Primary productivity refers to the production of organic compounds through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, while chemosynthesis uses chemical energy from inorganic nutrients. Oceanic productivity is influenced by the availability of nutrients and sunlight. Polar regions have limited productivity due to a lack of sunlight, while tropical regions have limited nutrients. Temperate regions balance both sunlight and nutrients for optimal productivity. Energy is inefficiently transferred between trophic levels in a food chain, so animals in complex food webs are more resilient.
Cloud-based IT services are the future. This presentation look at what they are and how your business can benefit from adopting Cloud-based IT Services.
Cross Colours is an iconic clothing brand launched in 1989 with the goal of making clothing for all people without prejudice. It promoted education, non-violence and equality through positive slogans and messages. In its peak from 1990-1993, Cross Colours achieved $100 million in sales and helped create the streetwear market. After being dormant, the brand is relaunching in 2015 to continue its original goals and support social justice movements through authentic apparel and styles inspired by the 1990s.
Sea anemones are solitary polyp animals from the class Anthozoa that live in oceans at all depths. They have a central mouth surrounded by tentacles coated with nematocysts that they use to capture prey that come close. Many species reproduce sexually by releasing eggs and sperm into the water to fertilize during the polyp stage, the sessile stage in a cnidarian's life cycle where it has a cylindrical body and tentacle-like arms.
This online seminar was recorded and the PowerPoint presentation saved, so both can be accessed by clicking on the links to the right. Have questions? Visit our Technology Planning Forum.
Primary productivity refers to the production of organic compounds through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, while chemosynthesis uses chemical energy from inorganic nutrients. Oceanic productivity is influenced by the availability of nutrients and sunlight. Polar regions have limited productivity due to a lack of sunlight, while tropical regions have limited nutrients. Temperate regions balance both sunlight and nutrients for optimal productivity. Energy is inefficiently transferred between trophic levels in a food chain, so animals in complex food webs are more resilient.
Cloud-based IT services are the future. This presentation look at what they are and how your business can benefit from adopting Cloud-based IT Services.
Cross Colours is an iconic clothing brand launched in 1989 with the goal of making clothing for all people without prejudice. It promoted education, non-violence and equality through positive slogans and messages. In its peak from 1990-1993, Cross Colours achieved $100 million in sales and helped create the streetwear market. After being dormant, the brand is relaunching in 2015 to continue its original goals and support social justice movements through authentic apparel and styles inspired by the 1990s.
Sea anemones are solitary polyp animals from the class Anthozoa that live in oceans at all depths. They have a central mouth surrounded by tentacles coated with nematocysts that they use to capture prey that come close. Many species reproduce sexually by releasing eggs and sperm into the water to fertilize during the polyp stage, the sessile stage in a cnidarian's life cycle where it has a cylindrical body and tentacle-like arms.
This online seminar was recorded and the PowerPoint presentation saved, so both can be accessed by clicking on the links to the right. Have questions? Visit our Technology Planning Forum.
CKAN : 資料開放平台技術介紹 (CAKN : Technical Introduction to Open Data Portal)Jian-Kai Wang
以「技術背景」,「CKAN 架構」,「客製化模版與模組」與「客製化頁面與語言轉換」等四大主軸介紹臺灣疾管署開放資料平台採用之 CKAN 系統架構。
平台 :
日期 : 2016/09/02
The content consists of (1) background of system operations, (2) the architecture of ckan, (3) customized module and template, (4) customized pages and language translation.
Platform :
Date : 09/02/2016
This document discusses using the MXML compiler (mxmlc) to compile Flex projects from the command line rather than within Flex Builder. It provides an example command to compile a FlexMXML file located in the user's Documents folder. Additional command line arguments are also demonstrated, such as specifying the output SWF file location and adding library paths. The document recommends adding the Flex SDK bin directory to the system PATH environment variable so mxmlc can be called directly from the command line without specifying the full SDK path.
8. 5 楼 每天看看 2009-04-29 引用
//Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED 文件名称 建立索引,但不分词
doc.add(new Field("filename",
file.getCanonicalPath(),Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
String field = "filename";
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(field, analyzer);
query = parser.parse(filePath);
4 楼 zhyt710 2009-02-07 引用
当然不是,你完全可以逐个遍历 int numTotalHits =
collector.getTotalHits(); 个符合条件的结果。但是对于大数据量的系统,一
般出现的结果数量非常的巨大,所以采取分页显示的方式。 就是说把打印结果放
在一个 while 循环里,每次循环都让 start 加一页数量的大小,只要 start 的
值小于 numTotalHits。 从而实现分页显示。 我在这里是为了尽可能的简化程序,
xuganggogo 写道
Deprecated. Hits will be removed in Lucene 3.0.Instead e. g.
TopDocCollector and TopDocs can be used: TopDocCollector
collector = new TopDocCollector(hitsPerPage);, collector); ScoreDoc[] hits =
collector.topDocs().scoreDocs; for (int i = 0; i <
hits.length; i++) { int docId =
hits[i].doc; Document d =
searcher.doc(docId); // do something with
current hit 这里代替 hits 的方法,只能对 hitsPerPage 个结果进行操作。 难道
hitsPerPage 是写死的吗?如果要遍历所有结果集,该如何做?
3 楼 xuganggogo 2009-02-05 引用
Deprecated. Hits will be removed in Lucene 3.0.
Instead e. g. TopDocCollector and TopDocs can be used:
TopDocCollector collector = new TopDocCollector(hitsPerPage);, collector);
ScoreDoc[] hits = collector.topDocs().scoreDocs;
for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) {
int docId = hits[i].doc;
Document d = searcher.doc(docId);
9. // do something with current hit
这里代替 hits 的方法,只能对 hitsPerPage 个结果进行操作。
难道 hitsPerPage 是写死的吗?
2 楼 zhyt710 2009-02-04 引用
xuganggogo 写道
这个能用作索引 HTML 吗?
当然可以,只要是文本文件都可以。 对于不是纯文本文件的如 pdf,excel 等,只
1 楼 xuganggogo 2009-02-04 引用
这个能用作索引 HTML 吗?