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Supa Soup- Soup In A Cube For People
On The Move
By Ryan Hillback
The Product Features
 High calorie cube to sustain
energy for longer
 Low salt (0.3g or less) to avoid
heart and blood pressure
problems that may occur later
 A tasty meal in a minute- simply
stir in a third of a pint of boiling
water, convenient, nourishing,
quick and easy
 Distinct packaging- one of the
few products that includes a
Cup- A- Soup Vs Supa Soup Cube
Advert 1
 This advert depicts a mother and her two
young daughters walking in a forest
 The children play games, race and focus on
the scenery
 The mother then consumes Supa Soup, upon
seeing this the children are eager to taste the
 The advert, finishes with the children chasing
the mother, in the hope that they are able to
obtain the product. A voiceover of the slogan
can then be heard
Advert 2
 (A continuation of advert 1)
 Young boy is seen sitting in the back of the car (car
 He is asked if he has everything for football
 He is shown rummaging through bag pulling out items one
at a time
 Pulls out a Supa Cube, shows it to the camera with a grin
on his face
 Camera then zooms onto football boots back in the
kitchen, which have been left behind
Sponsorship Sequence-
 The sponsorship sequence contains about ten
seconds of a fish in a tank, expressing his
frustration that he is unable to consume Supa
 The background music to the film Jaws, can
then be heard, to convey the notion of
suspense and anticipation
 The voiceover announces the slogan of the
product, before informing the audience that it
sponsors the ITV game show the chase.
Radio Ad
 Arrives in the format of a radio interview, and
features the presenter Dave Bassett and the Chief
Executive of Supa Soup, Ryan Hillback
 The Chief Executive, is attempting to promote the
product, by emphasising the features, and the
reduction of salt.
 I impersonate the presenter Dave Bassett, and use
my own voice to portray the chief executive.
Market Research Examples
 I have visited four major supermarkets; Asda,
Morrison's, co-op and Sainsburys, discussed
product availability with managers (one brand
 Online investigation, Waitrose, Tesco, Co-Op and
others such as Asda
 Used YouTube, Twitter and Facebook to gain
audience feedback
 Visited other sites including: NHS (for facts), Ask,
Google, Knorr website, soupstachio.com etc.
 Both the Heinz and Supa Soup adverts,
demonstrate how effective their respective
products are at satisfying the consumer
 They also feature a problematic situation at the
start, the torrential rain in the Heinz ad, and the
young boys frustration at being told he has no time
to eat.
 The products are introduced at the end of the
advert to achieve maximum impact.
Heinz I love Winter Advert Comparisons
Heinz I Love Winter Ad
 The Heinz advert subtly, implies that the best time
to consume this type of product, is in a particular
season, winter; however, Supa Soup attempts to
convey the message that this product can be
enjoyed all year round
 Supa Soups adverts, uses mainly close ups and
long distance shots, the Heinz ad employs medium
close ups and establishing shots
 Non diegetic sound is used frequently, in the Heinz
ad, whereas Supa Soups ad employs diegetic
sound more frequently.
Knorr Soup advert similarities
 The Supa Soup ad and the Knorr ads, both
convey the message, that their ideal for
 However, advert 2 (Supa Soup) and the
Knorr ad, demonstrate that children, more
so than adults, will enjoy the product.
 In both adverts, the product is featured at
the end, similarly to the Heinz
Product Packaging
As mentioned previously, my product has
distinct packaging. The cube has a white
background, with an illustration of the
company logo. The idea behind the
packaging is to ensure the product stands
out on supermarket shelves. The packaging
will be made up from recycled material,
which will help to save the environment.
Because of the size of the cube, then this
will also save packaging and storage space
requirement. (see adverts for an illustration
of the packaging)
Analysis of Heinz squeeze soup
The Heinz squeeze and stir soup advert,
depicts a
creative way of preparing tomato soup. A tube
tomato paste is squeezed into a mug, before
pouring boiling water into the contents, and
briskly. The noticiable demographics such as
gender, age and ethnicity are varied,
that this product is suitable for many.However,
some may feel that the presentation itself is too
similar to a tube of toothpaste and may be
Analysis of Heinz Squeezed
Soup ad Continued
Despite having success with many other soup flavours;
Heinz's tomato soup appears to be the most popular.
This is demonstrated by the appearance of a tomato
shaped mug, which also offers suitable and subtle
humour. As some people experience hectic lifestyles,
they are always trying to save time and effort on such
activities as eating. Therefore, if the presentation
appeals to the consumer, the squeeze and stir soup,
appears to be quick to prepare, and convenient to
consume. The much publicised Heinz slogan 'it has to
be Heinz', suggests that whenever, they feel like
consuming soup; the only logical decision, is to choose
Heinz over other brands. (but with the introduction of
Supa Soup, this may just change!)
It is difficult for adults and children without prior
acting experience to participate in the filming of
the adverts. It is hard to convey to children
exactly what you want them to do, and therefore
it can prove to be very time consuming, as it
requires many takes to perfect it. Also, by making
the experience fun the children are not
demotivated by the many takes that are required.
In addition, some people naturally laugh when
they are on camera, this may be because they
are nervous or self conscious. However,
everybody who participated in the filming of the
adverts, tried their best to achieve a positive and
professional result.
A shot that inspired a scene from
Supa Soup
Supa Soup (Heinz
Technological items used
I struggled using the Apple Mac computers, and subsequently the
software that accompanied it, such as 'iMovie'. To remedy this, I
read books, and searched online as well as asking for advice from
teachers about how to operate the equipment, but I feel I failed at
times to maximise the potential of the equipment; despite trying my
utmost to do so. I feel I may have benefited from an introductory
lesson on how to operate the Apple Mac's and the software that
accompanies it. I thought the Cannon cameras were a simple but
effective piece of equipment, which enabled me to film the adverts to
the best of my ability. Surprisingly, I had never used a tri-pod before,
and after working out how to use it, found it an excellent tool to
obtain certain camera angles and to offer more variety. I found the
biggest limitation of iMovie was having to completely re shoot
scenes just for one error. For example, I was unable to completely
edit a glass out of the shot in one advert and a shadow in another
advert. This can prove to be extremely frustrating especially if
everything else in the advert is working like clockwork, and just
because of one misplaced object, filming the enitre scene again
becomes necessary.
Audience Feedback
Audience feedback, has taught me a lot about developing a product, advertising
and planning. There were a few instances where the advert needed to display
more continuity, and thanks to audience feedback I was able to amend this
of the advert. For example, a glass which was not there in one scene, then
featured in the adjacent scene; advert one, also displayed the cameraman's
shadow. I am surprised that I failed to notice this, and realise as the producer
creator of a product, you look at something through rose coloured spectacles
without objectivity, it takes an 'outsider' to critique your work to a satisfactory
standard. The audience are perhaps the most important part of a product, as
are the ones who may or may not purchase the product, and this is the key to
success of it. If I had the opportunity to re-do the entire project, I would probably
work in a group, as working alone is an extremely difficult task to develop and
Audience Feedback
. However, I do feel that taking responsibility for
this production has
helped me to become more creative and
resourceful. I did receive excellent help
from my family, with regards to sharing ideas,
and they featured in the advert
throughout. In addition, I would also try to
become more organised, and have strict
deadlines, so that everything worked
effectively. I would delegate myself a task to
complete one week and then another the
following week etc.

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  • 1. Supa Soup- Soup In A Cube For People On The Move By Ryan Hillback
  • 2. The Product Features High calorie cube to sustain energy for longer Low salt (0.3g or less) to avoid heart and blood pressure problems that may occur later A tasty meal in a minute- simply stir in a third of a pint of boiling water, convenient, nourishing, quick and easy Distinct packaging- one of the few products that includes a
  • 3. Cup- A- Soup Vs Supa Soup Cube
  • 4. Advert 1 This advert depicts a mother and her two young daughters walking in a forest The children play games, race and focus on the scenery The mother then consumes Supa Soup, upon seeing this the children are eager to taste the product The advert, finishes with the children chasing the mother, in the hope that they are able to obtain the product. A voiceover of the slogan can then be heard
  • 5. Advert 2 (A continuation of advert 1) Young boy is seen sitting in the back of the car (car moving) He is asked if he has everything for football He is shown rummaging through bag pulling out items one at a time Pulls out a Supa Cube, shows it to the camera with a grin on his face Camera then zooms onto football boots back in the kitchen, which have been left behind
  • 6. Sponsorship Sequence- The sponsorship sequence contains about ten seconds of a fish in a tank, expressing his frustration that he is unable to consume Supa Soup The background music to the film Jaws, can then be heard, to convey the notion of suspense and anticipation The voiceover announces the slogan of the product, before informing the audience that it sponsors the ITV game show the chase.
  • 7. Radio Ad Arrives in the format of a radio interview, and features the presenter Dave Bassett and the Chief Executive of Supa Soup, Ryan Hillback The Chief Executive, is attempting to promote the product, by emphasising the features, and the reduction of salt. I impersonate the presenter Dave Bassett, and use my own voice to portray the chief executive.
  • 8. Market Research Examples I have visited four major supermarkets; Asda, Morrison's, co-op and Sainsburys, discussed product availability with managers (one brand identified) Online investigation, Waitrose, Tesco, Co-Op and others such as Asda Used YouTube, Twitter and Facebook to gain audience feedback Visited other sites including: NHS (for facts), Ask, Google, Knorr website, soupstachio.com etc.
  • 9. Both the Heinz and Supa Soup adverts, demonstrate how effective their respective products are at satisfying the consumer They also feature a problematic situation at the start, the torrential rain in the Heinz ad, and the young boys frustration at being told he has no time to eat. The products are introduced at the end of the advert to achieve maximum impact. Heinz I love Winter Advert Comparisons
  • 10. Heinz I Love Winter Ad differences The Heinz advert subtly, implies that the best time to consume this type of product, is in a particular season, winter; however, Supa Soup attempts to convey the message that this product can be enjoyed all year round Supa Soups adverts, uses mainly close ups and long distance shots, the Heinz ad employs medium close ups and establishing shots Non diegetic sound is used frequently, in the Heinz ad, whereas Supa Soups ad employs diegetic sound more frequently.
  • 11. Knorr Soup advert similarities The Supa Soup ad and the Knorr ads, both convey the message, that their ideal for families However, advert 2 (Supa Soup) and the Knorr ad, demonstrate that children, more so than adults, will enjoy the product. . In both adverts, the product is featured at the end, similarly to the Heinz advertisement.
  • 12. Product Packaging As mentioned previously, my product has distinct packaging. The cube has a white background, with an illustration of the company logo. The idea behind the packaging is to ensure the product stands out on supermarket shelves. The packaging will be made up from recycled material, which will help to save the environment. Because of the size of the cube, then this will also save packaging and storage space requirement. (see adverts for an illustration of the packaging)
  • 13. Analysis of Heinz squeeze soup ad The Heinz squeeze and stir soup advert, depicts a creative way of preparing tomato soup. A tube of tomato paste is squeezed into a mug, before pouring boiling water into the contents, and stirring briskly. The noticiable demographics such as gender, age and ethnicity are varied, suggesting that this product is suitable for many.However, some may feel that the presentation itself is too similar to a tube of toothpaste and may be
  • 14. Analysis of Heinz Squeezed Soup ad Continued Despite having success with many other soup flavours; Heinz's tomato soup appears to be the most popular. This is demonstrated by the appearance of a tomato shaped mug, which also offers suitable and subtle humour. As some people experience hectic lifestyles, they are always trying to save time and effort on such activities as eating. Therefore, if the presentation appeals to the consumer, the squeeze and stir soup, appears to be quick to prepare, and convenient to consume. The much publicised Heinz slogan 'it has to be Heinz', suggests that whenever, they feel like consuming soup; the only logical decision, is to choose Heinz over other brands. (but with the introduction of Supa Soup, this may just change!)
  • 15. Limitations It is difficult for adults and children without prior acting experience to participate in the filming of the adverts. It is hard to convey to children exactly what you want them to do, and therefore it can prove to be very time consuming, as it requires many takes to perfect it. Also, by making the experience fun the children are not demotivated by the many takes that are required. In addition, some people naturally laugh when they are on camera, this may be because they are nervous or self conscious. However, everybody who participated in the filming of the adverts, tried their best to achieve a positive and professional result.
  • 16. A shot that inspired a scene from Supa Soup
  • 18. Technological items used I struggled using the Apple Mac computers, and subsequently the software that accompanied it, such as 'iMovie'. To remedy this, I read books, and searched online as well as asking for advice from teachers about how to operate the equipment, but I feel I failed at times to maximise the potential of the equipment; despite trying my utmost to do so. I feel I may have benefited from an introductory lesson on how to operate the Apple Mac's and the software that accompanies it. I thought the Cannon cameras were a simple but effective piece of equipment, which enabled me to film the adverts to the best of my ability. Surprisingly, I had never used a tri-pod before, and after working out how to use it, found it an excellent tool to obtain certain camera angles and to offer more variety. I found the biggest limitation of iMovie was having to completely re shoot scenes just for one error. For example, I was unable to completely edit a glass out of the shot in one advert and a shadow in another advert. This can prove to be extremely frustrating especially if everything else in the advert is working like clockwork, and just because of one misplaced object, filming the enitre scene again becomes necessary.
  • 19. Audience Feedback Audience feedback, has taught me a lot about developing a product, advertising and planning. There were a few instances where the advert needed to display more continuity, and thanks to audience feedback I was able to amend this aspect of the advert. For example, a glass which was not there in one scene, then featured in the adjacent scene; advert one, also displayed the cameraman's shadow. I am surprised that I failed to notice this, and realise as the producer and creator of a product, you look at something through rose coloured spectacles and without objectivity, it takes an 'outsider' to critique your work to a satisfactory standard. The audience are perhaps the most important part of a product, as they are the ones who may or may not purchase the product, and this is the key to the success of it. If I had the opportunity to re-do the entire project, I would probably work in a group, as working alone is an extremely difficult task to develop and plan
  • 20. Audience Feedback Continued . However, I do feel that taking responsibility for this production has helped me to become more creative and resourceful. I did receive excellent help from my family, with regards to sharing ideas, and they featured in the advert throughout. In addition, I would also try to become more organised, and have strict deadlines, so that everything worked effectively. I would delegate myself a task to complete one week and then another the following week etc.