Delta Sigma Pi Recruiting Video - Siena Collegeguest83ecd2
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity for men and women pursuing business careers that was founded in 1907. It focuses on professional development, networking, leadership, service, and social activities. Joining provides opportunities to gain confidence, build teamwork skills, and make lifelong professional and personal connections through over 220,000 members internationally.
The document is a book review and compilation of 95 theses and book review about The Cluetrain Manifesto from a Vertical Market Solutions for Retail Reader course. It includes sections on the book's preface, acknowledgements, and reviews of the first two chapters. The first chapter review discusses the concept of "Internet Apocalypso" and how the internet grew independently of traditional business. The second chapter review explains that the longing for the web stems from the promise of returning individual voice lost in managed work environments.
An evaluation of the Camtasia Relay product was conducted with 9 instructors recording over 200 lectures across 14 courses with 105 total students. Student and instructor feedback was gathered through surveys and focus groups. The evaluation found that while the product had some technical difficulties like slow connections, it was easy to use and provided benefits for teaching by allowing students to review lectures. Most students and instructors indicated they would use it again next semester. Based on the positive feedback, the organization plans to purchase Camtasia Relay and expand its use in the fall semester.
The document discusses female genital mutilation (FGM) and debates whether it can be justified through ethical relativism. FGM involves removing parts of the external female genitalia and is practiced in some cultures. However, opponents argue that FGM is a harmful practice that violates women's health and rights. While some see FGM as an important cultural tradition, others believe there are moral absolutes and that subjecting children to practices like FGM against their will is unethical. The document explores perspectives on both sides of the issue and suggests further discussion and education are needed.
This document provides an overview of recommended practices for using technology in teaching both online and in the classroom. It notes that technology is now ubiquitous, with over 12 million students taking online classes. It advocates using technology to enhance learning through a student-focused approach using tools like online discussions, videos, and polls. Examples of specific technologies are provided, such as Piazza, Jing, and ºÝºÝߣShare. Key lessons include choosing the right technology to meet pedagogical needs, prioritizing pedagogy over technology, trying new tools gradually, and accepting that failures will occur but can be learned from.
Individuals make choices based on both internal factors like personal preferences as well as external social pressures. Experiments like the Asch conformity experiments and Milgram's experiments on obedience demonstrated people's tendency to conform to group norms and obey authority figures even when they conflict with personal beliefs or ethics. The Stanford Prison Experiment also showed how social roles and situations can influence behavior in unethical ways, highlighting the importance of considering ethics when studying human decision-making and obedience.
The document discusses cryptography and its applications in security. It covers topics like encryption, decryption, digital signatures, hash algorithms, and their roles in providing confidentiality, integrity and authentication. It also discusses challenges like protecting ATM transactions and discusses the role of cryptography in applications like smart cards, secure cryptoprocessors and watermarking. In the end, it emphasizes the growing importance of cryptography in ensuring privacy and security in the digital world.
This document summarizes research on lexical knowledge of personality traits in Estonian. The research aimed to analyze the vocabulary and concepts of personality traits used by Estonians to understand which traits are considered important and how personality traits are organized. The study looked to develop a taxonomy of personality concepts to add to the Estonian thesaurus. In under 3 sentences, it provides the context, goal, and overview of the research presented in the document.
Hydration is important for runners to maintain proper water levels in the body. The human body loses water even at rest and contains 50-65% water depending on gender. It is recommended that runners drink a glass of water before running, carry a water bottle during their run, and replace lost fluids to avoid dehydration which can damage kidneys or disrupt salt balance if too much or too little water is consumed.
This document discusses the Curve Bend tool in GIMP, which allows bending or distorting an image along a curve or path. The tool lets the user select a curve and click OK to apply the bend, distorting the image along that curve. Additional references are provided on tutorials for using the Curve Bend tool in GIMP and on creating curved elements.
Fortbridge is a financial communications firm that represents mining and energy companies. It provides investor relations services, media relations, crisis management and communications programs. It has offices globally and access to an online database of over 50,000 investors. Fortbridge also operates an online media distribution platform called Fortbridge.NET that over 100 listed companies use to disseminate press releases to over 1,500 journalists.
Hangover Taxi is a proposed service that would provide taxi transportation for people who have been drinking to safely get home from parties or bars. It would work by customers calling a taxi after a night of drinking to be taken home instead of driving themselves. Some potential benefits include avoiding alcohol-related traffic accidents, reducing worries about transportation, and making cities feel safer and more visitor-friendly.
The document provides an overview of computer hardware basics including input, output, and storage devices. It describes common input devices like keyboards and pointing devices. It discusses output to screens, printers, and other devices. It also covers various storage media including magnetic disks, tapes, and optical disks. The document emphasizes that computer systems integrate various input, output, and storage peripherals and that networks allow sharing of resources between multiple computers.
This document summarizes a seminar report on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) presented by Praveen Kumar P to fulfill degree requirements. The report discusses basics of MANETs including their characteristics such as dynamic topology and bandwidth constrained links. It also examines different types of routing protocols used in MANETs including table-driven protocols like Destination Sequenced Distance Vector routing and source-initiated on-demand protocols like AODV and DSR. Additionally, it covers vehicular ad hoc networks as a specific application of MANETs and concludes with potential applications of these self-configuring wireless networks.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances. It uses short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz. Bluetooth allows up to eight devices to connect simultaneously in a Piconet, with one device acting as the master and up to seven acting as slaves. Features of Bluetooth include low power consumption, a range of 10 meters, and data transfer rates of 1-3 Mbps. The Bluetooth architecture consists of protocols and channels that manage connections and communications between devices. Common usage models for Bluetooth include file transfer, internet access, synchronization, and headsets. Security measures in Bluetooth address issues like bluejacking, bluebugging, and the car whisper
Presentation on Graphical password-technology to make system more securedSanjeev Kumar Jaiswal
A graphical password is an authentication system that works by having
the user select from images, in a specific order, presented in a graphical
user interface (GUI). Graphical passwords may offer better security than
text-based passwords because many people, in an attempt to memorize
text-based passwords, use plain words
This document discusses 10 key points for developing a strong financial plan for a business. It emphasizes that planning is essential, even if forecasts may change. A financial plan answers important questions about short-term operational needs, long-term investments, economic viability and break-even point. It also explains key terms like EBITDA and cash flow. Developing an accurate financial plan requires estimating sales, costs, expenses and investments based on the business model, product, market and cost structure. Seeking assistance from professionals can help entrepreneurs create a robust financial plan.
The document discusses plans to create an app that allows both writing and reading stories about extraordinary lives. It would inspire young people by allowing them to read stories of great achievements and be inspired to build a better society. The app could have both free and paid versions. Funding would come from conferences, parties, and advertising targeting readers and those wanting to share experiences. Goals include providing bonuses for writers and establishing fixed app prices.
3D Objects in Wat Makutkasattriyaram's e-Museum: Progress, Experiences, and A...Rachabodin Suwannakanthi
Presentation on the topic "3D Objects in Wat Makutkasattriyaram's e-Museum: Progress, Experiences, and Applied Technologies" in PNC 2006 conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Beth Swantz is a K-12 technology integration specialist who works with Miranda Kral, the K-12 librarian, to integrate technology into lessons to improve student achievement at Mid-Prairie schools. Beth co-teaches lessons, researches educational apps and web tools, assists with formative assessment, and spends two days a week at Keota schools to help teachers integrate technology into their lessons using resources on her tech integration website.
Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang pelatihan "Membuat Rencana Tindakan Perbaikan" dan "Pengantar Root Cause Analysis" yang bertujuan untuk mengajarkan pendekatan efektif dalam mengembangkan rencana tindakan korektif dan menganalisis penyebab masalah sesuai dengan persyaratan ISO 9001. Pelatihan ini berlangsung satu hari dengan biaya Rp2.000.000 dan diselenggarakan di beberapa kota di Indonesia pada bulan April hingga
Laporan ini merangkum kegiatan peserta dalam program Wirausaha Merdeka Universitas Riau tahun 2022. Program ini bertujuan membantu mahasiswa mengembangkan kompetensi kewirausahaan melalui serangkaian kegiatan seperti pelatihan, konsultasi, dan festival usaha. Peserta terlibat dalam perancangan usaha pakan ternak dari limbah sawit, meskipun menghadapi kendala kurangnya peralatan pengolahan bahan baku. Secara kesel
This document summarizes research on lexical knowledge of personality traits in Estonian. The research aimed to analyze the vocabulary and concepts of personality traits used by Estonians to understand which traits are considered important and how personality traits are organized. The study looked to develop a taxonomy of personality concepts to add to the Estonian thesaurus. In under 3 sentences, it provides the context, goal, and overview of the research presented in the document.
Hydration is important for runners to maintain proper water levels in the body. The human body loses water even at rest and contains 50-65% water depending on gender. It is recommended that runners drink a glass of water before running, carry a water bottle during their run, and replace lost fluids to avoid dehydration which can damage kidneys or disrupt salt balance if too much or too little water is consumed.
This document discusses the Curve Bend tool in GIMP, which allows bending or distorting an image along a curve or path. The tool lets the user select a curve and click OK to apply the bend, distorting the image along that curve. Additional references are provided on tutorials for using the Curve Bend tool in GIMP and on creating curved elements.
Fortbridge is a financial communications firm that represents mining and energy companies. It provides investor relations services, media relations, crisis management and communications programs. It has offices globally and access to an online database of over 50,000 investors. Fortbridge also operates an online media distribution platform called Fortbridge.NET that over 100 listed companies use to disseminate press releases to over 1,500 journalists.
Hangover Taxi is a proposed service that would provide taxi transportation for people who have been drinking to safely get home from parties or bars. It would work by customers calling a taxi after a night of drinking to be taken home instead of driving themselves. Some potential benefits include avoiding alcohol-related traffic accidents, reducing worries about transportation, and making cities feel safer and more visitor-friendly.
The document provides an overview of computer hardware basics including input, output, and storage devices. It describes common input devices like keyboards and pointing devices. It discusses output to screens, printers, and other devices. It also covers various storage media including magnetic disks, tapes, and optical disks. The document emphasizes that computer systems integrate various input, output, and storage peripherals and that networks allow sharing of resources between multiple computers.
This document summarizes a seminar report on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) presented by Praveen Kumar P to fulfill degree requirements. The report discusses basics of MANETs including their characteristics such as dynamic topology and bandwidth constrained links. It also examines different types of routing protocols used in MANETs including table-driven protocols like Destination Sequenced Distance Vector routing and source-initiated on-demand protocols like AODV and DSR. Additionally, it covers vehicular ad hoc networks as a specific application of MANETs and concludes with potential applications of these self-configuring wireless networks.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances. It uses short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz. Bluetooth allows up to eight devices to connect simultaneously in a Piconet, with one device acting as the master and up to seven acting as slaves. Features of Bluetooth include low power consumption, a range of 10 meters, and data transfer rates of 1-3 Mbps. The Bluetooth architecture consists of protocols and channels that manage connections and communications between devices. Common usage models for Bluetooth include file transfer, internet access, synchronization, and headsets. Security measures in Bluetooth address issues like bluejacking, bluebugging, and the car whisper
Presentation on Graphical password-technology to make system more securedSanjeev Kumar Jaiswal
A graphical password is an authentication system that works by having
the user select from images, in a specific order, presented in a graphical
user interface (GUI). Graphical passwords may offer better security than
text-based passwords because many people, in an attempt to memorize
text-based passwords, use plain words
This document discusses 10 key points for developing a strong financial plan for a business. It emphasizes that planning is essential, even if forecasts may change. A financial plan answers important questions about short-term operational needs, long-term investments, economic viability and break-even point. It also explains key terms like EBITDA and cash flow. Developing an accurate financial plan requires estimating sales, costs, expenses and investments based on the business model, product, market and cost structure. Seeking assistance from professionals can help entrepreneurs create a robust financial plan.
The document discusses plans to create an app that allows both writing and reading stories about extraordinary lives. It would inspire young people by allowing them to read stories of great achievements and be inspired to build a better society. The app could have both free and paid versions. Funding would come from conferences, parties, and advertising targeting readers and those wanting to share experiences. Goals include providing bonuses for writers and establishing fixed app prices.
3D Objects in Wat Makutkasattriyaram's e-Museum: Progress, Experiences, and A...Rachabodin Suwannakanthi
Presentation on the topic "3D Objects in Wat Makutkasattriyaram's e-Museum: Progress, Experiences, and Applied Technologies" in PNC 2006 conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Beth Swantz is a K-12 technology integration specialist who works with Miranda Kral, the K-12 librarian, to integrate technology into lessons to improve student achievement at Mid-Prairie schools. Beth co-teaches lessons, researches educational apps and web tools, assists with formative assessment, and spends two days a week at Keota schools to help teachers integrate technology into their lessons using resources on her tech integration website.
Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tentang pelatihan "Membuat Rencana Tindakan Perbaikan" dan "Pengantar Root Cause Analysis" yang bertujuan untuk mengajarkan pendekatan efektif dalam mengembangkan rencana tindakan korektif dan menganalisis penyebab masalah sesuai dengan persyaratan ISO 9001. Pelatihan ini berlangsung satu hari dengan biaya Rp2.000.000 dan diselenggarakan di beberapa kota di Indonesia pada bulan April hingga
Laporan ini merangkum kegiatan peserta dalam program Wirausaha Merdeka Universitas Riau tahun 2022. Program ini bertujuan membantu mahasiswa mengembangkan kompetensi kewirausahaan melalui serangkaian kegiatan seperti pelatihan, konsultasi, dan festival usaha. Peserta terlibat dalam perancangan usaha pakan ternak dari limbah sawit, meskipun menghadapi kendala kurangnya peralatan pengolahan bahan baku. Secara kesel
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang desain program penerapan 5R (Rajin, Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat) di perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang bersih dan nyaman serta meningkatkan mutu kerja, dengan melakukan langkah-langkah seperti membentuk organisasi 5R, memberikan pelatihan, melakukan audit, serta menggunakan alat bantu seperti pin, poster, dan lembar periksa."
CV. Afita Consultant menawarkan jasa konsultasi dan pelatihan sertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 dan manajemen mutu lainnya. Perusahaan ini juga membantu proses audit dan sertifikasi serta membuat kebijakan dan prosedur sesuai standar ISO. Mereka menyediakan layanan konsultasi selama 6 pertemuan dan membantu menyelesaikan proses sertifikasi hingga 5 hari.
novasi merupakan suatu proses untuk mewujudkan, mengkombinasikan, atau memata...triyonoenviro09its
inovasi merupakan suatu proses untuk mewujudkan, mengkombinasikan, atau mematangkan suatu pengetahuan/gagasan ide, yang kemudian disesuaikan guna mendapat nilai baru suatu produk, proses, atau jasa. Menurut Drucker (2012), inovasi adalah alat spesifik bagi perusahaan di mana dengan inovasi dapat mengeksplorasi atau memanfaatkan perubahan yang terjadi sebagai sebuah kesempatan untuk menjalankan suatu bisnis yang berbeda. Hal ini dapat direpresentasikan sebagai sebuah disiplin, pembelajaran, dan dipraktekkan.
Sementara itu menurut Bateman dan Snell (2009), inovasi adalah perubahan metode atau teknologi bersifat positif yang berguna dan berangkat dari cara-cara yang sudah ada sebelumnya dalam melakukan sesuatu. Untuk inovasi sendiri terdiri dari dua tipe yaitu inovasi proses dan inovasi produk.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan program latihan mengenai pengawalan kakisan. Program latihan ini terdiri daripada teori dan latihan amali selama 5 hari. Ia bertujuan memberikan peserta pengetahuan tentang aspek-aspek pengawalan kakisan seperti teknik pengecatan, penyediaan permukaan, kawalan kualiti dan isu-isu keselamatan. Program ini juga memberikan sijil pengiktiraf.
2. 1. JADI PENGGUNA 100% Gunakan sekurang ¨C kurangnya 25 atau lebih jenis barangan AMWAY *project A ¨C 100% user
3. 2. TUNJUK PLAN Sekurang ¨C kurangnya 2 plan seminggu / 10 plan sebulan Komited dan berterusan untuk 7 bulan pertama * penajaan sendiri 21 orang dalam 7 bulan ¨C IGL 21 GOLD
4. 3. 10 PELANGGAN TETAP Penyelenggaraan perniagaan Kestabilan perniagaan
5. 4. MENDENGAR DAN MENONTON AUDIO VISUAL MOTIVASI SETIAP HARI Sekurang-kurangnya satu cd/vcd setiap hari
6. 5. MEMBACA BUKU ILMIAH Sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit setiap hari.
7. 6. MENGHADIRI PERJUMPAAN (SISTEM LATIHAN) Kursus Perniagaan (setiap hari Rabu) Prebiu Perniagaan Seminar 8 langkah kejayaan Kursus kepimpinan Kursus asas perakaunan Seminar menuju ke puncak (MUS) Latihan produk, perjumpaan pengedar & konvensyen kebangsaan (ANJURAN AMWAY) *hadir 21 kali perjumpaan IGL ¨C IGL 21 SILVER