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1. Traduza o vocabulario estudado: Ecological issues - problems (1 ponto) 
a) oil spill: ____________________ 
b) landfill: _____________________ 
c) global warming: __________________ 
d) deforestation: __________________ 
2. Traduza o vocabulario estudado: Ecological issues - solutions (1 ponto) 
a) recycling: _________________ 
b) sustainable attitudes: ___________________ 
c) reforestation: _____________________________ 
d) energy efficient appliences: _______________________ 
3. Qual o plural irregular das palavras a seguir: ____?(2 pontos) 
a) child _____________________ 
b) foot _____________________ 
c) person _____________________ 
d) man _____________________ 
e) thooth _____________________ 
f) woman _____________________ 
4. leia as frases em negrito e escreva (AF) se forem afirmativas e (NEG) se forem negativas. 
(1 ponto) 
a) Ross is a palenotologist, isn't he? ( ) 
b) he likes fossils , doesn't he ? ( ) 
c) scientists aren't studying the voices of dinossaurs, are they? ( ) 
d) scientists have found many fossils in Brazil haven't they? ( ) 
5. Complete com a TAG QUESTION correta: Paulo is having lunch at home today, 
____?(1 ponto) 
a) hasn't he 
b) won't he 
c) doesn't he 
d) isn't he 
e) aren,t he? 
everything we do ha an impact on nature. Inevitably, when we use products and services in 
our daily lives, we contribute to carbon emissions that cause the greenhouse effect. The
choices that we make in our daily lives, - what we eat, whow we organize our homes, what 
form of transportation we use - influence our carbom footprint*. Have you ever thought that 
in each individual reduces his or her impact, the world might be different in the future? Here 
are some tips of fighting carbon emissions: 
 use fluorescent light isntead incandescent, 
 buy energy efficient appliences 
 walk or ride a bicicle instead go by car, 
 recycle materials 
according to wikipedia, sustainability is the hability to meet the needs of the present without 
compromissing the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. 
we have to coexist with nature and teach our children and grandchildren to do the same . are 
you read to do your part? One person alone can't save the enviroment, but all these actions 
toguether will certainly make a difference. 
* Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact that our activities have in the enviroment. 
6. Como as pessoas contribuem para a emiss達o de carbono? (1 ponto) 
7. O autor da sugestoes para poupar energia quais s達o? (1 ponto) 
8. De cordo com o autor como podemos evitar a poluic達o? E o que podemos fazer para 
diminuir o desperdicio? (1 ponto) 
9. De cordo com a wikipedia o que 辿 sustentabiliadade? (1 ponto) 

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  • 1. 1. Traduza o vocabulario estudado: Ecological issues - problems (1 ponto) a) oil spill: ____________________ b) landfill: _____________________ c) global warming: __________________ d) deforestation: __________________ 2. Traduza o vocabulario estudado: Ecological issues - solutions (1 ponto) a) recycling: _________________ b) sustainable attitudes: ___________________ c) reforestation: _____________________________ d) energy efficient appliences: _______________________ 3. Qual o plural irregular das palavras a seguir: ____?(2 pontos) a) child _____________________ b) foot _____________________ c) person _____________________ d) man _____________________ e) thooth _____________________ f) woman _____________________ 4. leia as frases em negrito e escreva (AF) se forem afirmativas e (NEG) se forem negativas. (1 ponto) a) Ross is a palenotologist, isn't he? ( ) b) he likes fossils , doesn't he ? ( ) c) scientists aren't studying the voices of dinossaurs, are they? ( ) d) scientists have found many fossils in Brazil haven't they? ( ) 5. Complete com a TAG QUESTION correta: Paulo is having lunch at home today, ____?(1 ponto) a) hasn't he b) won't he c) doesn't he d) isn't he e) aren,t he? Sustentability - TEXTO REFERENTE AS QUESTES everything we do ha an impact on nature. Inevitably, when we use products and services in our daily lives, we contribute to carbon emissions that cause the greenhouse effect. The
  • 2. choices that we make in our daily lives, - what we eat, whow we organize our homes, what form of transportation we use - influence our carbom footprint*. Have you ever thought that in each individual reduces his or her impact, the world might be different in the future? Here are some tips of fighting carbon emissions: use fluorescent light isntead incandescent, buy energy efficient appliences walk or ride a bicicle instead go by car, recycle materials according to wikipedia, sustainability is the hability to meet the needs of the present without compromissing the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. we have to coexist with nature and teach our children and grandchildren to do the same . are you read to do your part? One person alone can't save the enviroment, but all these actions toguether will certainly make a difference. * Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact that our activities have in the enviroment. 6. Como as pessoas contribuem para a emiss達o de carbono? (1 ponto) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. O autor da sugestoes para poupar energia quais s達o? (1 ponto) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. De cordo com o autor como podemos evitar a poluic達o? E o que podemos fazer para diminuir o desperdicio? (1 ponto) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. De cordo com a wikipedia o que 辿 sustentabiliadade? (1 ponto) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________