കില ട്രെയിനിങ് - ജാഗ്രത സമിതി - 6 - ഘടന ,അംഗങ്ങൾ - രൂപീകരണം -ppt from James...James Joseph Adhikaramകില ട്രെയിനിങ് - ജാഗ്രത സമിതി - 6 - ഘടന ,അംഗങ്ങൾ - രൂപീകരണം -ppt from James joseph Adhikarathil , Kottayam
Jagratha samithikalum thadhesabharana sthapanangalum ജാഗ്രത സമിതി handbook up...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 94474645021. The document discusses the need to strengthen the role of local self-government institutions and extension agencies in protecting the rights and welfare of citizens, especially women and children.
2. It recommends establishing ward-level and block-level task forces involving relevant line departments to conduct programs and ensure citizens' rights are upheld.
3. The Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) aims to provide training to staff of local governments and extension agencies to better enable them to carry out this role through a collaborative program with social justice departments.
Kerala right to service act 2012Lalith BabuThe document summarizes the key aspects of the Right to Services Act, 2012 in India. The act aims to provide time-bound delivery of services to citizens and establish a framework for transparency, accountability and grievance redressal. It mandates designation of officers to deliver notified services within a stipulated time period. It also establishes a multi-level process for applicants to appeal and seek compensation in case of non-compliance.
MS Excel bengali complete tutorial with imageMD. Monzurul Karim ShanchayThis document provides instructions for using various features in Microsoft Excel. It explains what a workbook and worksheet are, how to navigate between cells and rows/columns, how to perform calculations, and shortcuts using Ctrl, Alt, and F keys for common Excel functions like saving, copying, navigating, formatting text and more. Formulas, functions, charts and other Excel topics are also briefly covered.
vivaravakasaniyamam RTI Act Hand book MalayalamJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document provides an overview of the Right to Information Act in India. Some key points:
- The Right to Information Act is considered one of the most significant laws enacted in independent India, as it aims to make the government more transparent and accountable.
- The Act was passed in 2005 and came into effect across all states in India by October 2009. It gives citizens the right to request and receive information from public authorities within a statutory timeframe.
- The Act empowers ordinary citizens, reduces corruption, and helps promote transparency. It allows citizens to seek information on government functions and ensures access to information, subject to exemptions.
Namaskaara sheshamulla dikrukalshabeel pnThe document contains Islamic religious teachings and prayers in Arabic and other languages with translations. It promotes the worship of God and following Islamic principles of peace, justice, and righteousness. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of working together towards achieving peace through the global Islamic mission.
Programming Language (chapter 5 for class 11 and 12)Jessore University of Science & Technology, Jessore.This document discusses different types of programming languages used in computer science. It describes machine language as the lowest-level language that uses binary digits to write instructions. Assembly language, introduced in 1950, uses symbolic codes to write programs more easily than machine language. Higher-level languages like C and C++ allow writing programs in a more intuitive way using words and symbols. The document provides examples of advantages and disadvantages of different language types.
Computer fandamental bangla by soikot pdfShifat AhmedThis document provides an overview of computer fundamentals and components. It discusses the basic parts of a computer including the central processing unit, memory, input and output devices. It also covers different types of computers, memory, computer characteristics, and the history of computers from the abacus to modern software. Additionally, it defines common units of storage like bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and discusses different numbering systems such as binary, octal, hexadecimal and how to convert between them. The document concludes with sections on the internet, email addressing, and an introduction to common Microsoft applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.
Bangla htmlShopnomoy PrantorThe document provides information on HTML tags and elements for creating web pages. It discusses common tags like <p> for paragraphs, <h1>-<h6> for headings, and <body> for the content container. It also covers basic HTML structure with <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. Attributes are described along with examples for aligning, styling and providing additional information for elements. Different lists like ordered, unordered and definition lists are explained with <ol>, <ul> and <dl> tags.
Kerala Laws for Citizens- Niyama PadamJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502This document introduces Kerala State Legal Services Authority's (KELSA) legal literacy program for college students. Last year, the program focused on legal awareness programs for students. However, this year's program aims to be more comprehensive and effective by including both students and the public. The program will be conducted in all colleges of Kerala for second and third year undergraduate students. The goal is to promote legal literacy across the state through these programs and establish a culture of legal awareness among the public. KELSA hopes this initiative will help address various legal issues people face in their daily lives.
കേരള പഞ്ചായത്ത് കെട്ടിട നിർമാണ ചട്ടങ്ങൾ - Kpbr hand book by kilaJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document is a repeated phrase "tI-c-f C3-Ìn-äyq«v Hm-^v tem-¡Â A-Uv-an-\n-kv-t{S-j3 (Ine)" written in multiple unknown languages across many lines with no other discernible text.
Guide to right to information act Malayalam James Joseph AdhikarathilJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document provides an updated guide on the Right to Information Act of 2005 for all stakeholders in India. It summarizes the key aspects of the Act, including the definition of public authority and information, the rights of citizens to seek information, exceptions to disclosure, procedures for appeals, and assistance available to information seekers. The guide is intended to help both information seekers and public authorities understand and implement the provisions of the Act.
Vivaravakasa niyamam oru padanamLalith BabuThe document discusses the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) of India and provides some examples of how it has been used. It notes that the RTI Act was enacted in 2005 to promote transparency and accountability in government functions and empower citizens to access information. It also mentions some criticisms of the act, including that information requests are not always addressed in a timely manner and there can be issues with frivolous or vexatious requests. Overall, the RTI Act aims to empower citizens versus government and promote transparency, but its implementation faces challenges.
Revenue guide 2022 ildm from James Joseph Adhikarathil KottayamJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502This document provides an overview of the Kerala Forest Department. It summarizes the department's functions related to forestry, wildlife conservation, and other areas. The department is headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and has various divisions and offices at the state, district, and range levels to carry out its work. Some key areas mentioned include forest management, soil and water conservation, afforestation, nurseries, silviculture, plantations, wildlife protection, social forestry, research, and more. The document also briefly outlines the department's history and organization.
ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల రాజైన యారొబాము చరిత్ర .pdfGOSPEL WORLDCHRIST CHURCH PROUDLY PRESENT
◦•●◉✿ ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల రాజుల చరిత్ర ✿◉●•◦
మొదటి భాగము :- యరొబాము చరిత్ర
1) 🫅రాజు పేరు:- యరొబాము
2) ⌛కాలము:-????
3) 🏢 ఏ ప్రాంతానికి చెందినవాడు:-???
4) 👨🍼👩🍼ఇతని తల్లిదండ్రులు ఎవరు:-???
5) 📖 బైబిల్లో ఇతని గూర్చి ఎక్కడ వ్రాయబడింది:-???
6) ✍🏻 ఇతని జీవితం మనకు ఏ పాఠములు నేర్పుతుంది:-???
మరిన్ని సందేశాలు కోసం ఈ website ఓపెన్ చేసి చూడండి...
Kerala Revenue Department CertificatesJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Procedure for the issue of certificates by Kerala Land Revenue Officers(Village Offices and Taluk Offices) Note uploaded by T.J Joseph Adhikarathil,Deputy Tahsildar,Kottayam, Mob-9447464502- A mysandesham presentation.
www.RTI right to infromation act note and government orders shanavas chitharaThis document provides a summary of the Right to Information Act 2005 and various government orders, guidelines, and circulars issued regarding its implementation in Kerala. It contains information on designating Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities, fixing fees for information requests, guidelines for handling RTI applications, and creation of the Kerala State Information Commission. The document aims to help public authorities implement the provisions of the RTI Act in Kerala.
Catholic church vedapadom Teachers Guide std 10 uploaded by james Adhikaram k...James Joseph Adhikaram1. The document discusses effective ways for catechists to prepare and present catechetical lessons to students.
2. It emphasizes the importance of understanding students, including their interests, abilities, and backgrounds in order to tailor lessons appropriately.
3. A catechist should act as a guide for students, clarifying concepts and helping them understand and apply the teachings of the faith in their daily lives.
Indian Criminal procedure Code Notes in Malayalam - A james Adhikaram presen...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Indian Criminal procedure Code Notes in Malayalam - A james Adhikaram presentation
Number system and digital device (Chapter 3)Jessore University of Science & Technology, Jessore.1. The document discusses converting between different number systems including binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal.
2. Methods are provided for converting integers and decimals from one base to another by breaking down the numbers into place values and recombining in the target base.
3. Examples are given of converting specific numbers between bases such as decimal to binary and vice versa.
Kerala Land Revenue Department-REVENUE GUIDEJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document is the Revenue Guide 2015 published by the Institute of Land and Disaster Management (ILDM) in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It provides details about various land revenue related functions, schemes, and services offered by the Revenue, Survey, and Land Reforms Departments to the public and officials. The guide contains updated information on the departments' activities for the year 2015. It aims to make officials and citizens aware of the departments' functions and facilitate access to services.
KPBR 2020 - Kerala Panchayath Building amendment rules 2020 - A jamesadhikar...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The Kerala Panchayat Building (Amendment) Rules, 2020 amends the 2019 Rules to introduce several changes. Key amendments include expanding the definition of built-up area to include floor area, allowing occupancy certificates to be deemed if not issued within timelines, increasing setbacks for larger buildings, and classifying buildings over 16 acres as commercial buildings. The amendments aim to increase flexibility for property owners while ensuring compliance.
Rti act hand book - - A james adhikaram presentation 9447464502Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 94474645021. The Right to Information Act is an important law in India that promotes transparency in government functions and accountability. This document provides an overview of the key aspects of the Act.
2. It discusses the objectives of the Act, the history and status of RTI laws globally, and how the Act benefits citizens and improves good governance in India.
3. The document also outlines the roles and responsibilities of various public authorities, procedures for filing RTI requests and appeals, types of information that can and cannot be disclosed, and penalties for non-compliance with the Act.
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 5James Adhikaram Lourdes F...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 5James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 4James Adhikaram Lourdes ...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 4James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502 The Syro-Malabar Church fulfils Christ’s command through systematic proclamation and catechesis of faith. ‘Catechesis’ is derived from the Greek word, ‘Katekein,’ which literally means to ‘resound from above,’ and ‘instruction by word of mouth.’ Catechesis therefore means to re-sound Christ the teacher and instruct Christ’s teaching. Broadly, we understand Catechesis as “an ecclesial act or ministry of education or instruction in the Christian faith or faith doctrine imparted to the baptised or catechumens, generally in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiate and lead them to the maturity of faith and fullness of Christian life” (Syro-Malabar Catechetical Directory #45). The Syro-Malabar Catechesis believes in an integral faith formation i.e., (i) Catechesis through Celebration; (ii) Catechesis through Instruction and (iii) Catechesis through Apprenticeship.
Programming Language (chapter 5 for class 11 and 12)Jessore University of Science & Technology, Jessore.This document discusses different types of programming languages used in computer science. It describes machine language as the lowest-level language that uses binary digits to write instructions. Assembly language, introduced in 1950, uses symbolic codes to write programs more easily than machine language. Higher-level languages like C and C++ allow writing programs in a more intuitive way using words and symbols. The document provides examples of advantages and disadvantages of different language types.
Computer fandamental bangla by soikot pdfShifat AhmedThis document provides an overview of computer fundamentals and components. It discusses the basic parts of a computer including the central processing unit, memory, input and output devices. It also covers different types of computers, memory, computer characteristics, and the history of computers from the abacus to modern software. Additionally, it defines common units of storage like bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and discusses different numbering systems such as binary, octal, hexadecimal and how to convert between them. The document concludes with sections on the internet, email addressing, and an introduction to common Microsoft applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.
Bangla htmlShopnomoy PrantorThe document provides information on HTML tags and elements for creating web pages. It discusses common tags like <p> for paragraphs, <h1>-<h6> for headings, and <body> for the content container. It also covers basic HTML structure with <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. Attributes are described along with examples for aligning, styling and providing additional information for elements. Different lists like ordered, unordered and definition lists are explained with <ol>, <ul> and <dl> tags.
Kerala Laws for Citizens- Niyama PadamJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502This document introduces Kerala State Legal Services Authority's (KELSA) legal literacy program for college students. Last year, the program focused on legal awareness programs for students. However, this year's program aims to be more comprehensive and effective by including both students and the public. The program will be conducted in all colleges of Kerala for second and third year undergraduate students. The goal is to promote legal literacy across the state through these programs and establish a culture of legal awareness among the public. KELSA hopes this initiative will help address various legal issues people face in their daily lives.
കേരള പഞ്ചായത്ത് കെട്ടിട നിർമാണ ചട്ടങ്ങൾ - Kpbr hand book by kilaJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document is a repeated phrase "tI-c-f C3-Ìn-äyq«v Hm-^v tem-¡Â A-Uv-an-\n-kv-t{S-j3 (Ine)" written in multiple unknown languages across many lines with no other discernible text.
Guide to right to information act Malayalam James Joseph AdhikarathilJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document provides an updated guide on the Right to Information Act of 2005 for all stakeholders in India. It summarizes the key aspects of the Act, including the definition of public authority and information, the rights of citizens to seek information, exceptions to disclosure, procedures for appeals, and assistance available to information seekers. The guide is intended to help both information seekers and public authorities understand and implement the provisions of the Act.
Vivaravakasa niyamam oru padanamLalith BabuThe document discusses the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) of India and provides some examples of how it has been used. It notes that the RTI Act was enacted in 2005 to promote transparency and accountability in government functions and empower citizens to access information. It also mentions some criticisms of the act, including that information requests are not always addressed in a timely manner and there can be issues with frivolous or vexatious requests. Overall, the RTI Act aims to empower citizens versus government and promote transparency, but its implementation faces challenges.
Revenue guide 2022 ildm from James Joseph Adhikarathil KottayamJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502This document provides an overview of the Kerala Forest Department. It summarizes the department's functions related to forestry, wildlife conservation, and other areas. The department is headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and has various divisions and offices at the state, district, and range levels to carry out its work. Some key areas mentioned include forest management, soil and water conservation, afforestation, nurseries, silviculture, plantations, wildlife protection, social forestry, research, and more. The document also briefly outlines the department's history and organization.
ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల రాజైన యారొబాము చరిత్ర .pdfGOSPEL WORLDCHRIST CHURCH PROUDLY PRESENT
◦•●◉✿ ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల రాజుల చరిత్ర ✿◉●•◦
మొదటి భాగము :- యరొబాము చరిత్ర
1) 🫅రాజు పేరు:- యరొబాము
2) ⌛కాలము:-????
3) 🏢 ఏ ప్రాంతానికి చెందినవాడు:-???
4) 👨🍼👩🍼ఇతని తల్లిదండ్రులు ఎవరు:-???
5) 📖 బైబిల్లో ఇతని గూర్చి ఎక్కడ వ్రాయబడింది:-???
6) ✍🏻 ఇతని జీవితం మనకు ఏ పాఠములు నేర్పుతుంది:-???
మరిన్ని సందేశాలు కోసం ఈ website ఓపెన్ చేసి చూడండి...
Kerala Revenue Department CertificatesJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Procedure for the issue of certificates by Kerala Land Revenue Officers(Village Offices and Taluk Offices) Note uploaded by T.J Joseph Adhikarathil,Deputy Tahsildar,Kottayam, Mob-9447464502- A mysandesham presentation.
www.RTI right to infromation act note and government orders shanavas chitharaThis document provides a summary of the Right to Information Act 2005 and various government orders, guidelines, and circulars issued regarding its implementation in Kerala. It contains information on designating Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities, fixing fees for information requests, guidelines for handling RTI applications, and creation of the Kerala State Information Commission. The document aims to help public authorities implement the provisions of the RTI Act in Kerala.
Catholic church vedapadom Teachers Guide std 10 uploaded by james Adhikaram k...James Joseph Adhikaram1. The document discusses effective ways for catechists to prepare and present catechetical lessons to students.
2. It emphasizes the importance of understanding students, including their interests, abilities, and backgrounds in order to tailor lessons appropriately.
3. A catechist should act as a guide for students, clarifying concepts and helping them understand and apply the teachings of the faith in their daily lives.
Indian Criminal procedure Code Notes in Malayalam - A james Adhikaram presen...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Indian Criminal procedure Code Notes in Malayalam - A james Adhikaram presentation
Number system and digital device (Chapter 3)Jessore University of Science & Technology, Jessore.1. The document discusses converting between different number systems including binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal.
2. Methods are provided for converting integers and decimals from one base to another by breaking down the numbers into place values and recombining in the target base.
3. Examples are given of converting specific numbers between bases such as decimal to binary and vice versa.
Kerala Land Revenue Department-REVENUE GUIDEJamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The document is the Revenue Guide 2015 published by the Institute of Land and Disaster Management (ILDM) in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It provides details about various land revenue related functions, schemes, and services offered by the Revenue, Survey, and Land Reforms Departments to the public and officials. The guide contains updated information on the departments' activities for the year 2015. It aims to make officials and citizens aware of the departments' functions and facilitate access to services.
KPBR 2020 - Kerala Panchayath Building amendment rules 2020 - A jamesadhikar...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502The Kerala Panchayat Building (Amendment) Rules, 2020 amends the 2019 Rules to introduce several changes. Key amendments include expanding the definition of built-up area to include floor area, allowing occupancy certificates to be deemed if not issued within timelines, increasing setbacks for larger buildings, and classifying buildings over 16 acres as commercial buildings. The amendments aim to increase flexibility for property owners while ensuring compliance.
Rti act hand book - - A james adhikaram presentation 9447464502Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 94474645021. The Right to Information Act is an important law in India that promotes transparency in government functions and accountability. This document provides an overview of the key aspects of the Act.
2. It discusses the objectives of the Act, the history and status of RTI laws globally, and how the Act benefits citizens and improves good governance in India.
3. The document also outlines the roles and responsibilities of various public authorities, procedures for filing RTI requests and appeals, types of information that can and cannot be disclosed, and penalties for non-compliance with the Act.
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 5James Adhikaram Lourdes F...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 5James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 4James Adhikaram Lourdes ...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 4James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502 The Syro-Malabar Church fulfils Christ’s command through systematic proclamation and catechesis of faith. ‘Catechesis’ is derived from the Greek word, ‘Katekein,’ which literally means to ‘resound from above,’ and ‘instruction by word of mouth.’ Catechesis therefore means to re-sound Christ the teacher and instruct Christ’s teaching. Broadly, we understand Catechesis as “an ecclesial act or ministry of education or instruction in the Christian faith or faith doctrine imparted to the baptised or catechumens, generally in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiate and lead them to the maturity of faith and fullness of Christian life” (Syro-Malabar Catechetical Directory #45). The Syro-Malabar Catechesis believes in an integral faith formation i.e., (i) Catechesis through Celebration; (ii) Catechesis through Instruction and (iii) Catechesis through Apprenticeship.
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 3James Adhikaram Lourdes ...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 3James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502.The catechetical heritage of the Syro-Malabar Church is as old as this Church itself. As was the case with all other Churches, among the St. Thomas Christians also there existed a system of catechesis by which faith was handed down from generation to generation. However there is no comprehensive and chronological exposition of the history of catechesis of the Syro-Malabar Church. Hence, many things have to be traced from the historical documents and living traditions of the Church..The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church[16] (Syriac: ܥܸܕܬܵܐ ܩܵܬܘܿܠܝܼܩܝܼ ܕܡܲܠܲܒܵܪ ܣܘܼܪܝܵܝܵܐ) is an Eastern Catholic church based in Kerala, India. The Syro-Malabar Church is an autonomous (sui iuris) particular church in full communion with the pope and the worldwide Catholic Church, including the Latin Church and the 22 other Eastern Catholic churches, with self-governance under the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO). The Church is headed by the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar, currently George Alencherry. The Syro-Malabar Synod of Bishops canonically convoked and presided over by the Major Archbishop constitutes the supreme authority of the Church. The Major Archiepiscopal Curia of the Church is based in Kakkanad, Kochi.[17] Syro-Malabar is a prefix reflecting the church's use of the East Syriac Rite liturgy and origins in Malabar (modern Kerala). The name has been in usage in official Vatican documents since the nineteenth century.[18]
The Syro-Malabar Church is primarily based in India; with 5 metropolitan archeparchies and 10 suffragan eparchies in Kerala, there are 17 eparchies in other parts of India, and 4 eparchies outside India. It is the largest of the Saint Thomas Christians communities with a population of 2.35 million in Kerala as per the 2011 Kerala state census[14] and 4.25 million worldwide as estimated in the 2016 Annuario Pontificio.[13] It is the third largest sui juris church in the Catholic Church communion and the second largest Eastern Catholic church after the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.[19]
The church traces its origins to the evangelistic activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century.[20][21][22][23] The earliest recorded organised Christian presence in India dates to the 4th century, when Persian missionaries of the East Syriac Rite tradition, members of what later became the Church of the East, established themselves in modern-day Kerala and Sri Lanka.[24][25][26][27] The Church of the East shared communion within the Great Church until the Council of Ephesus in the 5th century, separating primarily over differences in Christology and due to political reasons. The Syro-Malabar Church employs a variant of the East Syriac Rite, which dates back to 3rd century Edessa, Upper Mesopotamia.[28] As such it is a part of Syriac Christianity by liturgy and heritage.[29]
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 2James Adhikaram Lourdes ...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 2James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502.The catechetical heritage of the Syro-Malabar Church is as old as this Church itself. As was the case with all other Churches, among the St. Thomas Christians also there existed a system of catechesis by which faith was handed down from generation to generation. However there is no comprehensive and chronological exposition of the history of catechesis of the Syro-Malabar Church. Hence, many things have to be traced from the historical documents and living traditions of the Church..The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church[16] (Syriac: ܥܸܕܬܵܐ ܩܵܬܘܿܠܝܼܩܝܼ ܕܡܲܠܲܒܵܪ ܣܘܼܪܝܵܝܵܐ) is an Eastern Catholic church based in Kerala, India. The Syro-Malabar Church is an autonomous (sui iuris) particular church in full communion with the pope and the worldwide Catholic Church, including the Latin Church and the 22 other Eastern Catholic churches, with self-governance under the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO). The Church is headed by the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar, currently George Alencherry. The Syro-Malabar Synod of Bishops canonically convoked and presided over by the Major Archbishop constitutes the supreme authority of the Church. The Major Archiepiscopal Curia of the Church is based in Kakkanad, Kochi.[17] Syro-Malabar is a prefix reflecting the church's use of the East Syriac Rite liturgy and origins in Malabar (modern Kerala). The name has been in usage in official Vatican documents since the nineteenth century.[18]
The Syro-Malabar Church is primarily based in India; with 5 metropolitan archeparchies and 10 suffragan eparchies in Kerala, there are 17 eparchies in other parts of India, and 4 eparchies outside India. It is the largest of the Saint Thomas Christians communities with a population of 2.35 million in Kerala as per the 2011 Kerala state census[14] and 4.25 million worldwide as estimated in the 2016 Annuario Pontificio.[13] It is the third largest sui juris church in the Catholic Church communion and the second largest Eastern Catholic church after the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.[19]
The church traces its origins to the evangelistic activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century.[20][21][22][23] The earliest recorded organised Christian presence in India dates to the 4th century, when Persian missionaries of the East Syriac Rite tradition, members of what later became the Church of the East, established themselves in modern-day Kerala and Sri Lanka.[24][25][26][27] The Church of the East shared communion within the Great Church until the Council of Ephesus in the 5th century, separating primarily over differences in Christology and due to political reasons. The Syro-Malabar Church employs a variant of the East Syriac Rite, which dates back to 3rd century Edessa, Upper Mesopotamia.[28] As such it is a part of Syriac Christianity by liturgy and heritage.[29]
Syro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 1James Adhikaram Lourdes ...James Joseph AdhikaramSyro malabar church catechism text class 12 Lesson 1James Adhikaram Lourdes Forane Church Kottayam 9447464502.The catechetical heritage of the Syro-Malabar Church is as old as this Church itself. As was the case with all other Churches, among the St. Thomas Christians also there existed a system of catechesis by which faith was handed down from generation to generation. However there is no comprehensive and chronological exposition of the history of catechesis of the Syro-Malabar Church. Hence, many things have to be traced from the historical documents and living traditions of the Church..The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church[16] (Syriac: ܥܸܕܬܵܐ ܩܵܬܘܿܠܝܼܩܝܼ ܕܡܲܠܲܒܵܪ ܣܘܼܪܝܵܝܵܐ) is an Eastern Catholic church based in Kerala, India. The Syro-Malabar Church is an autonomous (sui iuris) particular church in full communion with the pope and the worldwide Catholic Church, including the Latin Church and the 22 other Eastern Catholic churches, with self-governance under the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO). The Church is headed by the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar, currently George Alencherry. The Syro-Malabar Synod of Bishops canonically convoked and presided over by the Major Archbishop constitutes the supreme authority of the Church. The Major Archiepiscopal Curia of the Church is based in Kakkanad, Kochi.[17] Syro-Malabar is a prefix reflecting the church's use of the East Syriac Rite liturgy and origins in Malabar (modern Kerala). The name has been in usage in official Vatican documents since the nineteenth century.[18]
The Syro-Malabar Church is primarily based in India; with 5 metropolitan archeparchies and 10 suffragan eparchies in Kerala, there are 17 eparchies in other parts of India, and 4 eparchies outside India. It is the largest of the Saint Thomas Christians communities with a population of 2.35 million in Kerala as per the 2011 Kerala state census[14] and 4.25 million worldwide as estimated in the 2016 Annuario Pontificio.[13] It is the third largest sui juris church in the Catholic Church communion and the second largest Eastern Catholic church after the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.[19]
The church traces its origins to the evangelistic activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century.[20][21][22][23] The earliest recorded organised Christian presence in India dates to the 4th century, when Persian missionaries of the East Syriac Rite tradition, members of what later became the Church of the East, established themselves in modern-day Kerala and Sri Lanka.[24][25][26][27] The Church of the East shared communion within the Great Church until the Council of Ephesus in the 5th century, separating primarily over differences in Christology and due to political reasons. The Syro-Malabar Church employs a variant of the East Syriac Rite, which dates back to 3rd century Edessa, Upper Mesopotamia.[28] As such it is a part of Syriac Christianity by liturgy and heritage.[29]
Grow intentionally ppt from James Joseph Adhikarathil KottayamJames Joseph AdhikaramThe document outlines 8 gaps that can prevent success: 1) Assumption Gap, 2) Knowledge Gap, 3) Timing Gap, 4) Mistake Gap, 5) Inspiration Gap, 6) Comparison Gap, 7) Expectation Gap, and 8) Perfection Gap. It is authored by T. James Joseph, a retired deputy collector and trainer, who provides his contact information.
Revenue guide 2021 - ILDM & Kerala Land revenue department uploaded by james...James Joseph AdhikaramRevenue guide 2021 - ILDM & Kerala Land revenue department uploaded by james joseph Adhikarathil Kottayam 9447464502 The Revenue Department has very close interaction with the General public. Every individual has to approach Revenue Offices frequently for various requirements.The District Collectorate or the District Revenue Office working under the Land Revenue Commissionerate in which working under the Revenue Department in Kerala Government is headed by the District Collector who is assisted by Deputy Collector / Huzur Sheristadar and Senior Superintendents. The District Collector is in overall charge of Revenue District in 2 revenue Divisions, 7 Taluks and 124 Villages. Each Revenue Division is headed by a Revenue Divisional Officer and assisted by a Senior Superintendent among others. Each Taluk is headed by a Tahsildar / Additional Tahsildar who is assisted by Deputy Tahsildars among others. Each Village is headed by a Village officer who is assisted by Special village Officer and Village Assistants. Every District has Taluk Land Boards headed by Revenue Divisional Officers / Deputy Collectors for disposal of land ceiling cases under Kerala Land Reforms Act. In respect of the Development Activities / Welfare Schemes the District Planning Officer, Assistant Development Commissioner and District women Welfare Officer assist the District Collector. And also the Finance Officer And the District Law Officer is assist the District Collector in the Finance Matters and the Legal matters respectively.
District Collector and Subordinate officers in the District are responsible for the various functions which include :-
Collection of Basic Tax, Plantation Tax, Building Tax etc and effecting Revenue Recovery.
Issuing of the Various Certificates to the public.
Maintenance and updation of Land records and act as custodian of Government land.
Assignment of Government lands to various categories of institutions/organisations/individuals and acquisition of land for public purposes.
Transfer of Government lands between Departments and Conservation of Government lands and trees.
Implementation of calamity relief operations and disbursement of funds to eligible persons including Chief Minister’s Distress.
Relief fund (CMDRF) to the needy.
Implementation of various pension schemes e.g. Freedom fighter’s pension and implementation of various housing schemes eg: R.H.S, M.I.G.H., L.I.G.H etc.
Management and control of natural resources, regulation of sand mining, granite mining etc.
Issuance of Arms License, Explosive license etc.
Implementation of MPLADS , SDFMLA and various other development schemes introduced by Government.
Redressal of public grievances.
Conduct of Elections including revision of electoral rolls and issuance of photo identity cards for the purpose of voting and general census operations.
The Executive Magisterial Functions of the entire District, Taluk and Village levels.
Land tipsJames Joseph AdhikaramThis document provides information about land literacy and the proper procedures for purchasing, maintaining, and disposing of land in India. It discusses the importance of conducting due diligence on land records and ownership documents. Key steps in the land purchasing process include checking land records, boundaries, ownership history, and ensuring the land is not in a prohibited category. The document provides detailed guidance on properly researching land records, measuring land area, dealing with encroachment issues, and complying with relevant laws. It also outlines best practices for drafting sale agreements and considering tax implications of land transactions. Overall, the document aims to educate land owners on how to securely purchase, maintain, and potentially sell their property.
Revenue guide 2021 ILDM Kerala Land Revenue Department uploaded by James Jos...James Joseph AdhikaramRevenue guide 2021 ILDM Kerala Land Revenue Department uploaded by James Joseph Adhikarathil Jamesadhikaram land consultancy Kottayam 9447464502..
Revenue Department has very close interaction with the general public. Every individual has to approach Revenue Offices frequently for various requirements.
The functions of this Department include
Issuance of various certificates for general public purposes
Collection of Basic tax, Plantation tax, Building tax etc,
Effecting Revenue Recovery.
Maintenance and updation of land records.
Conduct Elections including revision of electoral rolls and issuance of photo identity cards for the purpose of voting.
Assignment of Government land to various categories.
Acquisition of land for public purpose.
Conservation of Government lands and trees.
Implementation of calamity relief operations and disbursement of funds to eligible persons.
Disbursement of Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund to the needy.
Issuance of arms licence, explosive licence, etc.
Implementation of MPLADS and various other developmental schemes.
Redressal of public grievances
Implementation of various pension schemes.
Implementation of various housing schemes.
Management and control of natural resources, regulation of sand mining,etc.
Conduct of census operations.
Transfer of government lands between departments.
Security proceedings under Criminal Procedure code.
Maintain Law and Order.
Removal of public Nuisance.
Lease of Government land.
Survey and demarcation of land.
Issuing death compensation to the legal heirs of NRIs.
Sanctioning of burning and burial grounds.
Land literacy programme Kerala A Jamesadhikaram pptJames Joseph AdhikaramThis document provides information and guidance on properly purchasing, maintaining, and selling land in India. It discusses the importance of conducting due diligence on land records, boundaries, ownership status, and tax obligations. The document outlines the steps involved in land transactions, including pre-purchase activities like reviewing records, the purchase process, and post-purchase registration. It emphasizes the need to understand survey numbers, maps, boundaries and resolve any issues like encroachment. The document also covers capital gains tax implications and procedures for transferring land ownership through gifts or will.
Qualities of a Sales man - Business training ppt series 3 from James Joseph ...James Joseph AdhikaramQualities of a Sales man - Business training ppt series 3 from James Joseph Adhikarathil Kottayam - Trainer and Coach - mob 9447464502
Qualities of a Sales man - Business training ppt series4 from James Joseph A...James Joseph AdhikaramQualities of a Sales man - Business training ppt series4 from James Joseph Adhikarathil Kottayam - Trainer and Coach - mob 9447464502
Qualities of a Manager - Business training ppt series 7 from James Joseph Adh...James Joseph AdhikaramQualities of a Manager - Business training ppt series 7 from James Joseph Adhikarathil Kottayam - Trainer and Coach - mob 9447464502
50 examples of corporations that failed to innovateJames Joseph AdhikaramThe document provides examples of 50 corporations that failed to innovate, including Kodak, Nokia, Xerox, Blockbuster, Yahoo, Segway, and IBM. Kodak dominated photography but failed to transition to digital, blowing its chance to lead the digital revolution. Nokia was initially successful with mobile phones but failed to grasp the importance of software and smartphones. Xerox invented the first personal computer but failed to bring it to market. Blockbuster declined as it refused to adapt to online DVD rental from Netflix. Yahoo focused on media over search and missed acquisition opportunities. The Segway's high price prevented mass adoption. IBM initially thrived but failed to adjust to personal computers.
Kerala House to the house less - LIFE MISSION pHASE 3 - REHABILITATION OF TH...James Joseph AdhikaramKerala House to the house less - LIFE MISSION pHASE 3 - REHABILITATION OF THE HOUSE LESS. UPLOADED BY jAMES ADHIKARAM
BHADRATHA public distribution system of Government of Kerala. pdf uploaded by...James Joseph AdhikaramBHADRATHA public distribution system of Government of Kerala. pdf uploaded by T james joseph adhikaram
TransparencyJames Joseph AdhikaramThe document discusses topics related to good governance, transparency, accountability, and responsiveness. It also discusses climate change and global warming, noting rising temperatures and sea levels. It provides suggestions for preventing issues like soil erosion, plastic pollution, and floods. The document outlines details of a training program, including the target groups, districts covered, schedule, and training areas which include citizen-centric administration, effective service delivery, and maintenance of land records. It concludes with contact information for James Joseph Adhikarathil.
KILA Training - Jagratha samithi -5. Sthreekaludeyum kuttikaludeyum Avakasa ...James Joseph AdhikaramKILA Training - Jagratha samithi -5. Sthreekaludeyum kuttikaludeyum Avakasa samrakshanam - uploaded by James joseph Adhikarathil, Kottayam
KILA Training - Jagratha samithi -4. Sthree saktheekaranam -Women empowermen...James Joseph AdhikaramKILA Training - Jagratha samithi -4. Sthree saktheekaranam -Women empowerment - uploaded by James joseph Adhikarathil, Kottayam
Website : www.kila.ac.in, Email : info@kila.ac.in
Website : www.kila.ac.in, Email : info@kila.ac.in