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Official Transcript
Student Name:
Student ID:
Czar I Yobero
DePaul University
1 East Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604
United States
OPE-ID Code: 001671 Page 1 of 3
MAP Code: 013 Print Date: 04/26/2016
CHICAGO, IL 606132246
- - - - - Degrees Awarded - - - - -
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business
Confer Date: 06/13/2014
Degree Honors: Magna Cum Laude
Plan: Major in Economics
- - - - - Transfer Credits - - - - -
Transfer Credit from College of DuPage
Transfer Credit Totals: 45.000
Transfer Credit from University of Illinois, Chicago
Transfer Credit Totals: 19.500
- - - - - Academic Program History - - - - -
Program: Undergraduate Business
01/25/2011: Active in Program
- - - - - Beginning of Undergraduate Record - - - - -
2010-2011 Autumn
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Req Designation: Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry/SSMW
MAT 136 BUSINESS CALCULUS II 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
MGT 228 BUSINESS,ETHICS & SOCIETY 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800
Req Designation: Religious Dimensions
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 12.000 12.000 3.567 42.800
Cumulative Totals: 12.000 76.500 3.567 42.800
2010-2011 Winter
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ACC 101 INTRO TO ACCOUNTING I 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
DC 222 STORY STRUCTURE IN CINEMA 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Req Designation: Arts and Literature
ECO 315 INTRO TO MONEY & BANKING 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
MAT 137 BUSINESS STATISTICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Req Designation: Scientific Inquiry: Non-lab
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 4.000 64.000
Cumulative Totals: 28.000 92.500 3.814 106.800
Official Transcript
Student Name: Czar I Yobero Page 2 of 3
Student ID: 1006535 Print Date: 04/26/2016
2010-2011 Spring
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ACC 102 INTRO TO ACCOUNTING II 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
DC 227 FILM PHILOSOPHY 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800
Req Designation: Philosophical Inquiry
Req Designation: Sophomore Seminar
MKT 301 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.850 61.600
Cumulative Totals: 44.000 108.500 3.827 168.400
2011-2012 Autumn
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ECO 362 INTRNATL MONETARY ECONMCS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
FIN 310 INTRODUCTION TO FINANCE 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.925 62.800
Cumulative Totals: 60.000 124.500 3.853 231.200
2011-2012 Winter
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
BLW 201 LEGAL/ETHCL ENVIRON BUSNS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
DC 205 FOUNDATIONS OF CINEMA 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800
Req Designation: Arts and Literature
ECO 398 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Course Topic: GAME THEORY
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 12.000 12.000 3.900 46.800
Cumulative Totals: 72.000 136.500 3.861 278.000
2011-2012 Spring
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ECO 375 INTRO TO ECONOMETRICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
ECO 398 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
MKT 310 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Req Designation: Religious Dimensions
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.750 60.000
Cumulative Totals: 88.000 152.500 3.841 338.000
2012-2013 Autumn
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ECO 380 MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS 4.000 4.000 B+ 13.200
ECO 398 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
MGT 300 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.750 60.000
Cumulative Totals: 104.000 168.500 3.827 398.000
Official Transcript
Student Name: Czar I Yobero Page 3 of 3
Student ID: 1006535 Print Date: 04/26/2016
2012-2013 Winter
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ICS 392 SENIOR SEMINAR 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Req Designation: Senior Capstone Seminar
ICS 395 MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
WRD 202 PROFESSNL BUSINESS WRITNG 2.000 2.000 A- 7.400
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 14.000 14.000 3.757 52.600
Cumulative Totals: 118.000 182.500 3.819 450.600
2012-2013 Spring
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ECO 361 INTERNATIONAL TRADE 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 8.000 8.000 3.350 26.800
Cumulative Totals: 126.000 190.500 3.789 477.400
2012-2013 Summer
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Req Designation: Junior Year Experiential Learning
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cumulative Totals: 130.000 190.500 3.789 477.400
2013-2014 Winter
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
UIP 252 CREATIVITY/CHANGE AGENT/WKPL 4.000 4.000 B+ 13.200
Req Designation: Junior Year Experiential Learning
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Term Totals: 4.000 4.000 3.300 13.200
Cumulative Totals: 134.000 194.500 3.774 490.600
- - - - - Undergraduate Career Totals - - - - -
Attempted Earned GPA Points
Career Totals: 134.000 194.500 3.774 490.600
- - - - - End of Official Transcript - - - - -
DePaul University
Transcript Legend
Updated July 2012
Graduate and Undergraduate Grades College of Law Grades
Graduate and Undergraduate course credit is awarded in quarter
hours. Grades are assigned in accordance with the following
definitions. A plus represents slightly higher achievement and a
minus represents slightly lower achievement than the letter grade.
For undergraduate students, the addition of a # indicates an original
attempt of a course which has been repeated; therefore the grade is
removed from the term and cumulative grade point average.
College of Law course credit is awarded in semester hours. Grades
are assigned in accordance with the following definitions. Plus or
minus grades represent a slight variance from the indicated definition.
A Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in an
B Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a
A Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in an VERY GOOD manner.
C Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a
B Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a SATISFACTORY manner.
VERY GOOD manner.
D Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a
C Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a POOR manner.
F Failure to accomplish the stated course objectives.
D Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a
POOR manner. IN Temporary grade indicating satisfactory record for
work completed when unique or unforeseeable
F Failure to accomplish the stated course objectives. circumstances prevent the student from completing the
course requirements within the term. Incomplete grades
IN Temporary grade indicating satisfactory record for work
completed when unique or unforeseeable circumstances
prevent the student from completing the course
requirements within the term. Incomplete grades lapse to
F if not completed in the time specified by university
policy, or sooner if specified by the instructor.
lapse to F if not completed in the time specified by
university policy, or sooner if specified by the instructor.
PA Passing achievement. (Grades A through D
represent passing performance).
W Withdrawal from course.
ING Permanent grade assigned when a degree recipient
chooses not to resolve a grade of IN awarded during
the last two terms prior to graduation. The grade of ING
(Incomplete, Graduated) is final, and cannot be changed
nor lapsed to F once the degree is posted.
WA Administrative withdrawal.
FX Failure due to non-attendance.
M Final grade not submitted by instructor.
PA Passing achievement. (Grades A through D
represent passing performance). AU Auditor status, not for credit.
W Withdrawal from course.
Patricia Rostan Huerta
Director of Registration and Records
WA Administrative withdrawal.
FX Failure due to non-attendance.
R Satisfactory progress in a course that is designed to
extend beyond the traditional length of the term. Grades
of R earned by students will lapse to F if not
completed within one year or sooner if specified by the
instructor. This Academic Transcript from DePaul University located in Chicago, IL is being
provided to you by Credentials Inc. Under provisions of, and subject to, the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Credentials Inc. of Northfield, IL is acting on
behalf of DePaul University in facilitating the delivery of academic transcripts from
DePaul University to other colleges, universities and third parties using the Credentials
This secure transcript has been delivered electronically by Credentials Inc. in a Portable
Document Format (PDF) file. Please be aware that this layout may be slightly different in
look than DePaul Universitys printed/mailed copy, however it will contain the identical
academic information. Depending on the school and your capabilities, we also can
deliver this file as an XML document or an EDI document. Any questions regarding the
validity of the information you are receiving should be directed to: Office of Student
Records, DePaul University, 1 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604, Tel: (312)
RG Permanent grade assigned when a degree recipient
chooses not to resolve a grade of R awarded during the
last year prior to graduation. The grade of RG
(Research, Graduated) is final, and cannot be changed or
lapsed to F once the degree is posted.
M Final grade not submitted by instructor.
AU Auditor status, not for credit.
FERPA: This document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act of 1974.
INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: For accreditation information, rules and policies governing grade point average and cumulative statistics calculation, please consult the
University Catalog at http://offices.depaul.edu/student-records

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  • 1. OfficialOfficial AcademicAcademic TranscriTranscript frompt from:: DEPAUL UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF STUDENT RECORDS 1 E. JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, IL 60604 TELEPHONE: 312-362-8610 DocumentDocument Type: THType: THIRD-PARTIRD-PARTY SECUREY SECURE PDFPDF AcademicAcademic TranscrTranscript of:ipt of: IntendedIntended RecipieRecipient:nt: CZAR YOBERO CZAR YOBERO Date of Birth: 3-Oct-xxxx 4157 N CLARENDON AVE, APT 312 Transcript Created: 26-Apr-2016 CHICAGO, IL 60613-2246 E-Mail: cyobero@gmail.com RequesteRequested by:d by: DelivereDelivered by:d by: CZAR YOBERO CREDENTIALS INC. / TRANSCRIPTSNETWORK(tm) 4157 N CLARENDON AVE, APT 312 Under Contract To: CHICAGO, IL 60613-2246 DEPAUL UNIVERSITY Order Number: 6D3798327- 1 E-Mail: cyobero@gmail.com Telephone: (847) 716-3005 StatemenStatement of Aut of Authenticthenticityity This official academic transcript in Portable Document Format (PDF) was requested by the individual identified above in compliance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended and in conformance with the prescribed ordering procedures of DePaul University who has contracted with Credentials Inc. of Northfield, IL for electronic delivery of official transcripts in PDF form via Credentials' TranscriptsNetwork(tm). You may verify the authenticity of our relationship with DePaul University by visiting their website at go.depaul.edu/transcripts. CollegeCollege or Univeor Universityrsity If you are an accredited post-secondary academic institution, please be advised that you are receiving this transcript as a "Third-Party" receiver. Since you are not registered in our TranscriptsNetwork, additional security provisions have been added to this document to prevent content copying or alteration. You also are not permitted to print the document without watermark protections or add notations to the document when saving to your student information system. Should you wish to receive future documents through our TranscriptsNetwork without these additional security features, please contact Mr. Terry Reed at 847-716-3024 or tsr1@credentialssolutions.com and register your institution. Please note that there is no cost to be a Receiving Institution in the TranscriptsNetwork. PrivacyPrivacy and Otheand Other Inforr Informationmation This Official Transcript is for delivery to the above-named "Intended Recipient". If you are not the "Intended Recipient", please notify the Office of Student Records at DePaul University. You are not permitted to copy or alter this document. You may not forward this document or disclose its contents to any person or organization other than the "Intended Recipient" without the express written permission of the student. If this document is copied or printed, the words "PRINTED COPY" will appear in the replicated transcript image. You may verify the authenticity of this electronic document and have us independently certify that the document has not been altered since its creation by going to https://www.credentials-inc.com/cgi-bin/cicgipdf.pgm?VALID and following the instructions for transcript certification. In the interest of security and privacy, we delete this Official Academic Transcript from our server 48 hours after it is initially downloaded excluding weekends and holidays. If a replacement is subsequently needed, the requesting party must order another transcript from DePaul University. If you have any questions about this document or require further assistance, please contact Credentials Customer Service at (847) 716-3005. Our operators are available from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on Fridays (Central Time).
  • 2. Official Transcript Student Name: Student ID: SSN: Birthdate: Czar I Yobero 1006535 XXX-XX-2977 10-03-XXXX DePaul University 1 East Jackson Boulevard Chicago, IL 60604 United States OPE-ID Code: 001671 Page 1 of 3 MAP Code: 013 Print Date: 04/26/2016 Send To: CZAR YOBERO 4157 N CLARENDON AVE, APT 312 CHICAGO, IL 606132246 - - - - - Degrees Awarded - - - - - Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Confer Date: 06/13/2014 Degree Honors: Magna Cum Laude Plan: Major in Economics - - - - - Transfer Credits - - - - - Transfer Credit from College of DuPage Earned Transfer Credit Totals: 45.000 Transfer Credit from University of Illinois, Chicago Earned Transfer Credit Totals: 19.500 - - - - - Academic Program History - - - - - Program: Undergraduate Business 01/25/2011: Active in Program - - - - - Beginning of Undergraduate Record - - - - - 2010-2011 Autumn Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ECO 106 PRINCIPLES MACROECONOMICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Req Designation: Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry/SSMW MAT 136 BUSINESS CALCULUS II 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 MGT 228 BUSINESS,ETHICS & SOCIETY 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 Req Designation: Religious Dimensions Course Topic: AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 12.000 12.000 3.567 42.800 Cumulative Totals: 12.000 76.500 3.567 42.800 2010-2011 Winter Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ACC 100 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING LAB 0.000 0.000 AU 0.000 ACC 101 INTRO TO ACCOUNTING I 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 DC 222 STORY STRUCTURE IN CINEMA 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Req Designation: Arts and Literature ECO 315 INTRO TO MONEY & BANKING 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 MAT 137 BUSINESS STATISTICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Req Designation: Scientific Inquiry: Non-lab Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 4.000 64.000 Cumulative Totals: 28.000 92.500 3.814 106.800
  • 3. Official Transcript Student Name: Czar I Yobero Page 2 of 3 Student ID: 1006535 Print Date: 04/26/2016 2010-2011 Spring Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ACC 102 INTRO TO ACCOUNTING II 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 DC 227 FILM PHILOSOPHY 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 Req Designation: Philosophical Inquiry LSP 200 SOPH SEMINAR:MULTICULTURALISM 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 Req Designation: Sophomore Seminar Course Topic: IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCES MKT 301 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.850 61.600 Cumulative Totals: 44.000 108.500 3.827 168.400 2011-2012 Autumn Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ECO 305 INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 ECO 306 INTRMEDIAT MACROECONOMICS 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 ECO 362 INTRNATL MONETARY ECONMCS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 FIN 310 INTRODUCTION TO FINANCE 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.925 62.800 Cumulative Totals: 60.000 124.500 3.853 231.200 2011-2012 Winter Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points BLW 201 LEGAL/ETHCL ENVIRON BUSNS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 DC 205 FOUNDATIONS OF CINEMA 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 Req Designation: Arts and Literature ECO 398 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Course Topic: GAME THEORY Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 12.000 12.000 3.900 46.800 Cumulative Totals: 72.000 136.500 3.861 278.000 2011-2012 Spring Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ECO 375 INTRO TO ECONOMETRICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 ECO 398 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 Course Topic: LAW AND ECONOMICS LAW AND ECONOMICS MKT 310 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 REL 280 CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL THINKING 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Req Designation: Religious Dimensions Course Topic: CHRISTIANS IN THE WORLD Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.750 60.000 Cumulative Totals: 88.000 152.500 3.841 338.000 2012-2013 Autumn Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ECO 380 MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS 4.000 4.000 B+ 13.200 ECO 398 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 MGT 300 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 MIS 140 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 16.000 16.000 3.750 60.000 Cumulative Totals: 104.000 168.500 3.827 398.000
  • 4. Official Transcript Student Name: Czar I Yobero Page 3 of 3 Student ID: 1006535 Print Date: 04/26/2016 2012-2013 Winter Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ICS 392 SENIOR SEMINAR 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Req Designation: Senior Capstone Seminar Course Topic: MANAGING E-COMMERCE ICS 395 MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 MGT 301 PRINCIPLES OPERATIONS MANAGMNT 4.000 4.000 B+ 13.200 WRD 202 PROFESSNL BUSINESS WRITNG 2.000 2.000 A- 7.400 Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 14.000 14.000 3.757 52.600 Cumulative Totals: 118.000 182.500 3.819 450.600 2012-2013 Spring Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ECO 361 INTERNATIONAL TRADE 4.000 4.000 A- 14.800 MKT 376 EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATN 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 8.000 8.000 3.350 26.800 Cumulative Totals: 126.000 190.500 3.789 477.400 2012-2013 Summer Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points UIP 252 CREATIVITY/CHANGE AGENT/WKPL 4.000 0.000 WA 0.000 Req Designation: Junior Year Experiential Learning Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cumulative Totals: 130.000 190.500 3.789 477.400 2013-2014 Winter Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points UIP 252 CREATIVITY/CHANGE AGENT/WKPL 4.000 4.000 B+ 13.200 Req Designation: Junior Year Experiential Learning Attempted Earned GPA Points Term Totals: 4.000 4.000 3.300 13.200 Cumulative Totals: 134.000 194.500 3.774 490.600 - - - - - Undergraduate Career Totals - - - - - Attempted Earned GPA Points Career Totals: 134.000 194.500 3.774 490.600 - - - - - End of Official Transcript - - - - -
  • 5. DePaul University Transcript Legend Updated July 2012 Graduate and Undergraduate Grades College of Law Grades Graduate and Undergraduate course credit is awarded in quarter hours. Grades are assigned in accordance with the following definitions. A plus represents slightly higher achievement and a minus represents slightly lower achievement than the letter grade. For undergraduate students, the addition of a # indicates an original attempt of a course which has been repeated; therefore the grade is removed from the term and cumulative grade point average. College of Law course credit is awarded in semester hours. Grades are assigned in accordance with the following definitions. Plus or minus grades represent a slight variance from the indicated definition. A Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in an EXCELLENT manner. B Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a A Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in an VERY GOOD manner. EXCELLENT manner. C Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a B Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a SATISFACTORY manner. VERY GOOD manner. D Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a C Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a POOR manner. SATISFACTORY manner. F Failure to accomplish the stated course objectives. D Accomplishment of the stated course objectives in a POOR manner. IN Temporary grade indicating satisfactory record for work completed when unique or unforeseeable F Failure to accomplish the stated course objectives. circumstances prevent the student from completing the course requirements within the term. Incomplete grades IN Temporary grade indicating satisfactory record for work completed when unique or unforeseeable circumstances prevent the student from completing the course requirements within the term. Incomplete grades lapse to F if not completed in the time specified by university policy, or sooner if specified by the instructor. lapse to F if not completed in the time specified by university policy, or sooner if specified by the instructor. PA Passing achievement. (Grades A through D represent passing performance). W Withdrawal from course. ING Permanent grade assigned when a degree recipient chooses not to resolve a grade of IN awarded during the last two terms prior to graduation. The grade of ING (Incomplete, Graduated) is final, and cannot be changed nor lapsed to F once the degree is posted. WA Administrative withdrawal. FX Failure due to non-attendance. M Final grade not submitted by instructor. PA Passing achievement. (Grades A through D represent passing performance). AU Auditor status, not for credit. W Withdrawal from course. Patricia Rostan Huerta Director of Registration and Records WA Administrative withdrawal. FX Failure due to non-attendance. R Satisfactory progress in a course that is designed to extend beyond the traditional length of the term. Grades of R earned by students will lapse to F if not completed within one year or sooner if specified by the instructor. This Academic Transcript from DePaul University located in Chicago, IL is being provided to you by Credentials Inc. Under provisions of, and subject to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Credentials Inc. of Northfield, IL is acting on behalf of DePaul University in facilitating the delivery of academic transcripts from DePaul University to other colleges, universities and third parties using the Credentials TranscriptsNetwork. This secure transcript has been delivered electronically by Credentials Inc. in a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Please be aware that this layout may be slightly different in look than DePaul Universitys printed/mailed copy, however it will contain the identical academic information. Depending on the school and your capabilities, we also can deliver this file as an XML document or an EDI document. Any questions regarding the validity of the information you are receiving should be directed to: Office of Student Records, DePaul University, 1 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604, Tel: (312) 362-8610. RG Permanent grade assigned when a degree recipient chooses not to resolve a grade of R awarded during the last year prior to graduation. The grade of RG (Research, Graduated) is final, and cannot be changed or lapsed to F once the degree is posted. M Final grade not submitted by instructor. AU Auditor status, not for credit. FERPA: This document cannot be released to a third party without the written consent of the student. This is in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: For accreditation information, rules and policies governing grade point average and cumulative statistics calculation, please consult the University Catalog at http://offices.depaul.edu/student-records