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A fairy tale about a priest and his worker big dick
Once upon a time there lived a priest which was the 
finished skinflint. 
The priest had gone to market to search for some 
He met Big Dick there, who went where his fancy 
took him. 
"Why, father, have you got up so early? 
What are you looking for?" 
"I need a hand - the jack of all trades. 
But where could I find such worker at a reasonable 
Big Dick said: "I shall serve you splendidly, diligently 
and properly 
for three flicks a year on your forehead, by the way, I 
shall eat the boiled spelt". 
The priest had become thoughtful, 
he began to keep scratching his forehead. 
After all, there is a flick and a flick. 
However he had made up his mind to take a risk. 
The priest said in reply to the worker, 
" Agreed! It will not be unprofitable for both of us. 
Just live for a while at my farmstead 
and show me both your zeal and agility". 
And so the worker lived at the priest home. 
He slept the sleep of the just on straw. 
He ate as much as four men did, 
though he worked for seven ones to fill in. 
By daylight he already had all things coming right. 
He would harness a horse and plough a field, 
heat the stove, buy up all and stock up with 
boil an egg and then peel it, cook porridge and 
mind a baby. 
The priest's wife could not praise Big Dick enough, 
the priest's daughter merely longed for him, 
at the same time by the priest's son he was called 
Only the priest, thinking quite often of payment, 
did not like the worker and never said a good word 
to him. 
The time went by and the due date was already 
round the corner. 
The priest neither ate nor drank, nor slept at night. 
His forehead was cracking in advance. 
At last he admitted all of this frankly to his wife: 
"So and so, what have to be done? I am at a loss!" 
Female wits are very ingenious and capable of all 
sorts of tricks. 
His wife said: "I know a way how to remove such 
disaster from us: 
give an order to the worker which he could not 
exactly fulfill. 
It will save your forehead from punishment 
and leave Big Dick without his payment". 
It became a bit more cheerful at the priest's heart 
and he began to look at his worker rather bravely. 
Then he called out, "Come here, my faithful 
manservant Big Dick. 
Listen to me: devils are obliged to pay me a rent for 
the duration of all my life. 
It could not be found better income than that 
but there are arrears for three years on them. 
As soon as you'll fill yourself with your spelt 
then collect their debt in full". 
Without arguing in vain with the priest 
his worker went and sat by the sea. 
He began twisting a rope and wetting its end in the 
There and then the old devil had got out of the sea: 
"Big Dick, why have you, bastard, come here?" 
-"You know, I wish to wrinkle the sea with the rope 
so that you, cursed tribe, to have cramps in pain". 
The old devil had become gloomy. "Tell me, why 
such disfavor?" 
-"How do you mean? You do not pay your rent. 
Just you wait! I'll get you dogs yet!" 
"Big Dick, please stop wrinkling the sea. 
You will receive the rent in full soon. 
Wait a bit, I will send my grandson to you". 
The worker thought to himself: "To cheat that one, it's 
a piece of cake!" 
The messenger imp had come up and began to 
mew like a hungry kitten: 
"Hail, Big Dick! What on earth the rent do you wish ? 
We have not ever heard of any rent, 
never there was such grief for us devils. 
Well, so it be - take it, but on condition 
that you will overtake me in the run round the sea." 
The worker had given a laugh craftily: "What really 
are you up to? 
How can such one like you compete with me the 
very Big Dick? 
What a competitor they have sent! Just wait for my 
younger brother." 
The worker headed for the nearest woods, 
there he caught two hares and put them into his 
He came to the sea again, by the sea he met the 
Big Dick held up one hare by its ears: 
"Imp, you are too young and weak as water to 
compete with me, 
it's just the waste of time. 
At first overtake my brother. Ready, steady, go!" 
The imp and a hare had started running: the imp ran 
along the coast of sea, 
still the other ran home into the forest. 
And so having run around the sea, with its tongue 
hanging out, lifting up its muzzle the imp had come 
running, being out of breath and all wet from head 
to hooves, with its paw wiping its forehead and 
thinking to itself: it's in the bag. 
Lo and behold - Big Dick was stroking his "brother": 
"My favorite brother, poor thing, you're tired! Please 
take a rest, rogue." 
The imp was taken aback. With its tail between its 
legs it had fairly quieted down. 
It glanced askance at the "brother". "Wait a minute, - 
it said, - I'll go after the debt". 
The imp went to see its grandfather and said: 
"We have got into trouble! I was outrun by the 
younger Big Dick!" 
Then the old devil began brooding. 
Meanwhile the worker had kicked up such a racket 
that the whole sea was agitated. 
The imp had got out, "All right, Big Dick, we will send 
the debt to you - just listen. 
Do you see this stick? Who throws it further that one 
will get the rent. 
Why? Are you afraid to dislocate your arm? What are 
you waiting for?" 
-"Well, I wait for that cloud. I am going to fling your 
stick there and at once to get into a fight against 
you devils". 
The imp was frightened and ran to its grandfather so 
that to tell about the Big Dick's victory. 
Meanwhile that one made a noise again and 
threatened devils with his rope. 
The imp had got out another time, "What do you 
exert yourself? 
There will be the rent to you, if you want..." 
-"No, said the worker, - now it is my turn to make 
I am going to appoint you a very difficult task. 
Let's see how strong you are. Look, there is a gray 
mare over there. 
Lift up the mare and bear it. If you carry she half-mile, 
the rent will be yours. 
The poor devil crawled under the mare, made an 
effort, lifted the mare up, 
two steps had stepped, on the third one had fallen 
and stretched out its legs. 
Big Dick told it: "Silly devil, how can you compete 
with me? 
You could not carry the mare on your arms, 
but then I am going to bear she between my legs". 
The worker mounted the mare and so galloped a 
mile away 
that even there was a pillar of dust. 
The imp was frightened and had gone to its 
grandfather to relate about the new Big 
Dick’s victory. 
There was nothing to be done - 
the devils collected the rent and charged the 
worker's shoulders with a sack of gold. 
Big Dick walked quacking now and then. 
Meanwhile the priest, having seen him, 
leaped to his feet and hid squatting behind his wife. 
The worker found him there. He had given the rent 
and began to demand his payment. 
The poor priest had laid his forehead open to attack. 
From the first flick the priest had jumped up to the 
From the second flick the priest stayed speechless. 
From the third flick the skinflint was left without his 
Whereas Big Dick was speaking with reproach: 
"You priest should not pursue cheapness". 

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A fairy tale about a priest and his worker big dick

  • 2. Once upon a time there lived a priest which was the finished skinflint. 1
  • 3. The priest had gone to market to search for some wares. 2
  • 4. He met Big Dick there, who went where his fancy took him. 3
  • 5. "Why, father, have you got up so early? What are you looking for?" 4
  • 6. "I need a hand - the jack of all trades. 5
  • 7. But where could I find such worker at a reasonable price?" 6
  • 8. Big Dick said: "I shall serve you splendidly, diligently and properly for three flicks a year on your forehead, by the way, I shall eat the boiled spelt". 7
  • 9. The priest had become thoughtful, he began to keep scratching his forehead. 8
  • 10. After all, there is a flick and a flick. 9
  • 11. However he had made up his mind to take a risk. 10
  • 12. The priest said in reply to the worker, " Agreed! It will not be unprofitable for both of us. 11
  • 13. Just live for a while at my farmstead and show me both your zeal and agility". 12
  • 14. And so the worker lived at the priest home. 13
  • 15. He slept the sleep of the just on straw. 14
  • 16. He ate as much as four men did, though he worked for seven ones to fill in. 15
  • 17. By daylight he already had all things coming right. 16
  • 18. He would harness a horse and plough a field, heat the stove, buy up all and stock up with everything, boil an egg and then peel it, cook porridge and mind a baby. 17
  • 19. The priest's wife could not praise Big Dick enough, the priest's daughter merely longed for him, at the same time by the priest's son he was called Daddy. 18
  • 20. Only the priest, thinking quite often of payment, did not like the worker and never said a good word to him. 19
  • 21. The time went by and the due date was already round the corner. 20
  • 22. The priest neither ate nor drank, nor slept at night. 21
  • 23. His forehead was cracking in advance. 22
  • 24. At last he admitted all of this frankly to his wife: "So and so, what have to be done? I am at a loss!" 23
  • 25. Female wits are very ingenious and capable of all sorts of tricks. 24
  • 26. His wife said: "I know a way how to remove such disaster from us: give an order to the worker which he could not exactly fulfill. 25
  • 27. It will save your forehead from punishment and leave Big Dick without his payment". 26
  • 28. It became a bit more cheerful at the priest's heart and he began to look at his worker rather bravely. 27
  • 29. Then he called out, "Come here, my faithful manservant Big Dick. 28
  • 30. Listen to me: devils are obliged to pay me a rent for the duration of all my life. 29
  • 31. It could not be found better income than that but there are arrears for three years on them. 30
  • 32. As soon as you'll fill yourself with your spelt then collect their debt in full". 31
  • 33. Without arguing in vain with the priest his worker went and sat by the sea. 32
  • 34. He began twisting a rope and wetting its end in the water. 33
  • 35. There and then the old devil had got out of the sea: "Big Dick, why have you, bastard, come here?" 34
  • 36. -"You know, I wish to wrinkle the sea with the rope so that you, cursed tribe, to have cramps in pain". 35
  • 37. The old devil had become gloomy. "Tell me, why such disfavor?" 36
  • 38. -"How do you mean? You do not pay your rent. 37
  • 39. Just you wait! I'll get you dogs yet!" 38
  • 40. "Big Dick, please stop wrinkling the sea. 39
  • 41. You will receive the rent in full soon. 40
  • 42. Wait a bit, I will send my grandson to you". 41
  • 43. The worker thought to himself: "To cheat that one, it's a piece of cake!" 42
  • 44. The messenger imp had come up and began to mew like a hungry kitten: "Hail, Big Dick! What on earth the rent do you wish ? 43
  • 45. We have not ever heard of any rent, never there was such grief for us devils. 44
  • 46. Well, so it be - take it, but on condition that you will overtake me in the run round the sea." 45
  • 47. The worker had given a laugh craftily: "What really are you up to? 46
  • 48. How can such one like you compete with me the very Big Dick? 47
  • 49. What a competitor they have sent! Just wait for my younger brother." 48
  • 50. The worker headed for the nearest woods, there he caught two hares and put them into his bag. 49
  • 51. He came to the sea again, by the sea he met the imp. 50
  • 52. Big Dick held up one hare by its ears: "Imp, you are too young and weak as water to compete with me, it's just the waste of time. 51
  • 53. At first overtake my brother. Ready, steady, go!" 52
  • 54. The imp and a hare had started running: the imp ran along the coast of sea, still the other ran home into the forest. 53
  • 55. And so having run around the sea, with its tongue hanging out, lifting up its muzzle the imp had come running, being out of breath and all wet from head to hooves, with its paw wiping its forehead and thinking to itself: it's in the bag. 54
  • 56. Lo and behold - Big Dick was stroking his "brother": "My favorite brother, poor thing, you're tired! Please take a rest, rogue." 55
  • 57. The imp was taken aback. With its tail between its legs it had fairly quieted down. 56
  • 58. It glanced askance at the "brother". "Wait a minute, - it said, - I'll go after the debt". 57
  • 59. The imp went to see its grandfather and said: "We have got into trouble! I was outrun by the younger Big Dick!" 58
  • 60. Then the old devil began brooding. 59
  • 61. Meanwhile the worker had kicked up such a racket that the whole sea was agitated. 60
  • 62. The imp had got out, "All right, Big Dick, we will send the debt to you - just listen. 61
  • 63. Do you see this stick? Who throws it further that one will get the rent. 62
  • 64. Why? Are you afraid to dislocate your arm? What are you waiting for?" 63
  • 65. -"Well, I wait for that cloud. I am going to fling your stick there and at once to get into a fight against you devils". 64
  • 66. The imp was frightened and ran to its grandfather so that to tell about the Big Dick's victory. 65
  • 67. Meanwhile that one made a noise again and threatened devils with his rope. 66
  • 68. The imp had got out another time, "What do you exert yourself? 67
  • 69. There will be the rent to you, if you want..." 68
  • 70. -"No, said the worker, - now it is my turn to make conditions. 69
  • 71. I am going to appoint you a very difficult task. 70
  • 72. Let's see how strong you are. Look, there is a gray mare over there. 71
  • 73. Lift up the mare and bear it. If you carry she half-mile, the rent will be yours. 72
  • 74. The poor devil crawled under the mare, made an effort, lifted the mare up, two steps had stepped, on the third one had fallen and stretched out its legs. 73
  • 75. Big Dick told it: "Silly devil, how can you compete with me? 74
  • 76. You could not carry the mare on your arms, but then I am going to bear she between my legs". 75
  • 77. The worker mounted the mare and so galloped a mile away that even there was a pillar of dust. 76
  • 78. The imp was frightened and had gone to its grandfather to relate about the new Big Dick’s victory. 77
  • 79. There was nothing to be done - the devils collected the rent and charged the worker's shoulders with a sack of gold. 78
  • 80. Big Dick walked quacking now and then. 79
  • 81. Meanwhile the priest, having seen him, leaped to his feet and hid squatting behind his wife. 80
  • 82. The worker found him there. He had given the rent and began to demand his payment. 81
  • 83. The poor priest had laid his forehead open to attack. 82
  • 84. From the first flick the priest had jumped up to the ceiling. 83
  • 85. From the second flick the priest stayed speechless. 84
  • 86. From the third flick the skinflint was left without his wits. 85
  • 87. Whereas Big Dick was speaking with reproach: "You priest should not pursue cheapness". 86