Занятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презента...sad-radugaЗанятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презентация для воспитателей)
Занятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презент...sad-radugaЗанятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презентация для воспитателей)
Classroom communitywikipresmychalshaBuilding a positive classroom community requires focusing on identity in a group, creating a physically, emotionally, and academically positive environment, allowing students a fresh start, ensuring representation, and recognizing the importance of family.
CULTURALLY RELEVANT INSPIRATIONmsjames234This document appears to be a Haiku Deck presentation containing photos credited to various photographers such as sickmouthy, Theen, Gerry Dincher, GustavoG, IllinoisLibrary, Len Radin, and El Negro Magnifico. The presentation encourages the viewer to get inspired and create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
How to Positively Integrate Social Media into SchoolsKylie Bartletthttp://www.thewebceleb.tv
Enjoy my presentation on how to positively integrate social media into schools!
Занятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презента...sad-radugaЗанятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презентация для воспитателей)
Занятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презент...sad-radugaЗанятия по физической культуре в детском саду в соответствии с ФГОС (презентация для воспитателей)
Classroom communitywikipresmychalshaBuilding a positive classroom community requires focusing on identity in a group, creating a physically, emotionally, and academically positive environment, allowing students a fresh start, ensuring representation, and recognizing the importance of family.
CULTURALLY RELEVANT INSPIRATIONmsjames234This document appears to be a Haiku Deck presentation containing photos credited to various photographers such as sickmouthy, Theen, Gerry Dincher, GustavoG, IllinoisLibrary, Len Radin, and El Negro Magnifico. The presentation encourages the viewer to get inspired and create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
How to Positively Integrate Social Media into SchoolsKylie Bartletthttp://www.thewebceleb.tv
Enjoy my presentation on how to positively integrate social media into schools!
Bethany Smith LOR ITC Office .PDFBethany SmithBethany Smith is recommended for an internship. She interned for a year at LSU, where she helped reorganize the office website and implement social media. Bethany was found to be creative, analytical, and able to work independently and as part of a team. She often solved problems with little guidance and independently learned new skills. The recommender highly endorses Bethany for a new internship.
aeb-white-paper-us-export-control-reformMark BrannanThis document provides an overview of the key changes to U.S. export controls resulting from the Export Control Reform (ECR). It discusses how many military items are being transferred from the U.S. Munitions List to the Commerce Control List, requiring companies to now comply with the Export Administration Regulations. The document outlines the basic principles of determining jurisdiction and classification under the EAR, and highlights several important aspects of the ECR, including the new "600 series" of items, Strategic Trade Authorization license exception, and transition procedures for items moving between lists. It aims to help non-U.S. companies understand their new obligations under the reformed export control system.
Tensor de difusão e tratografiaEduardo Takashi TakeharaO documento discute tensores de difusão e trato grafia, descrevendo como a difusão anisotrópica nos tecidos biológicos pode ser quantificada através de tensores. Ele também resume as principais fibras de associação e projeção no cérebro, incluindo o cíngulo, fascículos occipitofrontal superior e inferior, fascículo uncinado, fascículo longitudinal superior e inferior, e trato geniculo-calcarino.
Transformation of work with Information TechnologymanishthaperThe document summarizes the transformation of work and employment from the 1920s to the present. It discusses how employment has shifted from agriculture to manufacturing and services. While manufacturing jobs have declined in most advanced countries, de-industrialization happened at different rates depending on each nation's policies. The structure of employment has polarized, with job growth at the top and bottom but a decline in middle-income jobs. New technologies have created new divisions of labor between humans and computers and among different types of human work.
Fuel Switching pg14 MRJuly15CAPT Jeff Cowan,MM,QA,AFNIThe document provides operational guidelines for ships switching to low sulfur distillate fuel when entering emission control areas to help prevent loss of propulsion incidents. It defines six groups of factors that can cause loss of propulsion after a fuel switch, such as inability to overcome propeller forces, problems controlling fuel temperature, and loss of fuel pressure. The guidelines recommend ships conduct a trial fuel switch 45 days before entering controlled areas and operate on distillate fuel for at least four hours. Crew should practice engine control procedures to prepare for areas requiring distillate fuels.
Moocs power pointMOLOMO MOLATELO JUVENTUSThis document provides an overview of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). It defines MOOCs as online courses that are open and free for anyone to enroll in. The document then gives a brief history of MOOCs, describing different types of MOOCs. It outlines one student's field of interest in developing a MOOC on Sepedi language and literature topics. The aims of this proposed MOOC are to help students develop skills in literary analysis and allow the teacher to support struggling students through open online access.
Marketing MetricsDaniel James ScottThis document discusses key marketing metrics and how to measure success. It recommends focusing on metrics that measure customer response and cash flow, rather than generic reach metrics. The three most important categories of metrics are identified as: 1) response rates, 2) profitability measures like gross and net profit margins, and 3) liquidity measures like days cash on hand. Price increases are highlighted as one of the most impactful metrics within a business's control. The document emphasizes measuring the right metrics to support business strategy and drive desired financial results.
iOS Development Seminar KeynoteAmsys If you are interested in developing internal apps for your business or have a great idea for a commercial app for the App Store but you are not quite sure about where to get started of what is involved.
Our half day seminar covered the following areas:
how to get started with app development,
where to get resources
as well as offering a ‘taster’ module from our 5 day iOS development course
Bond market in philippinesnikitapandey20The Philippine bond market is dominated by government bonds, mainly treasury notes and bonds, though the corporate bond market has been growing rapidly in recent years. The document discusses the expansion of the Philippine local currency bond market from 2013 to the first quarter of 2018, with the government bond market growing at 12.77% annually and the faster growing corporate bond market expanding by 19.8% annually, driven by bond issuances from large banks and companies. It also outlines some challenges for transparency, regulation, and secondary market liquidity in the Philippine corporate bond market.
Ознакомление дошкольников с родным городом в СП-7 Школа № 2115Elena BelyaevaИзо дня в день, из года в год ведется работа по патриотическому воспитанию дошкольников
Внедрение здоровьесберегающих технологий во все виды организованной деятельно...Elena BelyaevaПрезентация к педсовету по здоровьесберегающим технологиям в дошкольном учреждении
2. Физическое развитие включает в себя приобретение опыта в следующих видах
деятельности детей:
двигательной, в том числе связанной с выполнением упражнений,
направленных на развитие таких физических качеств, как координация и
гибкость; способствующих правильному формированию опорно – двигательной
системы организма, развитию равновесия, координации движения, крупной и
мелкой моторики обеих рук, а также с правильным, не наносящем ущербе
организму выполнением основных движений (ходьба, бег, мягкие прыжки,
повороты в обе стороны),
формирование начальных представлений о некоторых видах спорта, овладение
подвижными играми с правилами;
становление целенаправленности и саморегуляции в двигательной сфере.
Содержание образовательной области «ФИЗИЧЕСКОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ» зависит от
возрастных и индивидуальных особенностей детей.
В дошкольном возрасте с помощью двигательной активности ребенок
приспосабливается к окружающему миру. Двигательная активность ребенка –
естественная потребность в движении, удовлетворение которой является
важнейшим условием формирования основных структур и функций организма,
одним из способов познания мира и ориентировки в нем.