Sviluppare le presentazioniManager.itThe document provides tips for developing an effective presentation including making it interesting with information, fun elements, variety, energy and audience interaction. It recommends practicing the presentation by simulating the setting, practicing aloud while standing, timing it, memorizing the opening, and watching yourself. When presenting, the tips are to overcome stage fright, talk to the audience with eye contact, don't judge them, pause, vary volume and pace. The summary quote is "He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail!"
Athilab short 2015GiuseppeCarraraI formed “athilab” (Agility Transfer for High Innovation LAB) with the aim of transferring the Research & Innovation of Italian and International Research Centers on companies and promote & support the opportunity to create your own future.
The goal is to cover the gap between the research and business through innovative solutions built by aggregating associate partners in athilab with extensive knowledge of business with an ecosystem of research institutes, system integrators and companies able to exploit the best of research into innovation, useful skills to support companies in the process of technological transformation and innovation with a pragmatic approach which combines the need for real differentiation to competitors with the financial sustainability of operations and time to market.
CMC Sport en Media innovaties presentatie Mark van LeestMedia PerspectivesAjax Media is introducing a new online proposition called to provide the most reliable and unique content about Ajax football club and closely experience the brand for fans. The proposition aims to meet fan needs around match anticipation through storytelling and various features like tunnel cameras, stadium reruns, and commerce options to extend the matchday experience both before and after games. It seeks to improve engagement and experiences for fans watching matches on TV, in bars with friends, or those with a live presence in the stadium through the online and mobile portal.
Presentación Parcial Innovaciones EducativasLudmila GussoniPieza multimedial utilizando Powerpoint para conocer más sobre la vida de Roberto Artl
SOLAR IMPULSE - LESSON - BATTERIES (ENG)Solar ImpulseThis document provides information about batteries and how they store electrical energy produced by solar panels, like those used on the Solar Impulse plane. It discusses how batteries work, including different types like wet cells, dry cells, and fuel cells. Rechargeable batteries are described, as well as examples like lithium polymer batteries used on Solar Impulse. The document also includes instructions for building a simple battery or fuel cell using common household materials.
1 Controllo di gestione non è Pianificazione Strategica Manager.itDefinizione, Finalità, Strumenti
Ecumenism 2017anabaptistul Treziți-vă vă rog, cercetați de unde vine ,,Săptămâna mondială de rugăciune”, sau ,, Octava de rugăciune pentru unitatea creștinilor”, la care o să participați. Căutați să vedeți cine o promovează, unde se fac subiectele de rugăciune în fiecare an, cine sunt membrii comisiei și care este scopul ei.
Mulți dintre voi aveți intenții bune, sunteți oameni de bună credință. Nu vă lăsați înșelați! Pastorii voștrii știu în ce vă implică, reprezentanții Comunităților voastre cunosc destul de bine fenomenul, Uniunea ce vă reprezintă la nivel național promovează deschis aceste lucruri și numai voi nu știți nimic! Câtă orbire și ignoranță! Dacă nu mă credeți, mergeți vă rog și întrebați-i și veți vedea ce reacție o să aibe.
Artzigogoli addobbi natale con tappiartzigogoliThis document discusses using milk bottle caps to decorate for Christmas. It suggests crafting ornaments and decorations from common recycling materials like milk bottle caps. The blog post provides ideas for reusing and repurposing everyday items in original ways to festively dress up one's home for the holidays.
Sviluppare le presentazioniManager.itThe document provides tips for developing an effective presentation including making it interesting with information, fun elements, variety, energy and audience interaction. It recommends practicing the presentation by simulating the setting, practicing aloud while standing, timing it, memorizing the opening, and watching yourself. When presenting, the tips are to overcome stage fright, talk to the audience with eye contact, don't judge them, pause, vary volume and pace. The summary quote is "He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail!"
Athilab short 2015GiuseppeCarraraI formed “athilab” (Agility Transfer for High Innovation LAB) with the aim of transferring the Research & Innovation of Italian and International Research Centers on companies and promote & support the opportunity to create your own future.
The goal is to cover the gap between the research and business through innovative solutions built by aggregating associate partners in athilab with extensive knowledge of business with an ecosystem of research institutes, system integrators and companies able to exploit the best of research into innovation, useful skills to support companies in the process of technological transformation and innovation with a pragmatic approach which combines the need for real differentiation to competitors with the financial sustainability of operations and time to market.
CMC Sport en Media innovaties presentatie Mark van LeestMedia PerspectivesAjax Media is introducing a new online proposition called to provide the most reliable and unique content about Ajax football club and closely experience the brand for fans. The proposition aims to meet fan needs around match anticipation through storytelling and various features like tunnel cameras, stadium reruns, and commerce options to extend the matchday experience both before and after games. It seeks to improve engagement and experiences for fans watching matches on TV, in bars with friends, or those with a live presence in the stadium through the online and mobile portal.
Presentación Parcial Innovaciones EducativasLudmila GussoniPieza multimedial utilizando Powerpoint para conocer más sobre la vida de Roberto Artl
SOLAR IMPULSE - LESSON - BATTERIES (ENG)Solar ImpulseThis document provides information about batteries and how they store electrical energy produced by solar panels, like those used on the Solar Impulse plane. It discusses how batteries work, including different types like wet cells, dry cells, and fuel cells. Rechargeable batteries are described, as well as examples like lithium polymer batteries used on Solar Impulse. The document also includes instructions for building a simple battery or fuel cell using common household materials.
1 Controllo di gestione non è Pianificazione Strategica Manager.itDefinizione, Finalità, Strumenti
Ecumenism 2017anabaptistul Treziți-vă vă rog, cercetați de unde vine ,,Săptămâna mondială de rugăciune”, sau ,, Octava de rugăciune pentru unitatea creștinilor”, la care o să participați. Căutați să vedeți cine o promovează, unde se fac subiectele de rugăciune în fiecare an, cine sunt membrii comisiei și care este scopul ei.
Mulți dintre voi aveți intenții bune, sunteți oameni de bună credință. Nu vă lăsați înșelați! Pastorii voștrii știu în ce vă implică, reprezentanții Comunităților voastre cunosc destul de bine fenomenul, Uniunea ce vă reprezintă la nivel național promovează deschis aceste lucruri și numai voi nu știți nimic! Câtă orbire și ignoranță! Dacă nu mă credeți, mergeți vă rog și întrebați-i și veți vedea ce reacție o să aibe.
Artzigogoli addobbi natale con tappiartzigogoliThis document discusses using milk bottle caps to decorate for Christmas. It suggests crafting ornaments and decorations from common recycling materials like milk bottle caps. The blog post provides ideas for reusing and repurposing everyday items in original ways to festively dress up one's home for the holidays.
Solar Impulse - A flying Laboratory (ENG)Solar ImpulseSolar Impulse's attempt to fly around the world powered only by solar energy brought together partners from diverse backgrounds to develop new technologies and push the boundaries of what is possible with clean energy. They built an ultra-light solar-powered plane with advanced composite materials, high-efficiency solar cells and motors, lightweight batteries, and systems to monitor the pilot's health and alertness. The plane's unprecedented circumnavigation demonstrated that pioneering spirit and renewable technologies can achieve great feats.
Pilda vieriloranabaptistul Gospodarul este Dumnezeu Tatăl
Via era Împărăția lui Israel – v.43
Vierii erau poporul evreu – v.45
Robii bătuți erau proorocii
Fiul Gospodarului este Isus
Alți vieri sunt neamurile cărora li se dă Împărăția v.43
Make My Brand ProfileAdarsh SharmaAn integrated marketing and advertising agency provides various services including media buying, digital marketing, social media management, brand activation, production and IT services. They have over 12 years of experience in branding and marketing communications. They develop market-driven strategies through innovative traditional and digital media like social media, websites, apps and events. Their process includes analyzing brands, developing strategies, implementing creative content and campaigns, and monitoring results.
GIS for traffic management systemSourabh JainThis document discusses how geographic information systems (GIS) can be used for traffic management systems. Some key points:
- GIS allows for providing alternate routes to drivers, informing passengers, optimizing traffic signals, minimizing accidents, and reducing congestion.
- GIS can minimize accidents by creating a database of high-accident locations and informing drivers to be cautious in those areas.
- A case study describes how GIS was used in Kaduwela, Sri Lanka to identify needed improvements to the road network to reduce wasted time and resources by analyzing spatial data on roads, road conditions, and population accessibility.
Evidencias Bienestar Universitario UDEC 2009Uriel_lealEl documento presenta el informe del equipo de bienestar universitario de la seccional de Girardot sobre los proyectos ejecutados en el primer período de 2010, los cuales incluyeron procesos inductivos para nuevos estudiantes, cultivos espirituales, talleres de integración, eventos de salud y graduación, y programas de apoyo estudiantil. El informe agradece al rectorado y directivos de la universidad por su apoyo.