
To keep updated on postings and events go to www.csrtraininginstitute.com and sign up for the newsletter. If interested the CSR Knowledge Centre http://bit.ly/CSRknowledge contains a series of short, pragmatic articles on CSR Strategy, Management and related areas.
Green Generation Solutions announces several new hires and promotions to reflect the company's growth and expansion into Asia. Doug Smith was named Managing Director of Asia to oversee the expansion into Japan and Asia-Pacific. Greg Brown was hired as Vice President of Project Management to oversee project implementation. Eva Lin was promoted to Vice President of Finance. The company has grown over 1000% in the past 5 years and these new leaders will help manage continued extraordinary growth and provide outstanding results to clients.
Carbon Dividend - Causing Change - 04112019Tony Green
Climate changes impacts are already being felt and will only worsen without drastic action. A carbon price reflects the true price of fossil fuels and is the type of aggressive measure needed to transition a carbon-free economy. Unless we begin to take steps to reduce the amount of carbon emission the worlds climate will not be sustainable within this century.
The implementation of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Bill, HR 753, if passed has the possibility of being the first act of policy the create a market driven solution to move away from fossil fuel by pricing carbon.
Moreton & Company has a team dedicated to addressing executive and professional liability risks like cyber liability exposures and data breaches. They can help companies negotiate and place coverage for cyber/data breach exposures, directors & officers liability, errors & omission, professional liability, employment practices liability, employee dishonesty/crime, and kidnap & ransom. For more information, interested parties can contact Charles Kikumoto of Moreton & Company.
Changes to the Owners Corporation Act 2006 TEYS Lawyers
This document summarizes changes to the Owners Corporation Act 2006 in Victoria, Australia. It outlines that the Act is the source of all power delegated to owners corporations. It discusses how power is delegated from owners corporations to committees, managers, and other roles. It also explains how managers must comply with consumer protection laws. Finally, it provides background on the presenter, Michael Teys, and his law firm, Teys Lawyers, which specializes in strata and community title law.
This document provides information about a company that specializes in installing various window treatments in Sydney, including window shutters, blinds, awnings, and screens. They offer a wide range of products like roller blinds, roman blinds, vertical blinds, plantation shutters, and zip-track awnings. The company prides itself on high quality custom-made installations and aims to provide the perfect look and feel for customers' homes. Contact details are provided at the end for those interested in the company's services.
Un grand int辿r棚t pour le projet IoT de Doccle et IxorDoccle
La semaine pass辿e Doccle, ensemble avec le partenaire technique Ixor, a lanc辿 un appel vers un groupe dutilisateurs Doccle engag辿. Ils leur ont demand辿 si ils navaient jamais eu envie de savoir comment conduire de mani竪re plus s短re et durable, et si ils souhaitaient prendre le contr担le total de leurs habitudes de conduites gr但ce aux donn辿es r辿colt辿es dans leur voiture.
Ils ont montr辿 un grand int辿r棚t : nous avons re巽u plus de 500 motivations pour participer. Des consid辿rations purement 辿cologiques jusquaux utilisateurs Doccle qui veulent prouver leur environnement quils peuvent en effet conduire durablement, peu pr竪s chaque raison possible est pass辿e en revue.
Sele巽達o de-meios-de-produ巽達o-de-lipase-por-aspergillus-sspBarbhara Mota
Este documento descreve um estudo sobre a produ巽達o de lipase por amostras de Aspergillus ssp isoladas da Caatinga de Pernambuco utilizando diferentes meios de cultivo. Os resultados demonstraram que o meio 2 (contendo 坦leo de oliva, peptona, nitrato de s坦dio e outros componentes) proporcionou a maior atividade lipol鱈tica para as amostras testadas, com a amostra SIS 10 atingindo 22,64 U/mL e a amostra SIS 16 alcan巽ando 26,52 U/mL. O
This document provides instructions for using various features of the Reason music production software. It includes the following steps:
1) How to open Reason and ensure work is saved properly
2) How to access the mixer window to adjust equalization, volumes, and other sound properties
3) How to access drum machines like Redrum and use their pattern sequencers and channel settings
4) How to use samplers like NN-XT and access their advanced sampling and sound design functions
5) How to create and use synth tracks, including adjusting oscillator waveforms and other synthesis parameters
6) How to create and use loops in your music
Score-based Approach for Anaphora Resolution in Drug-Drug Interaction DocumentsGrupo HULAT
Authors: Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Mario Crespo, C辿sar de Pablo S叩nchez
NLDB 2009, 14th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information System, Saarland, Germany (June 24, 2009)
What is ESG Reporting by Mark Horoszowski, MovingWorlds - July 2022 - 際際滷sh...Mark Horoszowski
ESG reporting involves companies disclosing environmental, social, and governance impacts and factors to be held accountable. It is growing rapidly due to demands from investors, consumers, employees, and regulators. The document outlines the history and definitions of ESG and CSR reporting. It provides steps for companies to establish an ESG reporting process, including setting goals, metrics, frameworks, and improving disclosure over time.
Essay on Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
Essay On Csr
Corporate Social Responsibility
Csr : Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Reflection On Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility in GRI
Csr Essay
What is Corporate Responsibility Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility : Csr Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility ( Csr ) Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility : Csr Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility Of Unilever
Bmw s Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility : Csr
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
The document discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives, methodologies, concepts, and implementation strategies. The key objectives of CSR discussed are harnessing growth for sustainable development, preserving the environment and community welfare, and creating income growth and jobs. The document outlines CSR concepts like the pyramid of CSR and its four pillars. It provides examples of CSR strategies like ITC's e-Choupal initiative in India which created a virtual marketplace and social benefits for farmers. The summary discusses benefits of CSR like shared value and competitiveness, and challenges like lack of commitment and financial resources.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a company's initiatives to assess and take responsibility for its effects on environmental and social wellbeing. CSR goes beyond legal compliance and involves voluntary actions that contribute to sustainable development. It has been defined in various ways but generally refers to balancing economic, environmental, and social interests. Key CSR issues companies address include environmental management, human rights, labor standards, community relations, and anti-corruption measures. Proper CSR implementation can benefit companies through improved reputation, customer loyalty, and risk management.
This document discusses the emerging role of safety, health, and environment (SH&E) professionals in corporate social responsibility (CSR). It provides examples of how SH&E duties can support CSR strategies around areas like environmental sustainability, health and safety goals, and public relations. The document also outlines career paths for SH&E professionals, from initially looking for opportunities to leverage CSR to eventually aspiring to become a Chief Sustainability Officer who leads a company's entire CSR program.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a company's obligation to consider the interests of society through its activities and business
relationships. The document discusses CSR in the context of the global electronics industry supply chain. It identifies key social issues like gender
inequality and discrimination. Environmental issues discussed include pollution and e-waste. Economic issues discussed are tax havens and special
economic trading zones. The document also provides examples of CSR programs addressing communities and education in developing countries.
Kotchakorn Saelee-Suatainability Practice Task 3.pptxkotchakornsaelee1
This document discusses sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) for MMI Education. It defines sustainable development as meeting present needs without compromising future generations' ability to meet their own needs. The three pillars of CSR are the economic, social, and environmental impacts of a company's operations and value chain. Implementing CSR strategies like increasing environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing can boost brands, consumer loyalty, and talent recruitment. Fostering sustainable workplaces encourages proper resource use and lessens businesses' environmental impact while safeguarding important resources.
Do Good With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Software - TechDogsSophiaJohnson39
This blog will explore how CSR software has revolutionized business CSR efforts and initiatives, what it is, how it works, its functionalities, benefits and its future.
Running Head ETHICAL PAPER ON C.H.ROBINSON CORPORATION .docxcharisellington63520
Ethical Paper on C.H.Robinson Corporation
Akili Bryan Polee
Scranton University
MGT 601 Responsibility, Sustainability and Justice
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc is based in North America and it has offices in Europe, Asia, Australia Middle East and South America. It is among the largest third-party logistics providers. It operates in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Asia and South America. The corporation operates in three sectors namely: multimodal transportation services accounting for 88% of the firms gross profits, fresh produce sourcing accounting for 8% of the firms gross profit and information services accounting for 4% of the gross profits (Plunkett, 2009).
The company has one of the worlds largest networks of motor carrier capacity in the world, which is maintained through contracts with about 48 000 carriers. The company has served more than 29 000 customers and has handled about six million five hundred thousand shipments annually. The types of business that the company does are: Freight logistics, expedited service, produce sourcing, third party logistics and warehouse and distribution services. The affiliates of the company are: CHREX, T-check Systems, Inc and our world. CHREX provides is one of the largest capacity providers in the expedited market. It contracts air carriers and special purpose motor carriers which provide temperature-controlled and less -than -truck load services.
Social responsibility
The companys mission shows that the organization cares more about the people environment and the quality of services provided to the people. The company therefore ensures that, as it undertakes its operational activities, it also protects the environment. The organization has put up policies that are aimed towards reducing carbon emission, and reducing consumption of fuel. It has also agreed to the international standards that were put in place to protect the environment from the emissions that proved to be hazardous to the environment. The companys concern is basically delivering unique value to its customers and its suppliers. The company has based their success on the employees, customers, communitys, contract careers and suppliers and the entire worlds health. Due to the companys concern of the well being of its stakeholders, the company has supported great courses and has given back to the society. The company has used its resources to invest in programs that have made a positive impact to the society.
In its giving back to the employees and community at large, the corporation created the C.H Robinson Worldwide Foundation that provides philanthropic support to its communities and into the future through all types of economic and business climates. The foundations purpose is to ensure that the communities continue to be great places to live and work. The c.
Business case benefits_of_sustainabilityKhurram Munir
The document discusses the business case for increased sustainability in organizations. It defines sustainability as meeting financial, environmental and social needs of the present without compromising future generations' ability to do the same. Integrating sustainability can reduce risks like health, reputation and regulatory issues. It also leads to six main benefits: 1) Risk reduction, 2) Cost savings, 3) Revenue increases, 4) Competitive advantage, 5) Innovation, and 6) Increased productivity and quality. Implementing sustainability properly allows companies to gain tangible benefits while doing the right thing.
This document provides an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR). It defines CSR as a self-regulating business model that helps companies monitor their impact on stakeholders and ensure they operate legally and ethically. The document discusses the business case for CSR, including benefits like risk management, brand differentiation and improved human resources. It also notes criticisms of CSR, such as concerns that it distracts from economic roles or is just superficial. The document provides context on the development of CSR and approaches companies take in implementing it.
1) The document discusses ethics in business decision-making and defines ethics as "the rules and standards applied by individuals when making decisions in their business environment." It argues that conducting business ethically is critical for long-term organizational sustainability.
2) It notes that while regulation is important, it is not sufficient on its own to ensure ethical behavior as businesses can find ways around it. Fostering an ethical culture and providing a decision-making process that considers stakeholders is important.
3) The document identifies three key performance indicators of sustainable and ethical businesses: return on capital employed, leadership trust, and corporate reputation. It argues that performing well on all three will lead to long-term success.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) explores businesses' responsibilities to society beyond legal and economic obligations. While having no set definition, CSR generally involves balancing economic, environmental, and social imperatives. It addresses how companies manage their relationships and impacts on stakeholders like employees, customers, investors, and local communities. Debate around CSR concerns whether businesses' sole purpose is maximizing shareholder value or if they have broader duties. The concept has evolved from early 20th century critiques of large corporations' power and influences to today's focus on sustainability and managing social and environmental risks for long-term success.
The document discusses the concept and history of corporate social responsibility (CSR). It explains that CSR involves companies integrating social and environmental concerns into their business operations and stakeholder interactions. The history of CSR is traced back to companies in the late 1800s that provided benefits to employees and local communities. More recently, CSR has grown to encompass considerations around ethics, governance, human rights, the environment, and more. The concept of the "triple bottom line" is introduced as a way for companies to balance economic, social, and environmental impacts through their CSR efforts. Key components of modern CSR are identified as governance, ethics, workplace practices, supply chain management, customer satisfaction, community involvement, and environmental stewardship.
Corporate social responsibility in uk and usa Abhinav Singh
This document provides information about corporate social responsibility in the United States and United Kingdom. It discusses how CSR is addressed through legislation and social norms in each country. In the US, CSR is a voluntary choice for companies and focuses on philanthropy and reputation, while the UK has more regulation and reporting requirements for large companies. The document also profiles two large UK-based companies, Mondi and Anglo American, and their approaches to CSR reporting. Overall, the UK takes a more comprehensive approach to CSR compared to the voluntary nature of practices in the US.
Corporate social responsibility in uk and usa Abhinav Singh
5thSunEMCBrochure-English3.0 (1)
1. 5th Sun EMC Consulting Group LLC
Sustainability and Environmental Management Experts
Helping Your Company to be Environmentally &
Socially Responsible ! .
American Version
2. 5th Sun EMC Consulting Group LLC
5th Sun EMS Consulting Group LLC is a company that gives organizations the tools
necessary to become socially and environmentally responsible. Based in Florida,
United States and operates on a worldwide scale, 5th Sun EMS is committed to
environmental issues, sustainability and workforce safety. We operate by creating a cost
and benefit analysis capable of identifying the environmental, social, and financial impacts
that an organization might has both locally and globally. Once this is done, 5th Sun LLC will
provide a strategic plan that allows for the client to align their visions and goals of being
sustainable with their triple bottom line. We work within all sectors and help all aspects
within an organization, industry or governments.
Our Staff
5th Sun EMC personnel combine energy and
enthusiasm. They have the privilege to work
in a small entrepreneurial environment with
a global scale perspective. We take good care of our
staff so they can take good care of our clients. Our
HSE staff is fluent in English, Arabic, and French with
many different nationalities.
Steven W. Pearce Chris Williams
Steven Pearce is an entrepreneur extraordinaire
with a passion for environmental issues. Steven
has helped consult many companies in cultural
and organization behavior issues and helped
these companies to increase revenues as a result.
Steven graduated from Weber State University with
a Bachelors of Integrated Studies in Sociology/
Anthropology/Political Science with both University
and Departmental Honors. Steven is currently
seeking a MLA International Relations Extension
Studies from Harvard University as well as a MBA in
Sustainability Management and a MPM in Project
Chris Williams is an innovator and a change agent.
He made the news with his first business at the
age of 9. He founded, built, and sold a multinational
security company in his 20s. He has been brought
in to help start or turn around companies in the
hospital, investment banking, marketing, non
profit, oil and gas, and real estate sectors and in
the process raised over $22 million. He is actively
involved in helping innovative non profits and
social enterprises. He graduated from Brigham
Young University and loves spending time with his
family, scuba diving, skiing, coaching volleyball, and
playing guitar.
3. Our Mission
Our Services
5th Sun guides companies to recognize
their stakeholders and to develop
strategies to develop relationships and
to be accountable to their stakeholders.
This allows for greater recognition of
the company to their stakeholders
which improves their reputation as well
as generating more awareness. The
relationships with stakeholders is probably
the most important but most overlooked
aspect of organizations.
5th Sun LLC helps companies develop a
sustainability plan and strategy to help
them to meet their goals that will allow
them to be sustainable and environmentally
responsible while increasing their revenues
and financial bottom line. This is done
through analyzing the problem presented
to a company and creating solutions that
the company can use to balance their triple
bottom line. 5th Sun LLC will also help a
company to have proper communication
flow that is important for a company to
reach their sustainability goals.
5th Sun EMS Consulting Group LLC
works with governments, Multi-National
Corporations, medium, and small sized
businesses globally to develop sustainable
strategies in order to help them increase
revenue while being socially and
environmentally responsible citizens within
their respected location. This is done by
helping them to develop an Environmental
Management Systems that conforms to ISO
14000, 14001, and other ISO standards that
are capable of exceeding the clients goals
and expectations. 5th Suns staff has global
experience and works with companies
internationally and is looking to add new
5th Sun LLC also helps their clients to
become HSE compliant. The main aim of
HSE Management is to reduce a companys
risk of litigation. This is achieved by making
sure the company complies with relevant
regulations and by helping reduce the
number of accidents occurring in the
5th Sun EMC Consulting Group LLC provides the following services:
Sustainability Strategic plans (Three bottom line).
Implementing Environmental Management Systems.
ISO 14001 full upgrade program.
IT Solution for ISO 14001 Compliance. (Software)
HSE Trainings
In addition, we submit our international connections to provide state-of-
the-art technology and quality solutions.
4. Sustainability for your Company
According to the EPA website:
Sustainability is based upon a simple
principle: Everything that we need
for our survival and well-being depends,
either directly or indirectly, on our natural
environment. Sustainability creates and
maintains the conditions under which
humans and nature can exist in productive
harmony, that permit fulfilling the social,
economic, and other requirements of
present and future generations.
Sustainability is important to making sure
that we have and will continue to have the
water, materials, and resources to protect
human health and our environment.
Corporate Sustainability focuses on
the business being socially responsible
to the planet and its stakeholders.
Corporate Sustainability focuses on both
environmental and social issues that
affect society. Human rights within an
organization is also an important part of a
socially responsible company.
5th Sun EMS Consulting Group LLC helps
corporations to become environmentally
and socially responsible elements within a
society. This is done by analyzing the needs
of a corporation and developing a plan for
the company to implement. Even after the
research and plan has been presented to the
company, 5th Sun will continue to help the
company in every step that is necessary for
the companys sustainable success.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Regulations
In todays business environment, companies are under growing pressure to comply with
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) regulations.
Increasingly, they are looking for an integrated approach to these issues to keep their
compliance costs low, avoid potential litigation and even to protect their corporate image.
The main aim of HSE Management is to reduce a companys risk of litigation. This is achieved
by making sure the company complies with relevant regulations and by helping reduce the
number of accidents occurring in the workplace.
To facilitate the process for clients, 5th Sun EMS Consulting Group LLC constantly monitors
changes to the Law and carries out detailed assessments to check compliance. The best
examples of good practice are noted, and used as benchmarks for other sites that need
improvement in this domain.
5. Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint is defined as:
The total amount of greenhouse
gases produced to directly and
indirectly support human activities, usually
expressed in equivalent tons of carbon
dioxide (CO2).
In other words: When you drive a car, the
engine burns fuel which creates a certain
amount of CO2, depending on its fuel
consumption and the driving distance. (CO2
is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide).
When you heat your house with oil, gas or
coal, then you also generate CO2. Even if
you heat your house with electricity, the
generation of the electrical power may
also have emitted a certain amount of
CO2. When you buy food and goods, the
production of the food and goods also
emitted some quantities of CO2.
Your carbon footprint is the sum of all
emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which
were induced by your activities in a given
time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is
calculated for the time period of a year.
Triple Bottom Line
Measuring sustainability became possible by encompassing a new framework
to measure performance in corporate America and the rest of the world. This
accounting framework, called the triple bottom line (TBL), went beyond the
traditional measures of profits, return on investment, and shareholder value to include
environmental and social dimensions. By focusing on comprehensive investment results
that is, with respect to performance along the interrelated dimensions of profits, people and
the planettriple bottom line reporting can be an important tool to support sustainability
Interest in triple bottom line accounting has been growing across for-profit, nonprofit and
government sectors. Many businesses and nonprofit organizations have adopted the TBL
sustainability framework to evaluate their performance, and a similar approach has gained
currency with governments at the federal, state and local levels.
6. Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Global Warming
Greenhouse Gas Emissions are those greenhouse gases that allow sunlight to enter
the atmosphere freely and contribute to the greenhouse effect, which many believe
is the cause of global warming. There are natural and man-made greenhouse gas
emissions. The primary greenhouse gases thought to be major contributors to global
warming are; carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), methane & biomethane emissions (CH 4),
chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (N2O). Not included, but should be included
according to some climate scientists is water vapor.
The primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions from man-made sources include;
fossil-fueled power plants such as natural gas power plants and coal fired power plants.
Other sources of greenhouse gas emissions linked to man-made causes include internal
combustion engines (fueled by gasoline and petroleum diesel) and deforestation.