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Dear Diary,
Since my child hood, I found myself shackled In iron chains of
different rules. I could not really understand, whether rules
were made for me or I was made for rules. The rules take
away most of our personal freedom and will to live a free life.
Spending a day, free from rules, was like a wish came true.
My first rules free school activity was assembly gethering. I
shared my opinions about the speech of our Head Teacher in
the assembly hall instead of waiting till it finished. I felt as
time restriction against freedom of speech had ended.
Slowly and calmly i entered the school and lined behind the
assembly hall where our new old head teacher was waiting
anxiously for us to come in.
He announced his presence with a breaking news,a news
which probably every child wants to hear in his/her school
era and it was a wish come true well i feel like that there are
no such words in any kind of language to describe my feelings
"a day without rules in school" can you believe this i couldn't
either it wasn,t far away when school was soaking, students
were water fighting with teachers who had no water guns,
unfortunately every one had to suffer from this school war 1
and probably the best school war, then came
A day without rules

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A day without rules

  • 1. A DAY WITHOUT RULES Dear Diary, Since my child hood, I found myself shackled In iron chains of different rules. I could not really understand, whether rules were made for me or I was made for rules. The rules take away most of our personal freedom and will to live a free life. Spending a day, free from rules, was like a wish came true. My first rules free school activity was assembly gethering. I shared my opinions about the speech of our Head Teacher in the assembly hall instead of waiting till it finished. I felt as time restriction against freedom of speech had ended. Slowly and calmly i entered the school and lined behind the assembly hall where our new old head teacher was waiting anxiously for us to come in. He announced his presence with a breaking news,a news which probably every child wants to hear in his/her school era and it was a wish come true well i feel like that there are no such words in any kind of language to describe my feelings "a day without rules in school" can you believe this i couldn't either it wasn,t far away when school was soaking, students were water fighting with teachers who had no water guns, unfortunately every one had to suffer from this school war 1 and probably the best school war, then came