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9 apps for work life balance
Striking up a great work-life
balance can be difficult. Heres
how to manage your varying
responsibilities and roles with a
little help from your phone.
The following applications will
help you stay on top of your life
in the simplest, most stress-free
way possible
1. Cloze Relationship
 Cloze collects every
interaction you have with
a person or organization
and produces a simple
timeline of your
The app determines how
you should efficiently
manage the relationship
and reminds you to do so
2. SimpleMind
 SimpleMind provides
an easily customizable
template to assist you
with innovative thinking
 Continually build off of
your ideas to sort through
competing thoughts and
form useful conclusions
and objectives
3. Send Anywhere
 Send Anywhere
allows you to send and
receive files from
 Send files and images
to friends, family,
coworkers, and your
other devices after a
minimal set-up
4. Any.do
 Any.do acts as an
inclusive to-do list
platform for all of your
lifes responsibilities
 Set reminders, attach
files, plan your agenda,
sync between your
devices, collaborate with
team members, and
much more
5. Webex Meetings
 Webex Meetings
allows you to join
meetings, trainings, and
events all from your
mobile device
Streamline remote work
Use in conjunction with
your wearable devices
6. Pacifica
 Pacifica uses
Cognitive Behavioral
therapy, relaxation, and
wellness techniques to
help break the cycles of
stress and anxiety
 Track your mood,
goals, and overall health
to manage stress and
7. Cozi Family
 Cozi provides you with
an extensive selection of
features to organize your
family life in one
convenient app
 Keep track of several
schedules, grocery lists,
recipes, and important
family notes
Every family member
can collaborate
8. Pocket
 Pocket allows you
to save interesting
articles, videos, and
more to view later
Fully integrated in
over 1,500 apps
Works seamlessly
with your browser
9. Lifesum
 Lifesum monitors
your lifestyle and
provides a
comprehensive look at
your current health
 Tailored to your
personal goals
 Can easily be synced
with other fitness apps
Download any of these
useful apps to reduce your
stress and gain a better life
in and out of the office!
Interested in learning more
work-life balance tips?
Take a few seconds to
subscribe to the

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9 apps for work life balance

  • 2. Striking up a great work-life balance can be difficult. Heres how to manage your varying responsibilities and roles with a little help from your phone.
  • 3. The following applications will help you stay on top of your life in the simplest, most stress-free way possible
  • 5. Cloze collects every interaction you have with a person or organization and produces a simple timeline of your relationship The app determines how you should efficiently manage the relationship and reminds you to do so
  • 7. SimpleMind provides an easily customizable template to assist you with innovative thinking Continually build off of your ideas to sort through competing thoughts and form useful conclusions and objectives
  • 9. Send Anywhere allows you to send and receive files from anywhere Send files and images to friends, family, coworkers, and your other devices after a minimal set-up
  • 11. Any.do acts as an inclusive to-do list platform for all of your lifes responsibilities Set reminders, attach files, plan your agenda, sync between your devices, collaborate with team members, and much more
  • 13. Webex Meetings allows you to join meetings, trainings, and events all from your mobile device Streamline remote work interactions Use in conjunction with your wearable devices
  • 15. Pacifica uses Cognitive Behavioral therapy, relaxation, and wellness techniques to help break the cycles of stress and anxiety Track your mood, goals, and overall health to manage stress and anxiety
  • 17. Cozi provides you with an extensive selection of features to organize your family life in one convenient app Keep track of several schedules, grocery lists, recipes, and important family notes Every family member can collaborate
  • 19. Pocket allows you to save interesting articles, videos, and more to view later Fully integrated in over 1,500 apps Works seamlessly with your browser
  • 21. Lifesum monitors your lifestyle and provides a comprehensive look at your current health Tailored to your personal goals Can easily be synced with other fitness apps
  • 22. Download any of these useful apps to reduce your stress and gain a better life in and out of the office!
  • 23. Interested in learning more work-life balance tips? Take a few seconds to subscribe to the JOHNLEONARD blog.