This document outlines the topics and assessment breakdown for a course on project management. It discusses five main sections that make up 20% of the course each: identifying project opportunities and feasibility, conducting a market and technical appraisal, preparing financial projections, financing the project, and monitoring and controlling the project. References for further reading on project management are also provided.
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601 fc
1. FC : 601 : Project Management (Foundation Course)
Theory : Credit : 4 (100%) Total Marks : 100
Identification of Project Opportunities and Project /Product Feasibility
- Sources of Project Idea.
- Preliminary Screening.
- An Introduction to the general format and the information to be covered
in the report. (Readymade project report obtained from sources like GIIC,
GSFC, etc. may be provided to the students for the understanding of the
format and the details to be provided.)
Market and Technical Appraisal:
- Information required for market analysis.
- Sources of market information.
- Demand Forecasting.
Technical Analysis: location and site, material product Technology, Site
preparation, project -Engineering Manpower projections.
Financial Projections:
- Preparation of the Projected Financial Statement,
- Projected cash flow and funds flow statement,
- Debt service Coverage ratio.
Financing the Project:
- Study of the financial assistance available from financial institutions.
- Procedure for procurement of project loan, Submission loan application.
project appraisal sanction the loan and acceptance execution of agreement,
Disbursement of loan etc.
Project Monitoring and Control:
- Warning Signals and remedies required.
- Rehabilitation of sick project: Causes of sickness, package of
rehabilitation, Measures offered by Financial Institution. Feasibility Report
on new business development.
Reference Books:
Prasanna Chandra Projects Mc Graw Hill New, New Delhi
S.S. Khanka Entrepreneurial development, S.Chand, New Delhi