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7.2 Systems of Linear
Equations: Three Variables
Chapter 7 Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Concepts & Objectives
 The objectives for this section are
 Solve systems of three equations in three variables.
 Identify inconsistent systems of equations containing
three variables.
 Express the solution of a system of dependent
equations containing three variables.
Three Equations, Three Variables
 To solve a system of three equations and three variables
(usually called a three-by-three system), we can
certainly use the methods of substitution and
elimination that we used on two-variable systems.
 Unfortunately, unless you know how to use a 3-D
graphing utility, graphing a three-by-three system isnt
really practical.
 The nSpire calculators will solve it for you, but
unfortunately, Im not always going to let you get away
with just entering the answer.
Gaussian Elimination
 Sometimes, it can be helpful to have a structure to use
when trying to solve a system. One of the most
commonly-used systems is Gaussian elimination.
 Gaussian elimination may not always be the most
efficient method, but as you become more proficient, you
can find ways to make it work better.
 The main idea of Gaussian elimination is to eliminate the
x variable, then the y, which lets you solve for z. Then,
you substitute in the reverse direction (y, then x) to
Gaussian Elimination (cont.)
Example: Solve ( )
2 3 9 1
x y z
 + =
( )
( )
3 6 2
2 5 5 17 3
x y z
x y z
 +  = 
 + =
Gaussian Elimination (cont.)
Example: Solve
To eliminate x, we can combine equations 1 and 2.
( )
2 3 9 1
x y z
 + =
( )
( )
3 6 2
2 5 5 17 3
x y z
x y z
 +  = 
 + =
( )
2 3 9
3 6
2 3 4
x y z
x y z
y z
 + =
 +  = 
+ =
Gaussian Elimination (cont.)
Example: Solve
Since equation 2 already has a negative x, we can multiply
it by 2 to combine with equation 3:
( )
2 3 9 1
x y z
 + =
( )
( )
3 6 2
2 5 5 17 3
x y z
x y z
 +  = 
 + =
( )
( )
2 6 2 12 2 2
2 5 5 17
3 5 5
x y z
x y z
y z
 +  =  
 + =
+ =
Gaussian Elimination (cont.)
Example (cont.)
Now, we use the two new equations to eliminate y.
Since the coefficient of y in both equations is 1, we can
multiply the top equation by 1 to solve for z:
2 3
3 5
y z
y z
+ =
+ =
2 3
3 5
y z
y z
+ =
Gaussian Elimination (cont.)
Example (cont.):
Since weve solve for z, we can pick either equation 4 or 5
to solve for y:
And finally, we can solve for x:
( )
2 2 3
4 3
+ =
+ =
( ) ( )
2 1 3 2 9
8 9
  + =
+ =
= ( )
Solution: 1, 1, 2
 The solution set to a three-by-three system is an ordered
triple (x, y, z). This triple defines the point that is the
intersection of three planes in space. (Think of the
corner of a room where the walls and ceiling meet.)
 Just as with two-by-two systems, however, sometimes a
three-by-three system will not have a single solution.
Compare the two pictures:
Solutions (cont.)
Just as with two-by-two systems, however, sometimes a
three-by-three system will not have a single solution.
Compare the two pictures:
Single point  single solution
Line  infinitely many solutions
(0 = 0)
Solutions (cont.)
These three pictures represent different scenarios for the
system to have no solution:
a) The three planes intersect with each other, but not at a
common point or line.
b) Two planes are parallel.
c) All three planes are parallel.
Inconsistent Systems
 Consider the following system:
If we use the procedures we used earlier, we end up
3 4
2 5 3
5 13 3 8
x y z
x y z
x y z
 + =
 +  =
 + =
4 7
2 8 12
y z
y z
+ =
Inconsistent Systems (cont.)
When we combine them to eliminate y, we get:
The final solution is a contradiction, so the system of
equations is inconsistent and has no solution.
( )
2 8 14 mult. by 2
2 8 12
0 2
y z
y z
+ = 
Dependent Systems
 Now, consider the system
As before, we first work to eliminate x by multiplying the
first equation by 2 and adding it to the second
2 3 0
4 2 6 0
x y z
x y z
x y z
+  =
+  =
 + =
4 2 6 0
4 2 6 0
0 0
x y z
x y z
  + =
+  =
The true statement, 0 = 0,
tells us we have an
infinite number of
Dependent Systems (cont.)
When a system is dependent, we can find general
expressions to the solutions. If we add the first and third
equation from the system, we get
We then solve the resulting equation for z:
2 3 0
3 2 0
x y z
x y z
x z
+  =
 + =
2 3
z x
z x
Dependent Systems (cont.)
We then back-substitute this expression for z into one of
the equations and solve for x:
And we get a general solution for the system of
2 3 0
2 0
9 5
2 2
x y x
x y x
y x x x
+  =
+  =
=  =
5 3
, ,
2 2
x x x
 College Algebra 2e
 7.2: 8-24 (4); 7.1: 42-50 (even); 6.7: 38-52 (even)
(omit 46,48)
 7.2 Classwork Check
 Quiz 7.1

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7.2 Systems of Linear Equations - Three Variables

  • 1. 7.2 Systems of Linear Equations: Three Variables Chapter 7 Systems of Equations and Inequalities
  • 2. Concepts & Objectives The objectives for this section are Solve systems of three equations in three variables. Identify inconsistent systems of equations containing three variables. Express the solution of a system of dependent equations containing three variables.
  • 3. Three Equations, Three Variables To solve a system of three equations and three variables (usually called a three-by-three system), we can certainly use the methods of substitution and elimination that we used on two-variable systems. Unfortunately, unless you know how to use a 3-D graphing utility, graphing a three-by-three system isnt really practical. The nSpire calculators will solve it for you, but unfortunately, Im not always going to let you get away with just entering the answer.
  • 4. Gaussian Elimination Sometimes, it can be helpful to have a structure to use when trying to solve a system. One of the most commonly-used systems is Gaussian elimination. Gaussian elimination may not always be the most efficient method, but as you become more proficient, you can find ways to make it work better. The main idea of Gaussian elimination is to eliminate the x variable, then the y, which lets you solve for z. Then, you substitute in the reverse direction (y, then x) to solve.
  • 5. Gaussian Elimination (cont.) Example: Solve ( ) 2 3 9 1 x y z + = ( ) ( ) 3 6 2 2 5 5 17 3 x y z x y z + = + =
  • 6. Gaussian Elimination (cont.) Example: Solve To eliminate x, we can combine equations 1 and 2. ( ) 2 3 9 1 x y z + = ( ) ( ) 3 6 2 2 5 5 17 3 x y z x y z + = + = ( ) 2 3 9 3 6 2 3 4 x y z x y z y z + = + = + =
  • 7. Gaussian Elimination (cont.) Example: Solve Since equation 2 already has a negative x, we can multiply it by 2 to combine with equation 3: ( ) 2 3 9 1 x y z + = ( ) ( ) 3 6 2 2 5 5 17 3 x y z x y z + = + = ( ) ( ) 2 6 2 12 2 2 2 5 5 17 3 5 5 x y z x y z y z + = + = + =
  • 8. Gaussian Elimination (cont.) Example (cont.) Now, we use the two new equations to eliminate y. Since the coefficient of y in both equations is 1, we can multiply the top equation by 1 to solve for z: 2 3 3 5 y z y z + = + = 2 3 3 5 2 y z y z z = + = =
  • 9. Gaussian Elimination (cont.) Example (cont.): Since weve solve for z, we can pick either equation 4 or 5 to solve for y: And finally, we can solve for x: ( ) 2 2 3 4 3 1 y y y + = + = = ( ) ( ) 2 1 3 2 9 8 9 1 x x x + = + = = ( ) Solution: 1, 1, 2
  • 10. Solutions The solution set to a three-by-three system is an ordered triple (x, y, z). This triple defines the point that is the intersection of three planes in space. (Think of the corner of a room where the walls and ceiling meet.) Just as with two-by-two systems, however, sometimes a three-by-three system will not have a single solution. Compare the two pictures:
  • 11. Solutions (cont.) Just as with two-by-two systems, however, sometimes a three-by-three system will not have a single solution. Compare the two pictures: Single point single solution Line infinitely many solutions (0 = 0)
  • 12. Solutions (cont.) These three pictures represent different scenarios for the system to have no solution: a) The three planes intersect with each other, but not at a common point or line. b) Two planes are parallel. c) All three planes are parallel.
  • 13. Inconsistent Systems Consider the following system: If we use the procedures we used earlier, we end up with 3 4 2 5 3 5 13 3 8 x y z x y z x y z + = + = + = 4 7 2 8 12 y z y z = + =
  • 14. Inconsistent Systems (cont.) When we combine them to eliminate y, we get: The final solution is a contradiction, so the system of equations is inconsistent and has no solution. ( ) 2 8 14 mult. by 2 2 8 12 0 2 y z y z = + = =
  • 15. Dependent Systems Now, consider the system As before, we first work to eliminate x by multiplying the first equation by 2 and adding it to the second equation. 2 3 0 4 2 6 0 0 x y z x y z x y z + = + = + = 4 2 6 0 4 2 6 0 0 0 x y z x y z + = + = = The true statement, 0 = 0, tells us we have an infinite number of solutions.
  • 16. Dependent Systems (cont.) When a system is dependent, we can find general expressions to the solutions. If we add the first and third equation from the system, we get We then solve the resulting equation for z: 2 3 0 0 3 2 0 x y z x y z x z + = + = = 2 3 3 2 z x z x = =
  • 17. Dependent Systems (cont.) We then back-substitute this expression for z into one of the equations and solve for x: And we get a general solution for the system of 3 2 3 0 2 9 2 0 2 9 5 2 2 2 x y x x y x y x x x + = + = = = 5 3 , , 2 2 x x x
  • 18. Classwork College Algebra 2e 7.2: 8-24 (4); 7.1: 42-50 (even); 6.7: 38-52 (even) (omit 46,48) 7.2 Classwork Check Quiz 7.1