Dinesh Kumar Resume Dinesh KumarDinesh Kumar G is seeking a challenging position in mechanical engineering that utilizes his skills and knowledge. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sri Nandhanam College of Engineering & Technology with an aggregate of 74%. He completed a graduate apprenticeship training at the National Institute of Ocean Technology in Chennai, where he was involved in design, analysis, fabrication and testing of precision mechanical components for ocean applications. He has proficiency in CAD software like AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Inventor and experience with mechanical design, analysis, drawings and documentation.
PoP wk 7CogpsychteacherThis document discusses the key components of human memory:
1) Information gets into memory through encoding. It is then maintained in storage and can be retrieved.
2) Sensory memory involves iconic and echoic memory which briefly store visual and auditory information.
3) Short-term memory actively holds a small amount of information for around 20-30 seconds through rehearsal before it decays.
4) Working memory involves the central executive and visuospatial and phonological loops to actively maintain and manipulate information needed for complex tasks. It has limited resources.
Periscope - Wong intensivecaresocietyPeriscope allows one host with video replays available for 24 hours after a live stream, while Blab allows 2-4 hosts and video replays available after live streaming. Both are live video streaming platforms accessible via Twitter accounts with interactive commenting features.
Website & Newsletters - Rob Mac SweeneyintensivecaresocietyThis document provides information about websites and newsletters from Rob Mac Sweeney, a critic who reviews cars. It was created on December 7th, 2015 in London and focuses on digital formats for sharing automotive reviews and insights.
Echo Directed Therapy Saves Lives in ICU - Vieillard-Baron intensivecaresocietyThis document discusses how echocardiography can be used as both a diagnostic and hemodynamic tool in intensive care units (ICUs) to help save lives. A 1-day study observed echocardiography being used in 140 ICUs to assess 36% of patients. A prospective study of 540 ICU patients found that changes in echocardiography dynamic parameters such as delta pulse pressure and delta superior vena cava collapsibility had high sensitivity and specificity for predicting fluid responsiveness. Echocardiography can accurately record hemodynamic data relevant for improving patient prognosis and guiding treatment in the ICU.
Eel migrationSergey70The European eel has a mysterious life cycle where it spends its early years in European rivers before migrating across the Atlantic Ocean to the Sargasso Sea near the Bahamas to spawn, although this has never been witnessed. The eggs hatch into larvae called leptocephalus that develop into glass eels and make the return journey to Europe, swimming into rivers. While in European rivers, the eels can grow up to 1 meter long before migrating back across the Atlantic to spawn, completing their long annual migration cycle.
Roles and functions of edtech in 21st Century EducationJas2016Student-centered learning and collaboration should be emphasized, with students gathering information independently and together recognizing strengths. Learning works best when students understand real-world applications. Technology enables constant access to information, interaction, and sharing, improving teaching and learning through analysis, materials, strategies, and meeting community needs.
Heart failure caused by restrictive cardiomyopathy. role of integrated diagno...drucsamalHeart failure caused by restrictive cardiomyopathy. role of integrated diagnostics for the etiologic diagnosis
9.Cor PulmonaleghalanCor Pulmonale refers to right heart failure and hypertrophy secondary to lung disease or hypoxemia. It is usually chronic and caused by conditions like COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, or pulmonary hypertension. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, leg swelling, and palpitations. Diagnosis involves assessing symptoms, signs of right heart strain on chest x-ray and echocardiogram, and underlying lung disease. Treatment focuses on managing the underlying lung condition, treating heart failure and infections, providing oxygen therapy, and preventing exacerbations.
Cor pulmonaleUABCEste documento define cor pulmonale como una alteración estructural y funcional del ventrículo derecho resultado de hipertensión pulmonar asociada con enfermedades pulmonares, vasculares o de la pared torácica. Describe los factores de riesgo, etiología, fisiopatología, síntomas, exploración física, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de cor pulmonale.
The Role of Love in Critical Care Leadership: Liz CroweSMACC ConferenceThe Role of Love in Critical Care Leadership by Liz Crowe.
There are times when this job can leave you heartbroken and love gets you through.
How to use ketamine fearlessly for all its indications smacc 2015 no buildsSMACC ConferenceSMACC Conference Reuben Strayer Ketamine is best known for producing dissociative anesthesia by a unique mechanism where cardio-respiratory function is preserved. It has an extraordinary safety profile that lends itself well to a variety of uses in the emergency department, intensive care, and pre-hospital environments. We will discuss many of these applications, with a focus on the myths and controversies that might discourage emergency clinicians from taking advantage of this remarkable agent.
Cardiac Arrest and Oxygen: Stephen BernardSMACC ConferenceStephen Bernard shares his thoughts and the current evidence for using oxygen for cardiac arrest patients.
Oxygen is ubiquitous in society! You can buy it in bottles and there are even oxygen cafes.
This is especially true in hospitals where oxygen is used frequently and often without much thought.
Oxygen is a natural substance. So surely, a short time on 100% oxygen can’t be harmful, right? Stephen wants to challenge that idea.
In this talk he presents the data on why oxygen might be harmful to your patients, particularly following a cardiac arrest.
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is common and carries a high mortality rate. In Victoria, Australia, approximately 50% of patients with an initial cardiac rhythm of VF achieve a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and 30% overall survive to hospital discharge.
The outcome for patients is improving. This is due mainly to faster ambulance response times and increased rates of bystander CPR. What is done in the hospital has altered the patient’s outcomes in the same way.
Currently, OHCA patients who have achieved ROSC but who remain unconscious routinely receive 100% oxygen for several hours in the ambulance, ED, cardiac catheterisation laboratory until admission to ICU. However, there is now evidence from laboratory studies and preliminary observational clinical studies that the administration of 100% oxygen during the first few hours following resuscitation may increase both cardiac and neurological injury.
Clinical trials are underway to test whether titrated oxygen to a target oxygen saturation of 90-94% in the immediate hours after ROSC results in improved outcomes compared with 100% oxygen.
Join Stephen as he makes you think twice about blindly using oxygen for patients following a cardiac arrest.
Echo assesmentof rv functionDeepak AgrawalThis document discusses the limitations and techniques for evaluating right ventricular (RV) function using echocardiography. It is difficult to accurately assess RV function due to its complex crescent shape and trabeculated walls. Common quantitative measures discussed include RV fractional area change, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, pulsed tissue Doppler S', and Tei index. RV size, wall thickness, and pressures can also provide information. Combining multiple quantitative measures is recommended to reliably determine normal versus abnormal RV function. Emerging techniques like RV strain and strain rate are not yet routinely used in clinical practice.
урок№9 паскальuchitel18Поняття підпрограми та її аргументів. Поняття локальних і глобальних змінних. Формальні і фактичні параметри підпрограм. Стандартні підпрограми та підпрограми користувача.
урок№7 паскальuchitel18Поняття масиву. Оголошення одновимірного масиву. Індексація елементів масиву. Введення даних у масив та відображення його вмісту
урок№2 паскальuchitel18Поняття змінної і константи. Оголошення змінної. Типи даних. Запис змінних, констант та числових функцій на мові програмування Паскаль
Echo Directed Therapy Saves Lives in ICU - Vieillard-Baron intensivecaresocietyThis document discusses how echocardiography can be used as both a diagnostic and hemodynamic tool in intensive care units (ICUs) to help save lives. A 1-day study observed echocardiography being used in 140 ICUs to assess 36% of patients. A prospective study of 540 ICU patients found that changes in echocardiography dynamic parameters such as delta pulse pressure and delta superior vena cava collapsibility had high sensitivity and specificity for predicting fluid responsiveness. Echocardiography can accurately record hemodynamic data relevant for improving patient prognosis and guiding treatment in the ICU.
Eel migrationSergey70The European eel has a mysterious life cycle where it spends its early years in European rivers before migrating across the Atlantic Ocean to the Sargasso Sea near the Bahamas to spawn, although this has never been witnessed. The eggs hatch into larvae called leptocephalus that develop into glass eels and make the return journey to Europe, swimming into rivers. While in European rivers, the eels can grow up to 1 meter long before migrating back across the Atlantic to spawn, completing their long annual migration cycle.
Roles and functions of edtech in 21st Century EducationJas2016Student-centered learning and collaboration should be emphasized, with students gathering information independently and together recognizing strengths. Learning works best when students understand real-world applications. Technology enables constant access to information, interaction, and sharing, improving teaching and learning through analysis, materials, strategies, and meeting community needs.
Heart failure caused by restrictive cardiomyopathy. role of integrated diagno...drucsamalHeart failure caused by restrictive cardiomyopathy. role of integrated diagnostics for the etiologic diagnosis
9.Cor PulmonaleghalanCor Pulmonale refers to right heart failure and hypertrophy secondary to lung disease or hypoxemia. It is usually chronic and caused by conditions like COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, or pulmonary hypertension. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, leg swelling, and palpitations. Diagnosis involves assessing symptoms, signs of right heart strain on chest x-ray and echocardiogram, and underlying lung disease. Treatment focuses on managing the underlying lung condition, treating heart failure and infections, providing oxygen therapy, and preventing exacerbations.
Cor pulmonaleUABCEste documento define cor pulmonale como una alteración estructural y funcional del ventrículo derecho resultado de hipertensión pulmonar asociada con enfermedades pulmonares, vasculares o de la pared torácica. Describe los factores de riesgo, etiología, fisiopatología, síntomas, exploración física, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de cor pulmonale.
The Role of Love in Critical Care Leadership: Liz CroweSMACC ConferenceThe Role of Love in Critical Care Leadership by Liz Crowe.
There are times when this job can leave you heartbroken and love gets you through.
How to use ketamine fearlessly for all its indications smacc 2015 no buildsSMACC ConferenceSMACC Conference Reuben Strayer Ketamine is best known for producing dissociative anesthesia by a unique mechanism where cardio-respiratory function is preserved. It has an extraordinary safety profile that lends itself well to a variety of uses in the emergency department, intensive care, and pre-hospital environments. We will discuss many of these applications, with a focus on the myths and controversies that might discourage emergency clinicians from taking advantage of this remarkable agent.
Cardiac Arrest and Oxygen: Stephen BernardSMACC ConferenceStephen Bernard shares his thoughts and the current evidence for using oxygen for cardiac arrest patients.
Oxygen is ubiquitous in society! You can buy it in bottles and there are even oxygen cafes.
This is especially true in hospitals where oxygen is used frequently and often without much thought.
Oxygen is a natural substance. So surely, a short time on 100% oxygen can’t be harmful, right? Stephen wants to challenge that idea.
In this talk he presents the data on why oxygen might be harmful to your patients, particularly following a cardiac arrest.
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is common and carries a high mortality rate. In Victoria, Australia, approximately 50% of patients with an initial cardiac rhythm of VF achieve a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and 30% overall survive to hospital discharge.
The outcome for patients is improving. This is due mainly to faster ambulance response times and increased rates of bystander CPR. What is done in the hospital has altered the patient’s outcomes in the same way.
Currently, OHCA patients who have achieved ROSC but who remain unconscious routinely receive 100% oxygen for several hours in the ambulance, ED, cardiac catheterisation laboratory until admission to ICU. However, there is now evidence from laboratory studies and preliminary observational clinical studies that the administration of 100% oxygen during the first few hours following resuscitation may increase both cardiac and neurological injury.
Clinical trials are underway to test whether titrated oxygen to a target oxygen saturation of 90-94% in the immediate hours after ROSC results in improved outcomes compared with 100% oxygen.
Join Stephen as he makes you think twice about blindly using oxygen for patients following a cardiac arrest.
Echo assesmentof rv functionDeepak AgrawalThis document discusses the limitations and techniques for evaluating right ventricular (RV) function using echocardiography. It is difficult to accurately assess RV function due to its complex crescent shape and trabeculated walls. Common quantitative measures discussed include RV fractional area change, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, pulsed tissue Doppler S', and Tei index. RV size, wall thickness, and pressures can also provide information. Combining multiple quantitative measures is recommended to reliably determine normal versus abnormal RV function. Emerging techniques like RV strain and strain rate are not yet routinely used in clinical practice.
урок№9 паскальuchitel18Поняття підпрограми та її аргументів. Поняття локальних і глобальних змінних. Формальні і фактичні параметри підпрограм. Стандартні підпрограми та підпрограми користувача.
урок№7 паскальuchitel18Поняття масиву. Оголошення одновимірного масиву. Індексація елементів масиву. Введення даних у масив та відображення його вмісту
урок№2 паскальuchitel18Поняття змінної і константи. Оголошення змінної. Типи даних. Запис змінних, констант та числових функцій на мові програмування Паскаль
458549.pptx fhffujikgibhikfloflodlesdelsdekidjssuserfed972Презентація для супроводу уроку у 6 класі НУШ на тему «Як організми співіснують у середовищі. Як складати ланцюги живлення.» містить посилання на інтерактиву вправу для перевірки знань. Матеріал буде корисний для онлайн уроку та як доповнення до розповіді вчителя на уроці, зацікавить учнів при вивченні розділу «Пізнаємо взаємозв’язки у природі» озв’язки між живими організмами»).
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 86 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
«Шевченкова весна під сонцем шани і любові»Бібліографи ОДБ ім. Т. Г. Шевченкавебмандрівка до 100-річчя заснування Шевченківського національного заповідника у Каневі
2. Цикл “доки”
while умова do оператор;
while умова do begin
оператор 2;
оператор n
(поки) (виконуй)
так ні
Складена форма:
3. Цикл “до”
repeat оператор 1;
оператор 2;
оператор n until умова;
repeat оператор until умова;
(повторити) (до того часу,
не виконується)
Складена форма: