1) The document discusses various topics related to popular music and lyrics, including genres, compositional techniques, and analyses of specific songs.
2) It provides background information on madrigals, strophic composition, text painting, and addresses various themes found in lyrics.
3) Examples of songs analyzed include "Get Up Offa That Thing" by James Brown, "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie, and "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga.
1) The document discusses various topics related to popular music and lyrics, including genres, compositional techniques, and analyses of specific songs.
2) It provides background information on madrigals, strophic composition, text painting, and addresses various themes found in lyrics.
3) Examples of songs analyzed include "Get Up Offa That Thing" by James Brown, "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie, and "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga.
The document provides clues and links related to a special date that occurs every four years in February during Olympic years. Clicking the links would reveal that the clues point to February 29th, which is a date that exists in leap years when an additional day is added to February to keep the calendar synchronized with the seasons and the sun.
This passage discusses views on the moral status of animals from different philosophical perspectives. It outlines the view that animals possess morality according to evolutionary theory, and contrasts this with views from Christianity that animals lack souls and moral status. Indian religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism are said to believe that animals have souls equally to humans, and thus moral applicability. The passage then examines arguments that animals lack self-consciousness and moral consciousness, and responds that these claims cannot be used to deny the moral status of animals or exploit them. It provides examples from studies and religious texts that suggest animals display behaviors like empathy, altruism and guilt that indicate moral capacities.
1) El documento trata sobre la mecánica de fluidos, específicamente la estática y dinámica de fluidos. 2) La estática de fluidos estudia los fluidos en reposo, mientras que la dinámica estudia los fluidos en movimiento. 3) La estática introduce los principios de Pascal y Arquímedes, mientras que la dinámica discute el teorema de Bernoulli y las contribuciones de Euler y Torricelli.
13. 三種溝通行為 a. 有自己的權利與 需求要滿足 b. 別人也有權利與 需求要滿足 a. 維護自己的權利 ,但也 不侵犯他人權利 b. 以真誠直接合宜的方式, 表達自己的想法與感受 3. 積極 a. 自己的願望或意 見比別人的重要 b. 自我意識強 a. 忽略或否定他人的想法 b. 只會維護自己的權利 c. 以攻擊他人來表達自己 2. 攻擊 a. 別人的願望或意 見比自己的重要 b. 避免衝突 c. 取悅他人 a. 表達自己的想法時,帶著 歉意與心虛 b. 無法真正表達自己內心的 想法與感受 1. 退縮 價值觀 行為表達 行為
14. 三種溝通行為的言辭特徵 a. 常用 「我」做開頭來表達自己的意思與感受 b. 以建議的方式來表達對別人的看法 c. 會徵詢他人的意見與感受 3. 積極 a. 說話多以命令或威脅口氣提出要求 b. 常不理會他人的感受 c. 以怪罪挖苦他人的口吻來表達自己想法 2. 攻擊 a. 說話吞吞吐吐、低聲下氣、最常說對不起 b. 很少用「我」做開頭來表達自己的意思 c. 常為自己的感受找藉口、捨棄自我的需求 1. 退縮 言辭及行為表達 行為