Sample Oral deck for proposal PresentationSowmak Bardhan
I have created a sample oral deck so that aspiring sales and presales managers can take a look and understand the framework to build a nice presentation on the solution/product demo to customers.
This document provides an overview of information security topics including:
- Types of security attacks such as those from internal and external attackers.
- Key security concepts like confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
- Examples of security violations involving unauthorized access or modification of files.
- The importance of considering security attacks, mechanisms, and services as major axes in network security.
Sample Oral deck for proposal PresentationSowmak Bardhan
I have created a sample oral deck so that aspiring sales and presales managers can take a look and understand the framework to build a nice presentation on the solution/product demo to customers.
This document provides an overview of information security topics including:
- Types of security attacks such as those from internal and external attackers.
- Key security concepts like confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
- Examples of security violations involving unauthorized access or modification of files.
- The importance of considering security attacks, mechanisms, and services as major axes in network security.
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CPUs忰惆悋惠 悋惺悋悴悸 悋惘慍悸
RAM悋悵悋惘悸 悋惺愆悋悧悸
Motherboards悋忰悸 悋悖
Power supplies慍惆悋惠 悋惠悋惘 悋攵惘惡悋悧
ROM/CMOS悋悵悋惘悸 悋惆悋悧悸
Expansion busses悋悋悵 悋惠愕惺悸
Floppy drives愕悋悋惠 悋悖惘悋惶 悋惘悸
IDE drives愕悋悋惠 悋悛 惆 悋
SCSI devices悖悴攵慍悸 悋愕慍
CDROMs愕悋悋惠 悋悖惘悋惶 悋惘悸
Video cards惘惠 悋惆
Cables and connectors悋惡悋惠 悋惠鏈支
Laptops悋悖悴攵慍悸 悋忰悸