Cuatro Tribus – Four Tribes at the Board Games Studies 2012CuatroTribusThis document describes the board game Four Tribes, which is designed as both a military strategy game and a pedagogical/social project. The game is played by 4 players who each control one of four tribes with different political charisma. Players use economic units, troops, diplomats and artillery to try and defeat the other tribes through military, economic and political strategy. The game aims to teach players critical thinking skills around history and decision making, as well as improve their ability to work in groups and bond with other players. The creators of the game believe it can help "restore ludic delay" and prove that opening ludic spaces is the only way to do so.
AB 2286: Why Process Servers Should Be Regulated by a State EntityKernLegalServicesMichael Kern, owner of Kern Legal Services and Immediate Past President of the California Association of Legal Professionals outlines to county clerks why it's time for process servers to be regulated by a state entity.
Growing Your Process Serving BusinessKernLegalServicesMichael Kern, CALSPro President and owner of Kern Legal Services, shares his tips for growing your process serving business at the 2014 PACES convention. View slides for tips on adjusting to growth, hiring, embracing technology, the internet, and marketing, and how to offer new services and promotions without taking a loss.
Early Parrot Education - Stage 6 - Feeding enrichmentHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)he Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) presents the Early Parrot Education (EPE) & Weaning Program… an educational process that coincides with the young parrot’s most opportunistic moment of physical and mental growth. The EPE & Weaning Program prepares the bird with lifelong lessons for his journey as a companion animal.
Stage 6 - Feeding Enrichment
Comprehensive and easy to follow, HARI's EPE Program is available on 10 DVDs and comes with supporting documents including forms and charts (all provided on a CD), as well as complimentary reading material. The cost is only $70.00 for the complete program and supporting materials.
To order HARI’s EPE Program:
Canada (international orders) order:
USA order:
Early Parrot Education - Stage 5 - Fledging Acquiring IndependenceHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)he Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) presents the Early Parrot Education (EPE) & Weaning Program… an educational process that coincides with the young parrot’s most opportunistic moment of physical and mental growth. The EPE & Weaning Program prepares the bird with lifelong lessons for his journey as a companion animal.
Stage 5 - Fledging Acquiring Independence
Comprehensive and easy to follow, HARI's EPE Program is available on 10 DVDs and comes with supporting documents including forms and charts (all provided on a CD), as well as complimentary reading material. The cost is only $70.00 for the complete program and supporting materials.
To order HARI’s EPE Program:
Canada (international orders) order:
USA order:
Gary Reynolds ݺߣ tipsSambittyGarr Reynolds provides his top 10 tips for creating effective slide presentations: 1) Keep the presentation simple with minimal text and bullet points; 2) Limit transitions and animated builds between slides; 3) Use high quality images to enhance the message; 4) Have a visual theme but avoid templates; 5) Choose charts that best represent the data; 6) Use color in a way that doesn't distract from the content; 7) Select fonts that are easy to read; 8) Consider adding video or audio if it adds value; 9) Spend time organizing slides in the slide sorter view.
Early Parrot Education - Stage 4 - Advanced foraging educationHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)At stage 4, fledglings are engaging in advanced foraging education from other flock members and caregivers. Their weight is stabilizing with fewer assisted feedings. Fledglings are actively participating in primary lessons rather than just desensitization. Housing provides various perches, branches, and a mixed flight for more socialization and exercise. Primary lessons include reinforcement of commands on a scale and introducing a hair dryer after misting. Desensitization continues for sounds, towels, carriers and physical exams.
The Importance Of Market ResearchJumpStart IncThe document discusses the importance of market research, focusing on market validation and competitive analysis. It defines market research, market validation, and competitive analysis. For market validation, the key is identifying assumptions, devising questions, and performing primary qualitative research directly with potential customers. For competitive analysis, the areas of focus include products/services, pricing, marketing strategies, and both secondary research on competitors and primary research. Conducting thorough market validation and competitive analysis is important to reduce risk and ensure efforts are focused on what customers want.
Early Parrot Education - Stage 1 - IntroductoryHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)The Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) presents the Early Parrot Education (EPE) & Weaning Program… an educational process that coincides with the young parrot’s most opportunistic moment of physical and mental growth. The EPE & Weaning Program prepares the bird with lifelong lessons for his journey as a companion animal.
Stage 1 - Introductory
Comprehensive and easy to follow, HARI's EPE Program is available on 10 DVDs and comes with supporting documents including forms and charts (all provided on a CD), as well as complimentary reading material. The cost is only $70.00 for the complete program and supporting materials.
To order HARI’s EPE Program:
Canada (international orders) order:
USA order:
Cuatro Tribus – Four Tribes at the Board Games Studies 2012CuatroTribusThis document describes the board game Four Tribes, which is designed as both a military strategy game and a pedagogical/social project. The game is played by 4 players who each control one of four tribes with different political charisma. Players use economic units, troops, diplomats and artillery to try and defeat the other tribes through military, economic and political strategy. The game aims to teach players critical thinking skills around history and decision making, as well as improve their ability to work in groups and bond with other players. The creators of the game believe it can help "restore ludic delay" and prove that opening ludic spaces is the only way to do so.
AB 2286: Why Process Servers Should Be Regulated by a State EntityKernLegalServicesMichael Kern, owner of Kern Legal Services and Immediate Past President of the California Association of Legal Professionals outlines to county clerks why it's time for process servers to be regulated by a state entity.
Growing Your Process Serving BusinessKernLegalServicesMichael Kern, CALSPro President and owner of Kern Legal Services, shares his tips for growing your process serving business at the 2014 PACES convention. View slides for tips on adjusting to growth, hiring, embracing technology, the internet, and marketing, and how to offer new services and promotions without taking a loss.
Early Parrot Education - Stage 6 - Feeding enrichmentHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)he Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) presents the Early Parrot Education (EPE) & Weaning Program… an educational process that coincides with the young parrot’s most opportunistic moment of physical and mental growth. The EPE & Weaning Program prepares the bird with lifelong lessons for his journey as a companion animal.
Stage 6 - Feeding Enrichment
Comprehensive and easy to follow, HARI's EPE Program is available on 10 DVDs and comes with supporting documents including forms and charts (all provided on a CD), as well as complimentary reading material. The cost is only $70.00 for the complete program and supporting materials.
To order HARI’s EPE Program:
Canada (international orders) order:
USA order:
Early Parrot Education - Stage 5 - Fledging Acquiring IndependenceHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)he Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) presents the Early Parrot Education (EPE) & Weaning Program… an educational process that coincides with the young parrot’s most opportunistic moment of physical and mental growth. The EPE & Weaning Program prepares the bird with lifelong lessons for his journey as a companion animal.
Stage 5 - Fledging Acquiring Independence
Comprehensive and easy to follow, HARI's EPE Program is available on 10 DVDs and comes with supporting documents including forms and charts (all provided on a CD), as well as complimentary reading material. The cost is only $70.00 for the complete program and supporting materials.
To order HARI’s EPE Program:
Canada (international orders) order:
USA order:
Gary Reynolds ݺߣ tipsSambittyGarr Reynolds provides his top 10 tips for creating effective slide presentations: 1) Keep the presentation simple with minimal text and bullet points; 2) Limit transitions and animated builds between slides; 3) Use high quality images to enhance the message; 4) Have a visual theme but avoid templates; 5) Choose charts that best represent the data; 6) Use color in a way that doesn't distract from the content; 7) Select fonts that are easy to read; 8) Consider adding video or audio if it adds value; 9) Spend time organizing slides in the slide sorter view.
Early Parrot Education - Stage 4 - Advanced foraging educationHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)At stage 4, fledglings are engaging in advanced foraging education from other flock members and caregivers. Their weight is stabilizing with fewer assisted feedings. Fledglings are actively participating in primary lessons rather than just desensitization. Housing provides various perches, branches, and a mixed flight for more socialization and exercise. Primary lessons include reinforcement of commands on a scale and introducing a hair dryer after misting. Desensitization continues for sounds, towels, carriers and physical exams.
The Importance Of Market ResearchJumpStart IncThe document discusses the importance of market research, focusing on market validation and competitive analysis. It defines market research, market validation, and competitive analysis. For market validation, the key is identifying assumptions, devising questions, and performing primary qualitative research directly with potential customers. For competitive analysis, the areas of focus include products/services, pricing, marketing strategies, and both secondary research on competitors and primary research. Conducting thorough market validation and competitive analysis is important to reduce risk and ensure efforts are focused on what customers want.
Early Parrot Education - Stage 1 - IntroductoryHagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI)The Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) presents the Early Parrot Education (EPE) & Weaning Program… an educational process that coincides with the young parrot’s most opportunistic moment of physical and mental growth. The EPE & Weaning Program prepares the bird with lifelong lessons for his journey as a companion animal.
Stage 1 - Introductory
Comprehensive and easy to follow, HARI's EPE Program is available on 10 DVDs and comes with supporting documents including forms and charts (all provided on a CD), as well as complimentary reading material. The cost is only $70.00 for the complete program and supporting materials.
To order HARI’s EPE Program:
Canada (international orders) order:
USA order: