The document is a fictional "A Chrismash Carol" that describes the past, present, and future of library data through references to images and articles on the web. It discusses the challenges of mashing up older structured card catalogue data and MARC records, as well as ideas for making library data more open, connected and hackable in the future to engage more users and avoid being isolated from the rest of the web.
4. http://www.鍖
Wednesday, 4 December 13
Structured, but designed to be interpreted by humans
Severely limited mashup potential ... although that doesnt stop the dedicated masher
Card catalogue - sort of human readable http://www.鍖
Wednesday, 4 December 13
We now have the opportunity to share our catalogue card information more quickly than ever
before. While losing any subtleties in its interpretation that might have previously been
understood (or not) by the human reader
The 21st Century, powered card catalogue
11. 020
## $a0877790086 :$c$10.00
## $z0877790105 (Fabrikoid) :$c$12.00
## $a0877790019 (black leather)
$z0877780116 :$c$14.00
## $a0877790124 (blue pigskin) :$c$15.00
## $z0877790159 (easel binding) :$c$16.00
[Five numbers associated with one catalog record.
Two are valid; one has both a valid and invalid (or
cancelled) form; two are invalid (or cancelled)]
Wednesday, 4 December 13
Today, Im turning my attention to a concrete example that drives me absolutely batshit crazy: taking a perfectly good unique-id 鍖eld (in this case, the ISBN in
the 020) and appending stu鍖 onto the end of it. Bill Dueber
MARC can drive you absolutely batshit crazy
12. Wednesday, 4 December 13
At least our data is more hackable than the card catalogue
13. Wednesday, 4 December 13
Composed was a hack I did for a developer competition
14. Wednesday, 4 December 13
Whats about was a winning entry in the #discodev competition
15. Wednesday, 4 December 13
Warwickshire County Council ran Hack Warwickshire competition - and the winner was
19. SuperMARC
Wednesday, 4 December 13
sadly SuperMARC is a genuine suggestion for the future of bibliographic data
Complex data formats
"1. Record Length.
We'll need to adjust the Leader positions of
00-04, and move it to something much higher.
further out.
Perhaps push bytes 05-23
So we can reserve bytes 00-12 for record length (and
bytes 05-23 become bytes 17-31)
That's one hell of a record.
for that large of a record?
That give you up to 9.999999 TB.
Do you think you have enough content
You can now include the actual printed
"2. Expand the MARC record to have a 4 character numeric tag, starting
0001 and continue to 9999.
That too is quite big, many fields
repeated, and more fields to define.
"3. Indicator count.
Oh boy can we define fields.
Again, expand it to 3.
We may not use it, but
let's get rolling.
"4. Subfield code count.
Again, expand it to 3.
You can then tell
the computer that after the "delimiter" ($), you have either a 1 or 2
byte subfield.
I can see us using $aa $ab $ac
(or if you go to 4
character count you could do something like $a-b $d-a or even $a$b
Or even a different delimiter sign as a secondary delimiter."
20. 020
## $a0877790086 :$c$10.00
## $z0877790105 (Fabrikoid) :$c$12.00
## $a0877790019 (black leather)
$z0877780116 :$c$14.00
## $a0877790124 (blue pigskin) :$c$15.00
## $z0877790159 (easel binding) :$c$16.00
[Five numbers associated with one catalog record.
Two are valid; one has both a valid and invalid (or
cancelled) form; two are invalid (or cancelled)]
Wednesday, 4 December 13
Today, Im turning my attention to a concrete example that drives me absolutely batshit crazy: taking a perfectly good unique-id 鍖eld (in this case, the ISBN in
the 020) and appending stu鍖 onto the end of it. Bill Dueber
21. 0020
### $aa0877790086 :$ac$10.00
### $az0877790105 (Fabrikoid) :$ac$12.00
### $aa0877790019 (black leather)
$az0877780116 :$ac$14.00
### $aa0877790124 (blue pigskin) :$ac$15.00
### $az0877790159 (easel binding) :$ac$16.00
[Five numbers associated with one catalog record.
Two are valid; one has both a valid and invalid (or
cancelled) form; two are invalid (or cancelled)]
Wednesday, 4 December 13
This doesnt help!
22. The Web
Library data
Wednesday, 4 December 13
Lack of connections, and difficulty of linking library data to the rest of the web means it
always stays in its own silo.... leading to
The only way to avoid the Zombie Apocalypse is to follow my advice
25. Lets face it, buying Bob Cratchitt and his family a turkey
isnt going to cut it this time
Wednesday, 4 December 13
26. Clearly license your data (or demand that
others license theirs) for reuse by others
Engage in discussions on the future of
metadata - with cataloguers, developers and
Look at how engaged users are really using
Wednesday, 4 December 13
dont listen to me, just go read
Look at the JISC Guide to Open Bibliographic data
Join the Library of Congress bibframe list, follow tags like #lodlam on twitter
Look at the work @wragge is doing - read stuff like
27. Eat, drink and be
merry, for tomorrow,
we mash
Wednesday, 4 December 13