The document discusses a $35 million contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to Protein Sciences Corporation to develop an influenza vaccine using a gene-based technique. The technique aims to shorten vaccine production time compared to conventional egg-based methods. However, some express concern over the company's financial difficulties and history of vaccine development errors. Critics argue the contract could enable further dissemination of deadly pathogens beyond influenza under the guise of vaccine development.
Animal Sacrifice And Namasmaran Dr Shriniwas Kashalikarbanothkishan
This document discusses the evolution of animal sacrifice in religious traditions from a perspective of gunas (qualities). It argues that while hunting and killing animals for food or protection was once necessary and seen as brave (rajoguna), sacrificing animals today is an unnecessary act of cruelty (tamoguna). As humans evolve spiritually towards satva guna, they no longer require asserting bravery through killing and prefer offering vegetarian food instead of harming animals.
The document describes a class of praying mantises making a sign to welcome others to their class. They discuss the body parts needed like legs, head, and claws as they construct the sign. In the end, they decorate the sign to announce their class for others.
NAHB describes the many unprecedented opportunities in today\'s housing market, including ample inventory, attractive pricing, near-record low interest rates, tax incentives and more. The extended deadline for the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit, the new $6,500 credit for repeat buyers and the increased income limits in the legislation enacted on Nov. 6, 2009.
The document describes the author's fond childhood memories of visiting the town of Walaval, including traveling there in a hired van, the narrow red brick roads lined with small shops and houses with tile roofs, and the centuries-old Laxmi-Narayan temple by a lake. As a child, the author had beliefs shaped by their family deity Dev Narayan but later encountered Marxist analysis of society, which caused their beliefs to drift. Now, the author sees the importance of family deities as part of the individual's journey towards cosmic consciousness.
Slave potteries in Edgefield, SC during the time of slavery required nearly 10 slaves to live together in cramped shacks while producing pottery under cruel conditions, often separating slave families by sale and punishing runaways. In contrast, modern potteries are places where people of all backgrounds can freely choose to make pots, jars, and art for decoration or storage in hot but less oppressive conditions for work or leisure.
This document discusses using the MXML compiler (mxmlc) to compile Flex projects from the command line rather than within Flex Builder. It provides an example command to compile a FlexMXML file located in the user's Documents folder. Additional command line arguments are also demonstrated, such as specifying the output SWF file location and adding library paths. The document recommends adding the Flex SDK bin directory to the system PATH environment variable so mxmlc can be called directly from the command line without specifying the full SDK path.
This document discusses using the MXML compiler (mxmlc) to compile Flex projects from the command line rather than within Flex Builder. It provides an example command to compile a FlexMXML file located in the user's Documents folder. Additional command line arguments are also demonstrated, such as specifying the output SWF file location and adding library paths. The document recommends adding the Flex SDK bin directory to the system PATH environment variable so mxmlc can be called directly from the command line without specifying the full SDK path.