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7. the flipped classroom
The main goal of a flipped classroom is to
enhance student learning and achievement
by reversing the traditional model of a
classroom, focusing class time on student
understanding rather than on lecture.
To accomplish this, teachers post short
video lectures online for students to view
at home prior to the next class session.
This allows class time to be devoted to
expanding on and mastering the material
through collaborative learning exercises,
projects, and discussions. Essentially, the
homework that is typically done at home is
done in the classroom, while the lectures
that are usually done in the classroom are
viewed at home.
There are numerous potential
advantages to this style of
 The Pros
 1. Students have more control
In a flipped classroom, it is possible for students to have increased input and
control over their own learning.
 2. It promotes student-centered learning and collaboration
Flipped classrooms allows class time be used to master skills through
collaborative projects and discussions
 3. Lessons and content are more accessible (provided there is tech
By making video lectures available at all times online, students who are forced
to miss class due to illness, sports, vacations or emergencies, can catch up
 4. Access = easier for parents to see whats going on
Unlike traditional classroom models, flipped classrooms give parents 24/7
access to their students video lectures.
 5. It can be more efficient
Done properly, in a flipped classroom, kids can have more time to be kids,
whether that means more free time, or more academic practice.
However, there has
predictably been some
criticism to this bold new
model of teaching and
 The Cons
 1. It can create or exacerbate a digital divide
One of the most prominent issues is the necessity for students to have access to a
computer and Internet in order to view the lectures.
 2. It relies on preparation and trust
There is also the concern that since flipped classrooms are dependent on student
participation, one must trust students to watch the lectures at home.
 3. There is significant work on the front-end
Additionally, there is a concern that implementing a flipped classroom adds an extra
workload on teachers, as there are several elements that must be integrated carefully
to allow the class to flourish.
 4. Not naturally a test-prep form of learning
Whether you think this is a good or a bad thing is another conversation, but its
important to realize that generally speaking, flipped classrooms do not teach to the
 5. Time in front of screensinstead of people and placesis increased
There are some who believe that if every teacher starts flipping their classrooms,
students will spend hours in front of a computer watching the lectures.
The flipped classroom is a very effective,
hands-on approach to improving student
achievement and involving them in their
own education.

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7. the flipped classroom

  • 2. The main goal of a flipped classroom is to enhance student learning and achievement by reversing the traditional model of a classroom, focusing class time on student understanding rather than on lecture.
  • 3. To accomplish this, teachers post short video lectures online for students to view at home prior to the next class session.
  • 4. This allows class time to be devoted to expanding on and mastering the material through collaborative learning exercises, projects, and discussions. Essentially, the homework that is typically done at home is done in the classroom, while the lectures that are usually done in the classroom are viewed at home.
  • 5. There are numerous potential advantages to this style of learning.
  • 6. The Pros 1. Students have more control In a flipped classroom, it is possible for students to have increased input and control over their own learning. 2. It promotes student-centered learning and collaboration Flipped classrooms allows class time be used to master skills through collaborative projects and discussions 3. Lessons and content are more accessible (provided there is tech access) By making video lectures available at all times online, students who are forced to miss class due to illness, sports, vacations or emergencies, can catch up quickly. 4. Access = easier for parents to see whats going on Unlike traditional classroom models, flipped classrooms give parents 24/7 access to their students video lectures. 5. It can be more efficient Done properly, in a flipped classroom, kids can have more time to be kids, whether that means more free time, or more academic practice.
  • 7. However, there has predictably been some criticism to this bold new model of teaching and learning.
  • 8. The Cons 1. It can create or exacerbate a digital divide One of the most prominent issues is the necessity for students to have access to a computer and Internet in order to view the lectures. 2. It relies on preparation and trust There is also the concern that since flipped classrooms are dependent on student participation, one must trust students to watch the lectures at home. 3. There is significant work on the front-end Additionally, there is a concern that implementing a flipped classroom adds an extra workload on teachers, as there are several elements that must be integrated carefully to allow the class to flourish. 4. Not naturally a test-prep form of learning Whether you think this is a good or a bad thing is another conversation, but its important to realize that generally speaking, flipped classrooms do not teach to the test. 5. Time in front of screensinstead of people and placesis increased There are some who believe that if every teacher starts flipping their classrooms, students will spend hours in front of a computer watching the lectures.
  • 9. The flipped classroom is a very effective, hands-on approach to improving student achievement and involving them in their own education.