This document summarizes key principles from Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". It discusses the difference between a personality ethic and a character ethic. A personality ethic focuses on outward behavior, while a character ethic is based on integrity and principles. It also covers paradigm shifts, natural laws, habits, the maturity continuum from dependence to independence to interdependence, and balancing production with production capability. The document provides exercises for applying principles like being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and putting first things first.
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7 Habits Part 1 - Internal Victory
1. 7 Habits Private Victories
Miguel Aranda, MBA
Site Director, Menifee Campus
Adjunct Faculty, School of Business and Professional Studies
Part 1 - Applying Key Principles
2. Agenda
Inside Out
Personality Vs. Character Ethic
Paradigm Shifts and Maps
Principles, Natural Laws and Reality
Key Points
Maturity Continuum
Be Proactive
Begin With the End in Mind
Put First Things First
3. Inside Out
Personality vs. Character Ethic
Personality success as a function of
personality, public image, attitude,
behavior, skills and technique that
lubricate the human interaction
Character Character qualities form
the foundation of success things like
integrity, fidelity, humility,
8. The Principle Centered Paradigm
Natural Laws
Subjective Reality vs. Objective Reality
Principles vs. Practices
Personality vs. Principle Centered Ethic
9. The Principle Centered Paradigm
Change starts with me
It is a process, not a quick fix
Internal victory before external victory
Independence leads to Interdependence
10. Time To Exercise
List key principles you live by?
What are the exact opposites of those
Rank order your principles by
12. Habits
About Habits:
Can be learned and unlearned
It is done over time
It requires practice
It involves a great deal of commitment
Definition: The intersection of
knowledge, skill and desire.
The Habit Loop:
1. The Trigger
2. Routine
3. Reward
13. Time To Exercise
List some good and bad habits?
Are there any habits you want to build?
For your bad habits, rank them by how
much you want to break them.
Do you have the how to to break or
build a new habit? Write a quick plan
to change or build one.
15. P/PC Balance
P = Production of desired results
PC = Production Capability, the ability or
asset that produces
16. Be Proactive
3 deterministic maps:
Genetic determinism (DNA)
Psychic determinism (Conditioning)
Environmental determinism (All Others)
Frankls paradigm freedom to choose
Proactivity Defined:
Its not what happens to us,
but our response to what
happens to us that hurts us.
- Covey
18. Begin With the End in Mind
All things are created twice:
By design or default you decide!
Busyness vs. Effectiveness
Leadership vs. Management
We begin with our destination as a clear
image How does your ideal end look?
19. Put First Things First
What one thing - that you are not
doing now - that if you did it, would
make a tremendous positive
difference in your personal life?
22. Mastering the Habits
Read 7 Habits Part 1 and 2
Review the exercises in this workshop
Identify your key life principles
Write or revise your mission statement
Start rewriting your vision of the future
by setting and acting on goals
23. The Center
1. What are my core principles?
2. What is it I am passionate about?
3. Who are the people I want to invest in, how am I
doing at it, how am I doing it and how can I do
4. How can I make a unique contribution to
The world?
My Family?
My Friends?
My Community?
My Career?
5. What goals do I have for my life?
6. What keeps me from achieving my goals?
7. What do I want people to say about me when
Im gone?
#4: Benjamin Franklin ascribed to this ethic
There are basic principles to living effectively and you can only experience true success by learning and integrating these principles into your character
What are some key characteristics that you feel are important?
Is personality, public image, attitude, skills and technique important?
What place does the personality ethic have in our lives? Is it a total waste of time?
Who can you think of that applies personality or character ethic in our society?
We will talk about this more in a minute first lets talk about paradigms
#5: What is a paradigm? A model a pattern
What then is a paradigm shift? A new model or pattern that emerges that eclipses/replaces the old pattern or model
Image 1: Can you see thetwo faces in this picture,then thevase
Or maybe you see the vase first.
It all depends on your point of view.
This is a classic example of a visual paradigm shift that can occur.
Image 2: A ladys face and a man thinking
Image 3: A Native Chief or a man in a snowjacket
#6: Image 1: Can you see thetwo faces in this picture,then thevase
Or maybe you see the vase first.
It all depends on your point of view.
This is a classic example of a visual paradigm shift that can occur.
Image 2: A ladys face and a man thinking
Image 3: A Native Chief or a man in a snowjacket
#7: Image 1: Can you see thetwo faces in this picture,then thevase
Or maybe you see the vase first.
It all depends on your point of view.
This is a classic example of a visual paradigm shift that can occur.
Image 2: A ladys face and a man thinking
Image 3: A Native Chief or a man in a snowjacket
#8: Image 1: Can you see thetwo faces in this picture,then thevase
Or maybe you see the vase first.
It all depends on your point of view.
This is a classic example of a visual paradigm shift that can occur.
Image 2: A ladys face and a man thinking
Image 3: A Native Chief or a man in a snowjacket
The point of a paradigm shift is that the way we see things, the maps we have of the world, affect how we see everything. It is the conditioning of how we were raised, what we learned, the influences in our lives, families, schools, churches, friends, work environment, associates etc and they have all made a direct impact shaping our frame of reference. These paradigms are the source of our attitudes and behaviors (beliefs attitudes behaviors). This brings out one of the main flaws of personality ethic you can try to change your outward attitude and behavior, but it does little good if you fail to examine the paradigms that caused those attitudes and behaviors , the beliefs.
We are not truly objective, we see the world how we are conditioned to see it, not as it really is. This is one of the major causes of communication issues
Ptolemys paradigm: Earth Centric Universe / Copernicus paradigm: Sun Centric Universe
Governmental paradigm in 1700s: Monarchs rule / Paradigm shift: Rule by the people (French and American revolutions)
Story of the lighthouse and 2 battleships page 40 (2 battleships were on patrol on a very foggy night when the captain saw a light bearing starboard bow)
What are some parading shifts you have experienced in life? (my shift hurt people hurt people)
So what is the paradigm shift Covey wants us to experience? From a Personality back to a Principle Centered Paradigm
#9: There has been a paradigm change in our culture from a principle centered ethic to a personality ethic
Principles: Fairness, Loyalty, Integrity, Human Dignity, Service, Quality, Excellence, Potential, Growth, Patience, Nurturance, Encouragement
Principles vs. Values vs. Practices
Principles are Natural Laws deep fundamental truths with universal application; Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value, they are fundamental, essentially unarguable because they are self evident.
Values are like maps that describe the territory Principles are the actual territory Thieves can share values, but that does not make them principled
Practices change based on circumstances; practices are things you can do to help you and can be based on principles, but are not eternal because they vary based on situations
Objective vs. Subjective goes back to natural law, not every thing is subjective and those things that arent, need to be looked at differently
Personality ethic says we can change our personality or the way we do something and it will change us, but the reality is not true based on principle (Story of the farmer and the cramming student)
#11: They key is to align our maps / frame of reference, to principles that are indisputable. That will help us to see the world more clearly.
Principles are the fundamental scientific, logical, or moral/ethical truths, arising from experience, knowledge, and (often) values, on which we base our actions and thinking
Fairness, Loyalty, Integrity, Human Dignity, Service, Quality, Excellence, Potential, Growth, Patience, Nurturance, Encouragement, forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, humility, Love, Wisdom, Peace, Compassion, Joy, Contentment, Persistence,
#12: Habits are consistent, unconscious patterns that express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.
#13: Knowledge: the what to do and why
Skill: the how to do
Desire the want to do (motivation)
Why does AA work? Its not science, its a new habit, and the people in your life to help you overcome your weakness when it happens (because it will), its process and retraining the automatic processes in your brain.
How Habits Form
It turns out that every habit starts with a psychological pattern called a "habit loop," which is a three-part process.
First, there's a cue, or trigger, that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and let a behavior unfold.
"Then there's the routine, which is the behavior itself," Duhigg tellsFresh Air's Terry Gross. "That's what we think about when we think about habits.
The third step, he says, is the reward: something that your brain likes that helps it remember the "habit loop" in the future.
The Power of Habit
Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
byCharles Duhigg
Hardcover, 371 pages
#15: We begin life as dependent
We grow to be independent
We grow to achieve interdependence physically, mentally, emotionally, financialy etc All of nature is interdependent
Dependence is the paradigm of you you take care of me
Independence is the paradigm of I I can do it myself
Interdependence is the paradigm of we we can do it when we combine talents, abilities, etc
As a city you are in an interdependent relationship with your constituency can you think of some situations where this is particularly true? (resources, accomplishing meeting needs, etc)
#16: Since 7 habits is about effectiveness, we have to look at production and production capability the goose (PC) and the golden egg (P)
3 types of assets:
Each of these has a production and capability that must be managed. Misusing them will decrease effectiveness. You must maintain balance.
Work Life Balance comes from a proper understanding of P/PC Balance
What are some of the assets you manage in your daily activities? Are you paying attention to the balance?
#17: Proactivity: taking responsibility for our own lives (78)
Behavior is a function of decisions
We can subordinate feelings to values and principles
We can choose our response
Story of Job things can hurt us, but our response is what defines our character.
Eleanor Roosevelt: no one can hurt you without your consent
Ghandi they cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them
Exercise Question: Think of an area in your life where you have allowed yourself to blame someone or something? Or you could take a more proactive response?
#18: Circle of concern, influence, control
Our control over problems:
No control
Want to practice proactivity? Make the effort to be a positive influence. How can you be a positive influence in the lives of the people around you? (me: positive communication, build people up)
#19: Leadership vs. Management Coveys view
Leadership deals with what I want to accomplish
Management deals with how to best accomplish them
Leaders direct people to the right paradigm, managing helps them work within it
To get to your end you have to start to envision it now and address the important issues you will face as you become self aware.
#20: Habit 1 is based on the four human endowments of 1) imagination, 2) conscience, 3) independent will and 4) self-awareness and emposers you to say that is an unhealthy program I am on and I can change
Habit 2 is based on imagination and allows us to create or envision our own potential.
Habit 3 is the phsycial fulfillment of habits 1 and 2 the exercise of our independent will to make our vision happen. You cant have an effective habit 3 without 1 and 2
Computer analogy:
Habit 1: You are the programmer
Habit 2: Write the program
Habit 3: Run the program
#21: Discipline disciple to a philosophy, your philosophy
If you are to be good at it, you must use your self discipline and subordinate your activities, feelings, impulses, moods to your principles.