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7. Hotel Room Workout
24 x ( 10s in 20s) = 12min

1. Squats With Sandbag on your Left Shoulder    6. Tricep Leg Lifts
10 seconds rest                                 10 seconds rest
2. Dive Bombers                                 7. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder
10 seconds rest                                 10 seconds rest
3. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder   8. Santana Push Up
10 seconds rest                                 10 seconds rest
4. Diagonal Knee Tuck Push Up                   9. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder
10 seconds rest                                 10 seconds rest
5. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder    10. Monkey Push Up
10 seconds rest                                 10 seconds rest
                                                11. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder
                                                10 seconds rest
                                                12. Sumo Push Up

1. Squats With Sandbag on your Left Shoulder

2. Dive Bombers
3. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder   5. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder

4. Diagonal Knee Tuck Push Up

6. Tricep Leg Lifts

7. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder

8. Santana Push Up

9. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder
10. Monkey Push Up

11. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder

12. Sumo Push Up

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7. hotel room workout

  • 1. 7. Hotel Room Workout 24 x ( 10s in 20s) = 12min 1. Squats With Sandbag on your Left Shoulder 6. Tricep Leg Lifts 10 seconds rest 10 seconds rest 2. Dive Bombers 7. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder 10 seconds rest 10 seconds rest 3. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder 8. Santana Push Up 10 seconds rest 10 seconds rest 4. Diagonal Knee Tuck Push Up 9. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder 10 seconds rest 10 seconds rest 5. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder 10. Monkey Push Up 10 seconds rest 10 seconds rest 11. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder 10 seconds rest 12. Sumo Push Up 1. Squats With Sandbag on your Left Shoulder 2. Dive Bombers
  • 2. 3. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder 5. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder 4. Diagonal Knee Tuck Push Up 6. Tricep Leg Lifts 7. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder 8. Santana Push Up 9. Squats with Sandbag on your Left Shoulder
  • 3. 10. Monkey Push Up 11. Squats with Sandbag on your Right Shoulder 12. Sumo Push Up