Death of a Friend in Childhood
Diane Snyder Cowan, MA, MT-BC
Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center Cleveland, OH 800-707-8922,
The document announces an event on January 15th from 7:00-8:30pm at Church Hosanna! in Lakeville, MN. Best-selling author William C. Moyers from the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation will give a talk about addiction, including the science behind it, treatment, prevention, and recovery. Moyers has personal experience with addiction and knows the issues facing people and families today. The event is free and open to the community.
Depression is a hard topics but as christian we need to recognize that it is rampant in our society and destigmatize it. By understanding depression and it's root causes, women can support each other in difficult time.
UK Child bereavement - presentation for Scottish Transitions Forum 2014scottread
Gabrielle discussed the need to be aware of bereavement within and around transition services for children and young people and to support young people who may be experiencing this.
Gabrielle discussed the vision of the UK Child Bereavement Child Bereavement UK believes all families should have the support they need to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. Our mission is to ensure the accessibility of high quality child bereavement support and information to all families an professionals, by increasing our reach, plugging the gaps that exist in bereavement support and training, and embedding standards in the sector.
Gabrielle went on to discuss some of the theory behind the process of bereavement and what professionals might need to be aware of in this process. Gabrielle left us with some key messages, which were:
Understanding, love and sensitivity
To be involved
Opportunity to express feelings
To revisit their grief as they become older
Cyclone final group project presentationB. Nichols
The document summarizes a marketing plan for an "Education in Hockey Day" event by the Cincinnati Cyclones. It includes the results of surveys of educators to assess awareness of the event and factors influencing school field trips. The surveys found low awareness but an appropriate price point. The plan recommends renaming the event to "Education Through Hockey" and developing grade-specific educational materials to increase attendance.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la planta de Kellogg's en Valls, Espa単a. Se proporciona una introducci坦n a la compa単鱈a Kellogg's y a Emili Angl竪s, director de Operaciones de la planta. Luego, se describe la infraestructura de la planta, su modelo ISA 95, y su estructura ERP-MES-APS. Finalmente, se discuten casos exitosos de eficiencia energ辿tica, mantenimiento y calidad, y se ofrece una visi坦n sobre los desaf鱈os y oportunidades de la industria 4.0 en Espa単a.
The Cyclones lowered student season ticket prices from $280 to $175 which caused sales to drop from 21,000 to 13,000. The document discusses factors that influence sports pricing strategies, including demand, objectives, competition, and the other elements of the marketing mix. It also covers pricing models and analyses, such as cost-based pricing, break-even analysis, bundle pricing, and evaluating price elasticity.
This document lists different types of family members including grandparents, parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, nieces and other extended family. It discusses vocabulary related to families such as family tree and provides a family song.
20 year Marketing Plan Final by Efren Ewold EstrellaEfren Estrella
1. The document outlines Efren Ewold Estrella's 20 year marketing plan titled "My 20 Year Marketing Plan", which follows 4 principles for realizing dreams: create a big exciting dream, define it in detail, live in the dream so it feels real, and hold onto the dream tightly.
2. It provides 5 tips for a safe and memorable journey: choose a path, watch for road signs, obey traffic lights, travel with companions, and reminisce at the end.
3. Efren's vision is to become an influential trusted leader who gives a legacy to his name through unconditional love and alleviating others' burdens.
Este documento introduce el tutorial de Eclipse y describe sus ventajas para programar en Java. Explica que no se necesitan conocimientos avanzados de Java para seguir el tutorial. Adem叩s, en pocos minutos los usuarios podr叩n dominar las t辿cnicas principales de Eclipse para acelerar la programaci坦n. El 炭nico requisito es tener instalada una versi坦n de Eclipse junto con una m叩quina virtual de Java.
1) Grief counseling for teens faces barriers like their developmental stage between childhood and adulthood and intense emotions.
2) Strategies for counseling grieving teens include relationship building, normalizing feelings, creative outlets, and peer support groups.
3) Teens benefit from counseling that validates their experiences and helps them identify other supports besides the counselor.
1) Grief counseling for teens faces barriers like their developmental stage between childhood and adulthood and intense emotions.
2) Strategies for counseling grieving teens include relationship building, normalizing their experiences, and providing creative outlets like art, music, books and groups.
3) Support groups help teens by allowing them to openly express feelings amongst peers in a safe environment and realize their grief experiences are normal.
The document summarizes the key topics and themes discussed in Sarah Thebarge's memoir "The Invisible Girls". It provides biographical information about Thebarge and introduces the Somali refugee family she befriends. The rest of the document then outlines some of the challenges faced by the refugee family in terms of cultural adjustment, domestic abuse, health issues like breast cancer, and effects of relocating frequently. It also discusses the role spirituality and religion played in Thebarge's own recovery and how she found support through her faith.
Talking with Your Family about Hereditary Cancerbkling
Karen E. Hurley, PhD, shares strategies for managing the sources of conflict that surround genetic testing within families, including whether or not to pursue testing, reaching out to at-risk relatives and the stress that can arise from hereditary disease. Dr. Hurley is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in hereditary cancer risk.
Talking to Your Family about Hereditary Cancerbkling
Karen Hurley, Ph.D., shares strategies for managing the sources of conflict that surround genetic testing within families. Includes whether or not to pursue testing, reaching out to at-risk relatives and the stress that can arise from hereditary disease. Karen Hurley, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in hereditary cancer risk.
Presented in collaboration with FORCE.
Talking to Your Family about Hereditary CancerMelissa Sakow
This document discusses family communication challenges related to genetic cancer risk. It notes that communication of genetic risk information can become distorted as it is passed between family members. It also discusses two types of families - those with extensive cancer history creating role strain, and those where cancer diagnosis comes unexpectedly. The document provides tips for family communication, including acknowledging own feelings, engaging in self-care, avoiding blame, and allowing autonomy in decision making. A case study examines challenges faced by a "parentified child" who tested positive for a BRCA mutation.
Students come to school grieving personally significant losses associated with various life events, and this grief can negatively impact their learning and mental health. Educators can play critical roles in assisting loss-affected students. Participants will become acquainted with possible support approaches and materials to use in their work with students. v.2
This document provides an overview of supporting kids and teens who struggle with anxiety. It discusses common signs and symptoms of anxiety in children and teens, as well as specific anxiety disorders. It notes that the causes of anxiety include genetics, environment, and parenting factors. Anxiety can impact family functioning and a child's academic, social and spiritual development. Effective treatments include cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. The document also discusses how churches can help welcome families dealing with childhood anxiety.
Childhood Gender Identity Development (2006 Translating Identities Conference)Morganne Ray
This document summarizes Morgan Ray's presentation on childhood gender identity development. It discusses how children learn and express gender from toddler age through middle school, being influenced by reinforcement, role models, peer pressure and gender stereotypes. It shows how children progress from flexible gender exploration to rigid adherence to gender norms. Interactive exercises are described to help facilitate discussions about gender with children.
Mental Health Inclusion Ministry...The Mission Field Just Outside Your DoorStephen Grcevich, MD
In this keynote presentation from the Mental Health Ministry in the Local Church conference, Dr. Grcevich discusses the need for intentional outreach to families impacted by mental illness, and introduces seven barriers to church attendance for children and adults with common mental health conditions and their families.
CLASSMATE 1My score for Hostile sexism is 1.82, and the benevoleVinaOconner450
My score for Hostile sexism is 1.82, and the benevolent was 2. 73. I compared my scores to the average score of Males and Nigeria. I chose to compare my score with that of the males because our society has a set of ideas about how women are expected to behave, ranging from dressing, speaking, accommodating, and nurturing. The presence of feminism and woman studies has reduced these assigned roles to women; however, the connection still exists. Women still face sexism in the work area and experience a personality trait stereotype where women are expected to be accommodating, stay at home with children, etc. Compared to the Male Average Score, it wasnt surprising to see theirs higher than mine. I was, as expected, a high score. According to our text, stereotypes, like other cognitive representations, are maintained because the information that confirms our stereotypes is better remembered than information that disconfirms them (Fyock &Stangor, 1994). For example, if we believe women to be bad at math and see a woman with bad scores in math, we quickly remember it compared to a woman with good scores in math. It also applies to my expectation of a higher score of efficiently placing some men discriminate against women even though I have seen men who support women.
The other category I selected was a country (Nigeria). From an African background, I am aware of my social cognition, which is how my knowledge about social worlds influences me as an individual. I was curious to compare how largely Ive been socially influenced by the social norms of the United States to Africa. Although I am aware of how submissive African women have to be to their husbands and how authoritative some African men can be, I was shocked by how high scores of Nigeria are in both hostile sexism and benevolent sexism. Average Nigerian scores on hostile and benevolent sexism were way higher than those listed on the data. Due to their collectivism, Nigerians are more concerned about interdependence and thus have a high social dominance orientation (SDO). As sexist as I may sound, some of the questions were demeaning to me. For example, question 20, Men should be willing to sacrifice their well-being to provide financially for the women in their lives, which I strongly disagreed with. As a wife and mom, I wouldnt want my husband or son to sacrifice his mental health or health to provide for me financially. I would like to be loved, respected, but not financially sound to the detriment of someones health.
2. The ambivalent sexism does make sense because it was developed to measure hostile and benevolent attitudes towards women. In contrast to many other forms of ethnic, racial, etc., relationships between men and women are not marked by simply antipathy and negative stereotypes. Sexism is commonly thought to be a manifestation of male hatred against females. This viewpoint overlooks one crucial aspect of sexism: subjectively good attitudes toward women, w ...
Seattle Girls' School Parent and Guardian Information Series, Session Three. Learn some socioemotional, social, racial, ethnic, and gender identity development. Learn about some of the common trends found among teens and their parents. Hear what research has to say about healthy discipline.
elementary school suicide prevention training powerpoint.pptEl Viajero
This document provides an overview of a presentation on youth suicide given by two psychiatrists from Denver Health. It discusses risk and protective factors, warning signs, statistics on youth suicide nationally and in Colorado, and recommendations for what schools and individuals should do if a youth is exhibiting warning signs of suicide. The presentation aims to educate about youth suicide and how to identify at-risk youth so that lives can be saved through prevention and intervention efforts.
Depressions Impact on Relationships and Relationships Impact on DepressionUCSF Dept. of Psychiatry
Presentation by Beverly Lehr, PhD, and Katherine Straznickas, PhD, at the UCSF Depression Center's "Depression: Pathways to Resilience and Recovery" event on September 13, 2014.
This document summarizes key points from several chapters in a book about children at risk. It discusses gifted children, incarcerated parents, death of a loved one, and medical problems. For each topic, it outlines characteristics, potential risks or effects on children, and the role teachers can play in supporting students dealing with these issues.
This document lists different types of family members including grandparents, parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, nieces and other extended family. It discusses vocabulary related to families such as family tree and provides a family song.
20 year Marketing Plan Final by Efren Ewold EstrellaEfren Estrella
1. The document outlines Efren Ewold Estrella's 20 year marketing plan titled "My 20 Year Marketing Plan", which follows 4 principles for realizing dreams: create a big exciting dream, define it in detail, live in the dream so it feels real, and hold onto the dream tightly.
2. It provides 5 tips for a safe and memorable journey: choose a path, watch for road signs, obey traffic lights, travel with companions, and reminisce at the end.
3. Efren's vision is to become an influential trusted leader who gives a legacy to his name through unconditional love and alleviating others' burdens.
Este documento introduce el tutorial de Eclipse y describe sus ventajas para programar en Java. Explica que no se necesitan conocimientos avanzados de Java para seguir el tutorial. Adem叩s, en pocos minutos los usuarios podr叩n dominar las t辿cnicas principales de Eclipse para acelerar la programaci坦n. El 炭nico requisito es tener instalada una versi坦n de Eclipse junto con una m叩quina virtual de Java.
1) Grief counseling for teens faces barriers like their developmental stage between childhood and adulthood and intense emotions.
2) Strategies for counseling grieving teens include relationship building, normalizing feelings, creative outlets, and peer support groups.
3) Teens benefit from counseling that validates their experiences and helps them identify other supports besides the counselor.
1) Grief counseling for teens faces barriers like their developmental stage between childhood and adulthood and intense emotions.
2) Strategies for counseling grieving teens include relationship building, normalizing their experiences, and providing creative outlets like art, music, books and groups.
3) Support groups help teens by allowing them to openly express feelings amongst peers in a safe environment and realize their grief experiences are normal.
The document summarizes the key topics and themes discussed in Sarah Thebarge's memoir "The Invisible Girls". It provides biographical information about Thebarge and introduces the Somali refugee family she befriends. The rest of the document then outlines some of the challenges faced by the refugee family in terms of cultural adjustment, domestic abuse, health issues like breast cancer, and effects of relocating frequently. It also discusses the role spirituality and religion played in Thebarge's own recovery and how she found support through her faith.
Talking with Your Family about Hereditary Cancerbkling
Karen E. Hurley, PhD, shares strategies for managing the sources of conflict that surround genetic testing within families, including whether or not to pursue testing, reaching out to at-risk relatives and the stress that can arise from hereditary disease. Dr. Hurley is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in hereditary cancer risk.
Talking to Your Family about Hereditary Cancerbkling
Karen Hurley, Ph.D., shares strategies for managing the sources of conflict that surround genetic testing within families. Includes whether or not to pursue testing, reaching out to at-risk relatives and the stress that can arise from hereditary disease. Karen Hurley, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in hereditary cancer risk.
Presented in collaboration with FORCE.
Talking to Your Family about Hereditary CancerMelissa Sakow
This document discusses family communication challenges related to genetic cancer risk. It notes that communication of genetic risk information can become distorted as it is passed between family members. It also discusses two types of families - those with extensive cancer history creating role strain, and those where cancer diagnosis comes unexpectedly. The document provides tips for family communication, including acknowledging own feelings, engaging in self-care, avoiding blame, and allowing autonomy in decision making. A case study examines challenges faced by a "parentified child" who tested positive for a BRCA mutation.
Students come to school grieving personally significant losses associated with various life events, and this grief can negatively impact their learning and mental health. Educators can play critical roles in assisting loss-affected students. Participants will become acquainted with possible support approaches and materials to use in their work with students. v.2
This document provides an overview of supporting kids and teens who struggle with anxiety. It discusses common signs and symptoms of anxiety in children and teens, as well as specific anxiety disorders. It notes that the causes of anxiety include genetics, environment, and parenting factors. Anxiety can impact family functioning and a child's academic, social and spiritual development. Effective treatments include cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. The document also discusses how churches can help welcome families dealing with childhood anxiety.
Childhood Gender Identity Development (2006 Translating Identities Conference)Morganne Ray
This document summarizes Morgan Ray's presentation on childhood gender identity development. It discusses how children learn and express gender from toddler age through middle school, being influenced by reinforcement, role models, peer pressure and gender stereotypes. It shows how children progress from flexible gender exploration to rigid adherence to gender norms. Interactive exercises are described to help facilitate discussions about gender with children.
Mental Health Inclusion Ministry...The Mission Field Just Outside Your DoorStephen Grcevich, MD
In this keynote presentation from the Mental Health Ministry in the Local Church conference, Dr. Grcevich discusses the need for intentional outreach to families impacted by mental illness, and introduces seven barriers to church attendance for children and adults with common mental health conditions and their families.
CLASSMATE 1My score for Hostile sexism is 1.82, and the benevoleVinaOconner450
My score for Hostile sexism is 1.82, and the benevolent was 2. 73. I compared my scores to the average score of Males and Nigeria. I chose to compare my score with that of the males because our society has a set of ideas about how women are expected to behave, ranging from dressing, speaking, accommodating, and nurturing. The presence of feminism and woman studies has reduced these assigned roles to women; however, the connection still exists. Women still face sexism in the work area and experience a personality trait stereotype where women are expected to be accommodating, stay at home with children, etc. Compared to the Male Average Score, it wasnt surprising to see theirs higher than mine. I was, as expected, a high score. According to our text, stereotypes, like other cognitive representations, are maintained because the information that confirms our stereotypes is better remembered than information that disconfirms them (Fyock &Stangor, 1994). For example, if we believe women to be bad at math and see a woman with bad scores in math, we quickly remember it compared to a woman with good scores in math. It also applies to my expectation of a higher score of efficiently placing some men discriminate against women even though I have seen men who support women.
The other category I selected was a country (Nigeria). From an African background, I am aware of my social cognition, which is how my knowledge about social worlds influences me as an individual. I was curious to compare how largely Ive been socially influenced by the social norms of the United States to Africa. Although I am aware of how submissive African women have to be to their husbands and how authoritative some African men can be, I was shocked by how high scores of Nigeria are in both hostile sexism and benevolent sexism. Average Nigerian scores on hostile and benevolent sexism were way higher than those listed on the data. Due to their collectivism, Nigerians are more concerned about interdependence and thus have a high social dominance orientation (SDO). As sexist as I may sound, some of the questions were demeaning to me. For example, question 20, Men should be willing to sacrifice their well-being to provide financially for the women in their lives, which I strongly disagreed with. As a wife and mom, I wouldnt want my husband or son to sacrifice his mental health or health to provide for me financially. I would like to be loved, respected, but not financially sound to the detriment of someones health.
2. The ambivalent sexism does make sense because it was developed to measure hostile and benevolent attitudes towards women. In contrast to many other forms of ethnic, racial, etc., relationships between men and women are not marked by simply antipathy and negative stereotypes. Sexism is commonly thought to be a manifestation of male hatred against females. This viewpoint overlooks one crucial aspect of sexism: subjectively good attitudes toward women, w ...
Seattle Girls' School Parent and Guardian Information Series, Session Three. Learn some socioemotional, social, racial, ethnic, and gender identity development. Learn about some of the common trends found among teens and their parents. Hear what research has to say about healthy discipline.
elementary school suicide prevention training powerpoint.pptEl Viajero
This document provides an overview of a presentation on youth suicide given by two psychiatrists from Denver Health. It discusses risk and protective factors, warning signs, statistics on youth suicide nationally and in Colorado, and recommendations for what schools and individuals should do if a youth is exhibiting warning signs of suicide. The presentation aims to educate about youth suicide and how to identify at-risk youth so that lives can be saved through prevention and intervention efforts.
Depressions Impact on Relationships and Relationships Impact on DepressionUCSF Dept. of Psychiatry
Presentation by Beverly Lehr, PhD, and Katherine Straznickas, PhD, at the UCSF Depression Center's "Depression: Pathways to Resilience and Recovery" event on September 13, 2014.
This document summarizes key points from several chapters in a book about children at risk. It discusses gifted children, incarcerated parents, death of a loved one, and medical problems. For each topic, it outlines characteristics, potential risks or effects on children, and the role teachers can play in supporting students dealing with these issues.
This document discusses the experiences of foster youth and alumni. It provides information on the challenges they face such as a lack of family support networks and disconnection between child and adult systems. Trauma can impact foster youth through fight or flight responses, dissociation, and hypervigilance. The document emphasizes the importance of restorative relationships, chosen families, and addressing cognitive dissonance when reconnecting with family. It also discusses how youth and the system may define permanency differently.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify and define their philosophical orientation
Become Acquainted with Appreciative Inquiry
Identify Intergenerational patterns in their clients
Assess the value of Portraiture as a qualitative mode of inquiry to gain valuable data about an individual and family themes as a nonjudgemental way into story
Demonstrate pictorially family resilience and wounds and use this as broad map for clinical interventions ( in private practice, in interventions and in behavioral health centers
Middle school emerged in the 1960s-1970s due to overcrowding in elementary schools and a recognition that the developmental needs of students in grades 5-8 differed from those in elementary and high school. While middle school aims to provide a more developmentally-appropriate environment for early adolescents, concerns have been raised about teachers' preparation to work with this age group and the lack of specialized curricula and instruction. An expert interviewee discussed the mental, physical, and social characteristics of students in elementary, middle, and high school. The presentation provided information and engaged groups in discussing whether middle school should continue to exist.
This document discusses the difficulties in measuring and defining grief as well as opportunities for grief research. It notes that while grief is a universal experience, it is also uniquely experienced. There is lack of consensus on how to define grief and its various stages or patterns. The document also discusses the evolution of conceptualizing pathological grief and proposes criteria for traumatic grief and prolonged grief disorder. It emphasizes the importance of grief measurements and definitions for diagnosing those in need of treatment and evaluating interventions. Overall, the document argues that while progress has been made, more research is still needed to better understand and measure non-pathological grief and identify factors that contribute to progress and growth following bereavement.
This document discusses using expressive arts to help grieving children. It outlines the needs of grieving children, which include finding meaning, relating to the context of the death, and having support. Approaches that are useful include using symbols, art, writing, and rituals. Telling stories can help with identification, expression, conversation, and problem-solving. The document also describes Dr. Wolfelt's grief gardening model and outlines six reconciliation needs that grieving children experience. It provides examples of books that could help address each need and support healing through memory, identity, meaning, and continued support.
This document discusses the evolution of theories around continuing bonds with the deceased from ancient times to modern perspectives. It outlines how ancient cultures built monuments and engaged in rituals to maintain connections, while Freudian theory promoted severing bonds to move on. Modern research now shows that maintaining bonds can help the grieving process by allowing the relationship to transform over time rather than abruptly end. The document provides examples of how children can maintain connections and ways adults can support them.
50 Minutes to Make a Difference:
Grief and Suicide Prevention Education in Schools and Community Agencies
Caitlin Burns, MSW
The Caring Tree Program of Big Bend Hospice
This document discusses demystification for bereaved teens. It aims to explain the complex nature of adolescent grief and provide strategies to facilitate healing. Demystification involves removing mystery or confusion around a topic through education. When used for grieving teens, it encourages questioning, promotes self-discovery, and helps them incorporate helpful words and phrases to describe their experience. The document also outlines the bereavement process and common effects of grief like shock, feelings, and reconstruction of identity over the long term.
The document provides guidance for starting a nonprofit organization to provide grief support for children. It outlines the necessary steps, including incorporating as a 501(c)(3), establishing a board of directors, developing programming, marketing, fundraising, and engaging volunteers. Key recommendations are to stick to your values, cultivate relationships with various experts for guidance, and keep records of finances and activities. Flexibility and learning from all experiences, including failures, are also advised for success.
The document summarizes the mission and services of Camp Sol Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides grief support services to families who have experienced the death of a child. The camp offers weekend retreats with activities, counseling sessions, and music therapy to help families and individuals process their grief together and separately. It aims to assist in healing families by providing a supportive environment where they can share experiences and participate in nurturing programming tailored for grieving families, adults, and children.
This document discusses the theory of continuing bonds, which posits that maintaining a connection to a deceased loved one is an important part of the grieving process. It provides a historical overview of how views of grief have evolved from encouraging severing bonds in the early 20th century to more modern perspectives that support ongoing connections. Research on child grief indicates that children understand death yet still seek to locate, experience, reach out to and remember the deceased through activities and objects that help them sustain the relationship.
- Sibling death has a significant impact on children and around 2 million children in the US have experienced the death of a sibling through various means such as stillbirths, newborn deaths, miscarriages.
- How a child grieves the loss of a sibling depends on factors like their age and relationship with the deceased sibling, whether the sibling's death was sudden or followed a long illness, and how involved the child was in the dying process.
- Children benefit from grief support groups with other children who lost siblings, as it allows them to openly discuss their experiences, feelings of guilt, fear, and ways to maintain a sense of ongoing connection with their deceased sibling while moving forward.
- The document discusses how grief impacts people on mental, emotional, and physical levels including feelings of disbelief, worry, sadness, anger, and physical symptoms like changes in appetite and sleep.
- It also discusses how men and women often cope with grief differently and provides tips for healthy communication within families experiencing grief.
- The risks of avoiding grief are mentioned as well as how to find balance during stressful times through focusing on what you can control.
The document discusses bereavement centers and their role in providing grief support to communities. It outlines the types of support offered, including counseling, support groups, crisis response and education programs. Funding sources and marketing strategies are also covered. The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center is highlighted as an example, describing its history, mission and programs for bereaved children, families and communities in Northern Ohio.
The Center for Grieving Children has seen a dramatic increase in people seeking their services for support with grief. In the first 8 months of the current fiscal year, they have responded to as many calls as in all of the previous year. They provide direct support through various peer support programs to over 300 families each year using over 125 trained volunteers. The Center is looking to expand services to additional groups and needs more support to maintain their services as they have had to spend down reserves while keeping costs low. They receive no state or federal funding and rely on donations from generous individuals in the community.
The organization has seen an increase in demand for their peer support programs for children coping with illness and death due to the challenging times. Peer support helps breakdown isolation from loss and grief, as children who receive support are less likely to attempt suicide, abuse substances, or develop behavioral disorders. However, donations have decreased due to the economic downturn so the organization needs additional support to continue providing free services to help children through grief and prevent future problems.
The Center for Grieving Children has secured a new permanent home after a successful fundraising campaign. They must now focus on ensuring families can attend services for free. Over 300 families and 3,000 children will be supported this year through volunteers and staff. The executive director is requesting a donation to the annual fund to support the growing demand for services and ensure resources are available each year.
Golding ann fund 2009 core support and long term donorsNAGC
The Center has experienced increased demand for its grief support services due to economic challenges faced by many in the community. While maintaining free services, The Center has expanded support groups for adults and translated resources into Spanish. Financial support from donors is critical for The Center to continue providing services and support grieving children, teens, and families.
The letter asks the recipient to make a donation to the organization's annual appeal fund. It emphasizes that board participation and donations are important to demonstrate passion for the organization's mission and to set a good example when asking other individuals, corporations, and foundations for donations. The letter stresses that 100% of board members currently donate to the annual fund in various ways and asks the recipient to join in making a gift to ensure those who need the organization's grief services can attend free of charge.
Golding 2007 annual report appeal small foundationsNAGC
The Center for Grieving Children celebrated their accomplishments in their latest Annual Report, including over 21,000 service hours provided by over 250 dedicated volunteers, ensuring thousands of children, teens, young adults and families received free grief services. The Annual Report also honored the thousands of donors who supported the Center's important work in the community through their donations. The Executive Director looks forward to sharing more of the Center's future accomplishments.
The document announces a community night featuring drumming lessons, mask making, and collaborative artwork activities at Lincoln, Riverton, and East End Schools. Father and son drumming lessons and culinary arts workshops will take place at Lincoln School, while mask making and joint art projects are scheduled for Riverton and East End Schools' community night.
Here discussing various cases of Obstructive jaundice namely Choledocholithiassis, Biliary atresia, Carcinoma Pancreas, Periampullary Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma.
At Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
Optimization in Pharmaceutical Formulations: Concepts, Methods & ApplicationsKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of optimization in pharmaceutical formulations. It explains the concept of optimization, different types of optimization problems (constrained and unconstrained), and the mathematical principles behind formulation development. Key topics include:
Methods for optimization (Sequential Simplex Method, Classical Mathematical Methods)
Statistical analysis in optimization (Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, Hypothesis Testing)
Factorial Design & Quality by Design (QbD) for process improvement
Applications of optimization in drug formulation
This resource is beneficial for pharmaceutical scientists, R&D professionals, regulatory experts, and students looking to understand pharmaceutical process optimization and quality by design approaches.
Flag Screening in Physiotherapy Examination.pptxBALAJI SOMA
Flag screening is a crucial part of physiotherapy assessment that helps in identifying medical, psychological, occupational, and social barriers to recovery. Recognizing these flags ensures that physiotherapists make informed decisions, provide holistic care, and refer patients appropriately when necessary. By integrating flag screening into practice, physiotherapists can optimize patient outcomes and prevent chronicity of conditions.
Dr. Vincenzo Giordano began his medical career 2011 at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Here, he performed complex adult cardiothoracic surgical procedures, significantly enhancing his proficiency in patient critical care, as evidenced by his FCCS certification.
Acute & Chronic Inflammation, Chemical mediators in Inflammation and Wound he...Ganapathi Vankudoth
A complete information of Inflammation, it includes types of Inflammation, purpose of Inflammation, pathogenesis of acute inflammation, chemical mediators in inflammation, types of chronic inflammation, wound healing and Inflammation in skin repair, phases of wound healing, factors influencing wound healing and types of wound healing.
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAire
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
Key Topics Covered:
鏝 Viable air & surface sampling best practices
鏝 USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
鏝 How to analyze & trend viable sample data
鏝 Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
・ Watch Now:
Stay informedfollow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
Unit 1: Introduction to Histological and Cytological techniques
Differentiate histology and cytology
Overview on tissue types
Function and components of the compound light microscope
Overview on common Histological Techniques:
o Fixation
o Grossing
o Tissue processing
o Microtomy
o Staining
o Mounting
Application of histology and cytology
The course covers the steps undertaken from tissue collection, reception, fixation,
sectioning, tissue processing and staining. It covers all the general and special
techniques in histo/cytology laboratory. This course will provide the student with the
basic knowledge of the theory and practical aspect in the diagnosis of tumour cells
and non-malignant conditions in body tissues and for cytology focusing on
gynaecological and non-gynaecological samples.
Cardiac Arrhythmia definition, classification, normal sinus rhythm, characteristics , types and management with medical ,surgical & nursing, health education and nursing diagnosis for paramedical students.
1. Death of a Friend in Childhood Diane Snyder Cowan, MA, MT-BC Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center Cleveland, OH, 800-707-8922,