8 dawsBaterdene Solongo1. The document discusses types of salts, how they are named, and methods of salt formation.
2. Common salt formation reactions include reactions between metals/metal compounds with acids/acid salts to form new salts and water.
3. The document provides examples of salt naming conventions and outlines several common salt formation methods like double displacement and acid-base reactions.
Unit3presentationpoags25This document provides an overview of quantum theory and periodicity in chemistry. It discusses the quantum mechanical model of the atom, quantum numbers, electron configurations, orbital shapes and orientations. It also covers periodic trends, ion formation, exceptions to predicted configurations, and periodic properties. Key topics include the electron cloud model, principal and angular momentum quantum numbers, s, p, d and f orbitals, writing configurations, ion charges, and how periodic trends relate to electron configurations.
English01Togoo BattuyaThe document is an English exam with multiple choice questions testing grammar, vocabulary, social expressions, reading comprehension, and word formation. It contains 6 tasks covering a range of English language skills. The questions assess proficiency in areas like parts of speech, common expressions, comprehension of a history passage about New Jersey colony, and derivational word forms. The exam evaluates mastery of fundamental English concepts through short answer testing formats.
99999999999999999999999999999999Togoo BattuyaThe given document does not contain any meaningful information, consisting entirely of repeated letters, numbers, and punctuation marks without any coherent words, phrases, or sentences.
DddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddTogoo BattuyaThe document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize in 3 sentences or less. It consists entirely of repeated letters and symbols with no discernible words, structure, or message.
4. Сурагчиддаа өмнөх мэдлэгээ
ашиглан хариулаарай
Химийн элемент гэж юу вэ?
Атом юуг үүсгэдэг вэ? Атом
ямар хэмжээтэй бол та нар юу
гэж бодож байна. Та нарын
нүдэнд атом харагддаг уу?